//------------------------------// // The Twins // Story: The Princess and the Plumber // by DaiAtlas2016 //------------------------------// All Braveheart could do at the moment was pace. There was no leak, clog, or problem that needed fixing, just Twilight, the doctor, and several nurses in their bedroom. It had been a year since they had taken their honeymoon, and it was time. "Braveheart.....calm down. I'm sure Twilight will be alright....I trust the doctor. He delivered Twilight, and Shining.", Velvet smiled softly, putting her hoof on Braveheart's shoulder. "Yeah!! It'll be fine! Hey, Cadance! Do you think it'll be a colt or a filly?", Marianna asked, sitting next to Cadance, while she played with Flurry Heart. "Hmmm.....I think it'd be nice to have another girl in the family!", she beamed, brushing her mane. Shining laughed, "Hey! Give us guys a chance, huh?" The doctor then came out along with the nurses and smiled, "Mr. Alfredo, congratulations! You have healthy, fit twins! And the Mrs. is alright. We'll leave you two alone now, we'll be back next week for a check up." Braveheart rushed into the room, followed by the Sparkles. Twilight lay in bed smiling weakly, with a brown unicorn, with Twilight's mane and eyes in her left arm, and a purple unicorn with a gray mane and Braveheart's eyes in her right. "Lady!! Are you okay?", he asked, running his hoof through her mane. "Braveheart, I'm okay. Are you happy? We did it, we have two beautiful daughters, who'll grow up to be just like you.", she smiled. "Aww, Lady....one of them has to grow up like you! It wouldn't be fair if both of them were Daddy's girls! One of them has to be a Mommy's girl.", he exclaimed, kissing her forehead. Twilight giggled, nuzzling him, "Oh....Braveheart.....there you go again, putting my feelings over yours, that's why I love you." "So what are their names?", Night Light asked. Twilight nodded to the filly in her left arm, "That's Twilight Clogger....", and then to the other one, "And that's Drainiana Velvet!" "Wow! They are so adorable!! You two did a great job!", Cadance beamed. "You were pretty creative on those names, weren't you?", Shining smiled. "Yep, My Special Lady came up with those all by herself!", Braveheart grinned, kissing his wife. "Oh, Braveheart. Your friends are right. You have trouble taking credit for things.", Twilight sighed happily, kissing him back. He exclaimed, "But you were the one who came up with them! I had nothing to do with it! I just agreed with you!" She smiled, "That maybe so, but you the one who gave me the inspiration. Braveheart, have I told you that I love you?" "About 3 minutes ago. But it doesn't get old. I love you too, Lady.", he consented, nuzzling her. Marianna stared at the two young fillies, "Does this mean I'm an aunt?" Braveheart grinned, "It sure does. How does Aunt Marianna sound?" Marianna thought this over for a minute, "It sounds great!" Velvet smiled, "Okay, here come Twilight's friends, let's clear out so they can visit." "Okay, Auntie Velvet! Can I call you that?", Marianna asked, as she followed them out of the room. "Of course you can!", she grinned. As they left, Applejack, Rarity, Sunset, Starlight, Rainbow, Pinkie, Spike, and Fluttershy entered the room. "Oh my stars!! They are so adorable!!", Rarity squealed, looking at Twilight Clogger. Rainbow Dash exclaimed, pointing at Drainiana Velvet "Wow!! She looks like just you, Twi!! Except she has her pop's eyes and hair!" "Awww....you have some mighty cute nippers there! You two went and done a great job!", Applejack smiled, patting Braveheart on the back. Fluttershy cooed, "They're beautiful, Twilight! I'm so happy for you two!!" Pinkie beamed, "They're so cuuuuuuuttttttttte!!!!!!!" "Are you alright, Twilight?", Spike asked with concern. Twilight rubbed his head and smiled, "I'm okay, Spike. It looks like you're a big brother now." "Wow! Congratulations, Braveheart! You're now in the father business!", Starlight grinned, putting her hoof around Braveheart. Sunset giggled, "This is probably the happiest day of your life!! And maybe when they get a bit older, you can take one of the puppies Quickheart and Winona had! I'm sure they'd love that!!" Twilight replied, "Oh yes! We all would love that!!" "Well, we'd better leave you two now, you need rest. Good night, Twilight. Good night, Braveheart.", Applejack smiled, as they left the room. As they left, Twilight kissed Braveheart as he lay in bed next to her, "Good night, Braveheart. I love you." "And I love you, Lady."