//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Torn // by pixelbit5 //------------------------------// Who am I? Well, the answer is simple. I am no more than a simple changeling drone doing everything he can for our hive and our queen. I am nothing special, and I don't try to be. I am exactly the same as my hundreds of thousands of brothers and sisters. And of course, I am happy. Now, changelings might not be the most accepted members of Equestrian society, but we try. We're a family, and families stick together. Sometimes it's hard, but with hard work and everyling doing their fair share, we've survived for eons. I mean, we are a hive mind after all. We speak to eachother. But even after all of this, we were almost defeated at the hands of those miserable ponies. I lost so many of my siblings that day, and mother was furious. She wouldn't see any of us, wouldn't give any sort of order and just let the hive run on autopilot for a few months. It was a trying time for everyling, and some of us even deserted the hive in desperation. We all feared that our queen had finally lost it, that she had been pushed one step too far and that she would never be the same again. Though she did manage pull it together long to launch another attack on those miserable little hairballs. She almost succeeded, too! Unfortunately, it ultimately ended in mother losing her throne, her hive, and the majority of those of whom she had once called family. Traitors, all of them. Forced to regroup with the small group of still loyal supporters and form a new hive, it was a hard few months for all of us, but we got through it. Though Chrysalis began to grow more distraught by the day. With two defeats under her belt, her pure, unbridled hatred began to echo throughout the hive mind. We could feel the distain she had for those rotten ponies, and of her children of whom had disserted her for… them. But one day, she returned to her throne, looking more confident than ever. Everyling had thought that she had finally put all of that Canterlot business behind her, but, to be honest, I think she was more consumed than ever. She had come up with some half-baked plan to get back at the ponies that defeated her; infiltrate their circles, tear them apart from the inside by any means possible. Supposedly simple for creatures like us. We had done the exact same things with nobles and such dozens of time before, so this would be a cinch. She couldn't do it herself of course, she loathed those things. Couldn't stand a second around them. So, of course, the task had to fall upon one of us. Now, noling stepped up immediately, as none of us really wanted to get wrapped up in mother's short-sighted revenge plans, so she happened to choose me. I think it's because she's seen how I've handled other missions of this sort before. She said I wasn't important to the hive. Disposable. Forgettable. I guess I'm okay with that. All I've ever wanted to do was to help our hive and our glorious queen, so I took the job happily. I head over to their town in a few hours. I'm a little bit scared, but with mother behind me, I know I can handle it. This will be nothing compared to some of the other missions I've been on before. Simple. Infiltrate their group, tear them apart from the inside. Couldn't be easier. Right?