(DA1) First There Were None. Then He Arrived

by Davids Archivist

Act II-A - Just a Friendly Chat (new)

Act II-A - Just a Friendly Chat

David stood alongside his dresser, his newly written journal in his hands. His mind was filled with the thoughts of his predicament and struggled to find reason with his new reality. He let out a great sigh as he stuffed the papers into the drawer of the dresser.

A knock at the door made him jump as it forcefully brought him back to reality.

“Sir David, are you alright?” It was Princess Luna.
“Uh, Princess Luna? I… Yes, I’m fine.”
“That is good to hear. May we enter?”
“One moment please.”
David hastily opened the second drawer and grabbed his shirt and pants. He drew his polo over his head, and without fully pulling it on, stood on one leg as he tried to get dressed. Doing so, he suddenly lost his balance, tripping and falling over the foot of the bed with a loud KA-THUNK!
“SIR DAVID!” Luna yelled as she threw open the door.
There she saw the man lying with his back against the footboard, seeming to attempt a headstand, with his legs flailing above him, shamelessly putting himself on full display. Luna stopped dead in her tracks, seeing no threat in the room other than a powerfully dangerous urge to start laughing.
“Mwa, ha, knsnigkt.” To her credit, she tried to stifle her laughter. Behind her, the guard ponies were peeking around the edge of the door. They were until a magic-silhouetted door was slammed shut in their faces.

“Guards, leave us be. Kha-ha! There is no danger here,” she managed after closing the door. “Are you… alright, Sir David?” Luna asked; her diaphragm finally under her own control again.
“Please don’t look, Princess. I’ll be okay in a moment.”

Luna thoughtfully turned from the embarrassed human. Blessed with a moment of privacy, David rolled his hips off the bed and knelt on the floor as he attempted to pull up his pants once more. Securing them, he said, “Forgive me, Princess, for showing you such an improper side.”
“Fret not, Sir David, that was not the most state of undress we have witnessed you in.” She smiled as she turned to face him.

“Oh, I suppose not. Even so, I’d prefer to be dressed before attending to company,” he said, slowly standing from his position on the floor.

As he rose to his full height, the Princess of the Night’s eyes grew twice in size as she watched his figure loom above her. She followed his ascent with her gaze transfixed and her lips parted in awe. Now showing his full stature, Luna’s height put her barely at mid-chest to David, and Celestia probably stopped at his chin, horns withheld.

“Princess?” His words snapped her out of her reverie.
Luna shook her head. “Understood. Do you find offense in our state of undress?”
He held up a hand. “Oh, no, Princess, I try not to force my preferences on others. I think you should feel free to be comfortable.”
Luna smirked. “As you wish.”
“So, what has brought you by, Princess?” he asked politely, walking back to his bed.
Luna studied his form as he walked away. “We sensed that you had awakened rather early and wanted to make sure you were alright.”
“Thank you. I appreciate the concern. I suppose I’m still a bit at odds with the current situation and just couldn’t sleep well. I also got your delivery but, I’m sorry, I couldn’t read your note.” David plopped down on the bed. “Next time, feel free to wake me, though. I wouldn’t mind.”

“Well, yes. We did stop by after you had slipped into the dream world, but only teleported your package to the dresser. We… did not wish to wake you. A pity you could not read our horn-writing, though.”
“It had nothing to do with its legibility; it was really pretty. I wish I could write like that. Our two languages are just too different.” A hint of frustration entered his voice.
“Were you able to decipher any of our words?”
“A couple. Only ‘dreams’ and ‘peace’.”
Luna closed her eyes. “Patrolling your dreams, we sensed your distress. Be at peace. Though you feel alone, we are watching over you as you sleep,” Luna recited. “It was intended to provide some measure of comfort to your plight, but failed to do so. Perhaps it would have been better if we had only dropped off the writing supplies and your clothing that we laundered.”
“Wait, you both washed my clothing? That isn’t something I think princesses would be doing.”
“Normally, no. And the both of us did not perform the task, but myself alone. We have no aversion to doing a little domestic labor. After re-reading the…” Luna paused and appeared to wrestle with her thoughts, “…protocol that Twilight had prepared, it seemed that it would appropriate for somepony who was protected from possible malaise to handle your garments. Otherwise, we were directed to incinerate them.”
“Oh. That would’ve been inconvenient,” David smiled.

“We are glad you see it our way.” Luna met David’s gaze with a smile of her own, and after a quiet moment, both started giggling.
“I guess I should be glad you left me with my underwear,” David noted drolly.
Still smiling, Luna turned her back to David. “Well, that was not our original plan. We had to revise it after stripping you bare and found you…” Luna coughed delicately, “presenting.”
David’s face paled. He looked to be on death’s door. “You—You’re joking, right?”
“Of course not. As you said yourself, we ponies have different standards of dress, and we absolutely had to make sure you were uninjured. Which, we might say, you were diagnosed as both being in perfect health and were uninjured as far as my sister and I could see.”
“You BOTH saw me naked!?”
“Yes. Completely,” Luna replied with a smug look on her face.
David huffed. “Well, you were rendering aid. I guess I can’t complain.” He sighed in resignation.
“Good.” Luna’s grin softened a bit. “My apologies about the tear in your pants. It seems as though we did not understand how best to remove the garment, and it accidentally tore whilst removing them. We did repair them, though.”
“I—I don’t know. Thanks, I guess?”
“You are most welcome,” Luna replied with a smile.
“You have left me without words, Princess. I humbly bow to your majesty.”

“You, Sir David, are a fine treat of a conversational partner. Would you be opposed to us continuing our banter in a more relaxed fashion?”
David sat on his bed, seeming a little confused for a moment. He looked over at Luna, who was still standing at the door, shifting back and forth on her hooves.
“Oh! I’m sorry, Princess, I’ve forgotten my manners. I don’t think I have a proper seat for you.” He stood up from his bed. “Please, if you wouldn’t mind, you can sit on the bed while I stand.”
“Pish posh, we will do no such thing. You should show no deference to me. The bed is perfectly sized to hold the both of us, and we see no reason to consider you standing to be an option.”

“Forgive me, Princess. I just thought… well, you’re a princess. You deserve more respect.”

“You have not pledged service to the crown, are at court, or in public. Then, that might be appropriate, but here, you are a guest. In short, you should be at ease. We would prefer it that way.” Before waiting for a reply, Luna gracefully strode over to the bed and, with a great flap of her wings, took to the air and floated down, lying on top of the covers at the foot. She looked over to a stunned David and patted the bed with her forehoof. “Come now, don’t be shy. You already have our permission, do you not?”
“Yes, Princess,” was all he could squeak out.
He carefully walked back to the head of the bed and sat down on the edge, looking at the dark-blue mare at the end.
She feigned a scowl. “That does not look too comfortable, and you can barely face us. Sit upon the bed appropriately so we can talk.”
Doing as she commanded, David slid himself onto the bed, sitting upright against the headboard and crossing his legs in front of him.
“Yes, that looks better. Now, let us chat a bit. It is not often that we find somepony with whom we can enjoy conversation with, especially one who is awake at such hours.”
“Actually, why are you still awake?” he asked.
“When we left you before, we were on the way to prepare for the Night Court, as is our duty. During an intermission, we sensed that you were deep in slumber, struggling with your dreams. We then took the opportunity to write the note and made our visit to deposit it and your supplies. We then returned to court to see it through the end. Normally, we are awake during these hours, and a bit more through the morning, though we choose to sleep through the brightest hours of the day unless my sister requires assistance, which luckily does not happen often.”
“Oh, I see. So you prefer a nocturnal schedule?”
“Quite. We do not only hold court but also tend to the dreams of those asleep as well.” She nodded resolutely.
“Wow, Princess. I had heard as much, but hearing it directly from you makes it seem like such a large responsibility.”

“Tis only a fraction of what my dear sister does for our ponies. We have not been here long enough to truly pull my own in matters of governance. Surely, we would be lost without her.” She fixed him with a level gaze. “Please do not let others know that we speak as such; it would be quite improper.”
“I’ll hold anything you say in the strictest of confidences, Princess. You do not have to worry about that with me.”
She held his gaze for a few moments. “We sense only truth from you and thank you for it. That is a rare quality to hold. Perhaps it is for that reason that we find it is much easier to talk to you, a complete stranger here than it is to converse with many ponies we have met.”

“I do try to tell the truth, but I can’t say that I don’t lie at times. It’s part of human nature. But, if I may be so bold, why do you feel it’s easier to talk to me, rather than others?”

Luna looked aside. “Honesty is one of the elements we once commanded. We believe a part of it still lives within us, though we are no longer compatible. It shows us how others bend their will and words to suit our station, and their dishonesty becomes evident. Though you show respect, you also speak your mind. We appreciate the candor.”

“I… I had no idea. I don’t think I’d like to know that myself.”

“True. Sometimes, we feel it a burden to bear, but one we most likely deserve.”

“Well, I’d like to say I’d never be dishonest with you, but that in itself feels like a lie.”

Luna raised her hoof. “No more. It is beyond a mortal’s capability to be perfectly honest, even for myself. Do not let it bother you so and be as you are. We have told you as much because of your truthful nature. Do you understand?”


“Good. Let us move on to other topics then. Would you be so kind as to tell us more of yourself? You are quite an interesting individual. Please, start from the beginning.”

“Sure, I’ll do my best.” David leaned his head back and stared at the ceiling. “I was raised in a small, good family, though not one without troubles. When I was born, both my father and mother were both in their early forties, a time when many humans have stopped having children or are unable to reproduce. It was the same for my mother; it took quite a while for her to conceive. As for my relatives— I had a few distant aunts and uncles, and half of my grandparents had passed away by the time I was born. There were no other children my age.

“We lived a simple life in a large city. I grew up rather sheltered from the world but had a good upbringing and education. My parents and grandparents loved me and nurtured my spirit and mind. They instilled in me old-world values that set me apart from my peers in school, and though that gave me a leg-up on life, the emotional and mental difference led other children to distance themselves from me. In short, I had few friends when I was young.”

David lowered his head and reestablished eye contact with the ruler before continuing. “I actually bonded more easily with adults at that time; I didn’t know any better. Talking with them provided more mental stimulus than children my own age and I was able to continue learning in that fashion. Don’t get me wrong, though, I was still a child at heart. As I said earlier, I was sheltered, so I had little actual life experience. Even now, I feel lucky to have the heart and wonder of a child, always looking to learn and experience new things. The only difference is that now I also have matured a bit and am able to handle myself appropriately. Sorry, I guess I’m rambling.” He nervously ran his fingers through his hair.

Luna shuffled her posture. “No, not at all. Thank you for sharing. We believe your experiences as a youth hath prepared you well, and your honest nature is a testament to your family’s upbringing. Would you be willing to share a bit more?”

David nodded, then paused. “My adolescence was, well, adolescence. It was a roller coaster of doing both right and wrong, as I guess most people experience. In all, I was a good teen and stayed out of trouble. However, it was around that time that most of my family was lost. By the time I went to study at the University at age 18, my mother was my last surviving relative. I had a hard time adjusting to that, and the few friends I had were of little help. My mother did her best and guided me through that tough time, and I am eternally grateful to her for that.

“College was tough. It wasn’t so much the educational portion, but it became difficult for me to focus when my mother’s health started gradually failing. I persisted, though, and studied both material sciences and liberal arts, specifically sociology, and even managed to graduate with honors. After school, I moved to another city, still close to my mother, and began to work there. We had a few good years, but time and health took its toll, and she passed. For all intents, my family is now gone. I...” David lowered his head, then met Luna’s gaze with misty eyes and a small grin. “Sorry, Princess… that must all sound a little bleak. I don’t really like to talk about it much.”

Luna nodded solemnly. “We understand. The lives of my sister and I— we have spent so long without blood relatives. Though your story is sorrowful, the love you have for your family can be seen in your smile. Unfortunately, our family’s past is one that cannot be shared, but we undoubtedly feel the same.”

“Thanks, Princess. That’s okay. I have to say, though, I don’t think I really have heard much about you… from the stories, I mean. Would you be willing to share a bit of yourself?”

Luna straightened up. “You know my name, but know not of my life?”

David nodded. “The stories, they only start when Twilight Sparkle first went to Ponyville. I don’t know much of anything before that, only mentions here and there, and you are rarely seen in what’s presented.”

Luna turned away and whispered. “So, you have knowledge of that.” She turned back to face David. “Very well, we will tell you a bit of history, though history to others is closer to yesterday to me.

“As my sister might have alluded when commenting of my speech, we— I am somewhat of an old-fashioned pony, trying desperately to catch up with a society that has left me in the past. As you do, I find enjoyment in many new things with a somewhat childlike fascination. However, I too was raised by elders to speak and comport myself with lofty standards, much higher than is common and popular today. It puts me at odds with the citizenry a bit and lends itself to an uncomfortable situation all too often. Do not misunderstand, I am grateful for my tutelage; only that certain events have complicated relations with my fellow ponies, and my antiquated personality does not lend any favors to that either.”

David wore a contemplative mask, his brows furrowed deeply in thought. The sight of his countenance made Luna pause, which he took advantage of. “Princess, I may not fully understand the depth of how those ‘events’ might have affected you or others, but from the way you have approached me and been kind to me, I would think your personality wouldn’t negatively affect other’s opinions in the slightest.”

Luna bowed slightly. “Thank you, Sir David. I will take that as the compliment it was intended to be. However, the pony you see today is a result of a few good years of growth, ones not without mistakes, I assure you.”

“Mistakes are okay, we just need to learn from them… I don’t mean to pry, but the ‘events’ you spoke of, you were talking about Nightmare Moon, right?”

Luna frowned. “So you do know.”

“I have heard a fair bit, but I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

“Much like the painful past you bore to me, I too, do not like discussing it much. However, as you have shared, I will do the same. Forgive me if I skim over some less… relevant history.

“It is true. I was possessed, became a figure of evil and hatred, and attempted to overthrow the world. Wielding dark powers, I fought against Celestia, seeking her ultimate demise, but we were evenly matched. Only through harnessing the elements was my sister able put an end to the threat I represented by banishing me and the evil I contained, imprisoning me in my own ward, the moon itself.

“A few years ago, after one thousand years of imprisonment, the spell was broken, and I returned, still possessed by evil and filled with vile thoughts of revenge. That was not to be, thankfully. Twilight Sparkle and her friends, the new bearers of the elements of harmony, were able to purge the Nightmare. It was then, after I was granted that clemency, that I started my own struggle to overcome what I had wrought as the Nightmare.

“You see, ponies were forced to remember the myths of evil, only now revealed to be truth all along. And with that fresh knowledge, some continue to see me cloaked in the shadows I once openly wore.

“Sir David, now that you know for certain, how do you see me before you?”

David paused to stare into her deep, blue eyes.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know, Princess.” Luna looked surprised by his answer. “You’ve told me this story, and though I’ve heard of it myself, I haven’t lived it—I can’t possibly understand what it means to you or to others. But I do understand is how hard it is to let go of the past, to forgive, and to move on, especially to forgive yourself. That’s a lesson I’ve spent most of my young life trying to learn.

“You haven’t done anything to me that requires forgiveness, and while I can’t fully empathize with your situation, I can offer compassion and friendship, if you will accept it. I suppose my answer is that I can only see the you that is here now.”

“Your words are most thoughtful, Sir David. You would offer me friendship, ignoring the mistakes of my past—”

“No. Including them. Just because I can’t understand doesn’t mean they don’t exist. They are part of who you are. I can see how your past affects you, and I won’t pretend it didn’t happen. I think everyone has some regrets, but overcoming those obstacles gives us opportunities to learn and grow. I believe it’s very disrespectful for someone to ignore that part of another’s life, especially after they were kind enough to share it.”

A coy smile graced Luna’s lips. “We— I am grateful to you, Sir David. You have shared honesty and kindness with me this night. I would be most grateful to call you friend.”

“Thanks. I think so too, Princess.” He laughed. “Wow, I’m friends with a princess. That seems a bit surreal to me.”

“Why does that surprise you so?”

“In my world, there is a great division between those in power and the common folk. It would take pretty extreme circumstances for me to even meet, let alone become friends with the leader of a country.”

“Say, appearing out of nowhere and being rescued by such a leader?”

“Heh. Perhaps so. I suppose I was just lucky.”

“Luck, Sir David, depends much upon what you do with it. I would say that if you had not chosen to entertain my company this night, we would most likely be yet simple acquaintances of happenstance.”

“You’re right. And had you not chosen to check up on me, I would probably be quite depressed by now. I really appreciate you being here; I didn’t want to be alone.”

“You are most welcome. I, too, am glad to be here. It has been quite a while since I last opened up to somepony, perhaps I was waiting for some human instead,” she said with a bright smile.

David chuckled nervously, a smile threatening his own lips. “I… I don’t know what to say, Princess. I—”

Luna’s face continued to pour out her inner radiance. She smiled happily at David, truly content to be there. “Come now, Sir David. There is no reason to be flustered. We are friends now, and I am happy to be in your company. Please, be at peace.”

“Heh. I’ll try.” He smiled. “I noticed your speech patterns have changed a bit as well. You’ve started referring to yourself as ‘I’… it seems you’ve definitely become more relaxed.”
Luna laughed heartily. She then rolled to her side and gently stretched her back legs, all while keeping David’s gaze, then neatly tucked them back against her belly. “Hah! Well, I suppose that is true. You have coaxed this royal mare outside of her moldy old castle chambers, and she now speaks to you on an equal level! Do not let it go to your head, human,” she said wearing a haughty grin.

David read her joking cues and matched them perfectly. “Although I am only a visitor, I am willing to submit to you, Princess. I wouldn’t dare let it go to my head.” He bowed slightly.
She pointed a hoof at him accusingly. “Oh, ho, ho! This one has a silver tongue! I will have to be careful of you, Sir David. I feel both honesty and friendly jibe behind your words. You would do well with the nobles of Canterlot!”
“I certainly hope not.” David shook his head. “If they match the snobbish portrayal I have seen in my stories, I don’t really see myself interacting with them much at all.”
“Ha, ha! Well said, Sir David, well said. Honesty and laughter in such an inviting package. Let us see if your banter can keep up with the Night!”

“Are you sure you want to continue? I don’t want to keep you from your responsibilities.”

“I have nowhere better to be, and tomorrow is of no consequence. Why, do you wish to resign, or were you simply intimidated by my challenge?”

David raised his hands. “No, no. I mean, your challenge was quite intimidating, yes, but I’m not even a bit sleepy.”

“That is good to hear. Starting a fire within me only to turn your back on it is a good way to get burned. It is much better to cozy up to it and enjoy the heat while it lasts.”

“Be careful, Princess, you may unintentionally burn down the palace, I’m much more likely to stoke the flames rather than sit idly by.”

“Oh, playing with fire is more your game? Would you have the light extinguish the night forever?”

“Not at all. Fire is a tool of mankind. We control it. It is something to be carefully wielded when darkness consumes us, but we also douse the flames to feel the night’s embrace. I prefer to have a mastery of things, though, and training a fire to roar or making it meek like a kitten is where I shine.”

Luna smiled devilishly. “Pride can often mask false mastery; I would counsel you against making this fire ‘roar.’”

“That is true. I should be wary with a flame I am unfamiliar with. However, practice will grant me knowledge, and that will undoubtedly make me bold. Perhaps caution is the better way this time. I will sit and wait.”

Luna smirked. “This fire grows of its own will, you cannot control it. Long before you realize, you may face an inferno!”

“A destructive fire? That is possible. However, here in this room with stone walls and floor, the fire is well-contained. I dare say that if a fire I set here were to grow out of my control, I would be willing to resign to my fate, as it would cause little collateral damage.”

Luna peered at the man through narrowed eyes. She paused, her mind racing. ‘He is a competent partner in this. I find myself pleasantly surprised at his capability. I wonder if I should push a bit further.’

Sensing the lull, David also turned to his thoughts. ‘She didn’t retort. Did I win or just make her mad? I think I’m having fun, though. Wait, don’t smile, you’ll lose ground!’ The corners of David’s mouth twitched as he fought his internal battle.

‘Aha!’ Luna smiled again. “So, you are willing to sacrifice yourself to the fire you make. Admittance that you may be at its mercy.”

David’s heart sank, his defeat was almost assured. “Sometimes I am, yes. It is as you said, pride can mask a weakness.” Suddenly, David’s smile returned. “But it is not like I would be defeated by another fire, for when two fires meet, they either merge or extinguish each other. I carry my own flame and am quite capable of creating a firebreak from a controlled burn if needed. In that case, both flames would die separately without fuel. However, the strength of two flames burning together is quite appealing.”

Luna sat with her mouth ajar as if ready to speak, but no words were heard. ‘He has turned the tables in this. A perceived weakness has shrouded his inner strength.’ Her mouth closed and she broke eye contact, only to return to his gaze once more. “I concede this round. Though I stared directly at it, I did not see the firelight before me and was singed. I bow humbly to you, the master of flame this night.”

David smiled. “I graciously accept, though as I said, two blazes could extinguish each other. I’m glad we could both burn brightly together.”

“Agreed. Thank you for entertaining this challenge. So many others would shy away due to my station or fear reprisal. Shall we move on to less combative discussions?”

“I’m game if you are. What would you like to talk about?”

Luna sat pensively, resting her chin on her forehoof. “You have already told me about your youth and family, do you not have any other relationships?”

“Oh, uh—”

“Forgive me if that was too forward a topic. We can talk about something else.”

“No, it’s okay. I’m just wondering why you asked.”

Luna sighed. “Perhaps it is a void in my own life I wish to fill with the happy stories of others. Though not as tied to the crown as my sister, I feel rather cooped up in the castle. Sometimes happy stories or idle gossip is my only escape.”

“Well, I don’t think I could provide any happy stories to tide you over. It has been quite a while since I was last in a meaningful relationship.”

“I find that quite surprising. I would have imagined you to be in a wonderful arrangement.”

“There was a time or two where I felt the same, but recently… Well, I haven’t gotten out much. After my mother passed, there was a lot to do. Getting that straightened out took a large portion of my time, and the rest was all work. I started to think that working was my life. The few acquaintances I have are co-workers, and we only meet at work. I’ve met a few women, but we didn’t seem to mesh, and I’d rather not fake it to start a relationship.”

Luna turned away. “I too, feel the same. Before I returned, there was a ridiculous notion that royalty should be paired with nobility. I had hopes that after so long, society would have moved past such petty thoughts, but alas, it is still somewhat strong. Regardless, I have seen a few stallions of high station, but none with enough sincerity to amount to their ego. As luck would have it, I found a few males of common heritage that were humble, but they became scarce as the pressure from the elite built. I did what I could to encourage them, but it was not enough to spur their effort. I suppose they too, did not ‘mesh.’”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I imagine that happens on Earth as well. We have few monarchies left, and I wonder how they survive with such a small pool of nobility. I remember that leading me to look up what ‘blue-blooded’ meant. I was surprised to find it had actual scientific and physical characteristics that lead to the moniker.”

Luna grunted. “Ugh. You would do well not to mention those words again unless you wish to see me ill.”

“What? Oh, Blueblood. He’s a prince, right?”

“Such a distasteful name. Unfortunately, ‘prince’ is a title that one can be born into. He hardly represents such praise. Forget him, he is one of the ‘snobbish’ that you referred to before.”

“Oh, so he also matches my stories.”

“I would imagine so. He is quite one-dimensional. If you had heard he was a louse, it would be a grand complement. I am intrigued, though, tell me more of the etymology you researched.”

“Sure. It seems ‘blue-blooded’ came about in my world to refer a condition of pale skin and visibly blue veins, common to nobility in centuries before. There are several factors that contributed to it: some hereditary, some medical, and others physical. In short, because of their small gene pool, expensive tastes and lack of exposure to sunlight, the royals and nobility physically appeared different, and anyone who matched that description fell into the same social group. The commoners made a term for it, though it might have been used pejoratively.”

“Fascinating. I believe our culture came to the same conclusions, though ours were slightly different. In the past, only the unicorn tribe had a class of nobility, one born through lineage. It so happens that many of that class were of pure white coat. While you cannot see veins through our fur, a newborn’s coat is not yet full. It was plainly evident when a white foal was born if it was of a noble line, as its tummy would bear the blue-veined markings of its parents. As time passed, though, the term has seen little usage. Even less so, as there are fewer purebred families and therefore, even fewer white coats.”

“Huh. You know, I’m quite surprised at the commonality our two worlds share. The fact that we speak the same language, or at least that we can understand each other is mind boggling. Couple that with similarities in culture, and it seems almost impossible.”

“It is often said that ‘magic makes the impossible, possible.’ I would not discount your very arrival to be the result of unknown magic, and in that might lie the answer.”

“What do you think—”

Luna held up a hoof and silenced the man. “I am sorry, but would you hold that question for a short while? I must take a moment to stretch,” she said wearing a coy smile.

“Oh, of course.”

Luna stood gracefully and arched her back. She spread her wings and stretched her neck to the sky. Feeling relieved, she shook out her mane and tail, then stepped down off of the bed. Slowly, she made her way over to the bathroom and closed the door gently behind her.


David looked around the room sheepishly. The awkwardness of the situation grated on him and soon, he too stood from the bed to ease his nerves. He stretched a bit himself, then walked over to the fireplace. The fire he had made earlier was now burning low, and so he tended to it, adding enough logs for the rest of the night.

Through the gentle crackling of the burning wood, the click of the bathroom door’s lock opening was barely audible. Luna, now refreshed and wearing a smile, started to walk out but stopped suddenly to watch David as he cared for the fire. She stood silently as she watched David crouched down by the fire. With his back to her, she studied his now hunched over form. Perched on his two bent legs, he deftly maneuvered the logs with the fire iron, carefully stacking and placing the wood for an even burn.

She cleared her throat. “Ahem. Are you, perhaps turning in, or is there still more time for us to share?”

David spun around, caught unaware. “I… I’m fine. I just wanted to make sure the room stayed warm.”

Luna smiled, then climbed back onto the bed. “That is wise. The nights still have a fair chill to them even though Spring is ending and Summer will soon be upon us. I suppose Canterlot’s altitude has a hand in that; the low-lying towns most likely are already feeling the heat. Regardless, I would hate for this night to grow cold.”
