The World's Secrects

by febnic16

The Story of Time

One can travel far and wide to seek out their goals.
And when they reach their goals they can look back upon the journey and the memories they have made.

The sun had set across the grassy plane with a small modern village nestled in the center. Near the town, a small hill arose. On the hill, you could find a large fire pit lit every night to guide those who traveled at night to the village, and those coming home. On this late summer's night, an elder with a staff had walked into town and gone to the fire pit. He sat down on one of the many benches that surrounded the fire. He took sight of the children that playing around that reminded him of his grandchildren. He felt in the mood to tell a story to the young ones. Like he did with his children and grandchildren.

"Come young ones gather around and listen to a story of old." The elderly man called out.

The children of the village were not sure what to do. Till a young girl spoke"What Kind of story?"

The elderly man let out a small chuckle "One that has been forgotten by time but, that sleeps waiting to be told." he had answered the question the other children joined them.

"There was once a great land filled with magic. This magic could be used by people like me and you." The old felt a smile tug at his lips as slipped into a gentle rhythm of the story.

"What could people do?" A young boy asked.

"Many things. Some people had wings that let them fly freely through the air like a bird and they could walk on clouds. Others could harness the power of the earth to move the heavy loads with ease and in some way, they were able to commune with nature. Lastly, some people could harness raw magic know as ether and use as to due to a great many things." The old man replied.

"Where was this great land?" Another child questioned.

He stroked his long beard "This once great a nation stood far north of where we are now."

"What was the land called? What was it like?" The first girl asked.

"The land was called Equestria. As for what it was like, it said that no country could rival its beauty. It was said that Equestria was full of truth, peace, and harmony." As the old man spoke, the fire that was dying grew brighter.

"When you compare it to our nation riddled with lies, vengeance, and chaos. Equestria sounds like a dream. How did they keep the pace?" An older boy asked.

"The land of Equestria was ruled by four magnificent princesses. They were said to be the Sun, Moon, Love, and Magic it self-incarnated. The four princesses together made sure that land would remain peaceful." The old man replied.

"How could a country like that survive, they seem weak." teenager spoke as he sat by the fire.

The elderly man shook his head "Equestria was indeed a peaceful place. One would be a fool if they tried to fight them. They had many soldiers who pledged to protect all those who call Equestria home. They also had six legendary worriers that welded mystical Elements of Harmony. Of The Six Elements only five are know Loyalty, Kindness, Generosity, Honesty, Laughter. It was that said the sixth elements shall be reviled when the time comes."

"What could six people do against an army?" The teenage boy asked.

"Together these six great heroes stood against the shadows of the moon, the physical manifestation of Chaos, An army of shapeshifters, A demon from the deepest pits of hell itself. With each fight, they each stronger grew and the fire that was their friendship burned brighter than ever. Not even taking away their abilities could stop them. For their very presence caused change to occur." The old man said as the fire burned brightly.

"But how they're just six people." the teenager said in bewilderment.

The old man nodded his head "Yes they were just six people bound by the Elements of Harmony. I do not know how they fought but what little I have found says that when they fought no one could stand in their way, not even the Storm King." A southern wind blew through the village and caused the fire to flicker. "You see young ones there's more to fighting the brute force, there are skill and tactics that one can learn."

"So they used different ways to succeed with each challenge." The teenage boy concluded.

"But how they won is a mystery that has been lost to the winds." The elderly man said.

The group grew silent as their minds wandered about this new land and how must feel to have lived in such a place. silence held till a voice spoke, "So what happened this great nation and its guardians?"

The fire the had grown brighter as the story had continued, but now become a small insignificant flame."It slow and no one saw it happening. then after a while, the people became aware ." The old man stopped to stoke the fire as to renew the flame.

"What did they become aware of?" a boy asked

The old man turned to the boy " That the magic had started to disappear. As more and more people of Equestria found the more the panic spread. The once mighty kingdom was lost to fire and riots that consumed the country."

"So that's it, that's the end of the story?" A girl called out.

The old man let out a hearty laugh "No my dear child. From what I've heard; the four princesses, one element, and one other still walk this world today."

"How that possible?" a young girl asked.

The man shrugged his shoulders "I do not know how or even if it's true. For thousands of years since Equestria existed. I know it existed, because of this." In his hand was a purple gem in a diamond shape.

"What is that." a girl asked as the gem reflected off the firelight that had returned.

"This, little one, is proof that Equestria existed. For this is one of the fabled Elements of Harmony. It is said that when a bearer and element are near one another, the Bearer will be called to it and in return, the gem will glow brighter. " The elderly man proclaimed as he slipped the gem back under his cloak.

"And how do you know that?" A new voice sounded from behind him. He turned around to a fair young woman, with an odd hair color.

"One night when I was asleep and dreaming, my dream stopped and it all faded to black. I don't how long it took but a light came from above and spoke to me in a soft and gentle voice. It said 'My dear child of the night. I give to you a most important task that only you can accomplish.' Then the light flashed brightly and in front of me was the gem I've shown you. Then the light spoke again in the same tone 'Here before you an element of harmony go out and seek its bearer.' I awoke from my slumber and saw on my nightstand the gem and a small canvas bag. I picked up the bag and found it full of gold coins, plus a note. The sun came up a few minutes later, and packed my bags and started this very journey you see me on today."

"I must say that is quite the story, how long have you been looking?" The young women asked.

The old man rubbed his long white bread "I started when I was thirty-five, it's been thirty-five years since then."

The young woman scrunched her brow "You're saying that you have spent half of your life looking for someone that could be anywhere. Why you could have done so much more with your life."

The old man stood up with the help of his staff. "Yes, I could have done many great things with my life. But in the many years, I have traveled I have seen a vast amount of this world and the people in it. I have seen the sunset from the tallest peaks, life being brought into this world, I have watched new nations form from the ashes of another, Loved and been loved, and above of all I have made many great friends all around this magical world."

The young woman was stunned by the old man's story. "Do you ever regret your choice?" A hand balled up over her heart.

The man gave a gentle smile. "No, I do not regret my choice, and if I was given the chance to go back to my old life or start my search again. I would choose search once more. I know you understand this as much as I do. Would you change your choice?"

The young woman wiped away the tears that had formed "No I would not change my choice." She shook her head "I'm sure that you all have enjoyed this man story very much, but I do believe it's almost your bedtime. So thank you and hurry home." The kids said their goodbyes and left for their homes.

Both the old man and the young woman stood in relative silence till the woman spoke: "So, do you think that you will ever find this person you are looking for?"

The man chuckled "I do not know. I could find them tomorrow or in ten years."

The woman nodded her head as she moved over to the fire and extinguished the last of the flames "I see thank you for entertaining the children tonight Mr? What is your name?"

"I've been given many names but many simply call me seeker, and what is your's miss?" Seeker said as he extended his worn and slightly wrinkled hand.

The young woman reached with her own hand to shake his "Mr. Seeker, my name is miss Bell. It's a true pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine Miss Bell." Seeker replied.

After two had finished speaking and miss Bell was walking away, Seeker he pulled out the gem like he had every night just to see it and make sure that he had not lost his mind or the gem. But for the first time, the gem which had stayed inert for thirty-five years: was now giving off a soft warm glow. He looked around and only saw Miss Bell. He felt tears well up. "So after thousands of miles, One hundred forty seasons, and a story long told: I've finally found you, oh bearer Generosity." Seeker said aloud to himself as he looked up to the stars above with a gleeful smile.

He stood there looking up at the night sky with the element in had just like he had done Thriy-five years ago to the date. As here stared at the night he did not notice the shadow that moved across the moon and the new story it bought. All the, while his thoughts were that of the final chapters of his lifelong journey, and lay ahead of him.