//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Wait For Me // by Venom93 //------------------------------// Soarin opened the door wide open as he stepped out to greet the morning sun. Already a whole week had passed since he moved to Ponyville and already he had begun to feel more at home. Whilst he did miss at times his old home up in Cloudsdale, the change of scenery and faces were all welcomed by the Pegasus. Closing the door behind him, Soarin pondered over his business for the day. So let’s see, Twilight wanted to see me over at the Castle, so I should make that my first stop. Soarin, seeing the castle over in the distance, began to his trek through the town towards his destination. Rather than flying, he opted rather to keep his hooves on the ground. Undoubtedly it would be faster to simply fly, but he deemed it better to simply walk and enjoy the time he had. Despite his short time in the town, he was already beginning to prefer it to the bustle of a big city. The ponies here of all kinds, whilst understanding his celebrity status and at times asked for an autograph or for advice, it was nowhere near the kind of treatment he received in his days with the Wonderbolts. Instead of swarms of reporters, he was greeted by waves and warm smiles. Ponies wishing him a good morning rather than offering sponsorships and endless interviews. He wished he had done this sooner, and that he would have more time to enjoy it. Much to his dismay, Soarin had begun to feel himself slightly more tired than usual. While still keeping himself fit, Soarin found himself beginning to tire out more quickly. He didn’t need to have a doctor tell what that meant. He had already heard from a one of the best in Cloudsdale as well as Doctor Stable here in Ponyville, whom Soarin was very thankful of for helping keeping his condition under wraps. “Excuse me, Mr. Soarin?” Soarin’s musing were interrupted as a female voice called out to him. He stopped in his tracks as he saw to his left a pegasus mare. Her coat was a bright yellow with a dark brown short mane. Hanging from her side was a small bag. See that he stopped, the mare smiled and walked towards him, extending a hoof. “Glorious Tale of the Equestrian Enquirer. I was hoping to have a moment of your time.” For a moment, Soarin hesitated, but he managed to make himself smile whilst shaking her hoof. “Of course. What can I do for you?” ‘Excellent. Well, how about we just go take a seat somewhere? I just want to ask you a quick a couple of questions.” She gestured to a nearby bench, but waited for his answer. Soarin nodded and led the mare to the bench, taking a seat beside her. He was, for a brief moment, debating on whether or not he should just tell her no and leave, but dismissed the idea. He had a good idea what this was about, but figured indulging her wouldn’t be too painful. “So what did you want to know?” Soarin asked. “Well,” Glorious pulled out a pen and small notebook from her bag. “ First I want to figure out how life has been treating you since you have left the Wonderbolts.” “It’s been good so far. The ponies here are friendly and great. It’s a welcome change in pace.” “But don’t you miss your friends in Cloudsdale or your colleagues in the Wonderbolts?” Glorious questioned as she began to jot down notes. “Did you leave because of differences with your teammates. “What? No, of course not.” Soarin shook his head. “I just wanted to do something less intensive with my life.” “I see. So you would say that you are on good terms with Spitfire and the other Wonderbolts?” Soarin nodded his head, causing Glorious to write down another note. He barely heard her mumble to herself, but couldn’t make what Glorious was saying. “Have you spoken at all with Spitfire or the others?” Soarin asked. Glorious shot her head up.” Hmm? Oh, yes actually I did , or at least tried. I wasn’t able to get a whole lot from them, just that you apparently wanted to do something else for a change. Anything I got was very vague and I didn’t really get to sit down a whole lot with any of them.” “I see.” internally, Soarin was relieved that nopony had yet figured the reasons for his discharge from the Wonderbolts. He knew rumors would surface, but hoped that Spitfire wouldn’t be revealing personal information of his or anything against him. I should remember to thank Spitfire for that. Recalling his schedule with the Princess, Soarin hopped off the bench.“Listen, I’m afraid there is somewhere I need to be.” “Oh! Ok then.” Glorious stuff her supplies away into her bag and hopped off the bench. “I didn't mean to keep you. I’m sorry.” “It’s fine.” Soarin spoke, extending his hoof in kindness, which she accepted. “I trust you got what you needed?” “Of course, This is just what I needed. Thank you very much!” “Your welcome, and have a good day.” With that, Soarin parted ways as the mare walked off on her own way. “Well, that wasn’t so bad.” Soarin spoke to no one but himself. With no more interruptions in his way, Soarin began his short journey again. The rest of the walk went uninterrupted as the new castle came into view. Whilst not as as large as say the Royal Palace of Canterlot or its counterpart in the Crystal Empire, the Castle of Friendship was still impressive in its own right. It resembled a massive crystallized tree at the base, with its leaves and canopy replaced with the typical series of towers befitting a castle. Hanging over the entire structure was a massive crystal star, resembling the Princess Twilight's Cutie Mark. Soarin finished gazing at the scenery above him to push his way through the front doors. Though Soarin had already spent time in both the Royal Canterlot Castle as well as the Crystal Empire, the castle of Friendship wasn’t all that bad itself. The interior seemed to him as a mix of the two previous castles. The architecture of the royal Palace with the use of crystal furniture of the Crystal Empire as well as its own, unique flair. The only missing though, was ponies. Despite the well kept appearance of the castle, Soarin barely heard a sound. It almost seemed like the castle was deserted. “Hello?” Soarin spoke out, alittle louder than usual. At first there was no reply, but his own echoing voice through the halls. Soarin almost spoke out again before the sound of opening doors cut him off. In front of him, a pair of large green doors opened the way to reveal the princess herself. “Hey there!” Twilight greeted the newcomer, walking past the doors up to Soarin. “Glad you came. Anyway how do you like the Castle?” “It’s not bad, You yourself a good home here.” “Well, it’s not just mine. Anyway come on in, there’s so much we can talk about.” Twilight led Soarin through the doors she came from into a new room. Massive shelves filled to the brim with books encircles the walls of the room. In the center was a single large circular table with several chairs surrounding it. A few other furniture items were spread around in the room, none of which were, much to Soarin thankfulness, made crystal. In one of the lounging chairs, Soarin as able to see another pony. He couldn't tell who it was, but was able to see a dull pink coat with a horn and dark violet mane with a blue streak poking out over the top of the book the pony was reading. “Starlight? We have a visitor, come say hello.” Twilight called out to the pony. Starlight lowered the book she was reading to look over to the pair of ponies. Soarin now saw this pony in her full breadth. A unicorn mare with a magic esque cutie mark and eyes the same color of her coat. Her mane was similar to twilight's, but had a blue, not red streak going down it and as well having a different style, She set aside her book and pulled herself off the chair to greet the pair. “Starlight, I’d like you to meet Soarin, our newest member of Ponyville.” Twilight made the appropriate gesture to Soarin. “Right, hello there.” Starlight spoke up, rather meekly.” Sorry I missed your party by the way, I was rather busy at the moment.” “Oh it’s fine. So what do you?” “ I’m just Twilight’s personal protege. I hear that you’re actually some sort of celebrity, right?” “Well I was. I was a Wonderbolt not too long ago, but decided to leave.” “A Wonderbolt?” Starlight’s eyebrow raised itself. “I’ve never heard of that.” Soarin’s eye widened slightly. A pony who had never heard of the Wonderbolts? Now that was unexpected. Not entirely unwelcome, but still unexpected. “Starlight doesn't mean anything by it.” Twilight interjected. “She just… never liked to bother herself with anything outside her studies or life, but believe me she is a powerful mage and a very good pony.” Twilight looked over to Starlight, a certain beam of pride in her eye. One that Starlight seemed to appreciate. “Well in that case,” Soarin extended his hoof.” It is a pleasure to meet you, Starlight…” “Glimmer,” Starlight met his hoof with her own. “ Starlight Glimmer. Anyway, I’ll leave you two alone. Would any of you like some tea?” “I’d appreciate that Starlight, thank you.” Twilight spoke to the the unicorn as she walked away. “Now then,” Twilight turned back to Soarin.” How about we get started?” The rest of the afternoon was filled with various discussion between Soarin and Twilight. They spoke on various things, from Twilight’s coronation and duties as a princess to Soarin’s of flying regime. Soarin so far had been very thankful of Twilight informal way of making conversation. No proper way to seat or address the other pony, just simple easy going conversation. Soon enough, the conversation began to shift its way towards his duties as a wonderbolt. “Speaking of which, how well do you think Rainbow Dash will do in the Wonderbolts?” Twilight asked, sipping on her tea. For a moment, Soarin was silent, pondering on his answer to that question. Finally he answered her. “Well she definitely has the flying capability to hold her own and then some, so there is no worries there. As long as she is willing to work with others, she can do it. As a Wonderbolt, you are many things. A good flier is just one thing. You are also a teamplayer, a celebrity and somepony that others would look up to. You have to be meticulous about not just your flying, but also about you how deal with others, especially your teammates and children. You and me both know about how Dash loves attention, right?” Twilight nodded, aware of their mutual friend’s love of the spotlight. “That itself isn’t bad. Could even be good at some points, but she has to be willing to do as she is told and keep to any routine she is given. There are times to show off and there are times when you should just do as you’re told. No more, no less. As long as Dash can keep that in mind, she won’t just succeed, she’ll thrive as a Wonderbolt.” “Have you told Dash any of this yet?” Soarin shook his head.” Not yet, but I plan to soon. With my spot now empty they’ll be looking for a replacement. Heck they probably already are looking at candidates. I also tried to put in a good word for her before i left to see if she could become my replacement.” “Really? That be great!” Twilight smiled at the possibility of Dash finally landing a place in the Wonderbolts. “I still don’t get you though, Soarin.” Soarin looked up from his tea, an eyebrow raised.”What do you mean?” “I just don’t get why a Wonderbolt, in the prime of his life and career, would just suddenly out of the blue simply retire and move to Ponyville. “ Twilight spoke, as if she was expecting a response. Soarin felt his pulse begin to quicken slightly at the situation. “ It’s just as i ‘ve said, Twilight. I wanted to have a different lifestyle.” Twilight looked unconvinced. “ Just like that? And so vague too? I don’t know Soarin. I don’t mean to be nosy, but it just doesn't make sense. Something must have made you leave.” Twilight seemed to ponder for a moment to herself before her eyes widen slightly. “Oh my goodness, were you being mistreated by the Wonderbolts again?” “What? No, of course not!” Soarin spoke out, his voice raised slightly in defense.”What makes you think that?” “I haven’t forgotten about the Equestria games tryouts Soarin. I remember how they left you behind and tried to pull Dash out of her team.” Soarin almost responded without thought before he stopped himself. She did have a point. That incident did land Spitfire and Fleetfoot in a lot of trouble, but it was water under the bridge as far as he concerned. The Wonderbolts were never as perfect as they thought they were, but they usually learned from their mistakes. Soarin knew of the response that would possibly put this all to rest, but he didn’t know if he could. He had no ill will against Twilight, but could he really trust her to keep his condition secret should he tell her. He felt absolutely horrible for it, but he didn’t feel that he yet could. With a sigh, Soarin spoke. “Yes, Twilight. There is a reason as why i’m here, but it has nothing to do with the Wonderbolts. It’s just...personal, and I want to keep it like that. At least for now. Can we just leave at that, Twilight?” Soarin looked back at her, with an almost pleading tone. Twilight looked conflicted,as if she wanted to get more out of him. Soarin almost felt like he was trapped. That she didn’t believe and would start pushing for more, to his relief when her expression calmed down. “Alright, I won’t bug you at all about it unless you want somepony to talk to. Just know if you ever want to, my doors will always be open.” Soarin gave an audible sigh of relief as he heard that. “Thank you, Twilight. That means a lot to me.” “Your welcome, Soarin.” Twilight at that point realized just how long they have been talking to one another. “Well, I suppose that’s I the time we have for today. I have things to do, just like you I suppose.” “Oh not a whole lot. I’ve just been enjoying my free time. I have been thinking about doing something here and there eventually. Try and help out when I can i mean.” “Hmm,” Twilight looked up in thought, her hoof scratching her chin as she thought, before coming to an answer and looking back at Soarin. “ I do know that Applejack could always use some help around at her farm. I’m sure she would welcome any help if you’re interested.” “Hmm, Yeah maybe I’ll head over there sooner or later. Anyway I’ll see you around Twilight.” Soarin got up from his seat. “Of course. It was good talking with you Soarin.” Twilight got up and followed the Pegasus as he made his way to the entrance. “And of course, don’t ever be afraid to come in and talk if you ever need somepony.” “I’ll be sure to remember that.” Soarin opened the door and stepped out, but not before giving one final wave to the princess. “Have a good day Twilight.” “You too, Soarin.”