I Win Again!!!

by yeosakoi


And I Win Again!!!

It was a rainy afternoon in Ponyville, and everypony was dark and gloomy, like the weather. Well, not everypony.

Somewhere in the cloud mansion over Ponyville, a certain rainbow maned pony whooped and shouted out in triumph. The pony happened to be Rainbow Dash.

"HA! Take that!! I won!! I knew I would win!!!" Rainbow Dash screeched with glee, pumping her hoof into the air.

Her opponent, Soarin, just sighed and shook his ice-blue head sadly, used to being beaten by the cyan Wonderbolt.

"Of course you win. You're sooo awesome and sooo cool, am I right?" Soarin said sarcastically, he was getting sick of her voice.

Either Rainbow didn't sense his sarcastic tone, or she was really bad at detecting it, because she giggled and playfully nudged him in the chest. "I know right! About time somepony admitted it!"

He rolled his eyes. Typical Dash, boasting and bragging about herself.

Then, a light bulb popped into his head. He knew a way to stop her from bragging. "What if," Soarin said carefully, "The ponies find out that the "Great Rainbow Dash who is good at everything" has been cheating the whole time to defeat me?"

Rainbow's expression changed to one of confusion and anger and she scrunched up her nose, which was rather cute in his point of view. "What? I don't cheat! How dare-"

That was all the distraction Soarin needed. He swiftly reached up and snatched Rainbow's controller out of her hooves shoving it behind his back, smiling victoriously.


"Huh?" Rainbow looked at her hooves and then looked up to Soarin with a glare that would've made a cockatrice run away as fast as it could.

"Give. Back. My. Controller. NOW!!!" she shouted at Soarin, temporarily forgetting that she had wings.

"Hmm... How about... No?" he smirked, watching as Rainbow's anger steadily built.

"I said, GIVE IT!!" she made another fruitless attempt to swipe the controller.

"Nope." he only raised it higher, and poked his tongue out at her. "You're so cute when you're angry," he teased her, using the word that she hated being called.

Rainbow froze and became a shade of bright pink. She quickly recovered, though she was still blushing, and resumed shouting at him.


Soarin's smirk only widened. "You're cute. Rainbow Dash is cute. Hey everypony!!! Look out the cutie!!"

"Stop that!!" said Rainbow, who was blushing very hard now.

She knocked him down on to the ground, falling on top of him, and tried to grab the controller from him. She didn't seem to realize that she was on top of him, but Soarin did, and turned strawberry red.

Rainbow was making wild swipes at his hoof, but couldn't quite still get it.


Suddenly, a mischievous smile crossed her face, which made Soarin nervous. Rainbow's mischief was well known in the Wonderbolts H.Q. Only last week, she had replaced his shampoo with pink hair dye. It was not pleasant.

Before he could figure out and avoid whatever tactic she was planning to do, she did something that he had never expected her to do.

She leaned forward and gave him a peck on his cheek.

The action was unexpected. Surprised and shocked, he dropped the controller, and Rainbow grabbed it.

"I knew that would work," a very smug Rainbow said. "Now, shall we get on with the game?"

Soarin's mind seemed to have slowed down. It took him a minute to process what she said.

"Soarin? Are you okay?" Rainbow waved a hoof in front of his face.

Soarin, realizing that he had been staring into nothing, jumped up and plastered a smile on to his face.

"Err, yeah. I mean, yes! Lets play... Play games!!! Yeah games!!" stuttered Soarin as he got back on his hooves, hoping he wasn't blushing.

Rainbow gave him a weird look, before turning back to the TV screen.

"There you go! Time to play!"

***45 minutes later***

"Aaaaaand I win again!" Dash exclaimed, obviously pleased.

Soarin tossed his controller onto the floor. "I give up."

Rainbow looked up at him, surprise written all over her face.

"What?! Oh come on, Soarin! Please?" begged Rainbow.

Even though Rainbow was very persuasive, especially with the most adorable puppy-dog eyes she was giving him, Soarin was stubborn.


"Fine." Rainbow tossed aside her controller and handed Soarin the controller he had dropped on to the floor. He stared at it.

"I said I didn't want to play."

"I know. You don't want to play because I'm going to beat you every time."

"When did I say that?!"

Rainbow ignored him and continued talking. "If you didn't know, you've been pressing the wrong buttons the whole time."


"So.... You're going to play alone, and actually become good at it, and then I'll play against you and win!"

Soarin silently cursed under his breath. Obviously, Rainbow wasn't changing her mind.

"What will you do?" he asked her.

She shrugged. "Watch you."

*** 15 minutes of saying 'you're doing this wrong!' later ***

Soarin was sorely tired of Rainbow yelling at him and telling what he was doing wrong, so he was really, really happy when Dash shut up. Actually, it was strange that she wasn't talking at all, since she was such a chatter box.

All his questions were immediately answered when he heard a soft snore next to him.

Rainbow had obviously fallen asleep from boredom.

Soarin rolled his eyes good-naturally and resumed playing.

A few minutes later, Soarin felt something warm press against his side.

Instantly, Soarin's froze and his face lit up on fire.

Dash, who was deep in sleep, had unconsciously leaned against him, so they were pressed together.

He had no idea on what he should do. Half of Soarin's mind was screaming "SOMEONE HELP ME!!!," while the other half was thanking Celestia that none of the Wonderbolts were here, or they would have been rolling on the ground, laughing their heads off at him.

He gently nudged Rainbow, trying to move her, but she only snugged closer to him and buried her face into his fur, much to Soarin's dismay. But he wasn't complaining....

He quickly pushed the thought away, and calculated his choices, which he didn't have much of.

Choice number one: Wake Rainbow up. Soarin wasn't really keen on that decision, as he had found out a few days ago that Rainbow hated to be woken up from naps.

Choice number two: Let her sleep on him.....

Soarin bit his lower lip. He didn't want to wake up her, but.... He glanced at Rainbow, who was snoring softly. All thoughts of waking her up went out of his head. She looked so peaceful...

*** Who cares how many minutes later? ***

A loud beep sounded from the TV, and Soarin winced at the loud sound, hoping it wouldn't wake Dash up. No such luck. He looked at Rainbow, who was still sleeping on him. She was stirring, and a moment later, her eyes flickered open and closed again, before opening again.

She rubbed her eyes and yawned, before pushing away from Soarin. "I needed that nap," she said, and she put a hoof over her mouth to block another yawn.

Her magenta eyes focused on Soarin, who was staring at her.

"So? How'd the gaming-" she stopped, as she went pale. He assumed that she had just realized-


Welp. He was right.

"Ummm, yes?"

Rainbow's face had become beet red-either from anger or embarrassment. Probably from both.




"Rainbow!! I tried okay!! You didn't wake up!!" Soarin said desperately. He didn't want to Rainbow to go into full-rage mode.

She stopped shouting, and puffed her cheeks up in annoyance and then let out her breath. "You should have woken me up."

"I said, I tried!! But you wouldn't wake up, and you just got closer to me!!"

Rainbow gave a faint squeak, clearly embarrassed.

From out of nowhere, a high pitched voice screamed at them.

"You two are so cuuute!!! All you need to do is kiss!!"

"Who said that?!" Both Rainbow and Soarin exclaimed.

"I'm... Right... Here!!!" the voice shouted. "Behind you!!!"

They both whirled around, and were met by bright and lively blue eyes which belonged to a pink and fluffy head.


Pinkie appeared to be jumping on a trampoline, as her head kept on disappearing before coming up again.

"What are you doing here!?" Rainbow asked her.

"Oh, nothing. Just gathering shipping information for Rarity!" Pinkie said with a rather evil grin.

"P..P..Pinkie!!" stuttered Rainbow. "I swear I am going to kill Rarity," Soarin heard her grumble under her breath.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he finally realized that Rainbow was blushing, and rather hard. He wondered how he hadn't noticed her blushing from the beginning, before he could it hit himself for not realizing and being such a clueless fool, Rainbow had went over to Pinkie.

"Pinkie, go down, right now, and don't come back." Rainbow said a little to forcefully as she put her hoof on Pinkie's head and pushed her down.

She turned back to Soarin, a noticeable blush still on her cheeks. "Err.... Sorry about that, I mean, her."

Soarin smirked. "You're blushing."

"No, I'm not." Rainbow immediately snapped back at Soarin.

"Yes, you are."

"No I'm not."

"Should I bring a mirror?" Soarin said sarcastically.

"Shut up!"

"If you say so, Miss Dash."

Rainbow ignored him and turned back to TV. "So, how have you been-" she stopped short.


Soarin shrunk back at the glare Dash was giving him.

"Sorry? Please don't kill me...."


Outside, confused ponies were glancing up at the cloud house, wondering why a crazy pony was yelling at the top of their lungs.

However, two ponies, a white unicorn with a purple mane, and pink earth pony with a puffy hot pink mane, were giggling.

"I can't wait for them to start dating!" Rarity said, a wide smile on her face.

"I know right!!" Pinkie said. "It's so cute when they fight!"


"And peeps, that's it's for the SoarinDash!!! But, I'M GOING TO STALK THEM MORE, SO YOU CAN JOIN ME!!" -Pinkie Pie