(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act III-A - Try Not to Spoil Your Breakfast (v2)

Act III - Try Not to Spoil Your Breakfast

An unmeasured amount of time flowed until a familiar sensation tingled in the back of Luna’s subconscious. She awoke slowly, recognizing the prompting from her magic that the time was drawing near for the moon to set and the sun to rise on a new day.
Her eyes fluttered open and took in the surroundings. She lay sprawled out on the guest bed—well, not exactly on the bed per se, but instead huddled up against a now peacefully sleeping David. The warmth of his contact almost lulled her back into sleep’s peaceful embrace.
Steeling herself against the desire, she gently pulled her head up and away from the dozing human’s torso. She stared at him for a moment, the mostly-naked creature sleeping tranquilly, his dreams unhindered by pain or stress.
‘Good,’ she thought to herself. ‘He deserves to be at peace.’
Increased lucidity returning to her, she attempted to shift her body away from his. In doing so, she elicited a quick, unexpected reaction from her sleeping partner.
Feeling the warmth leave his side, David unconsciously grabbed Luna with his left arm and pulled her close. This had the unintended consequence of mashing the poor princess’ muzzle directly into his chest.
Luna’s eyes widened, and her wings unfurled. With her muzzle buried in his flesh, she could not breathe through her nostrils, and so she opened her mouth in a gasp, gaining the oxygen she so needed.
With the influx of air, the scent of the man came back to the forefront of her mind: heady and musky, with the smell of sweat from the night before. She remembered the odor from when she had first approached him. It was not vulgar or offensive, but it was particularly strong. She had forgiven him of it then, as she knew her intrusion had prevented him any time to himself to even attempt proper hygiene.
Now, in the morning, and with a fresh head on her shoulders, it seeped into her senses. She sat, pensive for a moment, a strange thought creeping into her mind.
‘NO! That will not be considered.’
This was not the time to entertain such foolishness. However, as she sat there, muzzle still locked against his flesh, a smile crept on her face, and her will began to fail.
Mouth still ajar to allow her to breathe, the now unbridled thought began to gain traction. She looked up at David’s face, studying him, sensing his deep connection to the dream world. The corners of her mouth pulled back, her wicked grin showing even with her maw opened wide.
She closed her mouth, still studying his emotionless face. Soon, her lips parted slightly, and her lithe tongue slowly crept forth from the recesses of her mouth. It approached her fleshy neighbor, silently stalking it as would a carnivore watch its prey.
CONTACT! She felt it, the warmth her body had become so accustomed to, now meeting the tip of her tongue. With it came the new sensation of taste. She quickly retracted her prize back into the safety of her own body to study the new information.
Salt was at the forefront, and a bit of dirt, but the heady musk she smelled earlier was there as well. It somewhat reminded her of a delicate mushroom that she favored, but she could not place it completely. There were other flavors as well, but the momentary sensation was fleeting and then left her completely.
Luna realized then that she had closed her eyes, and they again snapped open to assess the situation. David still slept peacefully, not noticing the transaction that had taken place. She sighed softly in relief.
Again, though, the thought seemed to invade her consciousness. She did not intend for it to do so, but she was compelled. Relinquishing control, she tentatively opened her mouth once again.
As before, the would-be intruder started to make the slow, arduous journey to its destination. Contrary to before, it was not rigid and tense, but drooped and hung low out of her jaw as it extended forth.
She stopped in her tracks, realizing the picture that must be visible in the room. Here she was, lying next to the man, her muzzle firmly stuck to his flesh, mouth open and tongue hanging forth like a common animal. Her sensibilities gave her pause as the feeling of shame overtook her.
Now feeling more like the princess she was, she became determined to stop this base display and action. She put mind to muscle and reflexively started to retrieve the offensive sensory organ she so languidly displayed.
Perhaps she had acted a little too reflexively. After all, its journey was already primed for completion, and with her added gusto, it proceeded to claim ‘mission accomplished’ for the task it was earlier presented. As such, she found herself with her tongue firmly and flatly planted on David’s chest and proceeded to give it an audibly wet slurp as she forcefully attempted to retract it into its proper place.
The words that screamed in her mind were unmentionable in polite company as she internally damned herself. Through her rebuke, however, his skin’s warmth, contours, texture, and complex flavors immediately registered in her brain, casting out any current thoughts in an attempt to be cataloged all at once, so much so, that her eyes rolled back a bit as she processed what she had gained.
David also displayed a reaction. His mind was still asleep, but his body responded to the unexpected sensation of the mare sloppily licking his chest. His head twitched, and his arms dropped to the side as a shiver quaked through his torso. It had the unexpected effect of releasing Luna from her imprisonment, which her body instinctively took advantage of.
With a quick but silent beat of her wings, she freed herself from the bed and alighted near the door. Her mind was still reeling, mouth moving to understand the information she had unwittingly gathered as she rubbed her tongue against her palate and teeth.
‘Well…’ she thought to herself as she gently retrieved her vestments from the dresser. ‘That was certainly an intense experience, one I cannot say I disliked. It seems as though I must be more careful around David in the future. He is proving to be a temptation that I have not yet fully mastered.’
Her inner monologue finished, and her royal garb restored, she quickly shod her hooves and turned to the door. Stopping, she looked back at the snoozing human. Her horn lit up, and she carefully pulled the covers of the bed over him, gently tucking him in.
“I will see you again soon, my David,” she said softly.
Turning again to the door, she opened it and left, closing it quietly behind her. Now in the hall, she noted that it was clear except the guards stationed at the intersection and thought back to the time.
“Just a few moments left before the exchange,” she said to nopony.
With a flash of blue light, she disappeared, teleporting directly into her private chambers, just before the doors leading to her balcony. She opened the doors and strode out into the night, seeing her sister sitting on her own balcony, gently nursing a hot cup of liquid, most likely tea or coffee, as she waited for her younger sibling to arrive.
“Good morning, Lulu,” Celestia welcomed.
“Good morrow to you as well. I hope you slept peacefully?”
“Of course. I spent a few moments before retiring, thinking of our new guest’s plight, but then drifted off to sleep quickly. How was the night?”
Luna thought for a moment to herself. “Court was calm. Sir David had some trouble in his dreams, no doubt due to the stress of his situation. I made sure he did not suffer unduly in them. I also delivered the supplies you prepared and his clothing to his room while he slept. I felt it was best not to disturb him.”
“That was quite nice of you, Lulu. I’m sure he will appreciate them when he awakens.”
“Indeed.” She smiled warmly.
“Well, if that is all, let us start the day. I am looking forward to our day off. Both Twilight and Cadance are set to arrive in the afternoon to examine David, the guard squad that he encountered, as well as ourselves. After that, I only have one meeting due to his arrival. I hope it is a restful day.”
Luna sighed. “As I do, sister.”
Together, the regal sisters’ magic shone brightly as they channeled their will into the changing of the guard. The moon gracefully dipped below the horizon to rest while the majestic sun peeked forth and cast its warm rays of light over the land. Now, with the day started, the two sisters looked again at each other.
“I know it has been an eventful night, but would you consider sharing breakfast with me, Lulu?” the elder alicorn asked.
Feeling unusually refreshed due to her unplanned nap, Luna agreed. “I think that would be lovely. Shall we meet in the dining room in say, thirty minutes? I feel the need to get freshened up.”
“Wonderful. I will do so as well. See you soon!” Celestia beamed at the thought of a happy Luna and at her own good fortune of getting to spend more time with her sister.
The two happy princesses returned to each of their rooms to prepare for the day.


A short while later, Luna strode confidently into the royal dining room, feeling clean and smelling of her favorite rose bath soaps.
“You are absolutely radiant today, Lulu. Was your bath that revitalizing?”
“Perhaps,” Luna answered with a smile, moving to meet her sister who was already seated at their private dining table. She lovingly nuzzled her in greeting, who likewise smelled of a gentle bouquet of flowery soaps and oils.
The royal dining room was not a room for formal events or meetings with heads of state but was reserved exclusively for use by the royal princesses to unwind from the pressures of their responsibilities. An oval room, it was medium-sized compared to most in the castle, with a door at each narrow side of the room. One door led to the halls of the royal apartments, the other to the main wing of the castle. The long, sweeping curve of the exterior wall was mostly taken up by expansive bay windows lined with planters of various flowers and climbing vines, all lending their wonderful bouquet to the room’s atmosphere.
The morning sun shone through the windows, gently bathing a rectangular, white marble table in a pleasing light. The table itself sat lengthwise against the windows. At one end, Princess Celestia sat at the head on a plush, red, oversized chair, facing the slowly rising sun. The other end had a similar, but smaller, blue lounge chair, perfectly sized for Princess Luna. The window side of the table had no chairs but instead was placed next to a table-length stone bench which was formed into the wall of the castle, below the sill of the bay windows. Along the bench were colorful pillows, to cushion whoever had the privilege to be seated with the royal sisters. The other side of the table was left bare, with no chairs or benches. Facing the table on the opposite side of the room was a small door. This door led to the royal kitchens, where hoof-picked chefs and their sous labored for the sisters and their most esteemed guests.
“Ready for breakfast, Luna?”
“Yes, sister. I am famished. I wonder what treats we have in store for us this morning.”
Now with Luna comfortably seated across from her, Celestia used her magic to ring a small silver bell. The room to the kitchens opened, and a column of six mares entered the room, each carrying a silver platter of food. The procession of ponies approached the table, each depositing their gifts, bowing slightly and then turning back towards the kitchen door without saying a word.
As the last pony approached and set her wares on the table, she bowed to Princess Celestia and then to Princess Luna. “I hope our choices this morning will please your appetites, Princesses,” she said.
The two sisters looked at the spread on the table. There was a dish of honeyed berries and fruits, a bowl of tasty yogurt topped with nuts and rolled oats, a tray of beverages with hot coffee and tea, milk, various juices, and a pitcher of water, a plate of savory hash browns fried to a crispy perfection, and the centerpiece of breakfast, a large platter of blueberry pancakes with butter and syrup.
“Oh my, yes!” Celestia replied. “I simply cannot believe how you continue to provide us with the tastiest and most gorgeous meals. Thank you so very much.”
“I second my sister’s elation. I cannot wait to indulge.”
“I’m glad you approve, your Highnesses. I’m especially happy to hear you approve, Princess Luna. I hope your schedule allows you to join us for breakfast like this more often,” the head chef replied. “If that is all, I will leave you to your meals. Please ring again if you require anything at all.” She bowed again.
Celestia nodded politely to the chef, effectively giving her permission to be excused. The chef pony rose up from her bow and turned and left through the kitchen door.
“So, sister, let us chat a while,” Luna said in between bites of her meal.
“What is on your mind?” Celestia asked before taking a bite of a giant strawberry.
“I am sure it is the same as you—our new guest, Sir David.”
“I suppose so. I was thinking back to his arrival last night. That dark mass seems like the probable source of his translocation. Though I tried to analyze it when we arrived on the scene, the magical energy it possessed was not something I recognized. Mmm, try these too.” She hoofed over the plate of berries.
“Thank you. Yes, though I am not caught up to all recent magical abnormalities, I did not sense anything familiar from the mass either. Do you think its only purpose was transportation?”
“If we were lucky, then yes. If not, I am unsure what else it would mean for Equestria, or for Sir David.”
“Hmm. I am glad that Sir David was not an enemy combatant.”
“Indeed. Though we have not spent much time with him, he was generally pleasant when speaking with both of us. I want to believe him, that he does not have any agenda here in Equestria. Though it is very concerning how much he seems to know of us if he really is here without any plans at all.”
Luna snorted lightly at her sister’s words. “Surely you jest, sister. You still have doubts of his honesty?”
Celestia paused at that. “Well, you are full of surprises today, Luna. I do believe you were the most skeptical from the moment of his appearance and also the one that insisted on gathering the guard to bring him in.”
“That is all well and true. I still think it was a prudent call at the time, and a much better decision than my original one to charge at him and engage in battle.”
“Hahaha. Oh, Lulu, never change. But I still think caution is required, at least until Cadance and Twilight have an opportunity to weigh in on his general health and magical abilities.”
“I’m not sure that will be completely necessary, sister.”
Celestia looked Luna with her head cocked a bit in question, some maple syrup painting the bright-white fur around her mouth with a tinge of amber.
“You see, before I dropped off the supplies in his room, I noticed his troubled subconscious in the dream world while holding court…”
“Yes, you mentioned as much earlier. Is there more?”
“A bit. His dreams were filled with stress and anxiety of his current predicament and the pain and worry of the loss of his life back home. These dreams are not as easily soothed as those of common nightmares, as you well know.”
“Go on,” Celestia said, taking a spoonful of yogurt.
“So during the recess, I attempted to write him a comforting note and left it with his clothes and the supplies, but he—”
“He could not understand my message as he did yours.”
“Oh. Well, that is unfortuna— Luna, how did you know he failed to get the meaning?”
“Well, as I said, dreams like he experienced are very hard to dispel. So after court ended, I noticed that he had left the dream world and decided to check upon him again.”
“Oh, Lulu, was that really the best idea?” Celestia frowned slightly.
“I could not ignore him. As a guest, he deserved to have comfort when distressed.”
“That is true, but he could have called for one of us through the guards as we suggested.”
Luna snorted again. “Oh please, do you really think anypony would call on us, the princesses of this land? Even a stallion as bold as he would think twice before asking favors of royalty.”
“And after spending some time with him, I find that he is very much fun to talk with. There is not a harmful or deceitful bone in his body.”
Celestia raised her eyebrow. “Really, Luna, how can you be so sure?”
“Well, through a series of comedic false-starts, we eventually settled down for the evening and had a nice chat. I feel we are well on our way to becoming quite close,” Luna said with her muzzle upturned, much to her big sister’s displeasure. “And I intend to see him again after resting. That is, if he will allow my company.”
“Allow your company? Are you forgetting he is a guest in our castle, even after mysteriously appearing? An unidentified, intelligent creature unknown to these lands, but somehow one that has gained intimate knowledge of us from unidentified sources? Does this not put you a bit on edge, or make you believe it requires at least a modicum of restraint?”
“I stand by my judgment. You would do well to converse with him yourself so you too will have your baseless fears dispelled,” Luna huffed.
“…I think that is an excellent idea. I am not sure what power he has swayed you with, but I will not be so unprepared when we meet.”
Celestia had a rare look on her face. Those that knew her closely would be hard pressed to correctly decipher if it was anger, concern, excitement, or a blend of the three. After gently wiping her face, she stood up from the table and looked at Luna.
“Well then, no better time than the present I believe. Shall we go, Luna?”
“What? Now? Surely he is still sleeping; it was not too long ago that I, um, left his roo—” She cut herself off, but it was too late.
“LUNA!” Celestia bellowed, her wings flared and eyes widened in shock. “Did you— No, certainly you did not do anything untoward, but did you really spend quite so long in his quarters?
“First of all, how I conducted myself is only of my concern. I am a princess of the realm and would not do anything to tarnish our reputation. As for how long I was there, I am not quite sure. There was a moment where I might have dozed off while we, um, talked.” Luna smiled sheepishly, a small blush on her face as she slipped away from the table.
This new information did not help alleviate Celestia’s fears or calm her demeanor. Quite the opposite, it made her a mare ready for action. “Come with me, Luna. We will address this spell you have been put under immediately. I do not think we should wait for Twilight and Cadance to arrive.”
“Whatever you say, sister.”


The royal sisters exited the dining room, taking the door to the royal apartments. Now in the halls, they turned toward the hallway leading to the guest wing of the castle. Lining the walls were the stalwart royal guard, never flinching but always alert for any signs of trouble. The two alicorns plodded along towards the turn that would lead them to David’s room. Stopping before the hall, Celestia turned to the Special Operations guards tasked with monitoring the human’s quarters.
When Celestia faced them, they met her with a polite bow. “Raise your heads. Has the guest awakened yet?”
“No, Princess. We have heard no noise from his room but that of gentle snoring.”
“A pity we will have to wake him then. Nopony should miss their sleep if need be,” Celestia replied.
“Do you wish us to do something, your Highness?”
“No. Please retreat to the main hall for a moment. We wish to have a few words with him in private. I will call for you if needed.”
“As you command.” The guard ponies left their posts and walked to the end of the hall, then remained there at attention.
“Let us go in, Luna.”
“Fine. Whatever it takes to make you understand that you are blowing this out of proportion.”
Celestia and Luna continued down the hall to the only door available. Pausing just outside, Celestia pumped copious amounts of energy into her horn as she channeled her magic. The bright golden glow formed a halo of energy around the two alicorns, effectively encapsulating them in a magical bubble.
“There, that is the most powerful ward I can conjure, as it requires me to actively cast the spell continuously. Whatever we encounter in there, we will be protected from it.”
Luna just rolled her eyes in obvious annoyance.
Celestia opened the door slowly to view the scene before entering. There David lay in the bed, just as Luna had left him a short while before. He seemed to be sleeping peacefully and lightly snored. His upright posture, leaning back against the headboard, probably contributed to his acoustic symphony as it looked to be somewhat uncomfortable.
Celestia entered, carefully scrutinized the room, then looked back at Luna. Whispering to her sister, she asked, “Is this how you remember the room’s appearance upon your exit? Please note any difference.”
Luna took a few steps into the room and gazed around. “Nothing has changed. It is most likely that he has not awakened at all since I left.”
Celestia took note of this, and Luna’s answer only fueled her frustrations more. She had carefully noted David’s clothes as they lay on the dresser, with the exception of one odd detail. She remembered how they had fumbled at removing his pants during the initial inspection, and that Luna had been unable to refasten them after getting them undone. Now, on the dresser, the pants were lightly folded but still fastened. She wasn’t exactly sure why this detail bothered her so much, but she knew something was wrong with it.
Celestia took in a slow, deep breath, only to release it quickly in a loud snort. She held her head up high, looking down on the human, expecting for him to awaken from the sudden outburst.
He did not.
To this, Celestia took a bit of umbrage. Most ponies were particularly sensitive to the sound, and would snap to at its utterance. Unfortunately for David, he was not a pony.
“SIR DAVID, WE ASK THAT YOU AWAKEN AND EXPLAIN YOURSELF!” Celestia commanded, doing her best to sound authoritative without using the Royal Canterlot Voice.
This did get David’s attention, and he snapped awake in a flash. Once again, there he was on his bed, facing the two majestic rulers of the land in his bedroom, and again he was not clothed for the occasion.
“Ahh!” he yelled, then quickly recognized his visitors. “Uh… Princess Celestia, Princess Luna. Is there something I can do for you?”
“Do not mince your words. You can explain the spell you have placed on my sister!” Celestia bellowed.
“Sister, please,” Luna pleaded.
“Luna, I expect him to answer.”
To say that this was not what David had expected when he first awakened would have been an understatement. He looked to the younger princess and seeing her apologetic countenance calmed his nerves. Though he was still confused, he turned to the elder and respectfully and competently defended himself. “I’m sorry, what? I don’t know what you are talking about. As I said before, I have no magic, and if I did, I would never do such a thing.”
“See, he and I speak the truth, sister.”
“That has yet to be seen. If I were to take him at his word, then I have no answer as to why you are behaving in such a manner,” Celestia retorted.
David took this moment to speak up. “Forgive my impertinence, Princess Celestia, but I don’t understand what’s going on.”
Celestia cleared her throat. “My dear sister informed me of her visitation to your quarters last night, after her court hours, and that she left quite a bit later.”
David looked to Luna’s face, attempting to determine how to proceed. She stood there, her head hanging low. As David looked at her, their eyes met. She nodded slightly, in acceptance of his question.
David returned his gaze to the elder princess who was waiting for his response. “Yes, Princess Luna did visit me here after her court was dismissed. She said she was concerned because of the nature of my dreams. It was very nice of her to check on me, which I thanked her for.”
“And why did she continue to stay so long?”
“We chatted for quite a bit, and I have to say that we had a good time and have become friends. It probably extended longer than necessary, though, and we both became quite tired.”
“And she slept here, in your room!?”
David’s eyes went wide. “Well, uh,” he stammered. “I don’t think I can answer that, Princess Celestia. What I can say is that I knew that I was becoming much drowsier as the time passed and should’ve concluded our visit long before it actually ended.”
“STOP!” came a shrill voice from an agitated Luna. “I will not let you face this inquisition as you try to both honor your word to me and save me from responsibility.”
Now both Celestia and David looked shocked.
“Sorry, Princess Luna.”
“You have nothing to apologise for at this point. You honored my requests, even as selfish and unreasonable as they were. I forced this situation upon you.” Luna snorted in frustration.
“What are you saying, Lulu?” Celestia asked as she turned to her sister.

Luna stepped away from her sister’s side and walked toward the bed. “I am saying that I will take responsibility here.” Reaching the foot, she climbed up and walked to the center, staring into David’s eyes. “It is true that I came here, talked with Sir David, and quite enjoyed my time. After talking for a while, I felt a great sense of comfort, and not wanting to leave, though I knew I should have, I allowed myself to retire here for a while, trusting Sir David to be a perfect gentle-stallion, which he was.” Luna spun around to face her sister. “He never did anything untoward to me at all. Did you, Sir David?”
“Absolutely not, Princess Luna, Princess Celestia. I have too much respect for you both.”
Luna sat down, forming a protective barrier between David and her sister as she locked into the elder alicorn’s gaze. “As you see, my sister, there is no magic at work here. We have founded a bond, yes. A friendship that has sprouted unexpectedly, perhaps even more. But he has no unnatural control over me. That is certain.”
‘More?’ Celestia questioned her hearing and shook her head. “Luna, I simply can’t take that chance. In all our years, you have never reacted to anypony like this. A friendship is good, even beneficial for the trust between our kind—”

“Sister, do not doubt my words. I will do so no longer. I have grown attached to Sir David. I hope to see more of him. Perhaps, he too will find a fondness in me.”

Celestia’s eyes widened and she stumbled backwards in shock. “Luna! This simply is not like you! For all the stallions you have ever met, the suitors good and bad, never have you reacted in such a way. Surely this is unnatural! Take a moment for your mind to clear, please!”

“Nay, sister. Though I have found something new here, I do not wish to part from it. Were you here last night, you would find no words with which to dispute. I hope you will take a moment for clarity to find your mind.”

Celestia was stunned, and she drooped her head as she reeled in confusion and heartache from the sting of her sister’s words. ‘Am I the one at fault? No, patience is required here for something is amiss. I must convince her to listen to me!’

David sat behind Luna, mouth agape and eyes wide as he listened to the two sisters quarrel. His mind raced to find reason in the situation but found none. The silence in the room from Celestia’s pause triggered a change in him and his mind now worked toward defusing the growing tension.

“Princess Celestia, I think we could all use a break. There’s no reason—”

Celestia raised her head at the mention of her name. “Quite. Luna, something is wrong here, and it deserves to be examined. For that to happen, I must insist that you keep your distance from Sir David until we can have both of you inspected by Cadance and Twilight!”
“Tia, no! You are overreacting!” she pleaded with her sister.
Celestia looked at Luna with a sad expression. “I do not know what has compelled you so, but I hate to see you in pain. In time we will find the truth and all will be restored to normal.”
At those words, Luna’s demeanor changed again. Her eyes became focused as she stared into her sister’s gaze. Suddenly, she looked back at David. First, he saw sadness, a longing for peace, but soon that disappeared, and a wildness appeared in her eyes, one that he hadn’t seen before. It caused his breath to catch in his chest.
Luna turned to David and charged.
“Luna!” Celestia cried.
Luna closed the distance and stopped within an inch of David’s face. Turning back to see the shocked expression her sister wore, she said, “I do not want to be apart from him. I will show you what I feel is no trick.”
Luna turned back to face David and looked at him with a softened expression. She then quickly darted forward and stole a long, passionate kiss.

David’s expression during the exchange didn’t matter. Luna’s as well. The only thing that mattered was the crazy, scrunched-up face of a very angry, very confused, and somewhat ill-looking Princess Celestia. She had such a mix of emotions on her face that one look could give anypony a headache trying to determine which of her emotions was most prevalent.
The fact was that nausea was the prominent feeling Celestia was engrossed in. The fear, anger, frustration, and hints of betrayal all played second fiddle to the all-encompassing, disgusting feeling she was wrapped in.
“Graaahh!” Celestia yelled as she channeled her magic and grabbed her younger sister in her telekinetic grip, pulling her away from her embrace with David and back to her side. As soon as she did so, her uneasy feeling began to immediately subside.
Hearing her sister’s cry, Luna was snapped back to reality. “Tia, are you alright!?”
“Ohh, Luna. I’m not sure what just happened, but when you… when you kissed him, I felt your magic being pulled through the ward I placed on you and into him. He was siphoning your magic!”
Luna looked at the pained expression on her sister’s face and sensed no dishonesty in her words. She turned to the human. “Sir David, is this true?” Luna asked, confusion painted on her face.
“What?! No! I mean, I don’t have any magic. How could I possibly take yours?”
With his words, only more confusion came. ‘He tells no lie.’ “Stay, Sir David, I will find the truth of this now, for all of us.”
Luna closed her eyes and began to focus her magic. It grew strong, more so than David had ever seen. Her eyes opened slowly, white filling them with raw power. She looked up at David and saw the unexpected.
There, in the air between them, floated a thin, light-blue ribbon of light. It was a channel of magic, connected to the chest of David and leading back directly into Luna’s own body, easily penetrating the ward Celestia had channeled around them. Seeing this, she gasped in shock, the light quickly fading from her eyes.
“Sir David, it is true. It may be a small amount, almost completely unperceivable unless I focus all of my power at once, but you are absorbing my magic. I think it would be best if we listen to Celestia for the time being, as although I do not think you have any malicious intent until we know more, we should not be near each other. I hope you will understand.”
Seeing the heartbroken look on Luna’s face caused tears to fill his eyes. “I…” He stopped and turned away, wiped his face, then returned wearing a sincere expression. “Yes, Princess Luna. That sounds like a good idea to me as well. Princess Celestia, please forgive me for worrying you with what I assume is a very unusual situation. If Princess Twilight is anything like who I think she is, she will be able to find the cause and stop it.”
Having recovered somewhat from the strange assault on her powers, Celestia looked between Luna and David and saw the two beings looking to her for guidance.

She took a long breath to steady herself, then spoke. “Sir David, until such time that we can ascertain the effects you have on us, I hereby place you under house arrest. You are forbidden to leave this room.

“Official investigators from the School of Magic will come to examine you, both to satisfy the quarantine and to determine if you present a danger to Equestria. You will be subject to a thorough examination which may take some time, and while it is underway, you are in our care. After the investigators have made their report, the ruling princesses will make a decision on your future. In addition, you are not to receive any visitation from Princess Luna under any circumstances without my permission, and never without a chaperone.”
She turned to Luna and looked into her tear-filled eyes. “Luna,” she spoke softly, “do you agree to these terms?”
Luna sniffled a second, and replied, “I do, sister. I only hope this can be resolved quickly, for Sir David’s sake.” She turned to the man in the bed, taking one step closer and doing her best to smile. “Do not worry, Sir David, this will all be over soon. I will make sure of that. But please do not forget the feelings I have shared today, for I am certain they are true. First, though, we must unravel this mystery, then I hope we can meet again.”

Luna turned and walked out of the room, leaving Celestia behind. The elder sister watched her sister’s defeated form exit, then turned towards the man.
“Tell me truthfully now. Do you have any knowledge of this?”
“No. No, I do not,” he replied.
“Good. I want to believe you. I still feel the honesty you showed to me last night, but when it comes to my sister, I will take no chances, nor hold back.”
“Thank you, Princess Celestia. Princess Luna deserves nothing less. Last night she opened up to me more than I expected, and we connected on an emotional level. That has shown me just how much she needs your love and care.”
“I will do that, as I always have. You, however, need your rest. I will not have you treated as a prisoner unless you have proven yourself to be dishonorable. So, as before, if you need anything, please knock on your door and let the guards know. They will inform us, and we will have it brought to you. That being said, is there anything I can get for you now?”

David took a few deep breaths and tried to calm himself. He made a mental checklist of his current situation and tried to formulate a list of needs. “Yes. There are a few things I could use, actually. Since I don’t imagine I’ll be able to go home anytime soon, I would like to have some laundry soap and a basin to wash my clothes in. Also, it would be extremely beneficial if I could have some sort of wrap or robe to wear while I am washing my clothes. This is the second time I have been forced to have company without proper attire. I’d rather have something that I can quickly cover myself in, should I be visited. Lastly, I tried my hand at writing, but it is quite difficult without the ability to sit and write. Do you have a tablet or board I could place on my lap to write on? If so, I think I could use some of the time here to get to your previous request in jotting down what I have learned of Equestria in my world. Aside from those things, though, I have no requests.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow, impressed with the human’s ability to think clearly, especially considering the situation. “Hmm. Those are all things I can grant you immediately. I will give them to the guards in a few moments so that you will have them at hoof when you need them.”
“Thank you, Princess.”
“Not at all. Now I must leave, as there is still work for me to do today. Early in the afternoon, you should expect new visitors. My niece, Princess Cadance, and my greatest student, Princess Twilight. They were coming to perform the basic evaluation we discussed last night, but I will ask them to stay on and examine this new development. Do not be afraid—they are able to see the good in anypony, and as you said, if anypony can stop this magical siphoning, it would be Twilight. Until then, rest.”

“I will. Thank you again, Princess Celestia.”
“Until later, Sir David of Earth.”
Celestia left the room, closing the door behind her. David, however, sat there unmoving for a few moments, perhaps minutes. A knock on the door startled him and brought him about.
“Yes?” he replied.
“The princess has asked me to deliver some items. Please step away from the door, and I will place them inside for you.”
“Okay, I’m clear.”
The door creaked open slightly, and a tray with exactly the items he asked for was pushed through before the door slowly closed shut.
“Thank you,” David said to the guard behind the door.
“Forgive me for not being more polite, sir. We have orders to reduce our exposure to you until we hear differently from the princesses.”
David frowned in displeasure. “Don’t worry. I know this is an odd situation, and you are just doing your jobs. After all this mess is straightened out, perhaps we will get to talk more.”
“Perhaps,” the guard responded. “For now, though, let me know if you need anything, especially food. Princess Luna said that you have not eaten anything today.”
“I’m good right now, thanks. I’m going to take a few moments to myself, then try and get some more sleep. Maybe later I’ll be up for some chow.”


David lay on his back, staring at the ceiling. Sensing he was not going to be disturbed for a while, finally made his way out of bed and decided to get cleaned up.
He took the basin into the bathroom, drew some hot water and added a bit of detergent. Finally removing the last piece of clothing he wore, he gently washed his boxer briefs in the sudsy liquid, then rinsed them under the shower, wrung them and hung them to dry.
Getting into the shower stall himself, he noticed it was much bigger than necessary. Unbeknownst to him, he was correct in assuming that it was due to the quadrupedal nature of ponies. Luckily, the shower was already stocked with the necessities he needed, so he started the water and took a long, relaxing shower.
Finally clean, and feeling a bit more at ease, he donned his new robe, which surprisingly fit him quite well, then went back to his bedroom. There he inspected the contents of the dresser and found a few sets of clean bed linens. Seeing this, he turned and began to strip the sheets off his bed, knowing that they would’ve been dirtied by his pre-shower slumber. What he didn’t expect when he pulled the sheets loose was the overwhelming scent of perfume from the Princess of the Night.
While taking in a deep breath of this fragrance, he noted that what he originally thought was just perfume also included the natural scent of the mare. It left a powerful impression on him, and like a teenager, he brought the slightly soiled sheets to his nose and inhaled the aroma deeply.
He sighed to himself. This was not going as he would’ve expected. He thought he was making a friend last night, but Luna’s actions moments ago proved differently. Not that he reacted with any displeasure to her advance. When she kissed him, it made him happy, and he returned the advance. Maybe he had spent too long without someone as a companion. Maybe that was why these feelings had intensified so quickly. Perhaps. Right now, he didn’t want to think of why. He also didn’t want to think of Luna either, as he knew it would plague his mind now that she was forbidden from visiting him. That wasn’t completely accurate, though. Celestia had said she couldn’t visit alone. Feeling like the protective parents of his would-be date were looming over him, he doubted that Luna would be able to make any visit at all.
He shook his head and finished folding the dirty linens. Remembering seeing a hamper in the bathroom, he took them there and placed them inside. “Let’s hope I don’t have to wash you by hand. I bet that would be a pain.”
Returning to his room, he quickly remade his bed with clean sheets he found in his dresser. He hopped in and noticed that the room was still somewhat warm, even though the fire had died long ago.
‘I guess it’s warm enough outside that fires are only needed at night,’ he thought to himself.
With new emotions swimming in his mind and feeling more alone and confused than he was when he first awoke in Equestria, he lay down on the bed. It was comfortable enough for him, and he decided he take Celestia’s advice. He reached over the headboard to the gas lamp that lit the room and turned it down low. His last thoughts were to try to will himself to sleep. Surprisingly, he was able to accomplish it with relative ease.
