Visit to a Different Ponyville

by StormLuna

Colgate's Nightmare

Soon Colgate found herself back in her Ponyville yet something was not right, a horrible battle was taking place, one which was far worse than any she had ever seen before. She looked around in horror as changelings and dark Alicorns were slaughtering the citizens of Ponyville. She did what she would normally do. She took to the skies and began to slay her enemies. While she was taking them out she couldn't help but wonder who had attacked Equestria.

It was at that moment that she looked off to the right and saw a wrathful LaurFa yelling, "You want an enemy? You got an enemy!"

Colgate's jaw dropped open. Yes she did want an enemy but she never imagined that LaurFa would be the one to attack her. She asked, "Why LaurFa, why? Why would you attack Equestria?"

She laughed, "You kept on saying you wanted an enemy, well now you have one!"

Suddenly LaurFa transformed into something much more sinister, something that would send Colgate into a rage. She transformed into Twilight. After transforming she continued, "Ha! It's just like with Celestia, here your city is being destroyed and you don't even know what to do."

Without responding Colgate sped towards Twilight and began firing powerful bolts of energy at her. Much to Colgate's dismay, her energy was not even affecting her. She yelled, "Damn it! Why aren't you falling? Why aren't you being affected?"

Twilight laughed, "Oh this is too funny! I couldn't be unmade again but after coming back from being killed, I can't even be harmed!" She began to mock her, "Oh and let me guess, you're going to cry just like Celestia always did, wah-wah-wah!"

In a rage Colgate launched herself at Twilight and kicked her out of the sky. She pounced on Twilight and began slamming her head into the ground until she broke her horn off. She yelled, "Oh I'll do more than hurt you, I'm going to kill you, again!" She slammed her head down so hard she broke her horn off and continued, "and this time Twibitch, there's no coming back!"

She picked Twilight's horn up and began ramming it into her torso but much to her dismay nothing was happening. Twilight wasn't even screaming in pain, much less bleeding. What confused and angered Colgate further was that Twilight's horn had grown back. She continued slamming the broken horn into her foe screaming, "Just die already you bitch! Damn it, just die already!"

Twilight kicked her off of her and pointed her horn at her. She laughed, "Oh Colgate, you just don't get it do you?" She fired some energy at her, knocking her backwards. She continued, "I'm completely immortal you traitor. Nothing can kill me, absolutely nothing can kill me. I am invincible!"

She pounced on Colgate, took her severed first horn and began plunging it into Colgate's abdomen, causing her to scream out in agony. Colgate tried kicking Twilight off of her but she was quickly losing strength and couldn't help but feel a sense of despair as she looked up and saw those glowing green eyes smiling down at her. Twilight continued to laugh, "This is what you get for betraying me! Nopony betrays the Dark Goddess Twilight Sparkle and gets away with it!"

She stood up, planted her hoof on the side of her enemy and boasted, "Victory is.........."

Suddenly a bright blue light flashed in the sky, causing Twilight, the battle and Ponyville to vanish. All Colgate saw was an empty landscape, the moon and a figure floating down. She squinted her eyes and knew who it was. She shouted, "Queen Luna?"

Luna landed and helped her up. Colgate had a confused look on her face and asked, "Luna, what happened? What happened to the battle? What happened to Ponyville? What happened to Twilight and why couldn't I kill her?"

Luna replied, "Colgate, sometimes our nightmares are so bad that bringing them to a close is impossible."

Colgate looked around and asked, "Wait a minute. This was all just a nightmare?"

Luna replied, "Yes, it was." She helped Colgate up, put her wing around her and continued, "Colgate, is there anything that has been bothering you lately?"

Colgate replied, "Yeah, I've been bored and I've been hoping for something exciting to happen, something like what was going on when you intervened." She hung her head low and continued, "I guess that would be more than I would ask for."

Luna gave her a smile and continued, "Colgate, I can understand your frustration but what you have been desiring is not what this world wants or needs. After having this nightmare I would hope it isn't what you want anymore either."

Colgate hung her head low, "It was for quite a while but not anymore." She stomped her hoof into the ground and continued, "But this inactivity is driving me up the wall! All I do is check on Scootaloo and the soldiers once a day, visit the Apple Family every now and then and when I'm not doing that, I'm not doing anything!"

Luna sighed, "Colgate, I know you have received advice from multiple sources that may help you out of the frustration you are going through."

Colgate replied, "Well Dark Night thinks I should reopen my practice and after hearing about my problems, the ponies of the world I am in right now think I should not only reopen my practice but that I should step down and let somepony else take over." She stood there for a moment in thought before continuing, "Actually, it was a pony named Scootaloo in this world that suggested it."

Luna suggested, "I am not sure what you would think about this but perhaps it is a sign that you should retire to private life, reopen your practice and promote Scootaloo to Supreme Commander. She has a great amount of military experience and would have Dark Night to offer her advice if she needed it."

Colgate sighed, "That is true."

Luna interrupted, "And Colgate, I do have my fears that if you remain in power that your nightmare would become a reality. I know of secret things that are running through your subconscious mind that likely even you do not."

Colgate shrank down, "Seriously? But how would Twilight come back? She is dead."

Luna replied, "She would not come back but I can sense deep down you were plotting an attack against the Crystal Empire." She gave Colgate a more stern look and continued, "Colgate, please take what the ponies of this world are suggesting seriously. They may not understand our world or the relations between nations, but they know what is best for not just you, but our world."

Colgate finally realized that she had no other choice, that her time to step down had come. While she would never state it out loud, she was indeed planning on starting a war with the Crystal Empire. She said, "Alright Luna, when I return to our world I will step down."

Luna suggested, "And I believe that all the world leaders should be present in Ponyville when you do this so we will all know at once. Besides, I'm pretty sure we'll all want to give you quite the send off."

As Colgate was getting ready to reply Luna took off and shouted, "KEEP YOUR WORD AND STEP DOWN!"

This caused Colgate to wake up and scream, "QUEEN LUNA?"

Her scream quickly got the attention of Rainbow Dash causing her to coming running upstairs. She rushed into the room and asked, "Colgate darling, are you ok?"

Colgate was breathing heavily and was soaked in sweat. She gasped, "Not really, I just had a bad nightmare and then Queen Luna gave me some advice."

Rainbow had heard her mention Princess Luna earlier and was confused by the term Queen Luna. She asked, "Queen Luna? Is she related to the Princess Luna you brought up earlier?"

Colgate replied, "Well they are one in the same. Long, long ago she was Princess Luna, back when Twilight took over but at the present time she is the queen of one of the countries in my world."

Rainbow also noticed that she said that she received advice. She asked, "You mentioned that Luna gave you advice. What advice did she give you?"

Colgate replied, "Could I discuss this with you and your other friends because I think they would be interested in it as well."

Rainbow pointed her hoof towards the door and continued, "Let's go to the castle darling! We can discuss things more in there."

Colgate headed out the door and was followed by Rainbow. While Rainbow was unsure about what the advice was or whether it would hold their best interests in mind given that their worlds are connected, Colgate knew that they would be thrilled over it and hoped they would accept an invitation that she planned on offering them.