Vamponies (and other supernatural creatures) 2,765 members · 1,115 stories
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This is a question I wanted to ask and hopefully enough people will be able to answer it in a serious manner. When it comes to the various styles that you can see an octopus pony as in a story, which do you like the most? Below there are a few designs (two have pictures) and I want you to write a comment in response to this post with the number that you like the most.

  1. The Octopony looks like a normal pony except instead of having a mane or tail it has tentacles like this illustration.
  2. The Octopony doesn't have hooves like normal ponies and instead has tentacles, like in this illustration.
  3. Or one thought I had was that they are similar to Pegasi, except instead of having wings they have tentacles. Perhaps they have more then eight tentacles (tentacles for their mane and tail in addition to the wings) and are referred to as octo-pony due to them sharing a few characteristics with octopi (like the ability to camoflage, squeeze through tight spaces and perhaps even their eyes).

You may make additional comments just please keep them SFW related. I know there is a lot of you who would love to be immature and make some tentacle r*** jokes, but I wish to strongly encourage you all to act like polite adults. :ajbemused: Octo-ponies have feelings too. :fluttershysad:

Thank you for reading this bizarre topic, and please remember to post the number for the design you like the most. :twilightsmile:

I never thought I'd have to think about octopus ponies.

But choice 1's aesthetic is nice, so I'll go with that

I feel #2 makes more sense. Seeing as its the primary limb like a normal octopus. Instead of it basicly being decoration, like the replacement of the mane and tail.

Give the second octopony eyes like the first, and it'll be perfection.

I say mix of number 1 and number 3

6302986 Option 4: like a hippocampus, but replacing the tail with 8 tentacles

Well, so far, at least at this point it seems that most enjoy the 2nd design, which I have to admit I like it too (also it would probably be a lot easier to draw). :raritywink:

I'll probably keep this up a bit longer. Not that I can lock it, after all I'm not an admin, if I was I would have given us a banner (which our beloved overlord has yet to bless us with). :fluttercry:

But at least people respond to my posts here, I ask the same question in a journal entry on my deviant art page and no one has even commented on it. So apparently on DA I have no friends. :ajsleepy:

Oh, well. Thank you all for your feedback. :pinkiesmile:

One thought that did come to mind, was this idea that perhaps like a pony, the octopony would have four tentacles on her main body (so that's 4), but then instead of having a mane, she instead has four tentacles (so that's another 4) that function kind of like a mane on her head. So it's kind of like 1 and 2 combined. 4+4=8 (octo).

What do you think?

If they can also move on land #1. If they move in shallow water or bottom-dweller etc #2. Or the other person's suggestion would be if they are deeper ocean, but not deep sea level, so they hover instead of being near the bottom of a beach or something. Considering ponies in stories tend to be land-goers #1 or #2. Honestly #1 seems something a changeling might do, its not naturally practical. #2 is more practical. But the stranger's suggestion is better for like seaquestria movie moments or off the side of a pirate ship or such. #1 isn't going to swim well being horse shaped. #2 will have normal octopus mobility, and #3(the other suggestion) is honestly more like a squid than an octopus.

I have an OC who likes to hide in mud puddles as an octopus as #2 styled.

Perhaps make them a partial shape-shifter as some octopi can do, then you could be a little flexible with it. Land vs shallow vs deep.

6305819 I was thinking that they might have some land maneuverability but for the most part they would stay in the water. Only in an urgent situation like survival or searching for something important that may have washed ashore, would they breach the surface.

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