King of Equestria

by Neroson40


When Dream Runner and Wayvern summoned Babylon, they appeared in a cockpit, like for a ship of sorts. There legs were locked into the machine and one hand, right for Wayvern left for Dream Runner, had a sensor-glove-thing on it.
“The Heck!?” Wayvern said. “What is this?”
“My Babylon needs two pilots to control its actions,” Dream runner said. “Since you were the one who helped summon it, you’re my co-pilot, now let’s fight!”
The Babylon that Dream Runner had didn’t even draw the Colossal Sword. It was able to fight with everything else, like shadow manipulation, kung-fu and ninjitsu. Eventually, the confusion was too much for Soulbreak, and a Pulse Blast through the heart was enough to wipe him out.

“What do you mean you can’t change back to Dream Runner!?” Twilight said to Discord when they returned to the surface.
“It’s part of the curse I saved Harmony from eleven centuries ago.” Discord explained. “I have to remain in existence to govern chaos, if ‘Discord’ doesn’t exist even for a moment…”
“The universe could be doomed to unlimited forms of chaos,” Wayvern said.
“That’s correct… Oh! What happened to your mother? I lost my memory when I was struck with this curse, so I haven’t seen her… where is she?” Wayvern remained silent.
“Discord… you didn’t hear what Wayvern said?” Twilight asked.
“No… I didn’t…”
“Mother’s spirit… was broken into six… by Soulbreak,” Wayvern explained. “She’s never coming back.” At this news it looked like Discord was about to cry… but then he started laughing, laughing at this. “Why are you laughing!?”
“Cushions the blow… but in all seriousness, just because I’m not Dream Runner anymore doesn’t mean I’m not your father anymore… I love you as a father should love his child, so don’t be discouraged that your mother is gone, you still have me… and that’s more than a lot of sentient beings have.”
Wayvern thought this over… and came to peace. “You’re right father… I do have you, and that’s all I could ask for… besides, mother’s spirit is the basic makeup for the Elements of Harmony, so you could say she’s still with us.”
Another feature to the Transformer that was now standard for the Shadow Reapers was telepathic communication with any sentient creature outside the radius of a mile. Wayvern was talking to Celestia via this system while Twilight was catching up with her friends on this side of the mirror, who reminded him of all her friends on their side of the mirror.
“Wayvern, I have some bad news,” Celestia said.
“What happened!? A Shadow attack!?” Wayvern became worried for his kingdom.
“No, even if a Shadow were to come to Equestria, we have Vulcan, and your apprentice,” Celestia assured. “The problem is that as soon as you walked through the mirror, it shattered. Give us a month to figure out how Twilight’s replica works and we’ll have you back by then”
Wayvern let out a sigh of exasperation. Then he thought about Discord, and the true identity he revealed. He could tell Celestia what he found… but decided against it. He said his goodbye and hung up.
“Twilight! Dad! I have bad news!” Twilight, her friends and Discord walked over to hear this news. “The Portal closed behind us, were stuck here for another month.”
“Another MONTH!?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Her outfit was the most athletic of the group. She was wearing sporty boots, biking shorts, a workout skirt, a blue fleece vest and a tank top with Dash’s cutie mark on it. “What’ll you do in that time!?”
“There’s plenty they could do,” Fluttershy said. Her clothes were the girliest of the group… not an insult, just an observation. She wore a frilly green skirt with butterflies on it, a white tank top, and green high heel boots. “Help out at the Animal Shelter for one thing.” Wow… their personalities even matched their Equestrian counterparts… this was getting scary.
“Or they could go to school, right?” Pinkie Pie suggested. That was the most sensible thing that Pinkie suggested, human or otherwise. This Pinkie was wearing a blue sweater over a white shirt with a pink heart. She had a pink ribbon belt and a skirt that had three little balloons on it.
School… Wayvern never went to a real school. Even in Equestria he was home tutored by his parents. He liked the idea.

Discord filled out the paperwork for entering Canterlot High as best he could for both Twilight and Wayvern. No one seemed to notice it last time, but they weren’t getting away without the paperwork this time. The first day was just fine, everyone looked past Wayvern except for Twilight and the others… then he showed up.
“Twilight!?” The guy said. The group looked at him. He had spikey blue hair and a tan body he had a guitar case on his back and was dressed like a jock, blue leather jacket, jeans, red sneakers.
“Flash!” Twilight got up and hugged him, making Wayvern feel sick.
“So, Twilight,” Flash said. “You gonna introduce me to your friend here or what?” Wayvern turned around to meet Flash’s eyes.
“Wayvern,” He said as he stuck out his hand.
“Flash Sentry! Nice to meet you!” Flash shook his hand… when they let go, Flash looked concerned. “You okay man? You look a little green.”
“You know, I suddenly feel a little green, excuse me.” Wayvern rushed to the restroom. There he found an empty stall and hurled his guts out.