Ponies of the Dinner Table

by Coyotek4

Party of Five

Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy shoot looks of pure shock upon hearing Rainbow’s declaration of Crimson Awesome killing Lance Skyslicer in cold blood. Moments later, Spike barges in from the kitchen and confronts the pegasus, with Twilight following behind.


“I’m sorry Spike, I really am. But you said it yourself: you’re a wanted traitor, and we’re all too weak to cut it out here for long. But now? All I have to do is present the townsfolk with your head and give them a story about how you forced us to do your bidding, and we’re off the hook.”

Everyone else around the table remains speechless and in shock, while Rainbow continues. “And how about this: in one session, I’ve killed the king AND a 10th-level character. I wouldn’t be surprised if I was already Level 2 after all this. What can I say? That’s what makes Crimson so awesome!”

Silence pervades for a 10-second period that feels like an hour, before Pinkie chimes in.

“Wow, Rainbow Dash, that was just … the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen in a roleplaying game!!! I mean, yeah I’ve only been roleplaying since earlier this evening, but that was still amazing! I gotta say, Crumbs is super-impressed! You ‘n me, kid; we’re gonna go places!”

“Well you have to admit, Spike, that was well-played by Rainbow Dash.” Even Rarity’s voice cannot dispel the anger burning up inside the dragon.

I spent three years building that character up! Only to see him get back-stabbed by a confidant? Rainbow Dash, you’re supposed to be the embodiment of LOYALTY, for crying out loud!”

“Well, first,” Rainbow points out to Spike, “I will always be loyal to you, to Twilight, to all of you, and to Equestria … in real life. That’s something that will never change. But what’s the point of role-playing if you’re just gonna play yourself, huh? Where’s the fun in that?”

Spike simmers but says nothing as Rainbow continues. “And second, I feel a new sense of loyalty to this group of ponies right here.” She turns to the others. “We’re all in this together now, and this world is ours for the taking! What do you say?”

“I am totally in!”, Pinkie promises.

“Should make for a fun ride,” Applejack adds. “I’m in with ya.”

“As am I,” Rarity states. “I suppose I should read more about this game to get really good with the rules and minutae. Especially if I’m the resident mage of the group.”

Rainbow turns to her pegasus counterpart. “Well Fluttershy? Is Pinkie Pie along for the ride?”

“If I say yes, will you promise not to slit my throat in the middle of the night?” Rainbow nods, and Fluttershy reluctantly accepts.

Rarity looks up at a hanging clock which shows the time approaching midnight. “Goodness, where does the time go. I really should be going; there’s much to do tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I’m not usually away from the farm this late. So, same time next week?”

“Just try to keep Crimson Awesome from coming back!”

The five player-ponies all bid Twilight and Spike a good night before departing, leaving the two alone with their thoughts on the evening. Spike’s anger has since turned to depression, while Twilight has moved on to the ‘acceptance’ stage of her grief.

Three years I spent building Lance up … I can’t believe this is how he makes his exit from this world.”

“I don’t like how tonight went either, Spike, but I have to hoof it to Rainbow Dash; she won this round … but if she thinks she can just come into this world and take over like she’s the Queen of Derbyshire, she’s got another thing coming. Clear your calendar for tomorrow, Spike; we got work to do.”