
by 3 Unicorns in Trenchcoat


The eyes of The One closed.
It lays upon a barren wasteland with black stone
It's body still warm...

The wind endlessly howls
Yet no voice heard in the winds
The One opened its eyes...

It gasped for life and in return was met with it
It's eyes lucid with sudden realization
The eyes of an eagle awoken
The claw scratched upon the face
A paw rubbed the eyes...

Slowly, the body began to move
The muscles began to move within the body
The blood began to flow
The birth of The One's movement...

It rose from the black rock
It stretched its wings,
Wings that belonged to an angel
The wings the color of black
Yet not torn or damaged
Like an angel's...

Its tail just barely touching the ground
The black body of The One elongated itself
As if it were from a slumber...

The silver eyes closed once more
But opened again...

Only to see the world around itself
A barren wasteland
Not teeming with life
Only teeming with scorched earth...

The ears began to hear the howling wind
But it picked up something else
The wail of baby...

The One followed the sound
It looked through bones and skulls
Skulls and bones belonging to every creature
In the universe...

The One eventually found the source
Two young Equines
It immediately scooped them up
It began to comfort them or so try to...

One had the color of a white in its fur
The mane was as pink as the sun sets The One had seen
It's eyes closed brought out the yellow freckles on its snout and face
The wings were truly the color of an angel's, white as can be
The body was fragile and luckily not broken

One had the color of a blue on its fur
The mane was as blue as the seas The One had ventured to
It' eyes closed brought out the black freckles on its snout and face
The wings were the color of the night, as majestic as the night could be
The body was fragile and luckily not broken

The One cradled them until they were silenced
But it didn't know it could quell the wails
It never had children...

It looked at the bodies of these two young Equines
With eye's of hope and realized that no matter what
It will protect them, for they were young and abandoned
No fragile being should be treated this horrendously...

It swore that it would protect these two young equines
With all of its heart, for now, they were all he had...

He looked at them and smiled
The one planned to raise them to be great
But soon his thoughts were cut...

When he looked towards the sky and noticed something
Two levitating entities in the air...

Both had massive wings
Both of them were also levitating right next to each other
But both were completely different from each other
As if they were night and day...

One of them had wings completely made out of metal
The metal pieces were completely levitating and seemed bound by some mysterious force
The face of it though could not be seen, but it appeared to be only two-legged
Any creature could be two-legged in the universe...

One of them had wings that were completely organic
The feather's of the wings were real and were just like The One's
The face could not be seen, but it appeared to be only two-legged
Any creature could be two-legged in the universe...

The One held the young equines tightly to his chest
In fear of what these creatures are capable of
He suddenly felt different
He didn't feel the young Equines in is chest...

The One looked down and saw that his forelegs were completely made of metal
His back legs had also transformed into metal too
They were prosthetics, but they made it feel empowered
if felt as if it could change the world at its own whim
It felt empowered...

But it didn't feel right, it felt cold inside its soul
As if it were emptied of all it's emotions
It touched it's heart and felt it still beating
It then asked "Am I truly alive? But I feel so empowered"

It stood on his new legs, it was now a two-legged creature
It looked at itself, and then didn't want this
It didn't want to be indoctrinated by this
Other two-legged creature
It closed it's eyes and took a deep breath...

He suddenly collapsed to the ground and he was back to his previous form
No metal arms or legs, but he felt less powerful
He felt as if he could be easily changed
But he felt a fire in his soul, it was warm with the power of emotions
He looked at his chest and the two young Equines were still there in his chest
He looked and smiled at them...

When he raised his head once more he saw a planet in the gray sky
A planet that was lush in green, vast oceans and was beautiful
But this planet all seemed all too beautiful
Like it was Ethereal...

The two winged creatures levitating in front of his view parted
One went to the right
The other to the left
They then expanded their wings immensely...

All of the sudden the planet in view began to burn
The lush green began to turn to black
The seas began to turn to the color of blood
The atmosphere turned to black...

Then all of the sudden he realized that this was his planet
The one that he was born on
Raised upon
But now destroyed...

He began to weep and held the young equines close to his chest
He looked to the levitating creatures and began to damn them
He hoped that they would all burn in the pits of hell
He released all of his energy, damning them
And when he lost all of his energy he collapsed to the black ground...

There he began to weep and slammed his claw and paw against the ground
But the young equines began to wake up...

Slowly they opened their eyes and saw their caretaker
They saw that he was in pain, he was crying
They wiped away his tears and began to embrace him as best as they could...

He was still crying but he was eased by the young equines embracing him
He looked at them with hopeful eyes and then embraced both of them
He may have lost his home, but that doesn't mean he could create a new one
He realized that this new home may not be the same as his old one, but it will make do
He began caressing the young equines manes and smiled
"Don't worry young ones, I will take care of you, I promise"