//------------------------------// // Act 1-6 // Story: A Place Called Home // by FoxUnderFire //------------------------------// I sat under the spray of cold water for what seemed to be an hour, but I knew it was only a few minutes. My mind drifted and I thought of what had happened in the last few days. I had been knocked unconscious by an orange cowpony, tied and left in a barn, met a strange Pegasus who brought back memories of someone that I couldn't quite remember clearly,and to top it all off, I find out that I wasn't the only reality jumper in existence. And I was happy. But in that small amount of joy there was bitter resentment. I was angry that I was here. Angry about the fact that I had to go through all the shit in my past to get here. My life was just some sick fun for fate. Keeping me alive just for its own amusement. This was another screwed up joke, a place I could finally be happy in, and it was slowly killing me. After a few more minutes I turned the water off and got out. I started to dry myself off, when I caught my reflection in the mirror. I looked at the scars that traced a pattern from my torso to my back. I turned slightly to look at the mark on the left side of my ribcage. I traced the letters it made with my index finger. I was so lost in thought that I jumped when I heard someone knock on the bathroom door. Upon hearing Alex I felt the slightest pang of disappointment, "Hey I need to talk to you about what we are going to do today after you get out of the shower." I replied,"Yeah, alright wait a few and I'll be right there." A couple seconds later I heard his footsteps retreat down the stairs. I quickly dressed and went into the kitchen. When I entered I smelled the wonderful aromas of fried eggs and, to my surprise, bacon. I noticed that Rainbow Dash wasn't here anymore. But the rumbling that emanated from my stomach forced me to ignore that fact. Alex grinned at me and pointed to a plate that already heaped with food. I returned the grin and grabbed it while saying "Thanks, man I am starving." I ate my breakfast while he slowly munched on a muffin with a cup of coffee. Once I finished I got up and washed my plate. While I did this I asked, "Alright, what's on the agenda for today?" Alex swallowed the bit of muffin in his mouth and replied, "Well, we have to find you a job, a house, and we also have to find out which one of the girls are going to be by your side.” He pulled out a small cloth bag, “Here’s a couple hundred bits to get you going. Places are hard to find around here, but the apartment above the joke shop might still be available. Don’t worry, I’ll cover your first couple months rent. Oh, and a buddy of mine is an awesome tailor." He chuckled, “He’s the world’s leading expert on male human cloths. Don’t get me wrong, Rarity is amazing, but she’s a dressmaker. So, dealer’s choice, what do you want to get done first.” I thought about it for awhile and finally replied, "Let's go see the girls, I don't see any harm in trying to keep me from dying any faster." We made our way to town and I saw an assortment of different ponies. The arrangement of colors were so bright and unrealistically colorful. And while I was watching the ponies they were doing the same. I already knew that there weren't any other humans but I guess now that there are two of us they think we were multiplying. After a few minutes we stopped at a tree in the middle of the town. I looked around confused, "I thought we were going to meet Twilight" Alex grinned and pointed to the tree and said, "We are." After a few moments I realised exactly what he was pointing at. It was an actual door and not simply a door shaped part of the tree. Alex promptly knocked on it, and called out, “It’s me Spike. Gear up, my fine friend.” After only a few moments I could hear small feet walking up to the door. When it opened I was extremely confused. Standing in front of me was a small bipedal lizard with a rebreather on his face. My confusion only grew when it spoke, "Hey Alex, I'll get Twi." At this point what I assumed was a he seemed to notice me. I couldn't see his mouth so I could only guess what his expression was. I raised my hand and said, "What up?" He just stared at me and said "You're a human too?" I replied with the wittiest retort ever, "No, I'm a potato." He started to make a strange snort/gargle sound. At first I thought he was choking or something but then I realized that he was laughing through the rebreather. The sound of the little guy laughing was enough to make me burst into a fit myself. We sat there laughing for a good minute before Twilight came out and saw us laughing like lunatics. She opened her mouth to question exactly why we were guffawing until Alex cut her off with a short shake of his head. After awhile the laughter died down and we were able to catch our breaths. Even though I had not laughed this hard in I don’t know how long, I was able to speak first, "I'm... I gasped between chortles, “Jack." He gasped in enough air between snickers and replied, "Spike." After another couple of minutes we went inside of the tree house, thing. I first noticed that the tree was still alive, even though it was hollow in the middle. I questioned Twilight about this but she just replied with, "Magic." I wanted to pursue the matter further but my sanity was already strained. I noticed Alex sighed a little and smirked at Twilight. We went inside and Alex and I took the couch. Twilight sat in a chair, across a table, on the other side of us. Spike went into the kitchen and brought out a teapot and four cups. I politely declined the offer with a quite proper, "Nah, brah I'm cool." After a few awkward silences later, Alex finally spoke, "Hey, Twi were you able to duplicate the medallion?" Twilight nodded and floated a medallion, that looked just like Alex's, from a shelf nearby. I wondered how she was able to create and destroy matter. "How do you create matter from nothing?" My question seemed perfectly acceptable. "Magic." I almost leaped the distance between us when Alex said the other reasons for our visit. "Jack also needs at least two companions and a job." So very blunt isn't he? “Twilight, I know he’s younger, and he’s not in as bad a situation as I was, physically, but there’s no point in causing any more damage than necessary. Anyway, having two ponies with him twenty four seven for a few weeks might help him learn the culture a little faster.” Alex sat back into the couch, running his hand over his head, “Jack, as far as the job goes, I’ll be happy to float you for a few months.” “Thanks, but no thanks, Alex. I appreciate it, and I won’t lie, it feels good, but I need to stand on my own two feet. I don’t want to owe anyone.” Alex nodded, “I can respect that. Still, I’ll help you any way I can.” Twilight thought about it for a few seconds before responding, "I am still studying for a cure to your problem, so unless Jack would like to stay here for hours on end, I don't think I am the ideal participant." I nodded, I'm not really an egg head so she would probably get boring pretty quickly. "As for the job I don't think I have anything available, right Spike?" The purple lizard shook his head.'I'm going to have to ask Alex about him.' Alex nodded and replied, "Alright, thanks Twilight, you've been a great friend for me during this whole experience." She then promptly blushed and nodded her head. Alex nodded towards me and we got up to leave.