//------------------------------// // Report 2 // Story: Wonderbolts Insider // by jonaschow //------------------------------// So I'm all done with the intro in the previous report. Okay let us start on the standard training. So anyway, training is everyday from 10am - 6pm. Can you believe it, 8 hours of flight every day! Most ordinary pegas can't manage that, but we awesome Wonderbolts who love flying? 8 hours is a piece of cake! We start off with warm-ups, stretches, and the gym. 50 push-ups and sit-ups, 5 rounds on the "track", and then we fo to the pony gym! Next we have weights training. We get some bricks and tie them to our backs. We have to fly 100 laps. That's is quite tiring. Not much from the flying, mostly from the weight of the bricks. Then we have lunch together. While eating delicious hay fries and apples the earth ponies harvested, we gossip and create rumors like everyone does and we also discuss about our new tricks. The next few hours is just drilling. We have to fly through an obstacle course that unicorns put together 10 times. I'm fascinated by their magic. The course is different every time and for every person. Sometimes, I wished I was a unicorn... No. That's silly. Flying is so much better than fancy magic. Then we practice the tricks, our coach tells us the flaws and the things we are great at, and we keep trying to improve on it. That's about it for practice. Please leave some comments on what you wish to see in the next issue. Signing out, Blaze