//------------------------------// // What do you mean, Good Morning? // Story: An even MORE Unexpected Journey // by Sense of Humor //------------------------------// After a conversation amongst themselves and the most random rainstorm ever, The CMC ultimately agreed to the offer Bilbo made about giving them shelter. They knew the rules about stranger danger of course, but were confident in the ability to protect each other if this Bilbo person was bad. But he was actually turning out to be the most respectful and kind soul they'd met so far in this new world. Not to mention quite the curious one. "And you just have ponies as your...main inhabitants?" "Pretty much. On occasion," Sweetie Belle spoke halfway through a lettuce and bread sand which. "We get creatures like changelings, or Chimeras! Remember that one Chimera you encountered Applebloom?" "Ya keep remindin' me." She got as a response. "So ah can't forget." "Extraordinary... Well, your home that is. I-I'm not talking about you three if,eh..." Bilbo shrugged after some time. "It offends you..." Sweetie waved a hoof to dismiss his worries. "Nah, that'd be a compliment for us! Which is more than appreciated, Mister! Say Scootaloo, don't you wanna sit over here?" The pegasus took one annoyed glance at Applebloom and then at her from her spot near the fireplace. "No." "...Well, I don't believe I have any extra bedrooms at the moment. " Bilbo placed his tea cup back on the tiny plate and hesitantly gestured to the ponies. He obviously wished he could do more to help them, but the matter seemed to be out of his hands. "But I do have more than enough blankets for the three of you. This room might be a lot warmer than any regular bedroom anyways!" "I think we can manage. We've done sleepovers all the time back in Ponyville. " Sweetie Belle recounted while Bilbo opened one of the nearby closets and fetched a few fluffy looking blanket and fluffy looking pillows. The fillies each selected a different blanket and tested them out with a few hugs. "Thanks, Mr Baggins Sir!" "You're welcome., although I believe that Bilbo will suffice. " He shrugged and started up a short flight of stairs. "Well, I am off to bed. I've been far more hours than I should before, and I'm going to make up for lost time right about now." "Good night, Mr...uh...Ah mean, Bilbo!" Applebloom voiced aloud and began to unfurl the blanket, before dragging it over to rest in front of the couch. Her white coated friend noticed this with a worrying gaze. "Aren't you gonna sleep over here next to us?" "Ah'm not wanted over there." Applebloom halfheartedly shrugged, with Scootaloo grunting in approval. Sweetie Belle glared at the pegasus and dragged her blanket on the couch just above and to the right of Applebloom. While she got comfortable there, she yawned. "Well then, I guess you're wanted over here." Scootaloo didn't turn to look at them, but the faltering glare on her face said everything. Bilbo had a lot to think over this morning, as he sat comfortably on the bench stationed in front of his house and enjoyed his pipe. The three ponies he was briefly taking watch over were the main subject. They weren't like most ponies, even if you excluded the talking thing, for their bodies were different colors that represented their personalities in some way. The hobbit hadn't the slightest idea of how to get them home to this world they called Equestria, because he'd never heard of any world other than middle earth. Equestria sounded a great many miles away and not in any conventional direction. He sighed and closed his eyes to hopefully gain some idea that would benefit everyone, puffing a circular cloud of white. The cloud somehow bounced right back in his face, and he opened his eyes to see a peculiar figure standing there. A tall, very old looking male in a dark grey robe and a tall, very crooked grey hat with a long grey beard. The only thing that seemed not grey about him was his heightened walking stick with a peculiar end. Bilbo stared at the figure with a few confused blinks, and he stared back stoically. Eventually, the hobbit cleared his throat and nodded politely to the figure. "...Good morning." "What do you mean?" Before Bilbo could even think to respond, thefigure was speaking again. "Do you mean to wish me a good morning, or that it is a good morning whether I like it or not?" Bilbo furrowed his brow incredulously. "Or perhaps you mean to tell me that you feel good on this particular morning...or are you simply stating that this a morning to be good on?" "...All of them at once I suppose. " A silence stretched between awkwardly like a snail, filled with stares and...just quiet. The shorter individual eventually coughed. "Can I help you...?" "...That," The old fellow responded with interest. " remains to be seen. I'm looking for a few souls to share in an adventure." It took Bilbo a good moment or two to properly process his words. "A...A-an...Adventure? Heh. No, I don't imagine anyone west of here would be interested in an adventure...Nasty, disturbing...uncomfortable things...that make you late for dinner!" He busied himself by checking his mailbox all of a sudden, and the envelopes within. The older individual didn't budge. "Mmhmm...Mmhm...hmm...Well,er good morning!" Bilbo turned to walk back up the steps, but that didn't stop him from hearing anything else. "To think I'd live to be 'good-morninged' by Belladonna tük''s son as if I were selling buttons at the door..." "I...Beg your pardon?" "You've changed...and not entirely for the better, Bilbo Baggins." The hobbit narrowed his eyes in a quizzical manner and added in a raise of the eyebrow too. "I'm sorry, do I know you by any chance?" The figure sighed. "I am Gandalf...and Gandalf means...uh...Me." "Oh! You're Gandalf, the wandering wizard who made such excellent fireworks!" Bilbo grinned enthusiastically while the old fellow shrugged proudly. " Mother tük used to have them on summer's eve! Heh! I had no idea you were still in business..." "And where else should I be?" "Well..." He realized he had nothing to say, and so puffed his pipe to stall a bit. Gandalf tsked lightly at him. "Well I'm pleased to find you remember something about me...even if it's only my fireworks. Oh well. That's decided: It'll be very good for you! And most amusing for me...I shall inform the others." "Inform the who-what? No!No, No! Bilbo exclaimed in frustrated confusion, aiming the end of his pipe at Gandalf. He jogged back up the steps to his door. "We do not want any adventures here! Not today, not t-...*sigh*...I suggest you try over the hill or across the water...er...Good morning!" And with that, the hobbit disappeared behind his door and shut it. He jumped with surprise when Scootaloo spoke just behind him. "Whatcha doin?" "Nothing important." He was interrupted by the sound of scraping on the other side of his door. Bilbo pressed his ear to it swiftly, catching more clear sound of scraping before he peeked out the window near his door. Gandalf appeared to walking away briskly, but he was too far away to be blamed for doing anything to his door. "You sure you're not doing anything...?" Bilbo stared down at his cards in a specifically serious fashion, but occasionally gave a funny glance at the three ponies sitting at opposite places on the small table. They too giggled and stared down at their cards, even if Scootaloo barely did any laughing. To his understanding, the pegasus and Applebloom had talked and while she was still cross, it was less so than before. That, of course, made playing go fish an excellent game. It was a time like this when he thought over why he didn't have guests over a lot. This would have been a pretty fun thing to do in his spare time: card games with a few feiends, wether old or new. If only he could think of many friends that he could invite-- "Mister Bilbo!" He snapped his head up to look at Sweetie Belle, who was raising an eyebrow. "I asked if your pot was supposed to be steaming like that?" After visual confirmation of his pot on the stove, the Hobbit hastily placed the cards on the table and went to the counter. He placed his fish on the halfway filled plate, perfectly aligned with the mashed potatoes and corn. He returned with his plate and a glass of water, holding his cards once again. "Suppose I'll eat and play, hmm? Who's next?" "Me!" Applebloom excitedly exclaimed and smirked. "Do yoo have a Jack, Mister Bilbo?" Bilbo stared at his cards, and then accusingly at the three of them...who stifling giggles. "You three looked at my cards, didn't you?" "...Are you a piscovore?" Scootaloo suddenly asked, obviously trying to change the subject. Her friends laughed harder now. "My teacher says that a piscovore eats fish...and you're eating fish." Bilbo cleared his throat. "Well, actually...I'm more of an omnivore. I eat this and lamb and pork, but I also eat vegetables like the ones on my plate." All of the fillies stopped laughing and stared at him a bit worriedly, although it was Applebloom that spoke up soon. "So you eat pigs and lamb?" A nod confirmed this. "So...you killed them?" "Not me, specifically. And they were...killed...mercifully, I assure you. It's a very sad thing indeed, but I suppose the meat I ingest holds key nutrients that let me live. " Bilbo politely explained, for he understood their slightly horrified faces. Perhaps he wouldn't eat the fish in front of them tonight. "It's like...eating plants, which are a living thing, and taking nutrients from them." "Ah guess that's true..." Applebloom shared a face of disgust with her friends and looked back at Bilbo. "But what about equines? Y' don't eat them, do ya?" Bilbo was about to laugh at her question when a loud knock sounded thruought the house. The echo lasted just a few seconds, but it was enough to startle the four of them into silence. Sweetie Belle looked at their host and placed her cards face down on the table. "Were you expecting anyone this time of night?" "...No, I was not. " Bilbo stood up m, quickly walking out of the dining room and down the hall that would lead him to the door. "I won't be but a moment." The Hobbit reached the door and yanked on the doorknob, finally allowing him to fully see who knocked: A dwarf was standing on the steps before the doorway, sporting a large black beard that connected to his sideburns and moustache. Unlike his strangely bald top, his burly body was covered in thick looking clothing and a coat or two. He had some kind of weapon but it was slung over his back. The Dwarf regarded Bilbo half interested, and nodded to him. " Dwalin...at your service." The Hobbit awkwardly bowed back to him. "Eh...Bilbo Baggins...at yours?" With that, the dwarf began to walk inside the house and past the owner of it. "Er, D-Do we know each other?" Dwalin stopped and stared over his shoulder. "No." After sighing, he followed the dwarf anxiously after closing the door. His newfound guest stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked at the multiple doorways leading to many different rooms. His first coat was removed diligently and tossed to Bilbo. "Where is it, Lad?" The hobbit frowned at the coat in his arms. "Where is what?" "The supper." Was the swift answer, before his guest took a turn into the dining room. " He said there'd be food." But, who-who said--" The CMC all flinched when the dwarf suddenly entered the dining room, barely holding a curious stare upon them. Bilbo finally entered into the room and coughed a few times. "Um...girls? This is Dwalin, I believe." "Uh...Hi?" Scootaloo offered helplessly. Dwalin snorted, gave the three an acknowledgingredients nod and sat down in front of the fish plate that Bilbo made for himself earlier. Everyone watched at the Dwarf gave no regards for the silverware and simply picked up the fish to eat it like that. The ponies in particular felt a bit sick watching him tear the flesh off the bone so smoothly and eating it like it was a snack. Obviously not liking this but too polite to say so, Bilbo handed him a glass of water wordlessly. In seconds, another loud knock startled him and the fillies. Dwalin looked at Bilbo with a mouth full of fish and sarcasm. "That'll be the door." This time the hobbit was accompanied by his band of fillies, who stood behind him as he opened the door to reveal another Dawrf. This one was less heavily clothed and was sporting white hair from the top of his head to his long beard. Adjusting his red robe, the dwarf smiled at Bilbo and the strangely colored ponies below. "Balin! At your service." Applebloom tilted her head as Bilbo could only stand there and try to process what was happening this night. "Good evening, Mister Balin." "Heh! Yes, Yes it is! Although I think it might rain later." The Dwarf responded to her with a halfhearted shrug, and Applebloom glanced out past him. She saw a few large clouds, but she doubted rain for more than a minute. " So, am I late?" Bilbo finally snapped out of it. "What, no! Late for what?" Balin would've began explaining to him, but the sight of Dwalin try to fish a few cookies of of the cookie jar nearby was enough to distract him. With his host forgotten for the moment, Balin began to shuffle over to the other Dwarf with a laugh or two. " Ah Ha! Evening, brother!" Dwalin forgot the jar and dropped it noisily to the ground, a smile dawning between his moustache and beard. "By my beard... I remember you shorter the last we met!" "Ah, wider. Not shorter." Balin winked in the midst of his chuckle. "Sharp enough for the both of us, eh?" The two laughed softly at each other, while the other watched on...especially when the dwarves abruptly bashed their heads together. A roar of laughter filled the house after this, Balin and Dwalin chuckling and starting to talk about their time before coming here. Everyone else was a bit puzzled about what had just happened, but knew asking would probably make them more confused than before. Bilbo followed the two dwarves as they found themselves in the food pantry and began to sift through all the edible items the hobbit had. The hobbit himself watched this with growing frustration. "Um...excuse me! I'm very sorry to interrupt you, but...I'm not entirely sure you're in the right house. " Bilbo began, while Dwalin and Balin examined a stack of beef ribs. " It's not that I don't like visitors--no-- I like visitors as much as the next hobbit, I've even got a brood of...er...children that are staying her until I can get them back home. But back to the point-- I would like to know said visitors before they come visiting me...Y-You see the thing is...I don't know either of you in the slightest! I hate to be so blunt, but I'm afraid that's simply the truth-- I am sorry." "Will it broil or..." The Dwarves trailed off into silence at the last three words Bilbo spoke, before giving equal nods to the house owner. "Apology accepted!" "Mister Bilbo?! There's two others at the door!" Groaning from the oncoming headache, the hobbit stomped to the doorway and saw that the CMC had acquainted themselves with two dwarf twins. One had blonde hair entirely and the other had dark brown hair, both sporting beards just the two before them...although notably smaller. "Fili!" The blonde announced. "Kili!" The brunette followed. Both bowed dramatically and added the whole 'at your service' part again, which earned a few giggles below a frowning Bilbo. The brunette gestured to all of them. "You must be the ponies and Mr. Boggins!" By this point didn't care to ask how he knew anything about the fillies or his own name. Which, by the way, he said incorrectly and therefore counted as Kili looking for the wrong hobbit. "Nope! We're not!" Before the door could shut properly, Fili pushed it open just enough to peek in worriedly. "Wait! It's been cancelled?!" Scootaloo spoke up helpfully to the dwarves. "Actually, nothings been cancelled--" "Great!" The brother barged in past Bilbo eagerly, causing the hobbit to stumble back a little while they placed a few heavy swords on Applebloom's back. Fili pointed to the one on the top and she craned her neck to look at it. "Careful where you put that one. I just got it sharpened." "Got it, Mister!" Applebloom excitedly exclaimed, and set off toward low chair remembered seeing a while ago. This reminded her a bit of the labor she loved doing on the farm, but luckily not enough to sadden her. "Mind if ah set 'em down on this here stool?" "Certainly! Careful though." Kili answered for his brother and began to wipe his shoes on a specific wooden box, mud staining it. "Hmm. This is nifty." "That's my mother's toolbox!!!" "Ah, Fili! Kili! Come along. We have a bit of work to do to prepare for the others." Balin gestured for them to come along from the door way of the second dining room, where Dwalin was preparing the larger table. "We'll need you to set up plates." "Thank you, Scootaloo." Bilbo snarled under his breath and jogged the fourteen feet after the dwarves, not noticing the sheepish grin on the pegasus' face. "How many more ar you even proposing?!" A loud knock sounded from the front of the house again. "NO! NO! NO! THERE'S NOBODY HOME! GO AWAY AND BOTHER SOMEBODY ELSE! There's enough company in my house as it is! If this is some muttonhead's idea of a joke...I must say that is in very poor taste." Eight dwarves fell in through the doorway in one huge pile when he opened the door. Biblo's eyelid twitched spastically at this, and even more when a grey bearded face leaned way down to smile at him through the doorway. "Gandalf..." Scootaloo walked up to the pile of groaning and moaning dwarves. "I think we're gonna need more food."