//------------------------------// // That Awkward Moment when your wife's parents show up after being gone a long time like FOOOORRREEEVVVEERR and then this chapter happens... // Story: So you're about to be a father with a Sun-Goddess. // by TheDawsonator1 //------------------------------// “Mother? Father?” Celestia had spoken those words with a shocked expression. These two new alicorns…are her PARENTS!? B-But, I thought they disappeared, Celestia told me they were more likely dead and that one day they disappeared when Celestia was a teenager, yet here they apparently are. Then again, these two looked like they’d be together romantically at the very least and they look older then Celestia and Luna. The thing I’d like to know is where were they all this time? Why are they back now? “Celestia?” the mother spoke. “You’re alive after all of this time? I thought you were dead…I spent my entire life afterward thinking you were dead and you weren’t all this time” Celestia spoke without emotion. “Celly-“ The father started Suddenly Luna teleported in and saw the scene, she too was in shock at seeing her parents. “Mother? Father? You’re alive after all this time?” Luna was shocked. “Hello Lulu” The mother spoke again “Where were you?” Celestia demanded before Luna could speak. “Celestia, we can expla-“ the father started before Celestia lost it. “NO YOU CAN’T BLOODY WELL EXPLAIN! 2567 YEARS YOU DISAPPEARED! I SEARCHED AND SEARCHED WHILE STARSWIRL "LOOKED" AFTER US, DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS TO TELL LUNA YOU HAD GONE!? I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD AND HERE YOU ARE RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AS THOUGH NOTHING HAD HAPPENED” Celestia has completely lost it. Celestia was on fire again, and she must have had this in for a long time. “Celestia please, it was-“ The mother started. “WAS WHAT? WHY DID YOU LEAVE? DID YOU NOT CARE FOR US? DID YOU NOT EVEN LOVE US! NO! APPARENTLY NOT, YOU JUST LEFT US TO TAKE CARE OF A KINGDOM WE HAD NO IDEA HOW TO RULE FOR 5 YEARS BEFORE WE EVEN HAD IT UNDER CONTROL WHILE UNDER A MAD SCIENTIST’S CARE! STARSWIRL OF ALL FLIPPING PONIES! I DON'T EVEN WANT TO TALK TO YOU!” Celestia shouted. Before the parents could say another word, Celestia stormed out in such speed. The guards looked around at me hoping for an explanation but I had none, I was as confused as them. I looked at Luna and I motioned I was going to go after Celestia, I knew where she’d be. I left the throne room before giving one last look at the parents who didn’t seem to notice me but they were now talking to Luna. Whatever had happened, something about Celestia’s parents leaving affected her, I need to talk to her, get her to talk about what happened or just comfort her, one of the two. I went up to our room and knocked. “GO AWAY!” I heard Celestia’s shouts. “Celly-bear, it’s just me, Jason. Can I come in?” I said through the door “NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!” Celestia shouted through the door. “Celestia, I’m coming in okay? Let’s talk this out, husband and wife.” I said through the door. There was silence. I looked to the door guards who shrugged as I went in preparing myself for a magic blast to the face, none came. “Celly?” I talked to the crying heap that was Celestia. I walked over to her and I immediately pulled her into a hug she had no resistance to stop it. “Jason I-“ Celestia started. “Celestia, we gotta talk over this. It’s clear your parents are a touchy issue, I know not what happened but it might help me help you if I knew what happened to make you so angry and upset at the sight of your own parents” I said my mind flat-out. “Jason…” Celestia tried to not sob more. “Please Sunny, this issue won’t go away and while Luna is talking with your parents, sooner or later you will talk with them. I want to help you but I must know what had happened, please?” I looked Celestia in the eye. “A-Alright…this was a long time ago but this is what happened…” Celestia started, 2567 years ago… My mother and father are the Alicorns of Time and Space respectively, my mother is Time Continuum and my father is Open Space. My father is the last male Alicorn seen in thousands of years but that never bothered him I don’t think. When my mother had Luna and I, it was clear to Equestria that we would be the heirs to the throne and that one day our parents would step down. Do you want to know the reason Luna and I never pronounced ourselves as Queens of Equestria? Our mother and father were the King and Queen of Equestria, we never took the Queen title because we thought our parents alive and we kept it also out of respect. When I was a little girl, I had everything taught to me by my parents and under the care of Starswirl the Bearded who was the brightest Unicorn of the day, whenever my parents got a break in their ruling, they spent time with Luna and I, everything was fine, until… When I was 16 (Luna was 14), my parents went out one day, they didn’t come back that day. I had thought and was told they must have slept over somepony’s house or palace but I think deep down, I had a very bad feeling, I remember the nightmare I had that night, the one where my parents were killed by some shadowy figure. A week passed and nothing, weeks passed into months, months passed into years and years were passing into decades passing into centuries. I had always labored some silly thought that they were alive but as far as I really knew deep down, they had disappeared completely off Equus. Of course I had looked for my parents, Luna and I searched everywhere, every atom space of the planet for our parents but there wasn’t a trace anywhere, it was baffling just how well they disappeared. After a week the note my parents left that ordered Starswirl the Bearded (our parents closest friend) to take care of us and raise us to be Princesses became active, our parents had at the very least kept a backup plan in case something went wrong. Fast Forward into our twenties and we were thrust responsibility and a completely insane Starswirl who tried various things to try bringing my parents back including the time spell and one day, he too disappeared in an experiment no doubt, he’s no Alicorn so I’m afraid the experiment was something beyond even him an it must have destroyed him. But Starswirl cared more about my parents then he ever did us in the last few years, we were neglected as he ignored our parent’s order to look after us, Starswirl was never seen again and he left many mysteries behind, mysteries my sister and I agreed never to look into. The next year after that, Discord happened, took 50 years to find the Elements of Harmony and then King Sombra and many others happened afterwards and then…the Nightmare… All of that contributed to Nightmare Moon, Luna blamed me for making Starswirl go insane and our parents disappearing and accused me of pretending to not notice it while I ruled and that I had given up hope on ever finding our parents or what happened to them.. The sad part is that some of that had some truth, I did pretend to not notice it, I had hoped Starswirl would give up as I had, I was wrong, I had underestimated Starswirl’s determination. At that point, I had abandoned all hope about my parents and wanted to just focus on ruling one day at a time, of course, Nightmare Moon had different ideas and then it became just myself and a bunch of close ponies that were passing on as generation after generation came until now. To this day, we never found any traces of my parents or Starswirl and long believed them dead... “…That is the abridged version of what happened” Celestia finished. “So, you never found out what happened to Starswirl?” I ask my wife. “No, we never even looked at his notes, we feared our own sanity would go like his if we looked, some of the safer ones were put in the library” Celestia answered. “And you’re mad at your parents for their disappearance?” I ask my next question. All I got was a nod, I wonder…if I showed up back on Earth to my parents and my brother, would they be mad I had disappeared without a trace and suddenly came back expecting everything to be fine. Even if I could get back to Earth, I wouldn’t, there’d be too much trouble and many lies about where I’ve been and such and besides, I feel like my place is here in Equestria rather than Earth. I gave Celestia a good-bye as I left to go back to my duties, if Celestia’s parents are sticking around, sooner or later they will talk to Celestia, maybe if I got them speaking again, let them reconnect. But how would I do that? How do you connect parents with their daughters after what seems forever ago? They need to be on friendly terms and…wait a moment…friendly…friend…oh sweet my wife! How can it have taken THIS long to figure that one out? I’ll go get Twilight and the others. I got out some parchment and wrote… Dear Twilight Sparkle…