//------------------------------// // The uncovered tomb: Part 2 // Story: My Diary I wrote in Ponyville: Daring for an Adventure // by Hoobe //------------------------------// It was a long trip for both Daring Do and I to find those keys to open that tomb. You would be asking how come we can't just skip the tomb. I will tell you later why because that is not what this chapter is about. This chapter is about how daring and I eventually got the key. The key was not anything ordinary, like the door keys almost everyone use and the ones for most locks. However, when we arrived at our destination, we later figured it out that it was not. The place we arrived was not like the temple. It was more like the maze, except that it was more simple maze though it looked hard. Before we even got to the maze, we had to pass through several obstacle courses. While Daring may have solved many puzzles and passed several traps, there were some of them that were actually new to her. I knew that she would not trust anyone but there were some of them where I had to help her. Before the maze, there were three traps to pass or puzzles we needed to solve. The first one and the second one looked familiar but the third one looked like the brand new one. "Give me a hand here will you?" she said. I was a little surprised to what she said, because this was the first time I have never heard her say that. Since she asked me for a help, I helped her. The third one we solved together was unlike any puzzle she have ever seen. It requires two ponies like us and without having two ponies, the puzzle is unsolvable. There were buttons we needed to push, switches we needed to shift, and even the shapes we needed to match. Though the puzzle was simple enough for both of us, it was a hard puzzle, because there were some of them that were stuck and for some others were a little too heavy for us to either lift or push even when we worked together. I cannot tell you exactly what they are but what I could tell you is that they are very similar to the ones you see everyday. Anyway, other than that they were stuck for some, there were specific order of buttons we needed to push along with switches and shapes. It took a while for us to solve that puzzle, but eventually, we solved the puzzle. Soon enough, we encountered the start of the maze after solving all of those puzzles. The maze was not so hard and it only took a few minutes for us to solve the maze thanks to the map we found when we began to search through the maze. After we reached our destination, we eventually countered the box open by itself. There, the box contained two keys to open the tomb. The keys (as I said at the beginning of this chapter) are no ordinary keys like the ones almost everyone use at the door. The keys were two small spheres that were the size of our hooves. I was about to grab those keys but Daring stopped me. "Wait!" she said "there can be a trap lying around here!" "If you are saying that theses are the keys," I asked "and that we need it to unlock that tomb and also need to look out for the trap, then what should we do? We can't just leave without these" "We are not leaving without those" she said "We just need to observe so let me have a look around and leave it to me first, before we leave with those." Daring looked around and up and even down to make sure that it was safe to proceed and grab those keys and that there were no traps. She had some experiences that the traps would trigger only if she grabbed certain item. So she went on observing again before she began to proceed and grab the keys. She quickly grabbed those keys and gave one of them to me. "Quickly!" she said. "We need to get out of here, before we could get trapped!" I did what Daring told me. We began to race down to the exit. As we race down, we soon noticed that the traps of certain kinds were beginning to activate one by one. These include spears, twisting walls, bunch of marbles, and even spikes on the floor. We knew how to get out of that maze as we followed exactly the path back to where we headed. Soon enough, we reached the exit and went out of that maze. I could not even realized that I made it with Daring. She and I still have the keys we needed for later which was good for us. While we were on the way to the tomb, I later noticed that Daring had a pain feeling. "Are you OK?" I asked. "No, not really" she said. "Then what's the matter?" I asked. "I think I hurt one of my hooves a little" she said. When I took a look at her hoof, it was not badly damaged. It seemed that she had a thorn stuck in that hoof. I immediately but carefully took out that thorn and aided her hoof with whatever I could do to stop or to prevent bleeding. We had to stop to take the rest so that we can regain some energy. I thought this maybe the good time for me to ask her about that tomb but I decided not to because I think that is because to save the best for later. I fear a little that there is going to be another trap to set up in there and what if there is a pony trying to catch us and trap us in that tomb right when we open it. So I decided not to ask her and save for later. After we took the rest, we continued to walk to the location of that tomb.