//------------------------------// // [25] My Little Bubble Shield: Defance is Magic // Story: The Chronicles of a Lost Angel [Refined Edition] // by Nova Borealis //------------------------------// My Little Bubble Shield, My Little Bubble Shield AaaaAaaaaaAaaah~ My Little Bubble Shield I used to wonder what defense could be Until you all shared Halo 3 with me! Big rewards! Tons of guns! A beautiful get away fearful and trolltastic Looting corpses It's an easy kill And science makes it all complete! My Little Bubble Shield Did you know, it is my very best loadouuuuuuuut... I had to, I really did. ============================================ 1 week later, the Ruins of the Crystal Empire A week has past sense Nova took down the rebel fleet a few galaxies away from Equestria. Serena and Necra have completed their research on the crystal heart, much to Shining Armor's dismay. Luckily for our heros Princess Cadence is starting to become suspicious of her husband's actions and decided to order her guards to keep an eye on him while she walks over to the east watch tower of Alpha Base to talk to Serena or Necra about the matter. ====== Cadence I make my way out of the refugee camps of my ponies and stand before the east watchtower. A sentinel flies towards me, this one seems to be black with white lines painted on, as if the designer attempted to make it look like a butler. "Hello mam, how can I help you today?" says the sentinel in an accent I've never heard before. "I'm worried for my husband...I was hoping Serena might be finished with the heart." I say with a hint of worry. "Ah, yes, their coming up now, as for your husband's state, I have been informed that he could be infected with an unknown dark magic based virus, and your guards aren't the only one's watching him." says the sentinel. "N-no...it can't be... u-um so who else is watching him?" I ask with disturbed curiosity as I begin to suspect Sombra might have something to do with this. "I'm not at liberty to say, but not to worry, those who are watching him are with us." said the sentinel as I relax a little. The door to the watch tower opens, revealing Serena and Necra. "Hi Cadence, is something wrong?" says Necra with a chipper tone. "Is Shining going to be ok?" I ask with concern. ====== Serena "Their is much I do not know about the types of magics that exist on this planet. But I have detected a spiritual disturbance with in him. If we do not cure him soon then he may never be the same." I say as I know full well that any pureblood could reverse the process at any time, but Nova isn't here...no...I must expect to never see her again...until I finally lose functionality in the estimated time frame of 4 quadrillion years. "I'll have my guards dampen his magic." suggests Cadence. "No, even if you tell your guards to turn on him, some may be loyal to Shining more then you. We need to lure him back to the Crystal Empire. We've modified a reactor missile to explode into recreating atomic structures given a shape. meaning when it is set off in your Empire it will be rebuilt in a matter of seconds" I say to a rather stunned Princess. "He'll never expect it." says Necra. "That's...wow, I don't even know what to say...are you sure it will work?" asks Cadence. "I've run a few hundred simulations on the matter, so far it has a 98% chance of rebuilding the Empire." I say to comfort her. "And what of the other 2%?" asks Cadence. "Don't worry about it." says Necra as we both know that their is that slight possibility of the ruins being deatomized. "Ok...but how do we deliver this missile?" asks Cadence. The Sirus is the only ship that can launch a reactor missile, so we'll half to fly it over to the ruins to restore them." I say as I point to it, surrounded by camps. "It's already been loaded into one of the missile silos." adds Necra. "What about the crystal heart?" asks Cadence, only for it to suddenly phase into existence floating next to Necra, as if it came out of a stealth felid. "After what Shining said I doubt it would be wise to let everyone see it as we fly to the ship." I say to Cadence. "Point taken, shall I inform everypony to start packing into the Sirus?" she asks. "Yes." I say. ====== Nova one week ago "It wasn't a request, resistance is completely futile." I say with a disappointed tone. I phase through the glass, strange, I'd expect them to have a hard light windshield technology...perhaps they don't have the resources to do so, this IS a terrorist fleet after all. The bridge is small with a few consoles built into the wall and terminals that surround the captain's chair. The controls are being operated by surprised and terrified reptilian aliens different then the ones I just fought, they must have been genetically modified specifically for battle, this must be what the natural species appears. Sitting in the captain's chair is a male cyborg human from the Earth of universe 28-427 GB. "So...your from a Gammablood's universe? How odd, usually the humans from their universes are peaceful." I say directly to the human male. "Is that all we are to you? Petty cannon fodder?" he asks, with venom in those words. "I put laws in motion to best suit the sentient life with in MY Empire, you fail to understand the simple fact I only try to do what's right to prolong the happiness of ALL life, not just sentient life." I say as I attempt to to negotiate with him. "No being should ever have your kind of power." says the human with clear disgust in his tone. "I earned this power over the corse of 153 megacycles. The public does not know what lies beyond the Empire, let alone what lurks within the deep void, and it's best to KEEP it that way, that is unless you want total anarchy and mass panic then by all means, CONTINUE your futile effort of overthrowing me and my government." I say with an annoyed tone. "What could possibly be in the deep void? Why keep something that insignificant a secret? Or perhaps its not so safe in the void as you thought!" says the human. My patents grows thin as my wings spark red for a moment out of anger. "Agh...OK, just what are you even DOING here anyways?" I ask. "Same as you, we're looking for Epsilon." he says. "No data relating to Epsilon is on your ship's computers." says V from the ship's intercom. "You know as well as I that I can force you to tell me where Epsilon is in many different ways. Are you going to make this easy on yourself and tell me truthfully? Or am I going to half to engage in mental warfare." I say. "We know just as much as you at this point." he says, though I can tell even with out my scans that he's desperately trying to hide behind his seemingly brave body language. "He's lying." says V. "Well WE know that...but do you care to elaborate on it?" I say I slowly walk towards the human rebel, I fire off a homing laser from one of my wings to swiftly burn through the head of one of the crew members of the bridge. "...We picked up a faint static signal from a world that hasn't developed wormhole communication." says the human as his confidence starts to dwindle. "His facts check out." says V as she goes through the ship's files. "Thats good and all but I could have asked V for that information at any time, tell me something that we can't just look up from your patchwork ship's mainframe." I say as I kneel down to his level, a blue flame glows around my eyes to intimidate him. "T-that's all I know...." he says with fear in his voice. "You speak...the truth...V? Send him to the brig. We can question him about Slayer later." I say as I stand back up. The human suddenly teleports away into the brig of my ship. "You are free to go...but be warned, I called the Lavarien Empire, you should all be arrested soon enough by their forces, may the stars have mercy on you all." as soon as I finish that statement I launch myself backwards with a powerful flap and the thrust of my wings back to my ship. ====== Serena present After about 2 hours of loading the displaced citizens and supplies of the Crystal Empire onto the Sirus I activate the engines. All life with in visual range of Alpha Base can see the ship begin to rise. The engines start to hum to life as we leave the ground. Standing behind me is Necra and the 2 leaders of the Crystal Empire, along with the elements of harmony. "Wow...so this bucket of bolts really CAN fly." says Rainbow Dash as she and her friends look out the window to see us rising. "Well this IS an alien spaceship darling." says Rarity as she incorrectly calls the Sirus a spaceship and not a starship. I fire the engines and set corse for space, the ride is smooth as the engines give off little to no vibration through out the ship. "This is so incredible!" yells Twilight with glee as if she's a stereotypical anime school girl with stars in her eyes. "I have never driven a starship before, though the fundamental controls are similar to Sky Queen mode." I say to no one in particular. "Is that what that robot thing you turned into called?" asks Pinkie. "It's just the name of the protocol, though the actual mech is an archangel, mine is called the White Phenix." I say as we leave the atmosphere. The ponies and X queen stop listening as they see the window be engulfed in flames to suddenly vanish to the void of space. Twilight slowly flies next to me. "We are higher then any pony before us...the first ponies in space..." says Twilight as this must be a monumental occasion for their species. A moment that will surely go down in their history books. The ponies notice the sky is not that of what they see every night. "Is that...a galaxy!? But why is it so close!? Why is it that we never see THAT every night!? It's not scientifically possible!" says Twilight as she starts to slowly lose it. "Yes it is." I say simply. "REALLY? How?" asks Twilight, desperate for an answer. "An enchanted bubble shield that surrounds the planet that has the fundamental appearance to alter what is displayed to it's initiator through a complex system of projectors and magical enchantments." I say to answer her question, but yet not even she understands it entirely. "Look sugarcube, ah think it's best you don't think about it much now." says Applejack as she attempts to calm her. "Is that the Crystal Empire?" asks Necra as she points to a dead area in the middle of a icy wasteland on the planet below. "Yes...it is..." says Cadence as she stairs at it in shock. "It looks...wrong." says Necra. The HUD on the window shows a circle around the area to show a label that reads the name of the location along with minerals deposits, magical residue, and life in the area. The label reads, Crystal Empire. Cadence sheds a single tear as the destruction caused by the battle can be seen from space. "Beginning decent." I say as I fly us towards the ruins. The ship catches fire once more on the outside but we begin to slow down near the edge of dead farmland outside the ruins. "Necra?" I say. "Yes Serena?" she asks me with a smile on her face. "Get off my ship." I say as Necra jumps off the floor and flies towards the windshield as is suddenly vanishes to reveal the X Caliber come into view as it warps in front of us. She gets in the cockpit and turns the ship around as the modified reactor missile launches form the silo to home in on her. In a flash all the ponies on the ship are suddenly teleported to the ruins of the Crystal Empire. The Sirus has a short power surge due to this as it begins to fall for a moment to resume floating. Cadence, Flurry Heart, Shining Armor and the elements find themselves standing next to the dead pedestal that once housed the crystal heart. The X Caliber flies right at them as if on a collision corse but pulls up just in time, letting the reactor missile collide with the pedestal. The missile is halfway in the ground with no impact crater, as if it dug itself in to it's seemingly unnatural position. It blasts off it's casing to reveal it's increasingly unstable power core, glowing brighter and brighter as it goes critical. As it does this the engine of the missile falls apart to reveal it's bubble shield generator. It shoots a beam into the sky to encase the entire city in a large bubble shield. All of this, in 4 seconds. The reactor ignites and explodes, but instead of swiftly and violently killing everyone in the city the energy of the explosion converts itself to magic to reconstruct the entire city, atom by atom, all with in 9 seconds. The now dead landscape teams with life as the snow still falls from the sky, at the same time the bubble shield fails and vanishes. I descend from the clouds with the crystal heart in my hands and gracefully land by the pedestal. I notice that Shining Armor is starting to panic. "Your existence has been denied." I say as I let the heart float back into it's resting place. Suddenly the castle lights with power as the happiness of the citizens starts to power the generator on the top of the castle. With one powerful shockwave originating from the Crystal Heart the snow starts to melt away as well as any dark magic residue. Shining Armor starts to scream in pain as a shadow is forced out of him to slowly evaporate in thin air. The X Caliber shoots off firework missiles to explode in an aesthetic fiery display.