Discord's Newest Best Friend

by KittyKatKitKat

Bonus Chapter: (Just so I can make it 1,000 words)

" * Hey, Discord?"

Flowey asks with his mouth full of seeds.

"hmm? What is it, Flowey?"

Discord replied as he sits and watches TV with his NEWEST Best Friend.

" * What time do you think you'll be free again? I mean, like when can we hang out again?"

"Well, that depends, my dear flower friend!"

Discord spoofed up a skeleton mask to imitate Sans the Comic.

" * You REALLY had too, huh? Pretty pathetic for a God, if you ask me! And I SHOULD know! I was once a God too!"

"Eyup." With his voice sounding like Big Mac.

The two just sat and stared at the TV for a while and ate some popcorn, (Flowey was eating sunflower seeds) and chatted a bit longer.

Then, the doorbell rang, the two suddenly went silent.

"Hey, um...Are...Are one of y-your names Flowey in there? I-I need to t-talk to you!" The thing asked.

"Go away! We don't need your fire-side cookies!" Discord shooed at the door with his eagle claw.

"Ack! O-ow..."

Then, a REALLY loud voice called from outside.


" * Do you think-"

"Just wait for it. This'll be amusing."


The voice Crashed through the door and was looking a lot more pissed off than usual.

The thing that came in stopped to see a couch potato, (Literally) and Flowey.

" * Discord?! Why don't you-"

"IT'S USELESS, PUNK!!!!!" The fish-thing grabbed Flowey by the stem and carried him out.

" * NOOOOOOOOoooo!!!!!...."

"T-thank you!" Said a yellow lizard to Discord. "We've been looking for him s-since yesterday!"

"No problem. Now get out of my dimension."

Before she could answer, the fish and lizard where spoofed too there own homes.

"Well, Flowey, looks like you just got..."- Discord put on some sunglasses- "GROUNDED!!!! YEAHHHHHH!"

-- Somewhere--

" * I'm going to kill that bastered...no matter what happens..." The little flower grumbled.

" Oh! I didn't know the little flower could talk! Now, Alphys and Undyne didn't say anything about that!"

Flowey looked up at the giant goat. "* F*** Off."

The giant goat looked kinda sad at the statement, but keeped watering Flowey.

" Now, now, there is no need for harsh words, my friend! We are all together, forever! It'll be fun! I promise!"

Flowey said sarcastically,

" * Oh! I'm sure you and I will be the BEST of Friends! NOT. I hate this, just let me out of this pot and i'll be on my way."

" I'm sorry, little flower, but Alphys said NOT to let you out! Even if you are the cutest thing ever!"

" * Whatever, King Fluffybuns."

Flowey then just got an idea, he did his best smirk, and replied,