//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Darkening Lights // by RavenTears //------------------------------// King Dark Moon paced in his study, sweat fell down his forehead and landed on the ground swiftly. His mind was blurred with thoughts of the past, present and future. His hooves scraped against the ground, and he spread out his transparent wings in desperation. “Come on, come on...” He thought helplessly. He felt vulnerable, nothing he could do would help. He was alone as his life rested two doors down. Tears blurred his vision, they were not of sadness, but of anxiety. “What if something goes wrong? What if..” His mind explored the endless possibilities.. most of them had a terrible, graphic ending. He was always like this. He thought of the worst, never the best. He mind was filled with worry, and he couldn’t let true joy into his heart, not until he knew if they were safe. He sat down, and stared at the ground. More tears welled up in his eyes, and he covered his face with his hooves. “Your majesty!” A knight rushed into the study, “They have arrived, and Queen Seraph wishes for your presence.” The knight kneeled, and King Dark Moon replied, “Thank you sir.” Then he rushed out of the room, and burst through the door two doors down. “Dark Moon...” Whispered Queen Seraph, her golden face covered in sweat and tears. A small smile appeared on her lips. “My dear...” The King replied, then gazed at the small bundles by her side, “They.. are beautiful.” Indeed they were. Three blankets laid by Queen Seraph’s side. “Two colts and a filly...” She breathed. King Dark Moon gazed at the first colt, his skin was a light, baby blue. His eyes were large, and stunningly beautiful. They were a bright, moss green. His mane was white, with dark blue tipped at the ends. His horn was small, then his butterfly-like wings had caught the sun just perfectly, and sparkles glittered all over the room. “His name is Uther.” She gazed longingly at her newborn son. The King’s dark eyes gazed from Uther, to his other son. Unlike the first colt, who was quiet and thoughtful, this son did not seem to want to sit still. His white hooves thrashed about, and he grinned menacingly, yet with a playful look in his violet eyes. His mane was a soft, baby blue, like the coat of of his brother, and his horn was just the same size. He flapped his wings, yet he could not fly, for he was born only a few minutes ago. Queen Seraph chuckled at the sight of her other son, “And he is named Varian.” The young prince then looked up at the sound of his name, and giggled. “Now let me see my little girl...” The King chuckled and looked at the small bundle wrapped in pink. She was indeed beautiful. Her coat was a light baby pink, and her mane was a soft blue, softer than that of Varian’s. Her large, round, blue eyes stared up at her Father, and a smile surpassed her lips. Her beautiful butterfly-like wings were adorned with splashes of blues and golds, and her horn was slightly larger than her brothers. “Chrysalis... that’s her name.” The Queen whispered, though she was looking at her sons. King Dark Moon smiled, “Chrysalis, Varian and Uther.... the Princes and Princess of Draenor!”