//------------------------------// // Chapter 13 - The Truth // Story: Story of Diane Pie // by Middle Ground //------------------------------// We then left the museum and began making our way back home. "So Diane, I think you should go see Bitter Sweet while it's early. I'm sure he wouldn't mind an early visit." Miss Jubilee was insistent about visiting Bitter Sweet, despite that it just turned 1 pm. Tough Love gave a grunt of disgust for mentioning Bitter Sweet...again. "We'll see you later, Big Sis!" Day and Charm were ahead of Miss Jubilee and Tough Love as they waved at me. "Alright, then I'll see you later. Me and Bitter Sweet will be back soon. See you later!" I rushed off to go and visit Dr. Sweet's office and I hoped he was willing to let me in. I made my way to his office building but then stopped at the front door; I remembered our last conversation before I went to bed last night. I asked him why he acts the way he does, and he told me that he would tell me about himself after my appointment. Honestly, I actually hesitated going inside. I only heard a bit of what happened to Bitter Sweet involving his parents' deaths. It must have been traumatizing for him to act like he does now. I could only imagine what he was like before such tragedies. But maybe he and I could somehow help him the same way he could help me. So I gritted my teeth and made my way inside the building an then to his office. I could hear the sounds of music being played from inside the room and it sounded like a violin combined with some kind of sound that I am unfamiliar with. I knocked on the door and then heard Bitter Sweet screaming, and the sound of a loud crash. I was worried when I heard it, but then the music stopped, I heard more noises, and then the door to the office opened. "Welcome to my office! Please excuse the noise!" Bitter Sweet answered the door in a panic and with a bump on his head. "Wait...Diane, why are you hear? It's still a little too early for your appointment." I then saw that the chair to his desk was sticking out and I figured Bitter Sweet fell out of it when I knocked. "Um...I came to start my appointment early. Were you listening to music on that radio?" Bitter Sweet blushed a bit, "Uh...yes, I was. I like listening to violin sometimes." I'm pretty sure he was listening to something else alongside the violin.... "Anyway you are about 40 minutes early and I haven't even gotten the practice dummies ready yet." He sounded annoyed; I can't blame him since my arrival did have him fall on his head. "Well....I....wanted to see you." I could tell that my cheeks were blushing after I just said that. Bitter Sweet gave a sigh, "Very well, Diane. Come inside and we'll get started." He let's me inside his office and I took my seat on the couch. "So, I'm sure you still want to know about me and what happened to me in my youth?" I nodded; I wanted to understand him better. "Well then, you will need to prepare for what you're about to hear. And you must swear not to tell any pony about this. Only Miss Jubilee knows about what exactly happened to me and my parents and promised me. And if you want to know about me, I suggest you do the same." He was very serious and I could tell he was giving me an intense look behind his dark sunglasses. I shivered, "I promise I won't say anything.... Really, I promise." Bitter Sweet then re-positioned his seat and sat at his desk again. "Alright, then I will hold you to your word. But if you say anything, I will never forgive you." I realized that whatever this was, it was very painful for him; he then magically removed his sunglasses and revealed his eyes to me. They were a soul-piercing yellow without black pupils; I could feel chills run up and down my spine as I looked on at those eyes. "Frightening, aren't they?" Bitter Sweet's question then snapped my out of my frozen state. I tried to compose myself, "Uh...no! I think they're....pretty!" Bitter Sweet gave me a glare and the chills quickly came back. "I didn't even need to remove my sunglasses to know that was a lie. Though, I don't blame you for trying to not offend me." I didn't know what to say to avoid any more of his glares. "These eyes are the main reason why my parents are dead. The eyes that see lies and truths. And they fit my special talent perfectly. Or perhaps...too perfectly." I was confused, "Your special talent...? You mean...you can see lies and truths just by looking at other ponies?" Something like that sounds too amazing to be considered just a special talent. I could only think the Princesses were the only ones who could do something like that. "Yes, though it wasn't always like that. It happened some time before I entered everything fell apart...." His story began here.... "I was only 15 years old when I was about to head into Magic College. I lived a happy life alongside my parents, Cherry Sweet and his wife, Honey. Though my father's name was Cherry, he was not directly related to the Cherry Family. Only by name did he actually have any ties to the family. He was actually adopted into the family, similar to you, Diane. I had association with the Cherry Family because of my father. Which is why I live with Miss Jubilee. My father was a Unicorn who worked in making new magic spells for all Unicorns, and my mother was a Pegasus. I was always a good student, focusing on my work and studies. But then one day, my life changed forever when I saw through the lie of a single pony. His name was Chance Taker, and he loved being the center of attention. Always parading through the school halls like he was some famous celebrity but underneath, he was such a joker. He was in love with a mare named Rose Thorn and she was not a nice pony. She was cold and mean to almost every pony she spoke to. Chance was too love-struck to even care about how harsh Rose was. He was blinded by love and Rose was taking advantage of him the entire time. I had to step in to help my friend and that's when my life changed forever. I confronted Rose about what she was doing to Chance and I wanted it to end. But Rose was rotten to the core and I could tell that she was lying through her teeth. I pressed her until she finally spoke the truth while gloating. But amazingly, Chance just happened to have been right behind her when she openly spoke the truth and dumped her. After discovering the truth was when I got my Cutie Mark and my special talent for seeing lies and truths. But some time after that, things only got complicated between us. Chance just walked up to me one day and told me that our friendship was over. He blamed me for what I did and we never spoke to each other again. To this day, I wondered if I should've just stayed out of his personal life and hope he would have discovered the truth himself. That was the very last time I spoke with him. And what came afterwards only made life much more painful for me when I discovered something I shouldn't have. I had discovered my father with another mare on my way back home from school. At first, I assumed they were colleagues in magic-making. But then I saw my father and the mare kiss before parting ways. Just from that sight alone, I could fell my whole world shatter and I tried to keep what I saw a secret. But over time, I lost trust in my father and told my mother everything I saw. My father and my mother entered into many conflicts because of what I told my mother and they soon divorced. As time went by, I discovered that my eyes had changed into what they are now, and that whenever a pony lied a black smog would appear around them. And it only got worse when only a year of separation flew by and I received the news of my mother's passing from depression. I was heart-broken, but not nearly as heart-broken as my father was. When he first got the news, he broke down in emotional agony and entered a depression similar to what killed my mother. He too passed away. Eventually, I was all alone and I blamed myself for what I did. I could have never said anything and things would have been so different. I was such an idiot back then and I cursed my eyes and my special talent for what I have done. I changed my college of choice to Manehatten College and became a psychiatrist and would use this 'Curse' of mine to help other ponies by seeing through their lies and hoping to discover a way to end their pain. As for why I am with Miss Jubilee right now, my father was the very first pony she adopted into the family. So I was then adopted into her family like my father. But I never wanted to feel the same pain I felt again, so I rejected her offer of being adopted into the Cherry Family. So I spent five years of my life helping ponies with their personal problems, hoping to someday make up for my mistake...." His story ended with tears dripping down his yellow eyes.... After hearing all that, I realized that the pain he has suffered is beyond anything I could imagine; even I was tearing up. "Do you understand now, Diane? The pain and sorrow I have caused? The lives I have ruined? And it is because of my Curse and stupidity that my parents are dead. Honestly, if I am to be alone forever, then I will happily acce-" I had to stop him! "NO!" My outburst stopped him from finishing that sentence. "You can't just do that and expect us to accept that! You shouldn't have to be alone! At least you have ponies who love and care about you! Miss Jubilee and the others love you and they're willing to help you if you just asked them!" I had lost my composure and I had to say something to convince Bitter Sweet that he still has a family. Bitter Sweet's expression was unchanged after my outburst. He gave a deep sigh, "So naïve.... Though, I appreciate you for trying." He then put his sunglasses back on and stood out of his chair. "Diane, you're going to have to learn that not all wounds heal. They leave scars and it takes more than hugs to make them fade...." Even after all that I have said, nothing got through to him. Just when I thought I had failed, we then heard somepony knocking on his door, probably wanting an appointment. "I believe this conversation is over. I will be expecting you on our next appointment, Diane." He made his way to the door and answered it, only to see Miss Jubilee and the others standing at the front with tears in their eyes. "Miss Jubilee...? What are you all-" Before he could finish, Day and Charm both hugged him tight and started crying their eyes out. "I...had no idea." Tough Love had shocked expression on her face and Miss Jubilee had a smug look on her face. "What is the meaning of this?! Why are you all here?! And why are Day and Charm crying so much?!" Bitter Sweet was so confused; even I needed answers. "We heard everything, Bitter. From behind the door." Bitter Sweet then froze as Tough Love answered his question. "Day and Charm wanted to come and visit you today, but we didn't want to disturb you. But we couldn't help but listen in on your story. Sorry about that...." I never knew they were outside, and neither did Bitter Sweet. "Big Brother, it's ok...! We'll be your family!" Day wouldn't let go of Bitter Sweet. "We're here for you, bro!" Even Charm was losing his cool. Suddenly, Tough Love removed Bitter Sweet's sunglasses and it revealed his eyes to them. "What are you doing?! Gives those back...!" Bitter Sweet was panicking as he tried getting them back. "I wanted to be sure you weren't the one lying! Just...wow." Tough Love looked even more shocked when Bitter Sweet's eyes were revealed. "Th-This isn't even any of your business!" He sounded angry as this whole situation was developing. "Sorry Sweetie, but they're making it their business. You're not winning this one." Miss Jubilee then joined in on the hug; even I jumped in and hugged him. And amazingly enough, Tough Love reluctantly joined in. "Oh my Princesses...." Bitter Sweet knew he couldn't escape this situation and just let us hug him. Honestly, I'm not sure what could happen next....