//------------------------------// // Ruins // Story: Ponytale // by Dragonfire2lm //------------------------------// Filled with determination, Frisk headed further into the Ruins. They walked at a brisk pace through hallways and rooms, the neat paths and lush plant life offered pleasant scenery that was almost welcoming to the slightly-scared-but-they-would-push-past-it child. Every now and then a pony would cross their and a FIGHT would happen. Frisk didn't hold it against the ponies when one attacked in fear. The stray bolts of fear powered magic stung when one hit the child's floating red heart that was their SOUL, but they paid it no mind and ended each FIGHT as quickly and peacefully as possible. The encounters were strange, Frisk didn't even know they had a soul, but something seemed to tell them what their soul was. They shrugged it off as perhaps reading about it somewhere and pressed on. They soon arrived in a small room, a light furred, green maned pony sat on the ground drawing something on a sketchpad, occasionally glancing up at the flowers dotted around the room. Frisk sat and watched the piny for a while, they needed to keep going but they didn't want to be rude and possibly scare the pony. An idea popped up, it wasn't something they thought they would do, but they went with it anyway. They picked a nice looking flower, walked up to the pony and hesitated. Frisk could practically see the question in their minds eye. *Give a peace offering? -Yes -No They steeled themselves and selected 'Yes'. The mare was jolted out of her drawing and the FIGHT system popped up around them.