//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Behind the Scenes of Your Favorite Saturday Morning Show // by Mocha Star //------------------------------//         “And, cut; that’s a wrap for the day.  Great work, everypony.  Tight Rope, come here.  When we shoot-”         Another episode on another day for your favorite show: My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic.  However, not all is as friendly as it seems behind the scenes as it is on the show.           This is Hard Truth, with Hard Truth.  This is going to be the most in depth project we’ve done to date and to begin, here’s a clip of what’s to come.                           “I never really liked Twilight.  She’s exactly like her character, only at half nerdiness.”         “Pinkie?  Give her something and make her like her character and maybe she’ll be okay to talk to.”         “Fluttershy?  What a stage name?!  Flutter Storm's meek personality impression is the reason the show stuck with the colts at the beginning, but now she’s just… there.”                  And that’s just a glimpse of what’s to come… after these messages.