A spell gone wrong

by LilBronies

Looking for answers

"What am I going to do Spike?" Twilight asked her faithful companion. Spike thought for a moment. Soon a light bulb went of in his head.

"We could send a message to the princess?!" Twilight's eyes widened, she smiled at Spike

"Your right Spike." The lavender pony complimented her dragon friend. Spike smiled.

"I am?!" He wasn't really used to Twilight taking his actually very helpful advise. Twilight got back up and positioned herself in a flying position as she put Spike on her back.

"We need to get answers from the princess!" Twilight soared into the with Spike struggling to hold onto her back.

Soon they arrived in Canterlot and flew strait towards princess Celestia's castle. When Twilight and Spike landed in front of the entrance, they were suddenly stopped by two of the royal guards, crossing the spears, forbidding them to come in.

"HALT!" One of them shouted. "Nopony is allowed to see either one of the princesses at this hour!" Twilight looked up at the night sky. Then she quickly turned back to the two royal guards.

"I must speak with the princesses expediently!" Her expression was stern and serious. The guards did not move.

"Please! It's an emergency!"

The two guards exchanged glances. One of them nodded at the other and they both pulled back their staffs, allowing Twilight to get into the castle.

"Thank you!" The lavender pony exclaimed, running into the castle and galloping towards the princess's throne room. Twilight slammed through with a loud bang. Still galloping towards her teacher's throne. Princess Celestia had been in a brief conversation with her little sister, Princess Luna, and was startled when all her prized pupil burst through the doors all of a sudden.

"Twilight?!" The sun goddess asked, with a concerned look on her face. "What is it that you need?"

Twilight skidded her hooves on the floor to give her a sudden stop. However, when she did so, Spike flew off her back and crashed strait into a wall, with a loud


"OW!" He yelped.

"Sorry!" Twilight called out for to make sure that he was okay.

"I'm all good!" The little dragon assured her.

Twilight turned back to the princesses.

"Did you notice that big storm outside just about half an hour ago?"

"Yes Twilight Sparkle." Luna informed her. "We did notice the peculiar storm. In fact, w were just talking about it."

"Good!" Twilight exclaimed. "Because I there was something with that storm and it did something to my friends!"

The two sister's eyes widened.

"What do you mean?" Celestia asked.

"I think that it all started when I was practicing my new spell with Spike and------" Twilight explained the past events to the two princesses.

Luna's eyes widened

"Oh dear!" Luna could not believe what the lavender pony had just told her... and neither could her sister.

"I know, and i'm sorry." Twilight began. "I should have looked through it one more time before I read it aloud!"

"It is alright Twilight." Celestia tried to calm down her student. "There has to be a way to reverse this spell."

Twilight began to panic again.

"You mean you don't know!?"

"I am sorry Twilight." Luna stepped in for her sister. "But we do not have the knowledge for these sort of things."

"But I have complete faith that you will find out what the answer is."

Twilight regained her calmness.

"Yes. I will try my very hardest princess. Come on Spike!" Twilight turned to Spike, (who was still struggling to regain his consciousness), and picked him up and set him back onto her back. Twilight flew out of a nearby window and headed back to HER castle.

Celestia turned to her sister and said,

"I fear that something awful will come across Twilight and her friends."

"I feel it too." Luna agreed. "But we will have to see what challenges she will have to face. After all... keeping equestria safe is not an easy task."

The two sisters looked out the window, preying that the obstacles that Twilight was about to face... were NOT as horrible as they were thinking.