The Everglow of a Twilight Sunset

by David Silver

30 - Time to Go

"I know what's gone wrong," spoke the voice in Twilight's head, heavy and morose. "This is my fault... I broke the rules. I killed my children."

"What?" Twilight looked around, even if it was futile. "How? What'd you do?"

"You, this, all of this... Gods are not supposed to act so directly, but here I am. The more I acted, the more permission I gave her to act, and she... She's smarter than me... I killed them... They must remain in the darkness."

"You just said you can get the ones with us out." Twilight frowned sharply. "Is that not--"

Sunset put a hoof under Twilight's snout, directing her to look up into Sunset's eyes. "Hey. Bring us home already."

"I... I promised. This will be the last thing I do, then I will go away and not kill anymore." Pink magic swept over Twilight, Sunset, and all the short-legs. "Wait, the harmony of Sunset is different?"

Sunset blinked. "I can hear you? Oh! I'm from another world."

"It's very similar. You are gaining the frequency of Twilight's. Shall I send you there?"

Iliana looked over the group. "Is everything alright?"

Twilight bobbed her head. "Everything's fine." She turned to the small ponies, True included. "We're leaving, and I think you're coming with us, not to the outside, but to a whole other world. It will seem strange and alien, but we promise to help you adjust, and you won't have to work in these mines ever again."

The idea of being free of mines was easily accepted, and the presence of their goddess was undeniable. They nodded in sync and advanced, ready to go where their mother - for some literal - told them to go.

Sunset nodded back at them. "Alright, Lashtada, send us home."

"I'm sorry."

They were gone, nowhere and everywhere a moment before they spilled out in a heap of humanity before the same portal they had tried to close. There were groans and complaints, but as the short humans found the sun and realized they were outside, smiles came despite their alien bodies. They embraced awkwardly, each other and their saviors, Twilight and Sunset.

Sunset quirked a smile. "I guess we have to sign you all up for school."

One of the little females blinked in confusion. "We're adults."

Twilight shook a finger. "But there's a lot to learn about this world. Accept being a child for a little while. School's not so bad, especially with friends, which you all have in abundance."

True thumped his chest, a short man that could easily be among the seniors. "I will learn how to live in this..." He glanced over his shoulder at his clothed back end. "Do you really not have tails?"

The others shared a similar fit of sadness for missing tails and inanimate ears, but they seemed to be quieting about going to school at least.

Twilight reached for Sunset's hand suddenly. "Thank you." She shook it firmly. "For seeing me through all that. We should try to rest. and get back to school tomorrow."

Sunset blinked at the reaction, then glanced at all the short new members of Canterlot High. "You go on ahead. I'll see if I can't get all of these people some place to call home." She gave a little smile. "I look forward to seeing you, tomorrow, K?" She led the chattering short people away down the sidewalk.

Twilight headed back towards her home, heart heavy. They had made it home, but it was far from the glorious ending of their adventure she had been hoping for.

"I even messed that up," whispered a faint voice.

Twilight blinked and adjusted her glasses as she peeked around. "Did you, um, is that you?"

"Our tie remains. I have failed so completely in my world... Will you tolerate me here, hiding with you?"

Twilight blinked all the more. "You're... I mean, don't you have a god home or something?"

"Oh, yes. It's a lovely place. I would bring you here, if I could, but I used most of my remaining power to send you home, and my worshipers are far away or in a very dark place."

"I believe in you," pointed out Twilight as she tried to advance slowly. "Doesn't that count?"

"Will you dance for me?"

Twilight flushed. "Hey, I'm still in--"

"I mean musical dancing. Will you dance and sing for me? Will you be my first priest in this strange place?"

"I don't really know the first--"

"The first lesson a priest learns is to listen to their god. If you accept me, I will teach you, and reward you, and be your friend." A glimmer of hope welled in Lashtada's voice. "I already owe you so much, and I have much to learn. Will you show me this world of humans?"

Twilight arrived at the bus stop and boarded the first headed to her house. She whispered softly to herself as she sat down, "What about your, um, children, heck, your son. Why not have them be priests?"

"I have failed them," Spoke Lashtada in softest tone. "They will learn of their new world and forget me, and that is fine. They deserve a smarter god. Please, give me a new start."

Twilight rose and parted from the bus. One of the people waiting to get on raised a brow at her. "Nice tiara."

She didn't have a tiara. It was a diadem, from Everglow. It was one of the few things that came with her. Checking her fingers and necklace showed that her other magical items came with. She pulled at her shirt lightly and saw a fine mesh of metal rings underneath, her armor. Magic items survived the trip?

"Like our connection. If you wish me gone, just say it, and I will go."

Twilight considered banishing the voice in her head, but imagined Lashtada alone and broken, with no one, just... lost. "Look, we have to go over a few base rules, alright? I am not one of your 'children' and never will be."

"I know that. You will find your fertility when you are ready. You don't deny that life is a wonderful thing, as is its creation, yes?"

"W-well, no."

"Show me your house. I'm sure it's lovely."

Twilight went to her house with her divine company. Her life was about to get much more complicated.