The Storyteller

by Wonder

The blue one is rather odd

Personal log- Entry 45
Further exploration revealed nothing of consequence. The blue one seems fascinated by it all, zipping from lab to lab. See did find something I found quite intriguing. Apparently the members of lab four-seven-zero had been working on something called the Titan project. I found a few pieces of what look like armour but they seem too large to fit me.

The armour is rather bulky in design, seeming to be designed more practical than aesthetics. I am not sure who it was designed for, but the wearer must have been enormous. At least eight feet tall, judging by what armour I could find. Rainbow adorned the helmet but kept crashing due to the added weight. She threw it on the table after seeing me laugh at her. Apparently she doesn't take well to being made a fool of. She made gestures and spoke to me. Judging from her attitude I think she was asking what was so funny.

She reminds me of my sister in a way. Never did like my sister, but this pony is relatively likable. Maybe it's because she's fuzzy. It does seem they have a calming effect but maybe that's just the fact that they're the only sentient creatures around. I must admit it is odd not having any humans to talk to but I am mostly content with playing charades with these equines. Mostly.

There are things I can do with humans that I cannot do with these creatures. I cannot speak to them... well I can but they can't speak back. I definitely can't have a conversation. That would take hours of charades. That would probably be the biggest problem with me. Humans are naturally sociable so how do I fit in with these creatures. By all rights I should have died with my people but it is too late to dwell on the past. What's done is done. Mother always said to go with the flow so I guess I do that.

These ponies do hold secrets that baffle me, so at least I can busy myself with studying them. For example, I have found something quite extraordinary. This speedy blue pony that always causes chaos and seems to be noisier than a construction site somehow managed to sneak up behind me and has been looking at me write for what must have been the past five minutes. Apparently she can be quiet when she wants to. If that's not a miracle then I don't know what is.

Blue ponies are stupid.

Was hoping she might somehow understand the words somehow but she seems to think the words are important. I may have to close this entry here. She is tapping me rapidly for some reason. She seems startled. Maybe scared.