Galactic Defilement

by Defensive flight

Our Farther The Conqueror

"Fa... Farther may i aproatch?" a small frightened voice falls from the darkness.

A large golden room surounds the small dark halway the voice emerged, the room filled with giant candles gimering their light around from surface to surface, candle wax dripping to the floor from wall mounted holders. In the centre of the room an empty set of golden plate armour stands, the hoof plates fin sheets with large claw like shapes protruding, the chest plate thick chunks ofoverlaping one enouther down to were a tail would be simulare to house tiles or dragon scales but with thick ridges running all over the plates as runes or rivers long a mountan range, finaly the helm in an almost ponyhead like shape with no visale seams or ports for vision or sound, a large mane of gold running from the crown to the neck covered with black lines seeming to be outlineing individual strands of hair in the golden main. Sudenely wax covered glass sheets on parts of the rooms walls ignight with a deep purple light as a voice fills the room "There is no Farther here young one!" the lit sheets on the wall pulsate to blue with each word.

"Sorry High farther... i am new to the truth and meant no offence." The frightened voice trembles at its mistake.

"No worried my child" the sheets of light continue to change colour as each word bellows through the room, as the wax melts from the sheets "ofcourse you meant nothing of it, i shall send a preacher to complete your education of the truth now tell me why you come to converse"

A dragon missing scales accross her her legs as she slowely and shakely steps into the roomwearing a long black rob covering her body with the hood covering the face "I was told to come inform you of both good and some alarming news about the crusade High Farther" the dragon falls to her knees in a loss of strength before reagusting into a prair position "much heracy has been purged from the outer systems with little resistance and many seeing the truth like myself"

"This is good news to hear young one, how is the state of the centrle push going?" the voice echos as the lights flicker.

"Well that is the issue" the dragon responded as the glass sheets changed to a deep red and the black lines on the manes armour also began to glow red causing her to shuder and quickely jerk her head towards the floor "We have encountered heavy resistance from the heratical ones refusing to abandon their wrong doings and we have lost many congragation fleets to this..."

The room falls sighlent as the sheets and armour loose their red coulering and return to their previouse states before the voice returns "well then it apers that heracy runs deeper withing the galaxy than the greate star had belived." for a moment the room was siolent again before the light changed to a green as the rooms candles went out and large lights on the celing iluminated "I guess we will just have to awaken the rest of the faith, see how well heracy holds out against the full amount of greate holy stars followers instead of the small portion we awoke to deal with them".

The dragon looked up at the lights as they shone down onto her almost untouched face while the rest of her body was missing scales or at somepoints even missing chunks of flesh as congeld blood lay around the wounds. a suden large hiss from the farside of the room gained her attention as the golden walls parted sliding to the sides like pannels revealing large glass pain facing towards hundereds of seemingly deralict ships and debrie as many began to ingnight their engines, reactivate their hull plating as chunks from the debrie rushed towards them and slamed against them fixing any damage or even constructing entire sections of hull. As the walls finished moveing hunderds apon hunderds of ships were awakening the screens on the now obviousely screens on the walls now showing even more ships returing to life with the hords of wrecks. The armour in the centre of the room began to move its plating as its wearer where streching as golden light began to eminate from the chestpiece conecting to the other pieces forming the shape of wearer and the ridges alonge the chest peice and the black lines alone the main lit up with a green glow and two lines of red light shone from the eye sculptings as they seemed to open up to form large red eyelike orbs and laughter filled the room, booming from the armour. "NOW THOSE HERATICS WILL SEE THE FULL MIGHT OF THE TRUTH WITCH THEY REFUSE!"