Everything Seems to Revolve Around Equestria! (Parts 1 and 2 of the PVZBrony Saga)

by TheImmortalBrony

Chapter 9: Ethan's First Few Yokai Friends (Ethan's POV)

I just gave all of the non-Yokai cases to Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. I reach my Castle of Redstone, and lie down on the couch. “Man, why did I let myself get into this!”, I think aloud. Suddenly, I hear the doorbell. “This better be good.”, I think to myself as I get up and answer the doorbell. “What do you want?”, I grumpily ask.

“Hi there! Me and my brother were wonderin’ if you would let us become your assistants and if you could pay us!”, one of them asks. I take a closer look at them.

“Wait… are you two Yokai?”, I ask them.

“Is the sky blue? Of course we’re Yokai! I’m Komajiro, and this is my big brother Komasan!”, the orange one says. PVZBrony told me to make friends with as many Yokai as possible.

“Sure thing! You two can become my Redstone assistants!”, I happily tell them. While I’m explaining the concepts of Redstone gates, Komajiro finds a lever.

“Hey, what’s this thing do?”, he asks, before starting to turn it.

“NO!! DON’T--- and you just set off the lever that will blow up my castle!!”, I yell. I grab the two of them and make a mad dash for the exit. I get about twenty feet away before the TNT blows up. “YOU IDIOTS! YOU BLEW UP MY CASTLE!!!”, I yell at them.

“S-sorry, sir! Me and my brother are from the country!”, Komasan explains.

“YOU’RE-- wait, you’re from the country?”, I ask.

“Yes, we sure are! I hope we can make things up to you as your assistants!! As an apology, I hope you will accept our Yokai Medals!”, Komajiro explains. They give me their Medals. I don’t know what they are. I’ll have to ask Whisper about them later.

“Thank you for the medals. Still… you’re fired.”, I tell them.

“Wait, what??? How are we supposed to earn a livin’?”, Komasan asks. I think for a second, then hit upon a great idea.

“Get in my car.”, I tell them. They get in my Redstone-powered cop car.

“Golly, you’re a police officer?”, Komasan asks me.

“Yeah. I do work for PVZBrony.”, I tell him.

“You’re not taking us to jail, are you?”, asks Komajiro.

I laugh. “Tempting, but no. I’m taking you to Sweet Apple Acres.”, I explain. We get there. I knock on the barn door. Applejack opens it.

“Hey there, Ethan! What can I do for ya?”, she asks me.

“I was hoping that you could take some hired hands.”, I respond.

“Ethan, I don’t think ya should be working out on the farm!”, she tells me.

I shake my head. “No, these two!”, I tell her. I give them a couple of minutes to get to know each other.

“It’s a deal!”, Applejack tells me. I get a text from PVZBrony saying that he restored the Castle of Redstone. I drive back there before getting another call.

“Ponyville Police Department, Precinct Y-1. What’s the problem?”, I ask.

“Ethan! I need you to get to Sugarcube Corner right now!”, Pinkie yells at me.

“On my way!”, I promise her. “This better be good.”, I think to myself. I get there.

“We’ve been robbed!!!”, Pinkie explains.

“What did this thief take, what did he look like, where did he go?”, I ask her.

“The thief took all of the chocolate bars!”, Pinkie tells me.

I snort. “Are you sure that YOU didn’t eat them all? It wouldn’t be the first time.”, I respond to Pinkie.

“No, silly! The thief was a red cat, and he ran off towards your castle!”, she tells me. I drive back to my castle, and shine the watch around. It hits something! Pinkie’s description was actually correct!

“Hey! Why did you steal all those chocolate bars?”, I ask the cat.

“Wait, you can see me???”, he asks. I give him a pointed look. “I’m Jibanyan!”, he says. “I really like choco bars and Redstone!”, he explains. I take him on as an assistant. He gives me his medal.

“What exactly do these Medals do?”, I ask Jibanyan. “They’re a sign of our friendship, nyao! You can put them in the Watch to summon the respective Yokai!”, he tells me.