(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act II-B - A Warm Night (v2)

Act II-B - A Warm Night

The fire had been stoked, and David stood at the hearth, the hot poker still in his hand. His mind stalled as he watched the princess shuffle around at the foot of his bed, doing her best to find the most comfortable position. She wiggled and squirmed, nesting in the spot she had chosen, then ruffled her wings and let out a small sigh. Finally finding comfort, she turned to the silent man and noticing him stare, a light blush formed on her cheeks coloring them in dark violet.

Internally, David’s emotions swelled and his mind fogged-over. He knew he was staring, but could not stop. As the awkward silence settled in, David’s mind snapped to as anxiety crept upon him. He blinked and slowly turned away, back to the fireplace, and replaced the tool he was handling. It gave him a moment’s rest and his thoughts began to clear.

‘What… was that?’ he questioned himself. ‘I didn’t mean to stare, I didn’t. I just— She looked kinda cute?’

Now, Luna also felt the tension growing thicker. Not yet completely aware of what happened she called out to him. “Sir David, are you alright?”

David paused, then turned back, smiling. “Yes. I was… sorry, I’m not quite used to… nevermind.” He then walked back to his side of the bed.

Luna watched him lumber over, shoulders slumped and head held somewhat low. Reaching the top of the bed, David plopped down, bouncing on the mattress and jostling his guest.

Luna frowned. “If something is bothering you, please tell me. I would not want you to feel uncomfortable in your stay.”

“Sorry, Princess. I don’t mean to worry you. I suppose the short break in conversation gave me a little shock again as to how different this all is. I’m surprised I’m doing so well.”

Hearing him share his fears, Luna’s smile returned. “I am glad you feel comfortable enough to discuss it with me. Have no doubt; this is a new and somewhat awkward situation for us all. I feel you have done well tonight. Perhaps, we should both rest and meet again later.”

David raised his head and smiled half-heartedly. Upon meeting her gaze, though, Luna’s cheeks once again reddened as they shared a silent moment.

Luna’s lips parted. “Though, I would like to stay a bit, if possible.”

David’s smile widened. “I think that would be nice.”

It was Luna’s turn to break away, and she stared back over to the fireplace. “So, what should we discuss?”

David shrugged, though Luna could not see it. “I don’t know. Do you have any other questions?”

Luna stared at her forehooves. “I do have a few inquiries; a bit of curiosity, you might say.”

David leaned back against the headboard and relaxed. “Oh. What is it?”

“I suppose it is an academic interest. You stand, literally, as one of very few bipedal beings in our world, yet you are different from anything I have ever seen. I mean this not to be rude, but I would like to know more about your physiology.”

“I’m sorry. What?”

“My apologies, I did not adequately state my intentions. I find your form curious and wish to learn more.” Luna rose from her seat and slowly crept closer to David’s position, putting him a little on edge. “Your soft skin is exposed, and you have so little fur. You are a complete mystery to me.” She drew nearer and stared at his arm. “And then there are your paws—I mean hands. Could I… Could I be so bold as to see one?”

Looking somewhat flustered at the obvious inspection, David swallowed audibly. “I don’t see why not.”
He extended out his left arm towards the princess. Surprised, she withdrew a bit at the action. David then extended his fingers to the sky, exposing his palm.
Intrigued, the princess moved her head closer to scrutinize the digits. “Remarkable.”
She continued to shift towards the outstretched appendage, scrutinizing it from as many angles as she could without leaving her spot and pacing around it. She drew even nearer, so much so that her muzzle was uncomfortably close to David’s hand. Inevitably, he began to feel her warm breath on his palm.
“Okay, Princess, I think that’s quite—” His words stopped abruptly as she leaned forward and pressed her forehead into the palm of his hand, warmth surging through his nerves where the two were connected. “Uhhhhh.” David quietly sighed. He wasn’t sure why, but the contact was quite pleasant and comforting.
Unknown to him, Luna was experiencing quite the same feeling of comfort and peace. With her eyes closed and her weight pressed into his palm, she relaxed slightly and released a breath she had held.
For a moment, neither moved nor said a word. Quietly, Luna opened her mouth to speak. “Forgive me for my invasion, but I secretly wanted to see if I felt the same warmth I did in our initial encounter.”
David shook his head. “That’s okay; I was just a little surprised.”
Luna slowly pulled away from his hand, only for David to relax his arm and gently run his fingers through her mane. She stopped dead from her initial retreat with her eyes wide, looking downward, frozen.
“Oh, I guess it’s my turn to ask for forgiveness,” David said as he placed his hand back at his side. “I suppose I’m a bit curious too,” he added.
Still unmoving from her spot, Luna replied, “No… No, I believe it would be I who would be sorry if I had not had the opportunity to feel your gentle ministration.”
At that, David and Luna looked away from each other for a moment.
A few seconds passed, with Luna the first to speak. “Sir David, if I may, I have another request for you. Please listen to it with an open heart and mind, but also understand that what I say must be kept in the strictest of confidence. You must never repeat it, not even to my own sister, lest I fear her mostly unjustified reaction.”
David turned to Luna and nodded his head. “I understand.”
“Ahem. This is completely selfish of me. Perhaps foolish as well.” She drew her head up high to look David in the eyes, complete sincerity written on her features.
“As I told you, the story of the Nightmare is true. A long time ago I was a lonely and bitter soul who succumbed to darkness and evil, being jealous of the love shown for my sister and her talents. I have suffered for that transgression, repented, and been redeemed.”
David nodded silently in understanding.
“After my return, I have been blessed to be reaccepted by most ponies and was received with love by my sister, whom I missed greatly, as she missed me as well. However, comfort comes in many forms. The most enjoyable sensation I have experienced since I was freed from the Nightmare was the loving embrace I felt from my sister when we were first reunited. Since then, though I have been held, hugged, embraced, and somewhat had my very breath squeezed out of my body through acts of friendship, none has come close to that initial warmth I shared with my sister. None, until now.
“It is this feeling which I wish to investigate. With your willing cooperation, if you would agree.”
David thought for a second, still staring into Luna’s serious countenance before nodding slightly.
“Then, if I may… May we have thy permission to approach thee?”
Again, David simply nodded his approval, a blank look on his face.
“Well…” Luna started, letting her words trail off. She slowly stood from her position now at the middle of the bed and took a tentative step forward with one hoof, looking like she was traversing over a deep ravine using the most unstable rope bridge imaginable.
She looked down at her hooves, so lightly planted on the bed’s soft covers that her legs were slightly quivering. She huffed at this and steeled her resolve as she raised her head again to read the expression on David’s face.
His face had relaxed somewhat. Now, instead of an empty expression, his brow somewhat furrowed, not in anger, but in careful contemplation. It was not off-putting, surprisingly, but disclosed to Luna that he was giving her his full attention.
Seeing his change in demeanor, she smiled, then took a few more careful steps closer to the man. They were now a scant few inches from each other. Both could hear the somewhat slow and labored breaths they took. They stared at one another, each one trying desperately to read the state of being the other was in.
Now, after shortening the distance between them, Luna slowly sat down on her haunches, trying her best not to lose an inch of the ground she had gained. She noticed the warmth of the person in front of her radiating from him in this confined space. In her mind, she recounted how she had been close to her fellow ponies before but could not remember the same heat being generated by any other than her sister, the sun goddess herself, and only when they were snuggled deep within each other’s hooves in sisterly love, enjoying time together on such holidays as Hearth’s Warming Eve.
Caught up in the moment, Luna let her lips part and she spoke, “Touch me.”
David felt a shiver up his spine, not wanting to disobey such a direct command, but he stayed his hands.
Now it was Luna’s turn to knit her brows, this time in a sliver of frustration. She lifted her head slightly, eyes somewhat narrowed as to question the disobedience of the person in front of her.
Then, suddenly, her eyes shut tightly. She lowered her head and thrust it forward to lodge her muzzle in the crook of David’s neck, nuzzling him forcefully.
Caught off-guard, David’s eyes became saucers. His arms and hands flew out from his sides in protest to the unexpected advances of the blue mare. Yet there she was, unmoving from her spot below his jawline, their warmth mingling together.
Luna was not sure how she felt. She was uncertain of her surroundings, and her heart thundered in her chest. Now frozen in her position, feeling the gentle warmth of the creature she so readily pressed against, she attempted to examine the situation. Her feelings were an unorganized mess, and she began to regret her rash decision.
Just as her heightened emotions began to drop, she felt something on her head, then again on her neck, then pressure on her withers.
David’s own mind was full of thoughts and feelings, but something inside him came to the conclusion that there was no harm in embracing the pony before him that had so sincerely asked him to do so. His extended arms swiveled round and began to encroach on the royal’s space. Taking one last, slow intake of breath, he wrapped his long, powerful limbs around the princess’ head and neck, and gave her a gentle squeeze, pulling her tightly to his chest.
Luna’s mane, which always flowed with a certain regularity, slowed its movement slightly. Her breaths, once forced and shallow, seemed to relax. She shifted her posture slightly, moving a bit closer to the man who had wrapped her in his fleshy embrace.
‘Heaven,’ she thought to herself. ‘If there is a heaven for my ponies, I hope it feels as good as this.’
Feeling a bit emboldened, she cracked open her left eye to spy at the man and her surroundings.
Her view was darkened, almost cocoon-like in a similar way to how Celestia used to wrap her wings around her when she was younger. David’s arms held her close, and she could smell the sweat on him; he had not had an opportunity to cleanse himself after the incident in the field. The smell mingled with the floral scent of his freshly laundered shirt, one of her favorite scents. Oh, but the strength being used to hold her tight! Luna decided that she liked it, and wanted to feel more, but didn’t dare ask for it.
Luna hummed lightly, brushing up against David’s face. Having a bit of stubble, it raked her fur and felt wonderful, like a light brushing. She blinked once, and David caught her eye for a second before she slowly closed it again and became still.
Not sure what was expected of him, he allowed her to feel the moment in silence, knowing full well that talking was not what was needed now. He loosened his grasp with his left arm, only to hear a low whimper from below. Surprised by the protest, he reached up with his hand and proceeded to run his fingers through the top of Luna’s mane, slowly trailing them down the side of her neck toward her shoulder and foreleg.
Feeling this new sensation, Luna pressed forcefully into the remaining arm that cradled her, turning slightly and giving more access to the newly stroking appendage.
David continued his gentle strokes downward, skipping over her peytral, then went across her muscular shoulder joint. He massaged the large mass of muscle he found at her shoulder, lightly mussing the fur with his fingers. He then continued to venture down her right foreleg, noticing how toned it was and how fine her coat felt.
Luna had lost all notion of self. She fell completely into the bliss, peace, and harmony of her current position. If she were to look down at herself from above, she most likely would have gasped at what she saw and been thrown into a righteous fury. No longer was there a great princess of Equestria, but simply a mare, one held, cuddling in the arms of a peculiar creature and resting peacefully, stretched out across his body and leaning on his lap.
After some time, she cautiously opened her eyes again, as if doing so too quickly would shatter all the crystal in the world. Her eyes gazed upon the man, as he looked forward at the door, seemingly ignorant of who was there with him. His strong hands continued to stroke lovingly down the side of her face, only to wrap gently under her chin at times, before continuing down the path of her bodyline. On one such pass, they detoured near her crown, and encountering it, skipped over its facade to gently stroke behind her ear, then returned from the detour and progressed as usual.
In a bold move, Luna decided that to have something impede those digits in their travels was unthinkable. She closed her eyes again and concentrated on her horn and magic for a moment.
Noticing the light blue glow, David slowly retrieved his hands from her body. Luna’s magic then encompassed her crown, slowly levitating it from its perch atop her head. As she pulled the ornament away, bits of her magical, ethereal mane flowed through it as though real strands of hair or fur were wrapped around it. David thought to himself that it might be just so because he certainly felt her mane as he had stroked it with his fingers, but when he touched it, those same fingers seemed to disappear into an abyss, as though her mane was another dimension altogether.
The crown floated through the air, its final resting place the top of the dresser. There it was deposited with care by Luna’s magic. Soon after, Luna stirred a bit, attempting to pick herself up off David’s leg, where she had rested her barrel. David was actually quite welcome to this, as the pressure of anyone lying across his folded legs would have eventually given way to pain from the constant pressure. He shifted, now free from Luna’s form, stretching his legs outward and sighing.
Luna looked back at him with a hint of amusement and asked, “Better now? I would hate for you to be uncomfortable.”
David simply huffed a bit more and replied, “Yes, much better now.”
Luna continued to channel her magic, this time removing her beautiful, dark peytral. She levitated it over and placed it next to her crown. Now free from its confines, she gently shook her head and neck, reveling in the freedom.
She was not through, as she looked back and shuffled her hind legs, quickly hoofing-off her platinum shoes. She then turned back to David and smirked.
“Would you mind lending a hoof?” She held up one of her still-shod forehooves towards him.
David didn’t miss the cue and cradled her leg in his left hand as he attempted to remove the shoe with his right. Finding it stuck, he looked up to Luna, who just nodded in approval. He looked down to the work before him and decided to put a little more muscle into it. Grabbing the shoe from the rear near the heels, his fingers gently found the meeting of flesh and metal. Putting more force this time into his motion, he was able to dislodge the cup from around her heel bulbs and slipped the shoe off her hoof. A gentle sigh escaped the mare, and she nodded with approval again. David moved to the next hoof and, with his new knowledge, expertly removed it without issue.
Being free of her vestments, Luna picked up her shoes and deposited them neatly on the floor. She then looked at the man, cocking her head slightly and said, “Remember, tell no soul.”
At that, he nodded again and quietly replied, “Of course.”
David looked at her. She was as naked as the day she was born—at least he assumed she was born. Few ponies would ever see her in this relaxed state. It was more than a privilege; it was a gift she shared with him for the moment.
Luna righted herself and lay flat on her stomach, forelegs stretched out in front and hind legs tucked underneath. She lay there, on the left side of David’s own outstretched legs, and looked him in the eyes, searching.
“Your touch is magical to me,” she started. “I know that I will have to part from it, but if you would indulge me a bit further, I would be most grateful.”
David looked on, a slightly puzzled look on his face. He saw Luna’s own countenance before him again, staring at him directly, communicating with her eyes as much as her words. On her muzzle, he noticed what seemed to be a light blush forming.
A small smile graced his lips. “I also enjoyed the connection. I will not reject your request now.”
With that, David opened his arms, beckoning the princess to come closer. She sported a grin, though one a bit slyer than his. She slowly shuffled forward on her hooves, reminding David of a dog tentatively approaching their master, who had a treat in his hand. He shook his head at the thought, attempting to dislodge it, feeling it grossly inappropriate to compare this magnificent, intelligent co-ruler of a country to a simple pet in his home world.
In the time David took to refocus his thoughts, Luna had steadily gained ground. When he opened his eyes, he found himself eye to eye with the princess. Feeling a bit of tension from the proximity, he quickly disarmed the lit fuse by wrapping her in his arms’ embrace.
No sooner than he did, she relaxed like putty, falling gently against his chest, rolling slightly to her left to lean against his now outstretched legs.
Luna had felt the muscles of his thighs before, but then they were taut and tensed, much like resting against rocks in a field or meadow. Now, they were relaxed and gently gave way as she melted into them. The heat from David was back again, and she relished in it, finding her eyes drifting dreamily closed. Her head was placed upon his chest now, and she noticed that it was not as comfortable as when she was pressed into his neck as before. She missed the sensation of his skin on her face, the cloth in the way now somewhat subduing the warmth she sought.
Sitting there pensively, not exactly sure of what to do to reach the level of comfort she had gained before, she quickly formulated an idea.
David felt her flex her muscles in an attempt to get up again. He loosened his grip, allowing her the freedom to move as she sought.
Locked again in each other’s gaze, she said simply, “Please remove thy pants and shirt. They are uncomfortable.”
“I do not wish to be unreasonable, but bear with my selfish request. I wish to have more contact with your skin, and as it is mostly covered, the easiest way would be for you to disrobe.”
David looked at her with disbelief in his eyes. He knew she was not joking, but this was unreasonable. He quickly tried to devise an escape plan, but none came to mind. He was there, basically captive in the castle of a strange land, with one of the country’s beloved princesses in his room. She was, for all purposes, ‘naked’ and in his bed. He thought it extremely possible that a misread or misstep could actually lead to his imprisonment or even death. Then he tried to make note of the potential personal damages he would receive from complying with her demands. To his surprise, other than embarrassment, there were none. Though he had explained earlier that humans preferred to be clothed, since he had chatted with both princesses before in a similar state of undress, it calmed his nerves a little.
Luna looked at him and saw the gears turning in his mind. She became uncertain for a moment, knowing she had placed him on a precipice. She opened her mouth and added, “Please retain your undergarments. This is not a proposition.”
David’s thought process was broken. He did not see any reason not to comply. He simply answered, “As you wish, Princess.”
Luna watched as he rolled off the bed and stood, his back facing her. He reached up overhead and grabbed his shirt collar with a hand, then swiftly pulled it off in one smooth motion. Luna’s eyes once again took in the broad musculature of his back. It looked somewhat different from his earlier, unconscious examination. He had fine, short hair covering his skin, but not thick or dark enough to be really called a coat or pelt. She idly wondered what the correct term would be.
David casually folded his shirt again and placed it on the dresser. He frowned a bit, noticing the placement of his clothes next to the regal status symbols it lay beside. He then reached down to his pants. Letting out a short breath, he gently slid them downward to his knees. Seeing him undress so quickly, some people at home would assume he was performing some kind of magic trick, being able to take off both his shirt with ease and his tightly-fitted slacks without unbuttoning them first. The actuality of it was that he had adapted to how his anatomy was built, and with a careful shift in his posture, his shirt simply flowed off his torso and similarly, his behind no longer held back his pants, making them easy to slip off. He preferred it this way as well; fumbling with collars, buttons, zippers and belts was relegated to only when he needed to put his clothes on.
Surprisingly, Luna was just as amazed as David thought people back home would be. She knew how difficult it was for Celestia and herself to remove his garments when he was unconscious. Seeing him shed them like a loose skin excited and delighted her.
David had soon removed his pants from his legs, folded them neatly, and placed them on the dresser. He then turned around to face Luna, a somewhat serious look on his face.
“Are you sure this is okay? Not only with you but with how this might change things between you and me?”
Honestly, Luna hadn’t thought about possible ramifications between her and her new friend. She turned her head to the side in thought, and then turned back and said, “Yes, I want this. Nothing more at the moment, but we can deal with any possible issues that arise.”
“Okay,” David said as he pulled back the covers and slid in underneath them, putting a pillow behind his back and sitting up against the headboard.
David now in place, Luna looked at him sheepishly. “Can you please pull back the sheets?”
David did as she asked, exposing his bare legs and barely covered torso. She grinned as he did so and scooted a bit closer to his long limbs.
Looking back into his eyes, she smiled warmly, effectively asking for his permission to approach. He nodded in the affirmative, and she gently laid her body against his.
The now direct feeling of her soft coat against his skin was electrifying. David’s face scrunched up—not in pain, but in pure sensory overload. Warmth, tickling sensation, friction, the heaving of her barrel as she breathed—all were perfectly transmitted to his senses without any barrier to muffle them. It took quite a few seconds for David’s face to relax and subsequently put Luna, who watched his expressions carefully, back at ease herself.
Luna was also experiencing a bit of overload. Warmth seemed to flood her senses as she felt her body sliding gently against his skin as she settled into his side.
Her previous attempt while he was clothed now contrasted sharply with the bare-skin version. Where before she had felt her coat catch as the fibers of his clothing meshed with her fur, his skin now allowed her to slip effortlessly into a comfortable position, no tugging and pulling of tufts to make her wince. Surprisingly, she found his fur, where present, to again provide a gentle sensation, similar to a short-haired brush being run along her sides and flank.
Finally having found a comfortable position, she leaned in to rest her weary head and neck upon David’s chest. Soon after she made contact, her chin to his belly, she found his graceful hands cupping her head, allowing it some gentle pressure to rest upon. The feeling of his palm against her head and ear made her smile widely. Her head having landed, he shifted his right arm around her to provide more support. Instinctively, she proceeded to nestle into his flesh, unknowingly waving her sizable horn in the very dangerous direction of David’s face.
David was watching the pointy appendage, though, and pulled his head a bit further back, leaning it against the headboard.
Soon, Luna had become still, with only her chest heaving as she took in gentle breaths. David sensed her contentment and proceeded to administer the touch she had originally requested that led to their current situation. He used his left hand to lovingly stroke her cheek and neck, gently rubbing her ears and combing through her mane. She did not move, not one muscle, as he tended to her. She just lay there resting peacefully against his chest and cradled in his right arm, which spooned around the back of her neck with his hand against her withers. He continued to give comfort, as he thought silently to himself.
‘What have I done that I might appear here in this land? That I would find myself in such a precarious position such as this?’
He wasn’t always so poetic in his thoughts, but pressed into odd situations, a person sometimes could not help themselves. He let his thoughts muddle together until they drifted out of his mind as he felt his eyes droop wearily closed. Unknown to him, his princess was already fast asleep.
