(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act IV-B - A Date With Blinders (new)

Act IV-B - A Date With Blinders

Being a creature of the night and with it still being a royal day off, Luna spent the rest of her evening alone, but it was not full of rest and relaxation. Instead, she put her time to good use and put forth efforts into helping resolve David’s and her unique, magical predicament. However, the night eventually faded, and she retired to her room. Now, with a moment’s rest and the events of the evening still fresh in her mind, she committed them to her diary for posterity.

The night has passed, and it is almost time for the morn of the third day. Though I have been keeping myself busy, spending these last few hours alone has been both a blessing and a curse. Allow me to explain.

Thanks to the generosity of Cadance, I was permitted to speak again with Sir David last night. He proved, again, to be every part the gentlestallion I had thought during our first rendezvous, and after a slight misunderstanding, we found that both of us has interest in the other.

Now that Sir David and I have expressed our mutual affections, I find that my attraction to him has become somewhat heightened, and although I am apart from him, I cannot easily quiet my thoughts. Though I am blessed with feelings of happiness and the promise of something new and exciting, he is still confined, and we are not even permitted to gaze into each other’s eyes. That, in itself, is maddening.

That being said, in order to distract myself, I purposely became lost in the notes of Cadance and Twilight this night, both which have been working quite dutifully to determine a cause and cure to the mystical anomaly linking Sir David and myself. Unfortunately, their research, however thorough, has yielded few results so far.

Twilight has divided her time between examining Sir David or me and surveying the field in which we found him. Cadance, instead, has focused on the magical connection itself and seeks to identify its nature and determine possible repercussions. Reading seems to be my main avenue of contribution. I have scoured what I can in the archives, and although I have read much, I have found little. Sister, likewise, has spent most of her free time muzzle-deep in tomes and various scholarly research. She looks for not only a solution to the current issue but of possible mentions of David’s kind in our history’s past, though I doubt she will find any.


Even while focusing on the issues at hand, I have often let my mind wander to thoughts of him. It has not helped that I was trotted out in his presence as a research subject, and yet still denied personal access to him in an awakened state. Now that we share more than a magical connection, I find myself waiting impatiently for the next time we will be allowed together. Fortunately, or otherwise so, consciousness is not always necessary for two to meet.

In that, I have committed a minor infraction in regards to ‘protocol.’ During the night, after my meeting with Sir David, I napped. In my slumber, I walked the populated dreamscape only to find that Sir David, too, was dreaming. In a rare moment of these last few days, he seemed at peace. Seeing no impropriety to it, I entered and viewed his dream, and was surprised by what I saw.

David had conjured a visage of myself for his dream. He sat upon a precipice and was seemingly conversing with my doppelgänger, who sat upon a cloud, just out of reach of the man.

As I sat silently and watched, I could feel a warmth in my heart and a twinge of desire. It was then that I acted inappropriately. Even though this was no nightmare, I intervened in his thoughts and secretly stole the place of my double in his mind’s eye, replacing figment with reality. When I assumed my new place, I found little conversation; more so it seemed he wished only to have me near his side. I did not mind. It actually gave me a token of comfort that my transgression would not likely disturb this fabrication of his by revealing my actual presence.

We sat together for quite some time. Sir David spoke, and I smiled silently in return, as his previously conjured partner would. He did not make much sense in his words, as his dreaming was not lucid enough for rational thought. What he did convey was a happiness to be there… there with me. I thought it was a great honor, that my newly established coltfriend has sought me even in his dreams. It has shown to me that I have chosen well.

Our time faded, and as he began to wake I slipped from his presence and returned the lifeless doll as I found it.

My David, I wish thee sweet dreams…


Shortly after breakfast, the eldest princess walked through the hallways of the royal wing. As she passed the hallway leading to her newest guest, and the cause of her greatest concern, she stopped to look back.

‘Cadance said last night was a “success,” and that she has formed a definitive opinion based upon the experience. Though she offered me only a few details, perhaps it would be best for me to start making a closer inspection of the situation now that the initial shock has worn off.’

Noting the time, Celestia turned around and made her way back to the corridor that would lead her to answers. As she approached the two guards stationed there, they snapped to attention.

“Good morning, Princess!” they sounded uniformly.

“Good morning to you both. Please, be at ease. Has Sir David awoken yet today?”

The elder guard stepped forward. “Yes, Your Highness. He is awake and was delivered breakfast approximately forty minutes ago.”

Celestia smiled. “I see. And does he seem to be cooperating? Is he in good spirits?”

The two guards looked at each other before the elder replied again. “Yes, he has been nothing but polite, but he does seem a bit disheartened that we won’t talk with him, as we were ordered not to.”

“Very well. I wish to speak to him privately for a few moments. You both are to wait at the main hall until I return.”

“Yes, Princess!” they replied, saluting in unison before trotting off.


Now before David’s door, Celestia paused to formulate what she was going to say. She didn’t have much time before she was due at the Day Court, but after hearing the report from Cadance at breakfast, she wanted to find out more about what happened last night.

Knock, knock, knock.

“Sir David, it is me, Princess Celestia. Do you have a moment?”

A rustling and jingle of silverware could be heard beyond the door, then David cleared his throat. “Yes, Princess, of course. What can I do for you?”

Celestia casually reached out with her magic and opened the door. Inside, David was sitting on the bed against the headboard, wearing his bathrobe with his breakfast tray placed on the bed before him. Celestia walked in and stopped at the end of the bed. She wore a serious, yet somewhat unreadable expression. David sat motionless with a look of surprise on his face.

“Forgive the intrusion, Sir David. I should have asked before entering.”

“No. No, it’s fine. I was just finishing breakfast and… well, I didn’t expect you to come in.” He scratched his neck nervously.

“I see. First, I must say that this is not exactly a social call, and I have little time to spend before I am expected at court, but after hearing of last night—” David’s face blanched. “I felt compelled to make a visit.”


“Fear not, Sir David. I do not think you are in any trouble. That is unless you have something different to say…”

“No, nope. I promise I’m not causing trouble.” He smiled.

“Well then, could you do me a favor and elaborate on your visit with my sister last night? I have not exactly received all the details yet.”

“Uh, it’s hard to ‘elaborate’ without knowing what you’ve heard. No disrespect.”

Celestia shook her head. “I understand. And while Luna has not yet awoken today, the only report I have has come second-hand. I would rather not spend the few minutes we have left going over what was said, so perhaps I could just ask a few questions.”

“I think that’s fine, but what do you mean, ‘second-hand?’ ”

Celestia’s expression changed to one of surprise. “Oh, I suppose that was not disclosed. Yes, that was part of the rules.” She shook her head again. “I am sorry, Sir David. You see, last night you were not alone with my sister. If you will remember the stipulations made that morning, it was said that you would not meet with Luna without adequate supervision. To that effect, Cadance offered to be a silent observer and to monitor for abnormal conditions. It was, after all, the first time you both had been allowed together since the magical transfer had been discovered.”

“Princess Cadance was there!?” David blushed.

“Yes. I do hope you can forgive the situation; also, know that Luna was encouraged not to discuss it. That all aside, I must ask, do you still profess innocence in transferring magic from Luna to yourself?”

“Princess Celestia, I don’t know anything about magic, and I would never try to harm Princess Luna. I want that to be perfectly clear.”

“Understood. While the investigation is still underway, and we have yet to prove either side of the debate to be correct, I will assert your claim of innocence. I will tell you now, that tomorrow, I plan to call the council together to debate the situation, and expect to have a decision by the end.”

“Oh. That sounds like good news to me. Well, any news is good news.”

“For your sake, I hope the determination is positive. Now, again, I must request, please tell me what you and my sister talked about last night. A summary is fine, I do not have time for details before I must go.”

David looked away from the pristine, white ruler, as her gaze stared holes into his mind and left him speechless. From somewhere, David mustered up some courage to look back, but could only fix his vision on her thinly drawn lips.

“I… normally wouldn’t have a problem talking to you, Princess, but you said you haven’t talked with your sister about last night yet. Is that right?”

Celestia cocked her head and raised an eyebrow. “Yes, I did say that. Is there something you cannot tell me?”

“It’s not like that, exactly. It’s just, last night, Princess Luna and I talked as friends… It was really nice, and we discussed a lot of things, but it was… well, between friends. It just doesn’t feel right talking to you about it without her. Not that you and I aren’t, well… friends. Just—”

She turned and held up a hoof. “Fine. Say no more. I can see you value your privacy, and in turn, my sister’s as well. There is nothing wrong with that, it is a good trait to have. Unfortunately for me, that is all the time I can spare this morning. Sir David, I wish you good day and hope that we can resolve this incident quickly so that we may all become friends.”

With that, Celestia made her way to the door.

“Thank you, Princess Celestia. I mean it,” David said, stopping her at the threshold.

Celestia smiled, nodded, then left.


With Celestia now gone and the guards returned to their posts, David sat unmoving in his bed. The interaction with the royal had left him numb, and his mind tried to process exactly what had happened.

‘So, I’m not sure what went on or if it helped out my situation or hurt it. What I do know is that once again, Princess Celestia has put an odd fear into my mind. Her serious nature can be really unnerving, and it leaves me with tons of doubt. I guess it’s time for another journal entry, as even though she was only here a few minutes, she left me with a lot to think about.’

Journal of David Marshall
Tuesday, Day Three in Equestria, Morning
Current mood: Happy, but confused

Well, that was an interesting encounter.

I was just finishing up breakfast when none other than Princess Celestia stopped by on her way to court to talk. Whether she intended to or not, she really has a way of putting some fear into me, that’s for sure. When she knocked, I was expecting another conversation with the door again, similar to last night. However, she had different plans. She simply opened the door and walked right up to the bed to face me! ‘Unnerving’ is the word I would use.

That aside, she made quick use of her time, though it seems that in her rush, she let some info slip out. To her credit, she didn’t try to deny it, but instead just apologised and ran with it.

So, apparently, my meeting with Princess Luna last night was not a party of two, but three. Princess Cadance was there as well, acting as some kind of chaperone-investigator in the shadows. Princess Luna knew that as well, but according to her sister, she wasn’t allowed to talk about it. I don’t hold that against her, but now that the cat is out of the bag, I’ll ask more about it tonight, if I think it’s necessary.

Princess Celestia’s visit was pretty direct; she only was interested in two things: do I still plead innocent, and finding out more about last night. The first was easy. I know I’m not guilty of purposely taking Princess Luna’s magic, and I’m definitely not controlling her mind, though perhaps someone should ask the same of her effect on me… but that’s a different story.

So I told the Princess the truth, that I’m not doing anything, and I would never want to hurt her sister. That much she seemed to accept. When I was asked, or rather directed to tell what happened last night, though… I couldn’t do it. What Princess Luna and I shared, even in the company of Princess Cadance, was private. I have no idea what Princess Celestia might have heard so far, but I wasn’t going to cross that line until she’s talked with Princess Luna, or at least until I have.

Somehow, that was okay. Princess Celestia didn’t press me any further and even complimented me on respecting her sister’s privacy. What I did say was kind of risky, though. I framed Princess Luna’s and my meeting last night as one between two friends, which is true, but we are also now more. While there aren’t exactly labels being used yet, I know she and I are pursuing something more than a platonic relationship. I can only hope that if Princess Celestia already knows, she won’t interpret what I said as me lying to her.


A full complement of princesses sat around the table, each eagerly eyeing the scrumptious lunch that had been prepared for them, though some more than others. Cadance and Celestia both looked fresh and perky, however, Twilight was withered from returning from Ponyville later than expected, and Luna was grumbling, having just been woken by Celestia’s staff for the lunch meeting.

Celestia smiled to all around. “Now that we are all served, I would like to thank you all again for being here.” To that, Luna snorted in agitation, garnering only a glance from her sister. “These last few days have been trying for us all, and I would like to move that we form a council tomorrow afternoon to try to bring this event to a close. Does any princess in attendance have any objection to this?” The others silently shook their heads. “Very well, then. Let us enjoy our meals while we receive an update. I hear there was some progress from last night, but other than that, I know very little.”

Luna took a sip of her tea, but instead of looking up and addressing those gathered, she stared into its rusty pools. “Well, I am not quite sure what I can bring to the table, as it were. My research has garnered olden and fabled knowledge, such as the transfer of power from one regent to another, as we did when pursued by Tirek, but nothing of even the slightest hint regarding the transfer of magic in the manner we have seen.” Finally, she set her cup down. “And as for my meeting last night, I have even less to report, as I was being examined as much as Sir David. Dear Cadance, however, has come to some conclusions. Niece, would you be so kind as to share your thoughts?” she asked politely.

Cadance pulled herself away from her giant roasted veggie sandwich. “Oh, one moment,” she mumbled through the bite. “Ah, there. Well, as I told Aunty Celestia this morning, I have nothing but good news. Last night, I went with Luna to see Sir David, as we discussed. I went in fully shielded, but for Luna, I only used a mental detection spell to see if she was affected by any thought manipulation. That, I can safely say, did not happen at all.”

Twilight swallowed some hay fries. “Oh! That’s great news! What about the magical connection, any changes there?”

“I’m getting to that. I was able to examine the connection once before, twice during, and once after, for a total of four times. Each time showed no change whatsoever, though. Twilight, I’m sure you could’ve done more, but I think I did okay.”

“I’m sure you did. Thank you, Cadance, I would’ve liked to be there myself, but, well…”

Cadance shook her head. “Don’t worry.”

“Excuse the interruption, Cadance, but is that all you have to report? Even this morning, you made no mention of the actual conversation between Luna and Sir David,” Celestia said.

Cadance looked surprised. “Oh! I didn’t think that was relevant. Luna, would you like to add more to the report?”

Luna carefully chewed a bite of her meal, looking pensive as she did. She daintily swallowed, then glanced sidelong back to the table. “I believe it is as Cadance said. It is not relevant, but I will indulge you a bit, sister. Sir David and I had quite a friendly talk through the door to his room. It was… awkward, to say the least, conversing through wood. I would not suggest it.” Cadance sniggered at the joke, Twilight looked clueless, while the white ruler only rolled her eyes. “He was perfectly mannered, and we shared quite a bit during our time. I dare say I am becoming the foremost expert on humans we have.” That comment received a look from Twilight, one that was not missed by the midnight ruler. “Oh, Twilight, you are more than welcome to come speak with Sir David, he knows much of your adventures and would be pleased to talk with you. With your skill, it would be quite easy to wrest the title from me, though I believe I will always have an advantage.” Luna tittered as she coyly smiled at the youngest princess.

“Uh, maybe later.”

“As you wish. I believe that is all to report.” Luna then went back to nursing her tea.

Celestia looked concerned. “Sister, are you sure you will not divulge your discussion with him? That meeting was also to conduct an examination, to gather evidence to aid in his defense or otherwise!”

Luna narrowed her eyes. “I believe you have lost sight of something, dear sister. Sir David has professed his innocence, our investigators cannot find fault in him, and I am not harmed or being controlled through any means! There is plenty of evidence for his defense and none to the contrary. What we shared in words is of no consequence, I can guarantee. Be calm and happy, my sister. I believe, as you said, we should ‘bring this event to a close.’ “

Celestia sighed, feeling the sting of her sister’s rebuke. “Perhaps you are correct. Even I have nothing more to validate any suspicions against him. I am sorry, Luna. I just do not like having so little information in this situation, it makes me feel… apprehensive. That being said, after hearing Cadance’s report at breakfast, I went to speak with Sir David looking for more answers. He was quite surprised when I entered and questioned him about last night—”

“You what!?” Luna bellowed.

Celestia held up a wing, asking for silence. “I… was a bit hot-blooded, I admit. But it was as you, Cadance, and Twilight have said, there was little danger and even less blame to be laid. He too, would not divulge anything regarding your conversation, and instead referred me to you. I respected his privacy, though somehow I slighted your own. Again, forgive me, sister.”

“Hmm. I know you to be honestly repentant, sister. You will always be forgiven, even now. I do hope your leniency with me, though. There are times to share, and times when privacy should be conserved. This situation borders between the two, as you have concern of safety for us all, whereas I have the responsibility as confidant. Trust in me, that I will not lead us astray.”

Celestia bowed. “I will. Thank you, Lulu.”

“You are most welcome, Tia.”

After spending a tender moment of silence, Luna spoke up again. “Sister, may I beg your consideration again?”


“Though we still have one more night before the council, I would request another audience with Sir David tonight, this time during dinner; it is the only time I have available considering my court schedule.”

“Oh. I suppose that would be acceptable. Twilight, would you like to make any other observations? Perhaps you could visit with Luna tonight?”

“Actually,” Luna interrupted. “Cadance has already offered to join me again, not that you are not welcome, Twilight.”

Twilight looked lost, casually munching on a lettuce leaf that twitched at the side of her mouth. “Oh!” she spoke, as if awakened from a trance. “While that would be interesting, I don’t think I would do anything different from what Cadance has done already. Actually, Cadance, if you’re still up for it, would you mind duplicating the tests from last night? Repetition is—”

“—one of the fundamentals of science,” the others droned simultaneously.

“Oh, I guess I’ve said that before.”

Cadance smiled. “Sure, Twilight. I’ll repeat the test, just to be sure.”


“And I will be sure to adhere to the protocol,” Luna announced. “That is, until the council finds otherwise.” She glanced at her sister across the table.

“What?” Celestia questioned. “I do not understand what you are insinuating, Lulu. I did not breach the protocol at any time.”

“Sister, you plainly said you visited Sir David this morning, in. his. room.”

“I did. However, I do not remember any part of either the quarantine protocol or the details of Sir David’s house arrest restricting myself, Cadance, or even Twilight from seeing him in person, only you, Luna. It technically was also a rule for the guards and other ponies, but mostly to prevent them from getting involved. The rules were made to protect you,” Celestia corrected.

Luna scoffed. “So, are we to repeal those restrictions now?”

“Uh, Luna?” Twilight interrupted. “I think it would be best if we wait one more night. We still want Cadance to be able to do her exam later under the same circumstances. It would invalidate the data otherwise.”

“Stupid data,” Luna mumbled.

“While I’m not sure if it’s really needed or not, let’s keep it up for one more night. Okay, Aunty Luna?” Cadance asked sweetly.

“As you wish. I will participate in this farce once more.”

Celestia sighed. “Thank you, Lulu. I think that is best. If all goes well, I assume this will be resolved by tomorrow night. Now, if you all will excuse me, I am already a few minutes late for court. Luna, rest well. I will see you all again before dinner.”


A bit after being released from the pre-dinner meeting, Luna paced nervously back and forth in front of Cadance’s guest quarters as the younger princess took a moment to prepare before they journeyed to David’s room.

‘I do not understand what is taking so long. She said only that she wished to freshen up and gather a few pillows. I too returned to my quarters but certainly did not take over a quarter-hour! Perhaps— No, she would not have succumbed to sleep, she is young, and I would easily sense it. Oooh, Cadance! Why do you vex me so!’ Luna stamped her hoof in annoyance, the sound echoing through the halls.

Cadance opened her suite’s door only to stop suddenly as she came face-to-face with the blue mare. “Oh! Luna, you surprised me. Are you ready to go?”

Luna’s mouth dropped open as she stared in disbelief.

“No?” Cadance asked.

“I… am ready,” Luna deadpanned.


As they walked, Luna’s nervousness grew, gnawing at her insecurities.

“Cadance, perhaps I too, should go freshen up one more time. As a princess, I should attempt to always look my best; does my mane look brushed? Also, I also think a spritz of parfum might be in order.”

Cadance leaned closer and sniffed the air. “The vanilla one?”

“Yes, that is the one I am thinking of, how did you know?”

“Oh, Luna.” Cadance shook her head. “Your mane is perfect, and you didn’t forget your perfume. You might have forgotten that there is still that large oak door between you and Sir David, though.”

Luna stopped. “You are correct. This is silly of me. We are only having dinner because it is the only time available. It does not matter that he requested this date.” Luna turned to Cadance. “Is this a ‘date,’ date, Cadance?”

Cadance shrugged. “It is if you want it to be and it sure sounds like you think it is.”

“Yes.” Luna sighed. “This is a first for me, being on a date with blinders.”

Cadance chuckled, earning her a pained look from her fellow princess. “Sorry, I wasn’t laughing at you, Luna. Also, I think you’re talking about a ‘blind date’, but that means something totally different. Just do what you’ve been doing… well, what you’ve done with everypony you’ve interviewed, courted, or dated—be yourself.”

Luna hung her head low. “Thank you, Cadance,” she spoke slowly, deliberately. “I do not know what came over me.”

Cadance gently nuzzled Luna’s neck and pulled her into an embrace. As they hugged, Cadance could hear the racing pulse of Luna’s heartbeat. ‘Oh my! I’ve rarely seen Luna so worked up outside of an argument. I guess that’s just another point in his favor. I do hope you have a good time tonight, Luna. I think you deserve it.’

Cadance pulled away and flashed Luna a smile. “There, feel better?”

Luna returned the honest grin. “Yes. Much. Let us now dawdle anymore, though. I do not know about you, but I am famished!” Luna then turned and stiffly marched off toward David’s room.

Cadance couldn’t help but smirk. “Coming!”


After arriving, Cadance and Luna dismissed the guards and asked the chef pony with their dinner to wait for their signal. Finally, after running through their checklist and preparing their spells (hopefully for the last time), Cadance and Luna stood in the hallway leading to David’s door.

“Are you ready?” Cadance asked.


Luna, moving like a mechanical doll, walked up to the door and began to sit, only to be startled by the soft, plush feeling under her rump instead of the cold, hard floor. She had completely forgotten about the pillows Cadance brought. Cadance, however, did not, and had quickly slipped one under the night princess even as she was preparing to sit.

After taking a moment to catch up, Luna smiled and nodded in thanks at the pink alicorn, then returned her attention to the door. She lifted her right forehoof…

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Luna cleared her throat. “Ahem—”

Knock-knock. The answer halted her words.

“Hello, is that you, Princess Luna?” David asked.

A smile crept up on Luna’s face, and her tension melted away. “Good evening, Sir David.” She bowed her head somewhat to the door.

“Good evening, Princess. I’m glad you’re here.”

“As am I. Have you fared well today?” Luna asked.

“Nothing to complain, especially now that you’re here.”

Luna’s smile gained a neighboring blush. “I… Thank you. Your words honor me.”

“It’s my pleasure.”

Cadance tittered a bit behind Luna.

Luna shushed her. “Excuse me, Sir David. Would it be alright if I call for our meals?”

“Oh! Of course, thank you.”

“Just a moment.”

Luna turned to Cadance and nodded, signaling for her to fetch the chef pony waiting in the main hall. Soon, Cadance returned with the mare and meal in tow. She helped the chef transfer the first of three great silver trays from the cart to the space in front of Luna at the door.

“Allow me,” Luna said, standing to make way. Luna then opened the door a bit with her magic and the chef pushed the tray through to the other side.

A hand appeared in the gap and took hold of the tray, startling the chef mare. “Ahh!”

“Fear not, noble servant. This man, though he be foreign to you, is dear to me. He will do you no harm,” Luna reassured her.

The mare nodded meekly, then went back to her cart.

“Sorry,” David said, carefully retrieving the tray.

“It is no fault of yours. One moment.”

Luna carefully closed the door and sighed. She then assisted Cadance in depositing the rest of the meals and dismissed the chef, asking her to leave the cart behind.

“There. Now we are served. I do hope you like your meal. I see they have prepared some simple, but delicious dishes.”

David laughed a bit, only to be slightly muffled by the door. “It all looks great. What do you recommend?”

Luna surveyed the setting.

There was a salad course, an entree with two sides, a thin soup, and a simple dessert.

The salad was basic, mixed greens with a vinaigrette, leaving little to the imagination. All of the action was loaded into the entree. The main dish was plated with three large portabella mushrooms, all situated on a long oval plate. They were overstuffed with chopped spinach, tomatoes, and artichokes, then lightly topped with a sprinkle of cheese and breadcrumbs giving them a crisp texture on top. As an accompaniment, two separate dishes were prepared: one of grilled and glazed carrots, and the other, a special version of scalloped potatoes. The soup was actually a steaming bowl of vegetable broth spiced with hot chili oil and was provided as a palate cleanser. Finally, the last dish, a small ramekin, contained a simple creme brulee topped with fresh berries.

Luna unconsciously smacked her lips in anticipation. “It all looks quite appetising. I particularly enjoy the glazed, grilled carrots. I admit, more than once, to requesting the leftovers and eating them cold.”

The rustle of silverware against plates was heard through the door as David dug into his meal. “Oh, wow,” a mumbled response followed. “Those are really good. I’m not sure how keen I’d be on eating them cold; I prefer that softened texture paired with some heat.”

Luna nodded appreciatively. “True. Fire does bring some dishes to life.”

“So, I couldn’t help but notice the ‘sun and crescent moon’ scalloped potatoes. Does it represent something special?” David asked.

Luna frowned at the cheesy dish, a coy representation of her sister’s and her own ward. “It does not. Only that the staff recognised that I had made a request to eat elsewhere. I suppose I should consider it an affectionate tribute.”

Again ignoring the order of dishes, David took a bite of the potatoes. “Mmm. It’s really good. It’s a bit different than I’m used to; they’ve fried the individual slices before baking them, then finished it off under a broiler. Frying it really adds to the texture, and there’s a bit of spice as well.”

Luna looked to the door, then back to the dish in question. She speared a sun, then carefully took a bite. The cheese gave way to the rough, fried exterior, which in turn gave way to a fluffy cooked inside. Then the cream sauce melded with the hot potato and flavored the bite. It was different, and the added complexity pleased her palate.

“Mmm. It is quite good, Sir David. I also sense that you have an affinity for cuisine.”

“Yeah, a bit. Growing up on my own, I learned quite a bit about food.”

“A sentiment I can understand, however, I have not experienced. Surprisingly, castle life, though somewhat extravagant, does not always provide great variety. Time and travel have provided that, at least.”

“Oh. I’ve always been lucky to live in places that had somewhat diverse cultures intermixed to provide variety.”

“You are quite lucky. Even here, with Canterlot as the capital, I believe we lack in diversity. Hopefully, that will change with time.”

“I had no idea. I guess I don’t know that much about Canterlot. Really, most of the towns and cities I’ve seen haven’t been fully explored in the stories. Excluding Ponyville, I’d say I probably know the most about… Cloudsdale.”

Luna made a surprised noise as she struggled with her bite, then paused to swallow. “How interesting! You should know that Cloudsdale, though now a modern metropolis, is built around ancient ruins. The pegasus culture highly prizes the architecture of old.”

“Huh. I had guessed as much, but couldn’t be sure. I saw the Cloudeseum during one of the Best Young Flyer competitions; it reminded me of one of Earth’s antiquities.”

“Oh, that is a marvelous construction from olden times. Yet another interesting fact is that while they preserve such treasures, the true nature of Cloudsdale is that it is forever changing. Just as the cloud tops it is built upon, the floating mass is always being shifted, reformed, and sculpted. I dare say that I barely recognised its facade after my return. Only the great landmarks of old had remained, and they too had shifted in location.”

“Wow. I hope I can visit someday.”

Luna smiled. “I will see to it. There are many wonders in Equestria. Some, I believe, you have only an inkling of. It might take a bit of time and careful planning, but I hope you will be free to travel this land in the future.”

“Thank you, Princess. I hope so too, but I wonder how long I will even be able to stay here. I guess that depends on a lot of things, though. Best not to think about it now, I just want to make the most of what I have.”

“And what, may I ask, do you have, Sir David?”

He chuckled. “A hearty meal, a great dinner partner, and a desire to see you smile!”

Luna stifled her breathing as her heart tried to leap from her chest. “And how would you make the most of those things?” she asked coyly.

“Careful, Princess,” David warned. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

“Oh, I suppose you are correct. The only challenge for you tonight would be the last of your list; curse this oaken door!” Luna firmly stamped the old wooden barricade.

“Now, Princess… let’s just have a good night. From what I’ve heard, this may all be over soon.”

“Yes. With fortune and science on our side, it is doubtful that an unfavorable decision awaits.”

“Do you think there’s a chance?” David asked.

Luna paused a moment. “There is always a chance, but I think Cadance and Twilight have won my sister over.”

“Oh. Was that due to Princess Cadance’s report of last night?”

Cadance’s ears perked, and she looked up from her meal. Luna turned to her fellow princess with a raised brow, but only received a shrug in reply.

“Sir David,” Luna said sweetly. “Where did you hear of such a thing?”

“Oh, I figured Princess Celestia would’ve told you. She mentioned that Princess Cadance was here last night observing us. You knew that, right?”

“I…” Luna hemmed and hawed, her mind looking for the correct response. “Yes. Cadance was here, observing both of us last night, and she is here as we speak now,” Luna said with a blush.

“Oh. Okay. Sorry about this, Princess Cadance!” David said a bit louder.

Cadance shook her head. “I guess the jig is up! Sorry we haven’t met under better circumstances, Sir David. Also, we didn’t mean to trick you, it was just important for us to make a few observations without much interference. Still, it’s rude… I hope you can forgive us.”

“That’s okay. I studied conducting psychological experiments in college and this kind of relates.”

“Whew! I’m glad you’re not angry. Don’t hold it against Luna, okay?” Cadance smiled weakly at Luna, who returned the grin.

“I wouldn’t think of it!” David said chipperly.

“You… are not angry with us?” Luna asked timidly.

“Hmm. No, I don’t think so. I try to take things in stride. And, after talking with Princess Celestia this morning, I thought about it a bit. I mean, it was a little odd for us to be meeting alone, considering you weren’t supposed to be near me without a chaperone. But I didn’t think about that at all last night. I think my mind was elsewhere.”

“I am so happy to hear that, Sir David. But please, confide in me if you ever feel uncomfortable. I would rather us be as open as possible.”

“I will, Princess. But enough talk about all of that. I want to talk to you.

“Oh? And what, pray tell, do want to speak with me about?” Luna asked, wearing a silly grin.

“I just want to know more about you!” he said energetically.

“I have already told you much before. Is there something specific you wish to ask?”

“Well, maybe. Why… me?” David asked.

Luna laughed.

“Don’t laugh!” David joked.

“Dear, I do not laugh at you, or even at your question. I was simply reminded of one of such reasons… How should I put it… you see me as a mare.”


“You know I am royalty; all others do as well. But they cannot separate my station from the pony under the crown. Most of them could never open their heart to me, no matter how much I prostrate myself to them. They see me as something different, unapproachable, even alien to them.

“You, however, showed respect to me when we met, friendship when we talked, care when requested, patience when under duress, humility when praised, and boldness when challenged. All of this and I am foreign to you, yet you look at me. How could I not look toward you?

“Also, I am not blind to your qualities; they have spoken, and I listened. I have a particular soft spot for your wit and the care you have lavished upon me. In truth, you have wooed me without effort. Does that adequately answer your question?”

David sat dumbfounded and nodded. When he tried to enumerate his own feelings to Luna last night, she had cut him off as he floundered in his deliriously happy mind and accepted it without question. Here David was, though, with a similar inquiry, and Luna easily recited her answer.

“Sir David?” she questioned.

“Oh! Yes, thank you. I only wish I could’ve explained myself as clearly.”

“Do not fret. I spent quite a bit of time examining my feelings. There was just a hint of unsurity that my mind was not my own. Thankfully, that is not reality, and even more so, our minds and hearts have grown together.”

Cadance tapped Luna on the shoulder. “Luna, it’s almost time for court. I know you hate to cut this short, but you’d best get going,” she whispered.

Luna cringed at the news. “Drat. Sir David, I am very sorry, but it is time for me to go.”

“Really? But we barely got to talk!”

“Yes, and I am quite sorry for it, but court demands my attention. Know that I will think of you tonight and watch over your dreams as you sleep. With that, will you forgive me parting from you now?” Luna said sweetly.

“Of course I will. And I’ll be thinking of you too. I can’t wait for tomorrow and for this all to be over.”

“Rest assured, Sir David. You have friends now and more, and most certainly your time has come.”

“Thank you, Princess. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, my dear David.”
