Visit to a Different Ponyville

by StormLuna

Colgate's Frustration


For the previous 4,000 years Equestria and the entire world had been in a near constant state of unrest as ponies who sought world conquest were battling one another for supremacy. Yes there were times of peace but even those seemed to be uneasy. In the end the previous four millennia and constant state of uneasiness was brought to an end when Supreme Commander Colgate killed the Dark Goddess Twilight Sparkle. Even though the world was restored to a state of peacefulness that had not existed since before Twilight's corruption, the culture across the world never returned to what it was so long ago.


Colgate's Frustration

A new morning began in Ponyville and like she always does after being woke up by the sun, Supreme Commander Colgate took a look through the blue eye to scan the world. While all threats to global peace had bee destroyed just over a year ago, she still monitored things in the event some sort of uprising was happening at home or abroad.

When she saw nothing was out of the ordinary she groaned, "Ugh, I'm so bored! Why can't anything exciting be happening?"

General Dark Night, her top general for over 4,000 years heard her groan. He rushed up to her room and asked, "Colgate, are you ok? You sound upset."

Colgate replied, "Ugh, I'm so bored! Everything is completely peaceful. Not a single problematic event is happening!" She stomped her hoof into the floor and continued, "Can't anything exciting happen? Can't there even be a lousy uprising somewhere? Ugh, I'd even be happy with a severe thunderstorm that would do enough damage that we'd have to go out and help ponies rebuild."

Dark Night patted Colgate on the shoulder, "Colgate, I thought you were happy that the world had a bit of normalcy restored and now here you are hoping for uprisings and nasty storms?"

Colgate sighed, "You're right general. I just feel like all I do is go to the base once a day to check on Scootaloo and the soldiers while the rest of the time I'm either visiting the Apple Family or doing absolutely nothing." She raised her voice and continued, "I just want something exciting to do rather than the mundane things I've been doing."

Dark Night asked, "What would you rather deal with, this or Twilight Sparkle enslaving ponies and all of us putting our lives on the line to stop her?"

Colgate replied, "Oh you're right, I highly doubt the ponies of this world want anymore warfare." Her stomach growled as she continued, "Let's get down and get some breakfast. Maybe that will distract me from this boredom for a while."

The two headed downstairs where they were greeted by her changeling general, General Lightning Storm and her second in command, Commander Scootaloo. Scootaloo could see the irritated look on her boss's face and asked, "Colgate, what's wrong?"

Colgate replied, "I'm just bored Scootaloo. I guess when you've had to put up with constant threats for thousands of years and suddenly all is calm and there are no threats, things just don't seem right."

Lightning Storm asked, "Are you having trouble adjusting to this post Twilight Sparkle world?"

Colgate sighed, "Actually, yes I am. I guess the times of peace prior to everything going downhill are so far in the past that I can barely remember it anymore. I actually feel like I don't fit into the new world of peace. I'm just a pony who still has a bit of thirst for blood in a world where such things aren't normal anymore."

Scootaloo added, "I know how you feel but besides monitoring things on the base, I do help out with apple bucking at Sweet Apple Acres to keep myself occupied." She then focused more on what Colgate said and continued, "Wait a minute, you still have a thirst for blood?"

Colgate snapped, "Yes. I still have dreams about killing enemies and feasting on them. I still dream about nuking enemies that attack us."

Scootaloo gasped, "Colgate, you've got to adjust to the post-war world. You can't keep on living in a world that is a thing of the past."

Dark Night was getting nervous that Colgate may do something to start a war and knew he had to do something. He suggested, "You know, perhaps you should reopen your practice. I know how much you loved dentistry prior to becoming a full time leader."

Lightning Storm added, "Maybe that will restore the old you, the you that was always so happy."

Colgate sighed, "You know, I can hardly remember anything about dentistry anymore and I don't even remember what that kind of happiness feels like anymore either." What she said brought about a great amount of sadness to her. She had a few tears streaming down her face as she continued, "You know what? I'm not hungry, I'm going for a flight over the forest. Maybe I'll spot an unruly manticore and have to put it in it's place."

Colgate exited the dining hall and headed towards the exit. Scootaloo sighed, "You know, I honestly don't know what we're going to do. I've never seen her like this and I don't know what kind of advice to give her to get out of this funk." She became more nervous and continued, "And I'm actually afraid she may start a war just so things can return to what is normal, well for her."

Lightning Storm replied, "You know, I'm worried about the same thing but give her time and she will evetually adjust."

Dark Night added, "I'll try to talk to her about getting back into dentistry. I'm sure all her knowledge is buried deep within her and if she could just get out of this non-stop warrior mentality, I think she'd remember it all and become a much happier pony."

Scootaloo continued, "Maybe she'll do some deep thinking during her flight and realize that she needs to go back to doing what she loved most."