Fighting is Friendship 139 members · 165 stories
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Title: Hunters

Tags : Adventure, Human, AU, Dark(later), Romance(later)

Rating: Teen
What type of help are you looking for?: Editor/Reviewer/Pre&Proof reader/Co Writer

General Summary/Description:Long ago an ancient war threatened to consume the world in fire. From the flames stepped forth a Great Mage who sought to bring peace to the land. Before they could finish this crusade they perished. Planning for their death they helped establish schools to carry on their will. Now schools teach students in the ways of the Great Mage. From one of these schools a studious mage and a hot head half fiend must complete their training to do their part in saving the world. Will they succeed? Or will they be consumed in fire?

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: It is not complete, I do not write it solo(I have a few co writers and am usually keeping an eye out for others just in case). I can't think of anything else.

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): Pacing, narrative, characterization, consistence, using the same words multiple times.

Other important information: It's heavily inspired by anime and while it's not necessary, having some knowledge on the medium would be appreciated.

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: Skype, but I also am fine with Pms

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