(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act V - The Council Rules (v2)

Act V - The Council Rules

It had been three days since that fateful morning when everything got turned upside-down. Since then, the four alicorns have experimented, poured over notes, and discussed possible theories. Finally, with their results compiled, the royals convened together in a council to discuss their results and decide David’s fate.


Celestia rapped her gavel against the table. “First, concerning the accusation against Sir David of mental manipulation of Luna, has anypony discovered evidence that supports this accusation?”

Celestia slowly scanned the faces of her fellow princesses, waiting for one to speak, but only let the silence grow.

Twilight shuffled in her seat. “On the contrary,” she started. “From our examination, we found that Sir David does not possess magic of his own and does not seem to be able to control the magic he has received from Luna. Considering most forms of suggestion we know of use magic in some way, and that we’ve tested for the few others, such as pheromonal or alchemical, it is almost definitive that Sir David is not controlling Luna.”

Luna nodded resolutely with her eyes closed and a small grin upon her lips.

Celestia sighed. “Very well, I put forth the motion to dismiss the charges.”

“Seconded,” Cadance replied.

“Any opposed?” Celestia asked.


“All in favor?”
“Aye,” they all announced together.

“The charges are dismissed.” Celestia banged the gavel. “Moving on—”


“Yes, Luna?”

“Thank you.”

Celestia smiled at her sister, then turned back to the table. “So, Twilight, would you please summarize the rest of our findings?”

“Certainly. During the first morning after Sir David’s arrival, Luna and Sir David experience a magical anomaly that formed a connection transferring magical energy from Luna to Sir David. At first, the connection between Luna and Sir David seemed to be proximity based, but this was quickly and soundly disproved. Now we know that the connection is not only not bound by distance, but it is constant and has not ceased.”

Agreeing with Twilight’s summary, Celestia gave a short nod.

Twilight turned to Cadance. “Cadance, would you please report on the status of the connection?”

Cadance cleared her throat. “Well, while I’ve been monitoring the connection over these last few days, I’ve noticed that the transfer of energy is flowing at a very small rate, so small in fact that Luna’s innate magical recovery easily negates the loss. The connection has not changed and seems relatively stable.”

Twilight nodded.

“And now, Cadance, Twilight, is it your combined final opinion is that this connection is of no potential harm to either Luna or Sir David, or to anypony else?”

Twilight and Cadance looked at each other, then nodded in agreement. “Yes. We think the connection is of no harm, it might even be necessary for Sir David’s survival,” Twilight said.

“Very well then. Do any of you have a proper explanation for the feeling I experienced when Sir David and Luna’s connection first seemed to manifest itself?” Celestia looked questioningly around her.

Twilight stared at the floor, her mind attempting to formulate an answer. However, Cadance was the first to break the silence. “Aunty Celestia, I also felt a somewhat unpleasurable feeling when Twilight and I first saw the connection establish itself between Luna and Sir David.”

Twilight raised her head. “I’ve been thinking about that. The feeling you both experienced was most likely due to the breach of your magical wards… from the inside.”

Celestia turned to face her. “Hmm… Please elaborate.”

“Of course. As you all know, all of our protective magical wards are designed to keep something out, whether it be physical, magical, spiritual or otherwise. By nature, they must allow bits of our magic out, or the pressure inside the ward would increase when we cast spells. And all of us have felt a channeled ward fail from external factors, but can any of you remember an occurrence when a ward failed due to an internal force?”

The circle of alicorns thought for a moment, attempting to recall such an incident. One by one, they all agreed that they had not experienced it.

“Well then, shall we perform a little test?” Twilight asked excitedly.

“That seems an excellent idea.” Luna clapped her hooves.

Twilight smiled. “Well, since Luna is the control, I need to have one of you cast your wards on me, and I will attempt to break them from the inside. I don’t know exactly how, as our wards should allow magic to penetrate from the inside easily, but I have an idea.”

“I will cast the ward,” Celestia offered.

“Oh good. You would be the best candidate since we are attempting to reproduce your experience after all.”

With that, Celestia focused on her horn and channeled the powerful ward that she had previously used on Luna and herself, except this time it was cast on Twilight.

“It is done. Please be… restrained in your methods.”

Twilight nodded to Celestia with a grin, then turned to Cadance. “Cadance, do you remember that powerful healing spell you taught me last year?”

“Of course!”

“Well, I’d like to practice it on you now, would that be okay?”

“Sure. Although I’m going to be all tingly for a while after. I suppose that isn’t such a bad thing,” Cadance quipped.

“Okay, Celestia, here I go. Make sure you let us know how you feel.”

Celestia nodded. Twilight concentrated on her magic. Her horn lit up and began to pulse slowly with her lavender-colored magical aura.

“Nothing so far,” Celestia reported.

“Just a moment,” Twilight replied with her eyes screwed shut.

The pulsing of Twilight’s horn grew brighter as the spell matrix was nearing completion.

“Just a little… ahhh,” Twilight gasped as a beam of energy left her horn and connected with Cadance.

“Oooh!” Cadance giggled in response to the magic’s potent effects.

“I’m sorry, Twilight, I do not feel anything,” Celestia said.

A few seconds passed, then a small surge of magic built up around Twilight’s horn as she put a little twist into the magic’s properties.

The bulge of magic left her horn slowly and began to travel a bit away, heading down the stream of power towards Cadance.

“I, do not—Oh. Oh my,” Celestia said as she attempted to form a coherent sentence, failing spectacularly. “I can feel it pressing against the ward, but it is not like before.”

Twilight felt the bulge strain against something as if it had hit a wall. Putting a little more force behind it seemed to do nothing. It failed to break the barrier.

Twilight refused to be stumped—she had one more idea. Still channeling her spell, she walked over to a somewhat giddy Cadance who was doing her best to stay lucid and proper while the magic gave every portion of her body an electrified tingle.

Standing face to face with Cadance, she tried to push the small package of magic through the ward but failed every time.

Looking on, Luna sat uneasy and discouraged. Though she believed in Twilight, it seemed to her that she had failed this round. She looked away and sighed.

Just as she did, Celestia yelled out, groaning in discomfort.

Luna swung her head around to see what had happened. Twilight’s solution to the problem was obvious.

There stood Twilight, forcefully lip-locked with Cadance, pushing her magical package through Celestia’s ward via physical contact. After Celestia’s audible validation of Twilight’s hypothesis, she broke free from Cadance’s vacuum and stopped her spell.

“Well, I wasn’t exactly sure that was going to work, but I’d do almost anything for science,” Twilight quipped.

Cadance, still somewhat stunned by both the magic spell and Twilight’s actions, slowly opened her eyes. “I… am glad I could help?” she added.

Twilight looked to Cadance, saying, “Thank you for your participation. Oh, and now we’re even for that remark in the hallway.”

“N-noted,” Cadance replied wearing a silly grin.

‘It seems Twilight has grown up after all. Shining would be so proud!’ Cadance remarked to herself.

Luna sat expectantly wearing a haughty grin. “Well, sister? What do you have to say about the experiment?”

“It seems as though Twilight was right. I experienced the same feeling as I did before, just after Cadance seemed to respond to Twilight’s, ahem, proposition. Only then did I feel the magic push through the barrier and my nausea begin.”

Twilight smiled at her apparent success. “Well, I wasn’t sure until now, but it seems that when I put my own magical signature into the spell matrix, the ward reacts as if I was trying to break out of its grasp myself and it tried to stop that part of me from leaving. That is when the surge hit the barrier.”

“Hmm, yes. The ward tried to stay whole and protect you, but you were essentially trying to be in two places at once, so it resisted,” Celestia surmised.

“Yes, exactly as I thought!” Twilight cheered. “So even though that piece of my magic wanted to leave, it couldn’t, at least not on its own.”

“So why did thy magic penetrate the barrier?” Luna asked.

“I think it was because Cadance accepted it,” Celestia replied.

“But—” Cadance attempted to interrupt.

“It is nothing to be ashamed of, dear niece,” Celestia said, attempting to comfort the pink mare. “Twilight simply could not break the ward until you were willing to accept what she had proffered. Essentially, Twilight tricked you into helping her break the ward.”

“Hey! I mean… sorry, Princess, you’re right.” Twilight stumbled with her words, rubbing her hoof against the ground.

“I think I’m beginning to understand,” Cadance said.

“I knew you would,” Celestia replied. “In short, I believe this is a two-way transaction. Sir David lacked magic, and his body professed as much. Luna, most likely subconsciously, felt his need and in response, she offered a bit of herself. As the magical energy Luna offered was technically a part of her, the ward attempted to contain it. Only when Sir David recognized and accepted her willingness to give did her magic have a path to travel unhindered and it was able to break through the barrier.”

“Wow,” Twilight said as she gasped. “I had an idea it was something like this. I’m just glad my gambit paid off!”

“I was starting to think the same thing, Aunty, but does that explain why the connection was not present when we first examined her?”

“If I may…” Luna cut in. “At the time when we were first met, I was… ‘not in a giving mood,’ you could say. Perhaps that has some bearing on the whole thing?”

“I believe it does, Lulu. In fact, I believe you are both the source and the solution to this mystery.”

“Do you think she can control it?” Twilight added.


“Would that cause any issues for Sir David?” Luna asked.

“I’m not sure,” Twilight responded. “His normal state is one without magic, but as long as he is in this world, I believe his very essence will call out for it. It might be quite dangerous to sever the connection without knowing more, especially now that it has been constant for a few days. We should do a bit more research before we try anything, but first I want to take one last look at where he appeared.”

“I think that is a prudent call to action, Twilight,” Celestia beamed a bright smile. “So, with this, I think the main issue at hand is resolved. I present the following…” Twilight levitated a scroll and quill to take notes.

“The connection to Sir David is not to be treated as a danger as long as Luna’s magical reserves are not being depleted. Sir David and Luna will have regular assessments to confirm they are still in good health and that major changes do not go unnoticed.

“Seeing that Sir David is not a health risk, nor is he at risk from exposure to others, his house arrest is to be lifted, and he shall be permitted to roam within the royal wing of the castle. As his presence is still unknown to the public, he must remain in these secure areas of the castle interior until such time that his public announcement can be planned and executed.

“That is all. Do I hear a second?”

“Seconded!” Luna announced.

“Then, does anypony here, with her royal privilege, choose to speak up against any of the stated propositions? If you do, please respond in the negative.”

Silence filled the room.

“Let the record show that no princess has filed an objection,” Celestia stated as Twilight recorded the non-vote.

“Now, if anypony is in favor of passing and executing the proposed items, let them affirm their position by replying in the affirmative.”





“With a unanimous vote, the ‘Ayes’ have passed the propositions,” Celestia said. “With that, I call for this council to be adjourned.”

With the sounding of the gavel, the royal council was disbanded.


Journal of David Marshall
Wednesday, Day Four in Equestria, Late afternoon
Current mood: Anxious, excited

Anxious. That’s a good word. I could barely sleep last night, thinking about what might come today. Even though both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia met with me yesterday and reassured me, I can’t help but wait impatiently and wonder. The last three days have been a rollercoaster of emotions and unusual situations. Actually, outside of my anxiety, I think I’m starting to see this all as normal. Perhaps that is what I should be worried about. Let’s put it all aside for now; I can’t do anything more to help my situation.


Since Princess Luna left me last night, I’ve been trying to distract myself. It hasn’t been easy. I resorted to pretty much the only thing I can do here… writing.

When I couldn’t sleep, I spent the time awake trying to write down what I could remember of Equestria and the ponies from the TV show, as I promised the princesses. Finally, I got some rest. However, when I woke up, I was the same excited mess, so I did the same thing.

It has helped, though, and at least I’ve made some progress. So far, I’ve finished creating character bios for the mane six and the princesses, as well as outlined the basic plot of several episodes I can remember, which seem to be mostly the season premieres and finales. And even though I never really bought into the show, and only saw it when taking care of my friends’ children that were into it, I was surprised by the detail in my memory. Thinking back on it now, and how I’ve started feeling about Princess Luna, actually I wish I would have paid more attention.

That brings up an interesting detail. This morning while writing, I remembered something. I’ve been focusing on what I know about the TV show, but I’ve also heard there were comics and movies as well. Unfortunately, I know very little about either. Thinking back to my talks with Princess Luna, though, even with what little I do know, the comics and movies might be completely unrelated to the real Equestria. There is no knowledge of humans or a portal to another world, and I know that Princess Luna doesn’t have a pet. But like I said, I know very little, so even after I get out of here, I’m not sure I’d be able to confirm my suspicion.

As far as the show is concerned, I’ve just finished writing about my two favorite episodes in detail, “Lesson Zero” and “Luna Eclipsed.” I admit, I’m pretty sure I blushed the whole while trying to remember and write about what happened in Princess Luna’s episode. While I was reminiscing, I really felt like I was connecting even more with her. I know now that she embodies a lot of the same qualities her character did and that she’s really lived the events I’ve seen. I have to remember, that even though the show’s timeline and events actually match her life, the show is still just a depiction, not reality. The Princess Luna I want to know is real; I can see, talk to, and touch her now. She has shown me the reality of this world, and the warmth in the hearts (and bodies) of those I have met. She’s so much more than just a kid’s show.


Just reading those last few words is a little jarring, though. It’s shocking, really, how little attention I’ve paid to how normal this all feels. I’m here in a land of magic and ponies, filled with mystical creatures and previously-fictional characters, and I don’t seem to mind at all. Even more so, I feel quite attracted to one of them, and our differences—man and pony—seem to matter very little at this stage. I can’t wrap my mind around it.

But… Maybe it’s best not to think too much about it. This is the adventure of a lifetime, and I have even been given a primer for what to expect. I’ve only seen a small fraction of what this world has to offer, but I think I’ve started off on the right foot. I just need to be true to myself and not let what I know ruin things or take over.

Checking over the last words he had penned, a knock on his door shook him from his reverie.

“Yes?” David called out, questioning.

“Sir David, would it be alright for me to open the door?” a guard asked from beyond the door.

“Just a moment,” he replied.

‘Finally,’ David thought to himself. ‘I was worried that I was going to run out of paper. Then I’d really go crazy. I didn’t think it would take that long when I asked for it this morning.

He set his writing tablet off to the side so he would be able to get up and accept the package after the guard left.

“It’s okay, I’m clear of the door now.”

The door opened slowly, just a few inches as usual. Then it opened a bit more, and a small stack of paper was pushed through the opening.

‘That was odd,’ David thought. ‘They opened the door way too much this time.’

As if to refute his thoughts, another, somewhat larger package was carefully nudged through the door. It was a medium-sized, plain white box. After the box had made it inside, the door closed as usual.

“Thank you,” David said, but no response came.

David got up from the bed to retrieve his supplies and the unplanned package. He picked them both up in his arms and carried them over to the mostly empty top of the dresser. Once there, he opened the top drawer and placed the partial ream of paper inside, next to his stacks of writings and other supplies, then closed the drawer.

“Well, let’s see what’s in the box!” he exclaimed. There was not much variation in his routine, so this provided a good bit of excitement for him.

Opening the top of the box, he saw some fabric. Well, if it was all fabric, it was a lot of fabric.

He reached in and grabbed the first thing he saw and pulled it out.

“Okay…” he said to himself.

It was not just fabric, it was clothing. Specifically, it was somewhat fancy clothing.

The first item he pulled out was dark, midnight-blue/almost black and very long. After studying it for a moment, he identified it as closely resembling a Japanese men’s kimono. It was long enough to come down mid-calf, and was styled with long sleeves that would reach to his mid-forearm. The fabric was light and breathable, and the inside was lined with a white fabric which he could only assume was silk. All along the hem was red embroidery to pull attention to the edges of the garment, which otherwise would have blended in and become invisible.

“Hmm,” he said as he marveled a bit at the piece.

Holding it up to the light he saw that there were patterns in the dark, outer fabric. Swirls were woven into the material, only showing as the light caught it. It made it look mysterious and somewhat sophisticated.

Setting the “kimono” down across his bed, he looked back into the box. Sure enough, under the kimono had been laid a wide belt made of thick cotton dyed black as night and a traditional rod hanger broken into three sections for the kimono. Pairing the belt, or obi, up with the kimono itself, you could easily tell that although the color was extremely dark, the kimono was in fact, blue.

Back to the box.

Under all of this was more cloth.

‘How did they fit all of this in here?’ David thought to himself.

The next garment was a shirt, a polo-styled shirt like the one he had on. The design was an odd one. It was predominantly dark blue —again, which he did not mind, it was his favorite color— but was diagonally striped in white from shoulder to hip, as if he was wearing a sash. He thought to himself that he had never seen one like this before, but decided he liked it. Examining it more carefully, he noticed that the blue and white were actually separate material, again the white seemed to be made from silk or a silk blend, as it was just as heavy as the blue material, except smooth and well, silky.

‘Well, onto the bed you go.’

Looking back to the box, there was more in store. He pulled out the next garment, noticing its heft, and smiled.

“Pants!” he cheered.

He was secretly getting tired of his khakis, and whenever he could, he avoided wearing them. Being alone all the time will do that to a man.

The pants were made of a lighter cotton, almost chino-like in construction. They were bright white, which he did not particularly like, but feeling the soft texture brought a smile to his face. They even had pockets like his own pants, which was nice, even though he did not have anything to put in them except his hands.

‘There couldn’t be much more.’

Looking back in the box, he saw the best surprise. Shoes.

All this time barefoot, not a clue what happened to his previous tennis shoes, he knew he was incomplete.

Taking them out of the box, he studied them carefully. They were a type of clog or mule, strapless at the heel, that would cover most of his foot when worn. The material was black and seemed to be leather, but thinking a bit, he doubted it was. There was decorative stitching on the outside, making gentle designs on the sides. Although mostly plain, it was embellished with a brightly polished bar of silver no more than an inch long that ran horizontally near the top edge of the shoe.

Looking inside showed something was placed within. Bundled up was some cloth, which when removed, proved to be two pairs of plain white, quarter-length cotton socks.

Not even really looking, David realized this was the last article in the box. He was floored with all that he had found. He basically had been given a small wardrobe! There was only one thing lacking… more underwear. This brought up old memories.

‘I should have never complained when my family wanted to buy me more underwear. Oh, the things we learn as we grow older.’ He shook his head in mock defeat.

David went back to the now empty box on his dresser and started to put the lid back on, only to notice there was an envelope at the bottom. He removed it and looked at it questioningly.

On the envelope was a series of stars, ones he recognized as the mark of Princess Twilight.

“I guess with all this, they didn’t forget about me after all. Though I wonder why Princess Twilight is sending me a note, of all people.” He chuckled a bit to himself.

He flipped over the envelope and took out a particularly fancy, but blank piece of linen paper.

“Odd,” he remarked.

He stared at the blank sheet for a second before noticing it had a slight lavender glow.

Much to his surprise, a small, purple, translucent, pony-like image appeared above the paper and looked directly at him and spoke.


“Princess Twilight!” he said, astonished.

“Hello, Sir David, my name is Princess Twilight Sparkle,” the image started. “Actually, from what Princess Celestia has said, you already know that.”

“Oh, it’s a recording.”

“I am sending you this message, and a gift, as suggested by my mentor, Princess Celestia, and my sister-in-law, Princess Cadance. They have both informed me that I have treated you rudely and unfairly over the last few days, and after reflecting on that, I must apologise.”

“Huh?” David continued to look on, confused.

“But since I am not there personally, and our first meeting is only from a message, I guess this is pretty rude as well. Sorry. Anyway, I have commissioned these clothes for you as a gift, designed by one of my friends. I hope you will accept them and my apology.”

“Don’t forget to actually apologise for what you did, Twily,” said a voice from somewhere.

‘Hmm, that sounds like Princess Cadance. Even though we didn’t actually meet last night, I’m pretty sure it’s her.’

“Oh, yes. I think you’ve already heard it from Princess Luna, but we actually did examine you that first day for illness, magical contamination, etc., etc. We didn’t meet then because you were kind of unconscious. Aaaand that is well… my fault. See, I have been putting you to sleep every time we needed to examine you, which hasn’t been much, only a few times a day since the first! And the magic won’t harm you, I promise! We, ugh, I mean I did it because it would provide fewer variables in our study, and it was kind of easier that way. But now, I’m sorry, because I shouldn’t have treated you with disrespect and could have at least asked before putting you under. Again, sorry.”

“Very good. I think he will understand,” said the mystery voice again.

“You think so, Cadance?” Twilight said in response. Then the image stopped moving and disappeared, leaving a blank page again.

‘Yup. That definitely sounds like Princess Cadance, and Twilight looks exactly as I would’ve expected.’ He thought back. “Now I remember! Princess Luna said they came while I was asleep; I guess I forgot. Wait— Twilight said she put me to sleep, and that they examined me a few times… so that’s why I was sleeping so much… Oh crap, no.”

David dropped the letter and stood with his head held low, looking down at the floor. His mind was racing, attempting to put together the pieces of his last few days. Now with this new snippet of info to fill in some blanks, he tried remembering back to his first day.

“Princess Celestia said that Princess Twilight and Princess Cadance were coming that first afternoon, but I didn’t meet them. I remember that after they left, I got up, washed my underwear, took a shower, and put on my new robe. Then I lay down on the bed for a nap and…”



“Twilight, didn’t you mean to apologise for one more thing?” Cadance said as she folded the now-enchanted letter.

“No, I think I covered it all,” Twilight replied.

“Actually, I was pretty sure you meant to say something about when you un-covered it all, so to speak.”


“Oh we were, but now I’m ahead again!” Cadance laughed hard at the blushing purple pony.


“Somehow, I have the feeling that now I owe an apology to Princess Twilight and Princess Cadance as well,” David said remorsefully.

David picked up the magic letter and put it back into its envelope, then opened the first drawer to his dresser and placed it neatly with his other notes, journal pages, and writing supplies.

He then turned to the clothes laid out on the bed and tried to think of where he could put them. He set the shoes next to the dresser on the floor; he hadn’t needed to wear shoes since his arrival anyway. However, the kimono needed to be hung, but he had no closet in his room. After looking around a bit, he found a hook in the bathroom and hung it up the best he could. The fancy shirt and pants also should have been hung, but they did not come with hangers as the kimono did, so instead, he decided to fold them as little as possible and placed them in the bottom drawer of the dresser.

Just as he started, another knock came from his door.

“Excuse me, Sir David, please clear from the door,” a guard said.

‘Wow, I’m popular today.’

“One moment please,” David answered. “Okay, I’m clear of the door.”

“And decent?” The guard asked again.

‘That’s odd.’ “Yes, I’m decent.”

As soon as he spoke, the door was opened wide, and standing there before him was the guard.

“Ahem, announcing their royal highnesses, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.” The guard spoke loudly, then stepped away from the door to allow the royals some space.

David quickly checked himself over to make sure he was actually presentable. Then, as Luna’s face came into view, his pulse quickened, and his heartbeat rang in his ears. He was instantly overcome with excitement. “It’s a pleasure to see you both again, Princesses.” He bowed stiffly.

“Raise your head, Sir David, we thank you for your salutation,” Celestia said, entering. Pausing for David to rise, she continued, “Sir David, we humbly request your attendance at dinner tonight in the royal dining room at eight o’clock. Would you be willing to come?”

“Excuse me, Princess Celestia, does this mean that the conditions of my house arrest have been changed?”


“Yes, Sir David,” Luna interrupted. “You have been exonerated by the council and will now be able to move about the castle!”

“Oh, that’s great! Well then, I wouldn’t dare refuse a request from such beautiful hosts,” he said with a grin.

‘What are you saying!? Are you trying to mess this up?’ David questioned himself, growing increasingly nervous.

Two tense seconds later, Celestia broke the silence as Luna looked away, a full blush on her muzzle. “Well, flattery aside, I am pleased that you would be willing to join us, considering how rough your treatment has been the last few days. I do wish to apologise for not keeping you better informed. I believe that my overprotective nature of Luna has helped me make some inappropriate decisions which resulted in harsh treatment. Please forgive my contemptuous behavior,” Celestia said, then bowed on one leg.

“Please, no, Princess. Don't bow to me, even if there are wrongs committed. Of course I forgive you. It is only by your grace that I was taken in and cared for, and through a very odd set of circumstances, decisions were made for better or worse. I do admit that I felt a bit like a lost cause for a while, but now I believe we can work past it.”

“Your words are kind, Sir David. Thank you.”

Then Luna spoke, “I see you have received the gift Twilight mentioned. It would be nice if you chose to try out some of the new garments at dinner, but it is hardly a formal affair.”

“Yes, please be at ease, Sir David. This will just be a dinner with the three of us. With that, I believe I will go and let you two have some time before the hour. Is there anything I can get you?” Princess Celestia asked.

“Actually, yes. You see, there is one thing I didn’t request earlier. I would love to get cleaned up for dinner, and for me, that usually involves shaving the hair from my face. As you can see, I’ve started to grow quite a bit of stubble. Do you know what a shaving razor is?”

“Yes, it exists, but it is not common. Ponies that have beards trim them with beard shears. I can get you either if you would like,” Celestia answered.

“I think I would like the shaving razor and some shaving foam or soap if you have it.”

“I believe it can be arranged. Please give me a few moments to request the items. I will then see you both at the dining room.” Celestia turned to walk out the door but stopped aside Luna. “Do not take much of his time, sister, he still must prepare.” She then left Luna and David alone.


As soon as her sister’s hoof-falls were out of earshot, Luna slowly approached David and looked him in the eyes. “I have waited patiently for this moment to come, to stand before you again and confirm what only mine ears have beheld— Do you, Sir David, still wish to court me?” Though she stared longingly at him, her body trembled with uncertainty.

David couldn’t hide his grin. “This would be my first time… as a suitor, I mean.”

His words provided little comfort. “Does that trouble you? I will do all in my power to make you comfortable. You may lean on me, and I will guide you if you wish,” she pleaded.

“No. I mean— yes, a little. I appreciate you looking out for me. How do you feel about it, Princess?”

Luna looked away and sighed, then took in a deep breath to steel herself before turning back to him. “Well, the short time we have spent together has done nothing but spur me onwards, Sir David. You are often on my mind and even in my dreams. I would be most overjoyed if you were to accept my feelings.”

“Hmm,” he said, pondering. “I can't lie, I feel the same way. I know this is probably moving way too fast, but I’m actually okay with it.”

A grand smile grew on Luna’s face. “I am so glad to hear that.” She then turned her head slightly and blushed, almost seeming timid and shy. “So?”

David closed his eyes and put his hand over his heart. The organ beat a thunderous rhythm in his chest as he prepared himself for what came next. “Princess Luna, I accept your feelings as you have accepted mine. I promise to stand by you and honor you as we take this journey together.”

“It shall be so. Sir David… though we have not been apart but a few hours, I have missed you.”

David smiled. “And I missed you as well. Now, if you’d like, we can take some time together and try to figure out what it is we are feeling.”

David looked deep into the midnight ruler’s eyes and instinctively raised his arms outward, offering his embrace.

Recognizing the gesture, Luna’s face to lit up with pure happiness and she shook her head with excitement. She flapped her wings once, helping to lift up her front half. As she reared to overcome the height difference between them, David met her chest with his, and she wrapped her forehooves around his waist, gripping him as tightly as possible, almost toppling him to the ground with the force she met him with.

David bound his arms under her and pulled her inwards as well, cementing their bodies together.

Luna nuzzled deeply into his neck, feeling the warmth in David’s body once more. She melted at his touch, and her own fire grew within her.

Luna wanted more and pressed her neck and peytral harder against him. She gained what she desired, and though fully clothed, she thought that his own immense heat would scorch her fur. With passion, she found herself rubbing and nuzzling her muzzle firmly against any flesh she could find that was exposed at the collar of his shirt and playfully attempting to nip at his earlobe, desperate to make up for lost time.

David, too, was almost lost to the moment. His nose was buried in her mane, taking in great lungfuls of her heavenly scent, the same which he had found unexpectedly left in his bed after the first night. He had chastened himself against partaking the parfum de l’amour he found on his sheets for fear that his mind would be overwhelmed if they were not to meet again. But as fate had it, here she was, and that tuned all of his senses to her and her alone.

A gentle lick behind his ear brought him back to reality. He broke his embrace and pulled his head away slightly to look into her eyes. She smiled back, a mirror of his own face and said, “Just as it was a few days ago, I do not want to part from you.”

He smiled. “I too, want nothing more than to spend some time with you, but first comes dinner.”

“Oh, I suppose you are right,” she said with a playful smirk on her face. “Just let me have a taste of dessert before the main course.”

Luna closed her eyes and tried her best to stay still. Her heart raced like a stampede of mustangs, and she trembled from the rush of adrenaline in her veins.

David looked at the mare before him, her eyes closed, waiting patiently for her partner to take action.

“As you wish, my princess,” he softly whispered in her ear before joining their lips in a kiss.

Their connection was chaste, lips pressed lightly but lovingly together for a moment. Then David cocked his head more to the side and parted his lips, taking his kiss deeper. Luna moaned lightly at his actions, letting him lead in their slow dance. She did not press further, though it took all her will not to.

As David sensed her desire, he proceeded to kiss her openly a few times in quick succession, only breaking their lock to renew the sensation of their lips on each other. Gently, David ventured forth with his tongue, already granted access by Luna to her entirety. He used the sensitive muscle to explore, taste and caress his new lover’s offerings.

Luna felt complete. Her wishes were granted as David took the initiative in both accepting her love and sharing his. She daintily played with David’s tongue with hers as they continued to kiss deeply, not wanting the moment to end.

But end it must, and David began to slow his movements and draw out his caresses. Finally pulling away from each other, their lips still grasping for the other’s, Luna opened her eyes to give praise and thanks to her new lover before her. She stared dreamily into his eyes as he stared into hers.

“I feel I have fallen for you, Sir David. Would you hold me in the same regard?”

“I know only as much as you do, Princess.”

“Then with that much known and shared between us, I will have faith that I can leave you now and that you will promptly return to me at dinner.”

“You have my word.”

Luna gave him a quick peck on the lips, then smiled and dropped down to stand on her own legs again. She turned towards the door and then looked back and said, “Will we be able to meet again soon?”

“Whenever time allows, I will make myself available,”

“Good. Then I am off!” she said as she practically galloped out of the room as fast as her hooves would take her.

Frozen in his spot, David thought to himself about his magnificent new lover. ‘I would’ve had to run too; otherwise, I don’t think I could’ve left if our positions were switched. She’s probably much stronger and more responsible than I am,’ he thought with a smirk on his face.

‘It’s hard to believe, but this is really happening. I’m getting ready for dinner with the two reigning princesses of this land, possibly the most powerful beings in this world, and now it seems I’ve started a relationship with one of them as well. I had better keep sharp, as I know I’m in uncharted territory for any man, and possibly any pony, ever.’
