(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act IV-A - This Is No Time to Be Alone (new)

Act IV-A - This Is No Time to Be Alone

At the dawn of the second day, David lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling. The night had been cold and lonely, but he slept without interruption. Now, he waited for his breakfast to arrive, courtesy of his guards.

Knock, knock.

“Sir David, we have brought your breakfast. Please step away from the door.” The guards were unceremoniously bland in dealing with him.

David sighed. “I’m clear. I’m on the bed.”

After a short pause, the door opened a bit, a silver tray was pushed through, then was callously shut without a word.

David didn’t even look up from his position. “Thank you,” he chimed.

There was no response.

With yet another sigh, David rose from his resting place and retrieved his food. It was a bountiful offering: hot oatmeal with cinnamon, various cut fruit, juice and water, and a sugar-crusted muffin.

He set the tray on the dresser. Though his stomach was rumbling, his mood offset his desire to eat. Instead, he gathered his writing tools and climbed back into bed.

Journal of David Marshall
Monday, Day Two in Equestria, Morning
Current mood: Conflicted

It’s the morning of the second day.

I’ve just received my breakfast from the guards, and though I’m hungry, I couldn’t care less about eating. My stomach is tied in knots, most likely from stress. It doesn’t help that neither Princess Cadance or Twilight Sparkle came to visit me yesterday. I want to hope that doesn’t mean anything, but I almost have to assume that it does.

I have to say, being in shock sucks. My brain seemed to avoid thinking about anything, as I wasn’t awake much yesterday. Pretty much all I did was write and sleep. Though I’ve already written what has happened, I still have yet to figure out my feelings.

I can easily accept that I’m under a safety quarantine and house arrest for stealing magic and suspicion of mind control. That’s just about the only part that makes sense. But something’s started between Princess Luna and me and I need to figure it out. Okay, let’s take a look at it again.


So, I had woken up in the middle of that first night, stressed out. Princess Luna noticed and came to visit. We talked, shared jokes and stories, and somehow became friends.

No. That isn’t right. It shouldn’t be right. Princesses don’t just talk to and ‘become friends’ with strange beings that mysteriously appear in their kingdom. It’s not rational. However, I’m not sure how rational this place is. So far, it matches up with television way too much: a place concocted of lessons, morals, and an almost unrealistic idealism. In that world, I suppose princesses do act this way. But this place and Princess Luna are real. They get mad, they argue, they lie. This is not just the world on TV, it’s more.

So, maybe the princess and I really have become friends. Well, that’s not entirely accurate either. We’re friends, but there’s a bit more to it. She’s said and even shown as much yesterday morning. As for me, I’m not quite sure. Even considering everything that’s happened, I still feel a bit giddy when I think about her. I know that feeling, but it’s been such a long time…

I hope— Actually, I don’t know what I hope. Part of me wants to think I was stressed and vulnerable. That having anyone pay attention to me would’ve had a similar effect. Another part of me wants answers; it’s confused. It wants to know what I find so interesting or relatable in a miniature, magical, talking horse. Lastly, there’s the part of me that says “to hell with thinking; it’s nice to feel again.” The short of the matter is, all of those parts are valid.

And talking to Princess Luna was fun, I can’t deny that. We even have a few things in common, like how she loves wordplay and mind games and how we both felt a bit out of touch growing up. It… it just felt so natural, I can’t explain it. What really made an impact, though, was when I noticed her relaxing and enjoying her time with me. That’s proof enough to me that we made a connection.

But at some point, it all changed… it grew. It’s not like it’s either of our faults or even a bad thing, but when did it start?

The break. That was it for me. It was such a small moment in time, but I remember when Princess Luna left the room I was thinking about her. Those few minutes let my mind wander and soon I felt a bit nervous, even anxious about her return. Then she spoke, and it was like a trap had been sprung. The surprise made my heart stop, and from then on, I was a deer caught in the headlights. I remember her asking a question, but with my heart beating rapidly in my chest and my mind racing, I don’t remember exactly what I said. It must have been okay, though, as she casually climbed back up on the bed to make herself at home, wearing a smile. I couldn’t help but stare as she pranced around, trying to find the perfect spot. Then our eyes met, and the awkward tension forced me to turn away. I think it was then, that I really started thinking of her as a woman.

Let’s see… After that, well, it gets hard to decipher and remember my thoughts. I quickly became a confused, mixed bag of emotions. Part of me tried to be chivalrous and respectful, another part was a bit anxious and scared. I remember more of how it felt, how she felt, rather than what I thought.

The next thing I knew, I had awoken to a nightmare. Being stared down by Princess Celestia will wake you up fast, I guarantee it. The saving grace at that moment was the look on Princess Luna’s face. Though it only said “sorry” it instantly calmed me down.

After a bit of back and forth with Princess Celestia, Princess Luna jumped in. I remember how my heart jumped when she crawled onto the bed. Her eyes spoke to me as much as her words. Then she went to war for me. It was kind of exciting, seeing her argue on my behalf against her sister, but Princess Celestia easily overpowered her.

What came next was a surprise. Having lost the battle of words, Princess Luna’s last resort was to take action. I vaguely remember the look in her eyes, but then everything was washed away by that kiss.

After that, it just cascaded out of control. I barely remember the words, let alone how I felt. Talk of stealing magic and being forbidden to meet, that’s what I got out of it.


So, have I come to any conclusions? Yes.

What’s plain to me is that I’m attracted to Princess Luna. I think I’m okay with that. I think she’s interested in me too, but after what happened I can’t be sure. As for Princess Celestia, I have no idea or frame of reference on what she thinks of me. I just know she’s scary when she’s mad.

The end result is that yesterday was horrible, I’m alone, and I don’t have any more answers. I hope today is better.

Finished writing, David stood from the bed holding his newest journal entry. He read over it, pacing in his room, then stopped at the dresser. He took the muffin and continued his pacing, nibbling at it occasionally. It was banana nut.


Halfway across the royal wing, David’s counterpart was feeling similarly melancholy. Being alone throughout the night had left her dour, and although it was still normal for her to be awake, nothing else was as usual.

Luna had her breakfast delivered, being not quite ready and willing to converse with her fellow princesses that might have joined her at the table. And so, Luna now lay on her bed, digesting the breakfast she had consumed. Her feather pen danced in her magical grasp as she languished about.

Though her body was still, Luna’s mind was not. It digested a different meal, one of the recent events and her feelings. As per her habit, the aged book that held her personal diary was opened next to her, ready to be filled. Luna rolled over to face the blank page and holding the book between her forehooves she committed her thoughts to paper.

‘Tis the morn of the second day. Today, I imagine I will still be required to be awake at odd hours. Though yesterday’s toil has left me exhausted, it could not have been avoided. I can only hope that tomorrow will allow me sufficient rest before court demands my presence.

Rest aside, I count myself lucky. Twilight and Cadance arrived yesterday afternoon, just as they planned. Unfortunately, melancholy as I was, I was not present to greet them initially. I soon recovered and found them with my sister.

Before I arrived, they apparently examined Sir David and found him to be healthy and with no connection present. That was quite a relief. They also did the same for the guards, my sister and, after my arrival, for me. At the conclusion, they pronounced us all in perfect health and without effect of control or magic. While that alone was music to my ears, there is more to relay.

With sister’s permission, Twilight and Cadance went to examine Sir David again, this time bringing me along as an added variable. Their main concern was that the connection might reappear when in close proximity. Unfortunately, they were correct.

That was not the only thought validated, however. Upon seeing his face again, I immediately found myself overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions of the night before. It is true, then: he may not have power over my mind, but his presence has affected me. Luckily, I was able to suppress such thoughts from escaping and kept my composure.

The three of us experimented for a while, testing this unknown magical anomaly that has linked man and pony. Though through repeated testing, I became somewhat irritable—a trait I am not proud of—and let my thoughts be known. My primary excuse was stress. Now knowing that Sir David was exonerated, I found myself being drawn to him, and simply wanted to wake him and let him know all was well. Yet there I was, being ordered in and out of his room as they watched the connection abruptly appear and disappear, only for the sake of science and not to the soothing of my mind’s desires. It was maddening! Unfortunately, our reunion was not meant to be, as Twilight and Cadance counseled me against it, not yet knowing the effects of the magical connection.

I continued to comply with their demands, if not for them, then for Sir David.

As for their results, at first, though the evidence seemed to confirm their hypothesis of range being a factor, that did not hold true for long. After my outburst, Twilight suggested a recess, most likely due to my increasingly uncooperative behavior. (I am sorry, friend.) As Cadance and I left, she stayed behind to monitor Sir David for a few moments, but when she returned, she looked worse for wear. It took a few moments for her to recollect herself, but she eventually explained that the after the last testing iteration, the connection had failed to disappear and now seemed present and stable at the now much longer distance.

After arguing the merits of withholding this information from my sister until further examinations could be conducted, it was decided to pass the known information to Celestia. She was not pleased. Even with her displeasure, I again deferred to her judgment and am still prohibited from approaching Sir David.


That brings me to my current thoughts. Why is it that we cannot let him know of the state of affairs? Surely he must also be tormented by these occurrences, and he is alone. In this, I believe Tia to be somewhat overreacting to the point of possibly inflicting cruelty to our guest. Her words of ‘protocol’ and ‘for your and Equestria’s safety’ feel empty to me. Perhaps it is my doing that makes it feel as so.

I recognise now. Sir David has stirred new life in my mind and bosom. Perhaps it is only a fillyhood fancy and will pass, but for now, it is present with me. Was it his plight? Am I responding to his needs, or is this something within me, kindled by his character and our night together. Time will surely tell, but I must be patient. That, unfortunately, is not one of my virtues.

Perhaps sister will be lenient now that the initial shock has become worn, and our two investigators have found no danger. Later today I will venture to see if she will allow a visit. I would feel a great deal of comfort if only to hear his voice.

Closing the aged tome, Luna rolled over on her side and stared at the beautiful mural on her ceiling. It had always given her a moment's peace, and she was grateful to have it. She let her mind wander to plans of the day: research of David’s race, an update with Cadance and Twilight, then perhaps an impassioned plea to her sister for leniency with David.

Internally, she crossed out the ‘impassioned plea’ and decided to go with a well-constructed argument instead. She had no reason to prostrate herself before Celestia, and as evidence continued to pile up in her favor, she would win the debate soon enough.

But all of that was for later, as being primarily nocturnal, rest was needed to wage battle. Luna turned down the lights in her room and cuddled up under a blanket for a short rest, and soon was fast asleep.


The grand doors to the royal dining room opened and the princess of the night lumbered through.

“Good afternoon, Lulu. I am glad that you feel well enough to join us for lunch.” Celestia smiled serenely from her chair.

“Well, yes. Forgive my absence this morning, Tia. I was… agitated from my lack of sleep. I doubt I would have made a proper host.” Luna looked to the two young alicorns seated at the table as she slowly ambled to her chair. “It is good to see you both again today. I hope the night has treated you well.” She bowed slightly in greeting.

“I’m not sure about Twily, but I had a pretty restful night, thank you,” Cadance replied, smiling.

“I slept… some. I’m sorry we kept you up so much, Luna. I suppose I didn’t think about how that would affect you,” Twilight offered.

Luna shook her head. “ ‘Tis quite alright, and necessary as well. I also will be glad to make myself available today, if you have need of me for more experiments.”

Twilight sheepishly grinned. “Hopefully, just one more set. Repetition is one of the fundamentals of science, after all.”

Luna twitched. “Quite.”

Celestia cleared her throat then donned her usual placid smile. “Perhaps we can discuss the plan of events during lunch. Are we all ready to begin?”

Receiving nods, Celestia rang the small silver bell, proclaiming the official start of the meal. Chef mares burst forth from the kitchen and deposited their wares upon the table. It seemed ‘sandwiches’ was the theme of the day, as various kinds were littered across several tea stands. The princesses expressed their thanks, then the chefs returned to their kitchen.

Now alone, the elder pressed the issue at hand. “So, I spent quite a bit of time last night researching ‘humans’ in the royal archives. I was not exactly optimistic going in, and unfortunately, found no mention of David’s kind whatsoever. Did anypony else have better results with their efforts?”

As Celestia scanned the faces of the two youngsters, Luna unconsciously did the same. Neither Cadance or Twilight, though, raised their heads enough to show the disappointment on their faces.

Twilight was the first to speak. “I may have found some interesting information regarding magical transference, but I don’t have enough to exactly apply to the current situation, yet.”

Luna smiled. “That is quite alright, dear Twilight. None of us expected this situation, nor have we imagined its mysteries would be unveiled overnight.”

“I suppose you’re right.”

“Speaking of the magical transfer,” Cadance chirped. “Are you feeling okay today, Luna?”

Luna looked somewhat surprised, stopping her sandwich in the air, then relaxed with a smile. “Thank you, Cadance. I assure you I feel quite fine, magically speaking.”

“Oh, that’s good. I was a bit concerned when, well, at breakfast. Would you mind if we check on the connection now, just for safe measure?”

Celestia questioningly cocked a brow, looking over toward the pink alicorn. Luna, however, continued to smile and placed her new sandwich down on her plate. “Of course not. Please do.”

“Okay, just a second. Twilight has taught me how to do it, but it takes me a bit more effort.” Cadance smiled and closed her eyes.

After a few seconds of quiet concentration, Cadance’s eyes snapped open wide, completely white from the surge of her magic. In her view, she spied the Night Princess’ magical aura, including a thin blue thread that wandered off into the distance toward the royal wing where David was held. Just as quickly as it started, Cadance clamped her eyes shut and returned her powers to normal. She sat, breathing heavily as she attempted to regain her composure. After taking a few calming breaths, she was back to normal and looked ready to report.

“Wow. Sorry, that takes a bit of getting used to. How do you do it so easily, Twilight?” Cadance asked.

Twilight shrugged with her wings. “Practice. Lots of unforeseeable and generally unwanted practice. It also helps bearing the element of magic, I suppose.”

Cadance sighed. “Gotcha. Well, as far as I can see, the channel of magic hasn’t changed since we checked it last night. I think that’s a good thing. Twilight?”

“As good as we can hope for right now. Luna, please immediately report any changes you feel in your magic. We can’t afford to let this get out of hand.”

“I assure you, I will do as you say. It is just as important to me that this situation be resolved in the best manner possible. You have my full support. What about you, sister? You have been unusually silent.”

“I am sorry, Lulu. I have just been thinking. I too, look forward to a speedy end to all of this. Especially considering the tension it has caused between us.”

“Yes, well while we may not be in complete agreement on some things, I do not want this to come between us. Forgive me, Tia.” Luna bowed her head.

Celestia’s face softened at the contrite spirit Luna shared. “Of course I do. I hope you will accept my apology as well.”


The two sisters smiled as the young alicorns happily looked on, peace being restored to the royal household. For a moment, all was quiet.

“Well, I’m glad that you two have made up because there is quite a lot that has to be done today!” Twilight interrupted.

“Yes, Twilight. I completely agree,” Celestia started. “As I said before, I think it would be best if we had a plan of action. I, for one, plan to continue my research in the royal archives. Twilight, do you have an idea of what needs to be done?”

“Hmm. Outside of a few more observations of Sir David, I would like to go back to the site again to see if there is anything I’ve missed. I also need to return to Ponyville this evening, but should be able to return tomorrow.”

“I see. Cadance, what are your plans?”

“Well, I’m mostly working as an assistant to Twilight and will be with her for the exams, but when I’m not needed, I’d be willing to help out however I can.”

“Are you sure, niece?” Luna asked. “I know it is not an easy thing being away from your home. Do you not need to return to the Crystal Empire?”

“Oh, I’m sure Shiny has things well under control. He should be good for another day or two. Besides, I have yet to see how you and Sir David interact. That may provide some of the best information we could gather at this stage.”

Cadance’s words sparked inside Luna’s mind and rekindled the thoughts from the morning. “I see. Well, if you believe that would be of assistance, perhaps we should do a bit of experimentation. Sister, it seems as though Cadance has touched upon a situation that we have yet to explore, one with Sir David and I both conscious. There might be invaluable data left undiscovered that could help in this situation. Considering our capable investigators have not found any of us to be under insidious methods of control, would you consider permitting this observation? I am sure it would be conducted with the utmost care and…”

Celestia knit her brows, staring down at her plate as she listened to her sister ramble on. She ruminated over the variables and possible complications. “I… I do not know if—”

“Sister, please,” Luna begged, her desperation cracking through her constructed facade.

“Cadance, Twilight, what protections would you suggest? Does this experiment pose any risks that you would like to discuss?” Celestia asked.

“Well…” Twilight began. “I would still recommend they not be allowed within the same physical area. If Sir David were to use magic, though that is highly unlikely, breaking line of sight would prevent most targeted spells. Also, if the meeting were allowed, Luna should be accompanied by a silent observer, both to minimize contamination of the experiment and to have a disengaged third-party if something happened. Cadance, do you think you’d be up to doing this yourself?”

Cadance smiled. “Of course! I may not be the magical genius you are, but I am the best protective spell user here. I’m sure I can keep Luna out of trouble.”

Twilight then turned to Celestia. “If Cadance is up for it, I think it would be worthwhile. It could really put the nail in the coffin on whether or not Sir David is a potential aggressor.”

Celestia wore a serious mask, hiding none of her misgivings about the suggested plan. She looked up at Luna and stared deeply into her sister’s eyes and found a resolute princess staring back. “Luna, if we agree to this… meeting, would you be willing to abide by Twilight and Cadance’s rules without question? If they said to stop, would you fight them as you did with me yesterday or would you comply?”

The fire in Luna’s eyes had already answered for her, but she spoke up nonetheless. “If you would permit this ‘meeting,’ I will obey.”

Celestia turned away. “I see no issue in it then; I trust my sister. Cadance, Luna, remember to take care, it is not only yourselves whose life is affected.”

Luna’s face brightened like a candle. “We will, sister. Cadance, not to rush things, but when perhaps do you think we could arrange this meeting?”

“It would probably be later in the evening after I help Twilight. She said she wanted to do a few more examinations of Sir David before she left. After that sounds good, let’s say… after dinner?”

“Huzzah! —I mean, that sounds most agreeable. Twilight, do you foresee my attendance being needed for your experiments this afternoon?”

Twilight thought for a moment. “No, I don’t think so. You should probably take this time to rest if you can. It would be best if you were fresh and alert for Cadance’s observation.”

Luna nodded. “Indeed, I will do as you say. Thank you all.”

Celestia cleared her throat. “I would like to make one small stipulation. For now, Luna, you should refrain from discussing Sir David’s ongoing examination. Doing so could potentially alter his perception and skew results. Would you not agree, Twilight?”

Luna’s face paled in shock. “Surely you jest, sister? Keeping a guest in the dark for so long is tantamount to torture!”

“I’m sorry, Luna, but I think Celestia is right. We don’t know yet what the full results will be, and discussing it with him could not only change the outcome of our investigation but could also give him false information!”

“I… I see. What is the line I must draw?” Luna asked.

“Twilight, Couldn’t she at least tell him we think he’s healthy? We know that much already,” Cadance added.

“I don’t know…”

Celestia returned to her placid smile. “Perhaps Cadance is right. Let him know he is healthy, and that the investigations are on-going. That is the limit of which you can discuss. Do you agree, Luna?”

“I suppose. What little comfort we can grant him, I imagine would be a boon in his situation.”

Celestia stood from her seat. “Well, with that, I say we should adjourn this lunch meeting. There is much to do, my fellow princesses. I wish you all good luck.”


Celestia, Luna, and Cadance walked through the royal wing near the princess’ rooms after dinner, chatting amicably.

Cadance stopped in the hall and turned to Celestia. “Aunty, are you sure you don’t want to come with us tonight? It would be good for you to observe Sir David in this situation. I think it may relieve some of your concerns.”

Luna bristled at the offer but turned away to hide her feelings.

Celestia, however, yawned curtly and stretched her wings. “Ohhh… No. I believe I will bid you all goodnight here. It has been an exhausting day and tomorrow brings another week of court and meetings. And, Luna, please make sure you do not keep Cadance up too long, she is not the night owl you are.”

“Oh, Aunty, don’t worry about me. I had plenty of rest yesterday. I think I can handle staying up a bit later if needed.”

Celestia scowled a bit at the young alicorn. “That might be true, but it isn’t good for your health. Cadance, promise me you retire at an appropriate time.”

“Indeed. Cadance, you would do well to listen to her. Tell me you have not forgotten how harsh the sun can be if awoken early. Would you have love sour just as she?”

Cadance hid her chortle behind a wing. “I understand. I will go to sleep before it gets too late. I promise.”

Celestia smiled and nodded sleepily. “Thank you. Goodnight, Cadance, Lulu.”

“Goodnight,” the two parroted.


Seeing the elder monarch off, Cadance turned to Luna with an excited grin. “Okay. Let’s go over the rules one more time.” She took a deep breath. “Neither of us is to open the door or enter into Sir David’s room. While we are there, we will not cast any spells, as that may compromise Sir David. We should wait until Twilight says it’s okay to use various magic around him. You can talk to him, but don’t mention the investigation, but you can tell him that he is healthy and safe. I will stay silent and only observe. Before we arrive, I will check the status of the connection, cast a simple mental constitution spell on you, and a full-protection compliment on myself. Your spell won’t protect you, but will warn me of any changes in your mental makeup, just in the slim chance that something is affecting you. During the meeting, I will examine you for the magical conduit for potential changes twice and then once after. Any questions?”

“One,” Luna smirked. “Did Twilight give you that list?”

“Way too obvious, huh? Well, it’s not a bad list.”

“I suppose not. I agree to comply.”

“Great! Just one second while I check the connection and prepare the spell.”

Cadance closed her eyes and concentrated. Her eyes lit up with the immense power of the alicorns, and soon the connection was laid bare before her.

“Anything new?” Luna asked.

“No,” Cadance replied, shaking of the magical rush. “Just the same as usual.”

Cadance then placed power in her horn again. A light blue shimmer of magic appeared at the tip, then popped, raining tiny blue sparks over Luna’s head, like a miniature firework.

“There, all set. Let’s go.”


The two princess trotted over to the hallway leading to David’s door. After meeting with the guards, they dismissed them, requesting privacy for their experiment. Finally, they were alone. Cadance quickly walked up to David’s door and chose to sit down along the back wall, facing his room, then motioned for Luna to approach.

However, the night princess stayed still. First, she looked to the pink princess beckoning her to come, then to the door that she so wished to enter. As she waited, random thoughts and fears flowed through her mind, filling her with paralyzing anxiety. Luna closed her eyes and tried to focus, to find the reason that had brought her there. As she stood in her silent prison, a beacon from the darkness reached out—a noise from within the room. From that sound came a reminder, and with it, thoughts of David’s face came unbidden, granting the clarity she sought. With David as her goal, she moved, slowly walking to the door. There, she sat, then raised her hoof cautiously.

Knock, knock. Knock.

“Sir David, it is I, Luna,” she said sweetly.

Inside, David jumped from his position on the bed, knocking over the empty dinner tray from his lap. “P—Princess?”

“Yes,” she answered. “I was… hoping you would be up for a conversation.”

“Oh, sure. Please, come in. I’m clear from the door.”

“Actually, forgive me, Sir David, at this time, we cannot yet meet. Though it is unreasonable to ask, would you be willing to converse, even with such a barrier between us?”

David got up from the bed and slowly walked to the door. He placed his hand against the cold, hard wood and smiled before sitting down. “Of course.”

On the opposite side, the princess smiled brightly, staring as a shadow interrupted the sliver of light that peeked out from underneath the door.

“So, what’s brought you by tonight, Princess?” David asked.

Luna cleared her throat. “Sir David, I hope that you are well, and I come bringing some news. It has been found that you have nothing to fear in respect to the quarantine results. That is to say, you are healthy and should not suffer any malaise, barring common illness, while you are here in Equestria. The inverse is also true; that you do not harbor any unknown or insidious pathogens that would harm others.”

“Thanks, I guess. That does sound like good news.”

“I would agree.”

“But…” David started.


“Well, I’m just curious. I… I was told that Princess Cadance and Princess Twilight would be the ones to conduct the quarantine examination, but I haven’t seen either of them. Actually, I haven’t seen anyone since yesterday morning. Did something happen?”

“Oh.” Luna turned back to Cadance, who vigorously shook her head. “I was not present for your quarantine exam. I should not discuss it.”

“Wait, so I was examined!? By who? When was that!?”

Luna bit her cheek, and once again looked back to Cadance, but only received a polite shrug.

Luna sighed. “Yes, it was conducted by Cadance and Twilight. They arrived yesterday and examined you while you slept. I was not… aware of it, until later,” Luna hurriedly spit out.

The soft sound of a hoof hitting Cadance’s forehead resounded in the halls.

“Oh. So, I was just sleeping. Okay.”

“Sir David, I did not mean to hide this from you. It is a rather complicated situation.”

“You mean with me stealing your magic and all?”

“There was that concern, yes. But know that I do not believe you are doing it intentionally.”

“What about Princess Celestia and the others? What do they think? Do you think I’ll be released soon?”

“Unfortunately, that is something I am unable to relay, and it will still take some time before a decision is reached.” Luna looked back to Cadance, who nodded approvingly.

“Fine,” David grumbled. “Do you have any idea how long I’m going to be cooped up in here alone?”

“I do not, but I hope it will not be long. However, I do not want you to feel alone; I am here as well. Let us talk of something else, perhaps.”

“Sure. Anything specific?”

Luna sensed the tension in David’s voice. It tugged at her heart to know that while she meant only to bring some good news and perhaps soothe his plight, she had instead brought insecurity and empty words. She took a moment to breathe, calming herself as she pondered her next move.

“Perhaps we should talk of yesterday morning. It was quite unfair to you, and I believe you deserve an explanation.”


“Sir David, Please know that I did not intend for you to bear responsibility for my actions or be accused of misconduct in any way. My sister gravely misinterpreted my words and jumped to conclusions without all the available information.”


“Yes. Though I have somewhat explained what happened that first night, she is still quite skeptical— of both of us. It is perhaps her nature, though. Do not think less of her for it.”

“What is she so skeptical about?”

“She simply cannot understand how we could become such close friends in but one night. I keep reminding her that time is rarely a factor when you are open with another, but she can be quite stubborn.”

“So, we’re friends, right?” David asked.

David’s tone caught Luna off guard. “…Of course!” Luna replied cheerily.

David sighed. “Good, thanks. I’m glad to be your friend, Princess.”

“And I, yours.”

Somewhat behind Luna, sitting against the wall, Princess Cadance wore a dour expression. She shook her head, then closed her eyes as she began to concentrate on her magic. Now with her alicorn powers in full-bloom, she carefully examined the connection flowing between Luna and David.

‘Hmm. No changes observed. I suppose that’s a good thing. However, the mood here is falling a bit. I hope letting Luna talk to him under these circumstances wasn’t a mistake,’ Cadance mused.

David spoke up, bringing Cadance out of her thoughts. “Princess, while I’m glad that we’re friends, I do have some questions.”

“Certainly,” Luna replied.

“Well, yesterday during the… confrontation, you said some things and— well, never mind.”

Luna’s countenance fell. “Oh, I suppose I do owe you an apology. I was quite upset and acted rashly and improperly, both in words and action, without consideration of your feelings. I simply was not… thinking at the moment. Please forgive me.”

“Oh.” David’s voice grew painfully soft. “That’s okay, Princess. Somehow, I know you were just trying to protect me. I understand if you didn’t mean it. I… I forgive you.”

Against the wall, Cadance’s rather reserved expression changed into a scowl, though neither Luna or David would know it.

Luna’s face, however, wore shock and dismay at David’s words. Something in the way David spoke grated against her very being. She searched her mind looking for the answer, for a word or two that would adequately convey how she felt.

A surge of anger— no, frustration, boiled up within her. Realizing her own mistake, she looked resolutely at the door, as if she was staring directly into David’s eyes.

“No,” Luna spoke plainly. “I withdraw my apology. It seems as though I have fostered a misunderstanding.”

“What?” David asked, shocked.

“For having you shoulder the burden of my sister’s accusations, I ask for your forgiveness. However, though improper, when I spoke openly and then forced upon you that intimate moment, I acted only upon my true feelings, and for that, I cannot apologise. Do you understand?”

Now, more confused than shocked, David, again, uttered only one word in response, “What?”

Luna huffed in agitation.

Sensing her displeasure, David spoke up. “Wait. Just wait a moment. Are you saying that you meant to kiss me?”

Luna looked down to the floor. “I will repeat, both my words and actions were true of my heart, and I will not retract them. I hope this will not erode our friendship.”

David was stunned. “I don’t—” David shook his head. “I thought so much about yesterday and those words you said, that you’d ‘like to see more of me if I felt the same.’ But when you apologised, I felt so confused. Now you’re saying that it’s okay, that it was real. Do you still feel that way, Princess?”

Luna’s currently contorted expression relaxed and her smile returned. She lay down and pressed her muzzle to the gap below the door. “I—I do, Sir David” she whispered.

As her words hit him, David’s face broke into a wide smile and his heart filled with warmth. He crouched down to the floor, straining to see below the door. “Well then, I think I’d like that,” David whispered back.

“So?” Luna whispered.

David smirked. “I want to build on that friendship of ours, Princess. If you’ll have me.”

“I would,” she replied.

While unable to hear the exchange of words, Cadance was suddenly lit up with a smile from ear to ear. What the whispers had failed to convey, her innate connection brought forth evidence of what had been shared. It was a real treat for her, as she was present to see something truly rare. For most everypony, they would never know when their relationship actually started, but for David and Luna, Cadance witnessed first-hand the moment when their two hearts aligned.

“Tell me, Sir David, what do you think of me?” Luna asked, squirming like an anxious school filly.”

David blushed hard, though nopony was around to see it. “I… I like you, Princess Luna. You’re fun, smart, and—”

“Enough. Your flustered words are testimony enough for me. I have become quite fond of you as well. So, what to do now…” Luna raised back up to a sitting position, an honest smile still shining on her face. “I suppose a date is out of the question, considering your current predicament,” Luna joked.

Surprisingly, David laughed. “Yeah, I guess so. Seems like we’re stuck with words for now. It’ll even be a little hard to tell when you’re joking without seeing your expression.”

“My expression?” Luna questioned.

“Well, you can be a little dry in your delivery sometimes. It’s okay, I like it.”

“I will have to keep that in mind. I would not want any more misunderstandings.”

David laughed again. “It’s fine, really. Let’s just try to forget about this whole mess for now. So…” David floundered, looking for a new topic.


David and Luna rambled on, both not quite sure what to do or what to talk about. They discussed many things: food, the weather, likes and dislikes; even moving into the more serious topics of life, death, fears, and hopes.

Cadance, always the avid listener, mentally recorded all she heard as the two talked. Though now she could easily see there was no impropriety involved, she would need to make a case for David for the others to be persuaded.

As the time flew past, David let out a mighty yawn, interrupting Luna’s speech about painting the night’s sky.

“Sir David, are you alright?” Luna asked.

David yawned again. “Oh, sorry. I’m okay. I promise you weren’t boring me.”

Another yawn sounded from the halls.

“Princess, was that you?” David asked.

“I, uh,” Luna stammered, looking back as Cadance stifled another yawn. “It is often said that yawning is contagious, perhaps it is best if we both retire.”

David scuffled behind the door. “Are you sure? I think I can still stay up.”

“Sir David, we have had a wonderful night. Though I do not want to part, I believe it is time.”

“Okay. Do you think we’ll be able to meet again tomorrow?”

“With any luck, yes, though I do not know when. Tomorrow, I must be at court and therefore, will not be free during the night.”

“Oh.” David thought silently for a moment. “Then how about— Ahem, Princess Luna, would you join me for dinner tomorrow night?”

Luna blushed, then turned back to Cadance, whose eyes sparkled with excitement as she nodded affirmatively.

“Sir David, I tentatively accept this date. I will do all in my power to meet you again at dinner.”

“Thank you, Princess. I look forward to it. Goodnight,” David said so formally, a pony could almost hear him bow through the door.

“Goodnight, my David.”
