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by Super Trampoline

Chapter 15: Ain't No Rest For the Lazy

"Okay, so here's the deal," I told my younger self: "I'm you from the future, here to relive what is now my past. Us interacting constantly is a recipe for disaster of the wibbly wobbly timey wimey sort. Doh ho ho a Doctor Who reference I'm so clever!"

Past me looked nonplussed. Isn't that a lovely word, nonplussed?

I think it's lovely.


"Anyway, here--" I hoofed him an envelope "--is a list of future happenings you should gamble on. Make wise bets and you'll be set for a few decades. Go do the traveling you've always wanted to do and be sure to write home."


"Right, it's a lot to take in. I'll be back in a few hours. Pack up and take care!"

So I left him--who I guess was me, but now in a different universe, because I don't remember traveling around Equestria like Echo the Diamond Dog (RIP!)--to do his packing and get a train ticket and whatnot. I had some incoming librarians to romance.