//------------------------------// // Intensity // Story: Legend of the Sirens: A Fathers Return // by zalla661 //------------------------------// Adagio heard the Super X voice comm. When the voice finished it’s greeting there was a three second period where no one said a word over the entire Super X. On the count of the fourth second the Super X’s main power shut off, this made the craft fall to the ground. Before the craft impacted the ground Godzilla whipped around with a mighty swing of his tail and knocked the Super X on its side. As the craft spun on its axis the crew struggled to keep themselves in place on their seats. Even with their safety harnesses it was very difficult to stay in their seats. Adagio and Fleetfoot however, weren’t so lucky. Adagio being on the floor had the advantage. When the Super X spun she grabbed hold of the floor panels and held on for dear life. Fleetfoot fell straight down and head first into the bulkhead. The impact knocked the woman out and left Adagio wide awake. Godzilla roared once more and slammed his tail down using the momentum of his tail swing to add force to it. When the tail hit the ship the Super X fell the last few meters into the earth with great force. The impact shook the ship so that Adagio let go of the railing and flew up into the roof before flopping back to the floor with a loud thud. Other side, Fleetfoot's sidearm clanked to the floor. Adagio stared at the weapon surprised it didn’t go off from being thrown around. Adagio quickly got up from the floor and took the firearm in her hand. Accessing a nearby hatch the siren turned human slid inside with relative ease. The Ship being on its side and the unusual design of the maintenance hatches was making it difficult for her to crawl. Adagio slipped through the narrow passage and managed to find an emergency hatch. Unfortunately it was buried underground. Adagio gave out an annoyed scoff. She then backout, having barely any room to crawl and crawled backwards towards her entry point. *Godzilla POV* Outside Godzilla was looking down on his opponent. He watched the Super X to see if it would move again. He had fought many machines over the course of his life but this one was different. This one was powerful. He understood power. His power use to be unsurpassed but now the humans were catching up with him. He understood this and he had to be smarter to keep ahead. He was a protector but he was also a warrior. He would defend himself as he would defend his kin from long ago. As he looked down on the craft he could smell a residual scent of his kin. A very familiar one that brought a sense of nostalgia and anger in his heart. He could also sense his kins anxiety and fear. He wanted to help his kin but he also had to protect himself, and he would without pulling any punches. He leaned over to the craft and gave several deep sniffs. His chest puffed out as he inhaled the smells around the human craft. After ten or so he could smell his kin. It was familiar to him but he was having trouble remembering it, but he could smell his kin. Paternal instinct kicked in and he reached for the craft with his massive claws. As he did however, his face we met with a volley of rockets that pierced his hide. Letting out a roar he turned away from the chuman craft as a second wave hit him in the back and he collapsed on the ground. *Adagio* Adagio climbed out of the maintenance shaft she crawled in. After she got her footing she looked back at Fleetfoot’s limp figure. The poor woman had hit her head on one of the supports and was bleeding badly. Feeling a sense of urgency Adagio scooped up the G-Force member in her arms and carried her through the ship until she found one of the main entryways. Adagio shifted Fleetfoot’s weight onto her shoulders and used one hand to hold the unconscious woman while using the other to fumble for the door controls. After a minute of fiddling with the controls, Adagio managed to open the hatch. Luckily this one was clear from the ground, but it was also a few meters from the ground. As she hit the ground the repulsors from the Super X kicked in and the craft slowly began to rise again. The repulsors kicked the wind into Adagio’s face, forcing her to turn her back on the craft and huddle over Fleetfoot to protect her from debris. Once the craft was sufficiently in the air the wind kickback died down, leaving Adagio with enough space to see her father clawing his face. She realized his face was covered in dark red blood dripping from his muzzle and his back. “Spitfire sure works fast,” Adagio said with begrudging respect. Just then a horn honked from farther away. Adagio turned to see her truck driving full speed towards her and Fleetfoot. Unsure if the driver was crazy or insane the siren quickly transformed into her natural form. Her body glowed bright white as her hair turned into a scaley mane. Her ears extended out and moved to the top of her head, and several chutes formed from her back with a thin membrane connecting them.  The now transformed siren turned to face the incoming truck. Her tiny antennae bobbled up and down as she inhaled deeply into her lungs and let out a deafening screech forcing the driver to stop. Had the siren waited a second sooner the truck would have hit both her and Fleetfoot, even in her natural form the speed of the truck alone would have been enough to do her in. Once the truck stopped the driver side door opened and out came a stumbling Rainbow Dash, gripping her head and swearing profanities the like of which Adagio had never seen before. “Son of my mother! Adagio! What in the hell was that for!? You sick cu**, fu**ing, w****!!” Rainbow screamed out glaring at the mate. “Do you get off torturing me!?!” Adagio blushed rubbing her scaled hooves together. She hovered slightly off the ground and slowly slithered through the air and wrapped around Rainbow Dash, pressing her long body against her mate's legs and butt. Rainbow became flush red swatting Adagio on the nose making the siren flinch and on coil from around her. “Rainbow! You butt!” Adagio whinned rubbing her nose. Rainbow scoffed crossing her arms across her chest. She was giving Adagio a scolding stare before pointing to Fleetfoot who was on the ground, bloodied head and all. Adagio’s eyes shot from Rainbow to Fleetfoot, then back to Rainbow. She pointed to the Super X and said softly, “It was their fault…” Rainbow cocked a brow, clearly not believing Adagio. “What!? I didn’t!” Adagio cried out indignantly, swaying her lower half with a hip swaying motion. Just then the Super X turned and began to fly away. Adagio and Rainbow looked at the craft with confused expressions until another sound caught their attention. It was a sound like a power transformer building up power. Adagio slowly glanced back to see her father on his back legs. His chest expanding outward with a bright neon blue tint, his arms pulled back, and his cheeks puffed up ready to burst. After a few seconds of staring Adagio felt a little trinkle fall from her serpentine body as she coiled around herself in fear of the overwhelming aura of hate and anger her father exuded. Rainbow stared up slack jawed at the size of Godzilla. HIs body was large and exerted a certain intimidating might about him. Rainbow was amazed by his stature, until it was blown away by his next great feat. Godzilla leaned forward expelling a powerful blue blast from his mouth that made a loud ear shearing noise. The blue blast cut across the sky and stuck the Super X head on. The blue energy was deflected off to the sides from the crafts refractal armor, but slowly under the intense heat it began to glow bright smoldering red. As the seconds past Godzilla’s breath was causing a wind blowback that made Rainbow Dash’s hair flow like she was flying in the winds. Adagio continued to cower in fear of her father as she watched the Super X become… ‘super heated’. Finally after about twenty seconds of a stalemate the Super X’s refractal armor burst apart allowing Godzilla’s breath weapon to tear through it like tissue paper. An explosion occurred shortly after, followed by several popping noises as escape pods were launched into the air. The escape pods blew parachutes as they slowly descended back to earth off in the distance. Rainbow looked awe struck at the Super X as it blew into two separate pieces and both tumbled to the earth kicking up dust clouds upon impact. The two parts set ablaze and quickly the flames became a raging inferno before the craft exploded into several pieces of debris. “Sooo awesooooommee,” Rainbow awed at the spectacle. Just as the words left her mouth a loud thoom, gave her pause. Slowly the human woman turned to face a large maw inches from hers. Godzilla was now solely focused on her and her was sure she was going to wet herself. Rainbow cupped her hands near her pant zipper and felt a wetness there. “Yeup, wet myself. Think I might have…. a ….. Problem…” She squeaked as Godzilla’s eyes narrowed at her and he gave her a menacing growl. Rainbow dared not move a muscle. Fear had taken ahold of her and she was sure if she moved she was done for. She stared into Godzilla’s deep dark eyes, what she saw was oblivion. The kaiju let out a deep throated growl baring his teeth as Rainbow fell to the ground whimpering. Adagio finally finding feeling in her body uncoiled to see Rainbow being stared down by her father. Realizing her was ready to strike her down Adagio uncoiled and flew between Rainbow and her father. *Godzilla* As Godzilla’s teeth came down to Rainbow a blur of yellow made him pause. He closed his maw and glanced down at a familiar sight. His kin was there right before him. It had been almost 1000 years since he last saw her, and yet he knew all about her life through the song he heard years ago. And he was angry at her for abusing the power he willfully gave her to help the world. His eyes narrowed dangerously at the little siren who bravely stood between him and the human he wished to destroy. After he stayed for several seconds he leaned back letting his body to rest on the ground and wrapped his tail around his body like cat resting on a comfy couch. Adagio looked to her father with a worried expression. He seemed awfully calm considering his aura of anger. Then she heard him. His voice in her head as clear as day. *Adagio.* “F-father?” *I’m disappointed in you… daughter of mine. It’s time to answer for your crimes.*