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by Super Trampoline

Chapter 14: I Did the Thing Samurai Jack Wanted To Do But Never Could

Colors, tastes, sensations etc. returned to me as I found myself standing on a pathway on the edge of town. I shook the dizziness from my head and took stock of my surroundings. It was daytime, probably late afternoon, and the temperature was hot, but not unbearably so. Ponyville lay ahead, a bit smaller than I was used to, and lacking a gaudy castle towering above the surrounding quaint thatched roof cottages. I sniffed the air; it smelled like opportunity.

Happily, I cantered into town, stopping the first stallion I could find to ask, "Excuse me good sir, but what is today's date?"

He happily answered "Why, a bat pony! We don't see your type around here very often. Maybe you can help some ponies learn about accepting those who are different from you in a few months."

"You mean taking a few months to accept them, or that this will occur a few months from now?" I asked, seeking clarification of the ambiguous statement.

Making people clarify their unintentionally unambiguous statements is one of my many talents.

He happily clarified. "Oh, dear me. The later."

"Thank, you," I replied, satisfied. "But the date, sir?"

"Oh, right, well, today is __/__/____ [The measure and passage of time in this land is vague and contradictory, so just pretend he some time about two to four years ago.]. Have you heard the news? Rumor has it, the Princess is sending her very own apprentice, Twilight Sparkle, to oversee preparations for the Summer Summer Sun Summer Sun Celebration!"

"Oh, really?" I responded, feigning surprise. "Well, then I better be on my way. I have much planning to do myself!" This wasn't strictly untrue. I did have plans to make.

"Alright then, young lad, you be on your way then!" he said, happily. Ponies days are always a little brighter after I visit them. I trotted off towards my destination.

Ten minutes later, I reached said destination, one of Ponyville's many quaint thatched roof cottages. Here came the weird part. I flew up to the second story balcony and unlocked the door, trotting into what appeared to be a very messy bedroom. "Hello, is somepony there?" A voice asked from behind a restroom door.

"Yeah, it's Rainbow Dash," I lied, throwing my voice. One of my many talents is impersonating other ponies, and Dash happens to be one of the easier ponies to copy.

"Oh, kay, out in a second," the stallion replied. I sat down on the bed and waited.

A few minutes later, I heard the whoosh of running water, and the door opened. Into the room stepped a handsome dark-furred batpony with wild lime green and sapphire blue mane and tail. He gasped. "Y-y-y-who are you?"

I smirked cooly at my younger, more naïve self. "I'm you, but stronger!"