//------------------------------// // A Walk Home // Story: An Equestrian Moth // by Vertigo22 //------------------------------// On a cold, Autumn night in West Virgineigh, a young earth pony mare named Arlene behind a desk as she typed away and stared at a computer screen. Her coat was a light blue and her cutie mark was that of a stack of papers. “Hey, Arlene,” another mare—this one with a caramel colored coat—said as she peaked over the side of a cubical wall. “Did I tell you about this really weird thing I saw on my way to work this morning?” Arlene turned her head and looked at her co-worker. “Let me guess,” she said. “You saw a timber wolf juggling unicorns?” “Ummm… close!” the mare said. “I saw a dead rabbit.” “Uhh… that's not really what is call strange,” Arlene said. “Timber wolves are carnivores.” “Yeah, but timber wolves don't leave don't leave bodies up in trees, or have fur!” Arlene raised an eyebrow. “Umm… maybe an unknown species of bird?” “I dunno,” the mare said. “But it was super creepy!” “Exactly why were you paying attention to the trees and not where you were walking?” Arlene asked. “I'm just curious.” “I was admiring the autumn leaves,” the mare said. “They're pretty. Besides, nopony ever takes the path through the woods.” “I take the path near it,” Arlene said. “Does that count?” “Nope!” “It does now.” Arlene stood up and stretched out. “Also, do I even know you? I totally forgot to ask.” “Nope!” the mare chirped. “I started working here yesterday!” “What happened to the pony who worked there before you?” “They got fired because they didn't work and spent all of their time… talking… uhh, I'm going to shut up now.” Arlene smirked. “Good idea,” she said. She grabbed her things and placed them into a saddlebag. She walked towards the office door and opened it, which lead to a long, grey hallway. Why doesn't the boss get this damn thing painted? It bums me out everytime I see it, she thought as she walked down the dull, dreary hallway. At the end of it was a small machine. She banged out of work and looked outside a nearby, glass door. She opened it and went outside. The sky was star-filled and the gentle breeze blew against Arlene, who shivered. I should've brought a coat with me, she thought as she walked down the quiet, moonlit path. It's freezing out here. Arlene trotted along the sidewalk and whistled a nameless tune to herself. She turned a corner when a strange sensation overcame her—as though she was being watched. She looked around, curious if somepony was following—or watching—her. “Hello?” she called out. “Somepony there?” Silence filled the air. Arlene walked along the path again and tried to take her mind off of the unnerving feeling. “Just my imagination,” she told herself as she began walking again. “I need to stop reading so many scary stories.” Just then, a large shadow flew past Arlene. She frantically looked around as her heart began to beat faster. Again, nothing was there. “Show yourself!” Arlene yelled, a hint of fear in her voice. Silence. Come on, Arlene. Get a grip. It's probably just an owl or something, the young mare thought as she speed walked along the path. As she continued along it, she noticed a pair of glowing eyes near a tree. She squinted and could vaguely make out a tall figure. “Hello?” she called out. The figure advanced towards Arlene and stood near the edge of the path; where the moonlight revealed it's full body. It was bipedal, had two glowing red eyes, and stood about six and a half to seven feet tall. Brown fur covered its entire body, and it had two enormous wings, which were taller than the creature itself. Arlene stood motionless as fear coursed through her. She stared at the creature. Finally—after what felt like an eternity—she slowly moved backwards; trembling with each step. The creature spread its enormous wings—which stretched ten feet long—and once again remained motionless. Arlene’s eyes widened. She turned around and ran as fast as her legs could take her. Behind her, she could hear the creature take flight. And land in front of her seconds later. Arlene stopped mere inches from the creature, which glared down at her. It tilted its head and seemed to examine her. “W-What exactly… are you?” Arlene asked as she walked backwards, her eyes glued to the creature. The creature stretched its wings and moved up to the backpedaling mare. Its gaze felt cold, and it seemed to stare into Arlene's soul. “Listen, I…” Arlene faltered her words as she continued to backpedal. “Just let me go. Please.” The creature stopped and narrowed its gaze. Arlene gulped. She shook with fear as the creature stood statuesque. After several seconds, it took off and flew over her. Arlene watched as the creature flew away—faster than she'd seen any pegasus fly. She let out a heavy sigh of relief after the creature was out of sight and Immediately ran in the direction of her home as fast as her legs could take her. Shortly after, Arlene swore she could hear the creature flying directly to her left. She didn't dare look, for fear of seeing the creatures cold, unforgiving glare. As she continued to run, the path trailed off into the forest. As she ran into it, the creature swooped over her and landed a short distance from her. Arlene stopped and gasped for air as the creature quickly advanced towards her. She looked up at the creature, which raised a wing. Arlene lowered her head and head-butted the creature, which recoiled in pain. Arlene ran past it and heard it quickly take flight again. Stupid thing, she thought as she ran by a few small branches. Up ahead, Arlene could see a clearing. A small smile formed on her face as she saw a small teal colored house grow closer and closer. Before long, Arlene was out of the forest. She ran up to her house and frantically searched for her key in her saddlebag. As she did so, she realized something. She slowly turned around and noticed that she was no longer being followed. A sense of calmness filled Arlene as she opened her front door. She stepped into her home and made her way upstairs to her bedroom. Arlene entered her room and shut the door behind her. She staggered by the window. She yawned and flopped onto it; her legs sore and her heart pounding. Before long, she had fallen asleep. --- Outside, however, a creature stood at the edge of the forest. It looked up at Arlene's home and spread its wings before it flew towards the house.