The Dark Forest

by Viablebutton46

The Dark Forest

The Dark Forest
A short story by Elijah C.

I remember it like it was yesterday. The day my life changed. It was a cold muddy morning, sometime in March or June. The sound of engines rang across the muddy landscape. Troops covered in their torn and filthy uniforms, carrying well used rifles and bayonets.

We were headed to a forward operations base that the higher ups had built for some general. “State of the art” they called it. But I never saw it.

I remember looking over my left shoulder, out into the burnt out tree line. Just wondering what was lying inside for us. All that was between us and the FOB was a couple mile stretch of forest.

Melted snow was turning the entire country into a mud pit, so our tanks had to move slower. For fear of slipping the tracks.

Oh how I wished that the snow was still around.

After the war with the changelings officially “ended” with the murder of their queen, the swarms of bug like enemies we had come to know turned savage. Countless stories of squads stumbling upon the black scaled bastards gnawing on the squad that had came before them.

We were used to being overwhelmed by swarms. All charging in from one, or two directions. But now we had to worry about every direction.

Soon enough the order to turn into the forest came. Our lead tank, a brand new off the line M4A3E2 Jumbo made the turn. It’s double thick armor weighing the tank down, but it’s slightly wider tracks give it the stability it needed. It slowly climbed over a small mound of mud and entered the tree line.

Another tank, this time an earlier production sherman that has seen it’s share of combat goes over the mound and follows suit. Then a half truck, half tracked anti air gun moved slowly across the mound. It’s thin tracks getting stuck for a moment, but it moves along.

My squad and I got up and ran after the halftrack. I could see the gunner moving the turret around and watching the skies. Behind us a troop transport filled to the brim made the mound and drove towards us. The lead tank doesn't stop but slows even more so he doesn't get too far ahead. Biggest mistake of his life.

Beneath my hooves I felt a small tremor. It caught my attention and I aimed my rifle at the ground. But it stopped. I stood still with my ears swiveling around. The guy behind me bumped into my back.

“Hey what the hell?” He asked me, but I didn't reply.

Ahead of me I heard a small clump of dirt move, then the scratching of metal. Within seconds screams filled the air and the lead tank’s 76 millimeter anti tank gun fires into the dirt in front of it.

Before I could lift my head to see what was going on a massive tremor started happening and a huge cloud of mud and dirt shot into the air. The halftrack that was in front of me was soaring through the air. A massive, twenty foot tall changeling had burst out of the ground under the halftrack.

Shots rang out all around as the smaller bugs shot out of the ground too. Everything was a blur. I remember clear as day as the giant brute stepped on my squad leader. It unhinged it’s jaw and charged a massive bolt of magical energy.

Our rear sherman tank lined the beast up in it’s sight and it’s cannon rang out. The armor piercing shot smashed through it’s bolt of energy and it’s skull, killing the monster instantly. But the shell impacted the rear of our lead tank and set it’s engine ablaze.

As the beast crashed down to the ground I raised my battered rifle and I fired at a changeling before it could take down a squad mate of mine. She turned to me and smiled thanks, though then a bolt whizzed through the air and caught her in the neck.

The ground under me burst and a massive centipede-like creature shoved it’s head into my chest. It sent me flying a couple feet to the mud, and my rifle flew somewhere out of sight. I stabbed at it with my bayonet and it screamed out in pain. It let me go and slithered backwards into it’s hole.

I had rolled to my right side to build momentum to get up, but as I did I saw several of those centipede creatures chew through the metal plates of the rear tank. When I pushed myself up I started to run.

The rattle of shots quickly started dying down, followed by screams of terror and pain. But soon those started to stop with a halt.

All I could do was run. Though I was running through the burnt and muddy forest. I ran around trees, over craters, and past old long forgotten husks of tanks and skeletons. Though I slipped down a small hill into a meadow.

In the center of the small clearing stood an unmoving early production tank. It’s cannon was raised to the top of the hill where I had come from. Along the side of it’s turret spelled the words;

“Deep Fried Bugs”

I pulled myself up and I ran for the tank. I jumped on top of it’s angled front and used the hull gunner’s spot to pull me to the top of the tank. I made it to the turret and it’s command hatch was sealed shut.

I gripped the hatch tight and pulled hard. It’s seal cracked and the double doored hatch flew open. Out came a disgusting reak of decay. I turned away, and that’s when I saw him.

I saw a black as night figure standing on top of the hill. From what I could make out, he had a unicorn’s horn, but also a pegasus’ wings. He was slightly turned away from me, but he was most certainly staring at me. I saw the slightest of grins crack upon his face. His red eyes pierced into mine, then in a blink he was gone.

I stood on top of the turret, frozen and horrified. Then I felt an ice cold shiver down my spine. It flowed from the center of my back, up my spine to my neck, and down my legs and tail. Soon I felt as if I wasn't even in control of my body.

Because I wasn't.

I felt my body turn around and look down at the inside of the turret. I fought to move my arms and legs, but they only twitched. My body jumped inside the empty commanders hatch, revealing long decayed bodies of lunar soldiers. Both mares and stallions were it’s crew. Though every single one of them has something in common with each of their deaths. Every single one of them has a hole in the left side of their chests. The size of a pistol round.

“I hope you like the company. They have oh so been waiting for you.” Said a deep and evil sounding voice in my head. “Wouldn't you like to join them?” It asked in a taunting way.

“No!” I managed to scream out, but my jaw clamped on my tongue hard enough that it bled.

“Come now… Don't be afraid. They want to meet you.” It hummed with evil laughter in my head. My body leaned forward and my right arm reached out for something on the floor of the turret. A Browning High Power pistol.

“All I have is one left. Why don't you take it hm? This won't hurt a bit.” It told me. My arms moved the slide and I could clearly see a live round on the inside of the chamber.

“No! P-please I have a family!” I tried to cry out with my mouth closed. But it only laughed at me. My right hoof takes the pistol and presses the barrel against my chest. I can feel the weapon moving to the rapid pace of my heart beat.

I tried flailing my limbs. Shaking my head. Anything and everything. But all my efforts were in vain. My body only shuddered in fear.

“Your fear is deliciously… Amusing.” It laughs evilly, and I could feel something breathing on my neck. I look to the side and my head actually moves where I want it to go. Beside me is a black coated stallion with an evil grin and red eyes.

My eyes narrow in fear and the hatch above me slams shut. At the same moment a loud ring bounces off the inside of the cabin and a massive pain shoots through my chest.

I couldn't breathe. I couldn't gasp. I couldn't move. All I could see was an evil smile as my body slumped forward onto the rotting corpse of the gunner. I hazily heard the pistol clattering to the bottom of the turret, my warmth pouring out of my chest.

My mouth finally opened but I could not scream or shout. I couldn't even let out a final gasp. All I could see is light barely pouring through the scope of the gunner’s sight. But soon not even the light of the sun could be seen forever.

All my warmth dripped out of my body and was replaced by sheer cold. My body locked and sealed away inside something that was supposed to keep us safe…

But. Now that I have told you my story, I can feel my mind slipping away. The tale of a dead soldier and his encounter have been spoken, and it is now up to the sands of time for when it is forgotten...