Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Party time

Chapter 3

I closed the book 'Flying and you', and put it on the nightstand next to the bed. That book had so many things in it I didn't even know about, like how you're supposed to stretch your wings a little before flying, or how you're not supposed to fly at high speeds during a storm. 

Wait, how long have I been reading? The book has over two hundred pages, and although I'm a fast reader, it still would have taken me at least two or three hours to read.

I slid out of bed and stretched out my wings and popped my back, which felt great. I then slowly walked over to the door and opened it. 

Outside the door everything was quiet, except for two voices down stairs. I made my way to the stairs and listened.

"...That cute? Darling, don't you think you should wait a little longer before showing those feelings?"

"But, I've never felt this way before. I've read books about this kind of thing, but it's different when you experience it."

The first voice was obviously Rarity, that voice was easy to identify. The second voice sounded like Twilight. What are they talking about? Sounds like girl stuff.

"Twilight, the real thing is different from what the books tell you. If you show those feelings now, you will more than likely ruin the only chance you have at happiness with him."  

Are they talking about a stallion that Twilight likes? Weird, she never showed an interest in stallions in the show. Things must be different here in a few ways.

"I guess you're right, Rarity. But when should I show my feelings towards him?"

"Darling, I couldn't tell you that. It would have to be a time when you're ready to tell him. But if you ask me, I would wait till he likes you before telling him."

"Maybe at the party? I could try there, it seems like he likes me."

"No dear, that's too soon. Just wait a while. Okay?"

"Okay Rarity, you've never steered me wrong before."

There was a little movement below, then a door closing. I heard someone sigh loudly, then head for the stairs. I back tracked into my room and slowly closed the door. I climbed back into bed and put the book back in front of me, not wanting her to know that I was eavesdropping on her and Rarity. I didn't want to betray her trust after only being here a day.

The door opened and Twilight walked into my room.

"Hey, Giro, it's getting close to the time to go to the party. You ready to go?" She asked while trying to keep a straight face while looking at me.

I put the book back on the nightstand and got out of bed. "I'm ready, just lead the way."

She turned and walked out, but motioned for me to follow.

I followed her out the door and out of the library. We walked down the street in silence, which gave me time to think.

Twilight said that she could try to get the stallion to like her at the party, and that he seems to like her. I think if I look around, I may see the pony she's talking about. If I can get her and him together, then I can repay her for letting me stay at her place. Yeah, that's a great way to show my thanks, getting her and her dream stallion together.

When we neared a bakery of sorts, Twilight stopped and looked deep in thought. 

I stopped a few feet in front of her and turned around, "You okay there, Twilight?"

She looked at me and smiled, "Yeah, just a little... Ummm nervous."

"Why are you nervous? If anyone should be nervous, it's me."

She laughed slightly, "Yeah, I guess."

I turned and started heading towards the door, wanting to get my plan underway.

When I reached the door, I turned to see that Twilight hadn't moved. She must be nervous because the stallion she likes is here. Well, if I want her to get together with him, I might as well force her into the building.

I walked back to her and smiled, "If you don't hurry, I'll be forced to carry you in."

She turned her head, "Sorry, just feeling a little queasy."

I laughed, she was nervous to see him. "Well, you forced my hand... I mean hoof."

I walked around her and put my head under her until I was able to get her on my back. I was surprised at how much she weighed, the ponies on the cartoon don't look this heavy. I started walking back towards the door.

Twilight wrapped her forelegs around my neck, which made it hard to breathe. Then she put her face in my mane, she must have been really nervous or really sick. 

"Uhh, hey Twilight. You're making it hard to breathe up here."

She quickly unwrapped her arms from my neck and removed her head from my mane. "Sorry about that... I uhh... I told you I was feeling a little sick."

Just my luck, I better not get sick from this. We reached the door and I sat down, which made her slide off my back. "Let's get in there and enjoy this party. What do you say, Twilight?"

"Yeah, sure." She said, looking uncomfortable.

I walked into the room and looked around. Darkness greeted me, I couldn't see a thing. Then the room filled with light and a crowd of ponies appeared in the middle of the room.

"SURPRISE!" They all screamed at the same time.

There was a banner above the room that said, 'Welcome to Ponyville, Girokon!'.

All the ponies in the room stopped cheering and looked at me. They all had a confused look on their faces.

"What is he?" Somepony asked.

"I have no idea. He kinda scares me."  Another one said.

"I think he looks kinda cute." One said.

Then Pinkie Pie jumped in front of everypony and yelled, "Come on everypony, lets party."

A pony in the corner of the room, who could only be Vinyl Scratch, started to play music on her spin table. But the ponies all remained still, all looking at me. 

I looked around uncomfortably, I hate crowds staring at me. I started feeling light headed, I need to say something to get them back to normal.

"Come on everypony, it's a party. A party means dancing, so lets shake our groove thangs." Well that's embarrassing, why did I have to say what Pinkie Pie said in the last episode of season one? 

The crowd of ponies all got worried looks on their faces. Oh great, now they think I'm like Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie bounced in front of me and continued to bounce, "You sound fun! I like you."

Damn, now I have the crazy and annoying pony liking me. Come on Lance, say something to break this tension. "Anypony knows the pony pokey." Damn you Lance, why did you say that?!

Pinkie Pie's smile grew larger, "I do! I do! Watch this." She ran to the front of the bakery and jumped on the counter. "Come on every pony, it's time to shake those groove thangs!"

Twilight walked up beside me, "Why, Giro? Why would you encourage her? Just prepare for the worst."

I looked at her in confusion, "Why should I prepare for the worst?"

As soon as I finished saying that sentence, Pinkie Pie began to sing.

"You reach your right hoof in
You reach your right hoof out
You reach your right hoof in
And you shake it all about
You do the Pony Pokey meeting lots of folks with clout
That's what I'm talking about."

She jumped off the counter and started to dance to the song.

"You step your left hoof in
You pull it right back out
You step your left hoof in
But you better help him out
You do the Pony Pokey but you find a different crowd
That's what it's all about."

She ran over to a wall and reenacted the song as she sang.

"You kick your back left in
You pull your back left out
You reach your back left in
Just be brave and have no doubt
You do the Pony Pokey feeling like you're gonna pout
That's what I'm singing about."

Rainbow Dash flew into Pinkie Pie and tackled her to the ground. "Pinkie, please stop singing. I had enough of that song after you sang it every day after the Gala."

Pinkie Pie laughed, "Oh, come on Dashie, everypony loves that song."

Rainbow Dash let her up, "No they don't Pinkie, please let the DJ play the music."

"Okay." She said cheerfully as she bounced off into the crowd of ponies, all still looking at me.

Well, that was weird. Worse than the time my aunt started singing 'So what' at my high school party. That is something I wish I could forget.

Rainbow Dash walked up to me smiling, "Do you hate us or something? Telling Pinkie to sing is the worst thing you can do to us right now."

I couldn't help but laugh at that comment, "Sorry about that, Dash. I didn't think she would do it."

"Oh, so you're calling me Dash now? I like it when you say it." 

Is she hitting on me? Well damn, already got one pony liking me. Who's next, that mare over there in the corner? Oh wait, that's a stallion. 

"Rainbow, shouldn't you be talking to that one stallion you like, the one over there?" Said Twilight as she walked up beside me.

"I am talking to the stallion I like." Rainbow Dash said as she moved closer to me.

"Not what I meant Rainbow, go talk to the OTHER stallion you like." Twilight said a little furiously.

Rainbow Dash looked at her and walked her to a corner. They started talking with low voices.

That was weird, why all the affection towards me from Rainbow Dash?

I turned back to the crowd, who were all talking to each other. Good, they're done looking at me. Time to try and find that stallion Twilight likes.

I walked over to the crowd where all the ponies were. I looked around till I saw a few mares talking, I moved towards them, "Hey, does anypony know the stallion that Twilight likes?"

They looked at me with blank faces, then started laughing. 

One looked at me, "Are you dumb or something?"

I looked at her, "What do you mean by that?"

They laughed again, and another said. "He is stupid. He can't even see the obvious."

What's that supposed to mean? I looked back at twilight and saw that she and Rainbow Dash had split and she was now talking to a brown stallion. So that must be the stallion she likes, well that was easier than expected.

I walked towards them, and the mares behind me began to snicker again. What is with them?

I reached Twilight and the brown stallion, who turned to leave as I approached. Twilight turned around also to talk to Applejack, who was standing behind her. I looked at the brown stallion, who was going towards the door. I half ran, half walked towards him.

"Hey there." I said when I was close to him.

He turned and looked me over, "Well, you're a weird thing aren't ya?"

I smiled nicely, be nice Lance, you have to get him and Twilight together. I put out my hoof, "Yeah, it's from my parents. My name is Girokon, but call me Giro."

He looked at my hoof then me, he slowly shook my hoof, "Nice to meet you Giro. My name is Doctor Whoof. Now, why are you talking to me?"

"No reason."

"Oh, okay then." He turned and walked out the door.

Smooth Lance. I ran out the door after him, "Wait, I need to ask you something."

He turned to face me, "Yes?"

Now how do I do this? "Do you like Twilight?" Oh that's great Lance, just go on and say it.

"What?" He said looking confused.

"Do you have feelings for Twilight? I kinda need to know."

He looked me over, "Why should I tell you?"

I didn't want to do this, "Because.." I pulled my goggles off and he jumped back, a look of horror on his face. 

"What are you?" He asked, slowly backing away.

"Oh, just a Pegasus that had a messed up family. Now, please answer my question."

"Okay, okay. Just put the goggles back on."

I pulled the goggles back up and over my eyes. "So?"

"No, I do not have those kind of feelings for her. I just watch over her for her parents, but don't tell her that. Okay?"

Damn, there goes my only lead. Wait, watch over Twilight? That's not in the show. "Okay, I won't tell her."

He looked me over yet again, "Why did you want to know?"

"Just trying to get her set up with the stallion she likes."

He turned to leave, "You could do that if you were smart enough to see the obvious."

What does everypony mean when they say that? "What do you mean?"

But he was already walking away.

I turned to head back inside, but Rainbow Dash blocked the door.

"Somepony is sure to ask a lot of questions." She said with a weird look on her face that I could only interpret it as lust.

I backed away slowly, "Uhhh, yeah. Just getting to know everypony in town."

She slowly made her way to me, "Well, I think you would love to get to know me some more."

"Uhh, sure, I guess."

"Let's go back to my place, then I'll help you get to know me."

Okay, now I know where this is heading, but it's my first day here. I don't think I want to have sex with a pony. I just want to live here, not get in a relationship. "Ummm, never mind. I should really get back to the party."

I started to go around her, but once I was by her side, she jumped on me. She pinned me to the ground with her front hooves, "Oh no, I'm not letting you go that easy." She leaned down and put her mouth next to my ear, "After all, when will I get another chance to mate with a pony like you."

Now I'm worried about being raped, by a female pony. "I don't think..."

"Oh shut up you cute stallion. You know you'll enjoy it." She interrupted.

She leaned her face down to mine, but then her body was engulfed in a purple light. She was then lifted off me by an unseen force.

I looked up to see Twilight holding Rainbow Dash in place while she stomped towards her, anger in her eye's. Thank you Twilight.

"Rainbow Dash, what were you thinking?!" She screamed at Rainbow Dash.

"Oh come on, Twilight, we all know you don't have a chance with him. So just let me have my fun with him." 

Twilight's face lit up with anger, "You don't know that!"

"Yes I do, you're too much of a bookworm to enjoy a stallion like him." If Rainbow Dash wasn't frozen in place by Twilight, she sounded like she would be smirking.

Does Twilight like me? It sure sounds like it.

Twilight's face dropped, like she knew it was true, "Well, at least I wouldn't rape him just to have fun."

"He would have liked it, am I right, Giro?"

I looked their way, "No, I would not have enjoyed being raped by you, Dash."

Twilight levitated Rainbow Dash into the air and towards the bakery door. She opened the door with her magic and put Rainbow Dash inside and dropped her on the floor, then slammed the door in her face.

She turned to me, "I'm sorry Giro, she's kind of direct at her approaches."

"Oh it's fine, thanks for helping me out there."

She smiled a little, "You're welcome, but I'm sorry. All this excitement has made me feel weak and tired, so I'm heading home."

"I'll come. I don't want to be here with Rainbow Dash like this, I have no intentions of being raped tonight." I laughed at my last comment.

Twilight seemed to brighten up, "Thanks, Giro."

She turned and started heading towards her house, and I followed behind her.

So, I get the notion that she likes me. Could I be the stallion everypony is saying she likes? Wait, that must be why those mares and Doctor Whoof said I couldn't see the obvious. Well, she is cute, and I'm a pony now. I guess I could take back what I said earlier about not getting in a relationship here.

While I was deep in thought, I didn't notice that I was about to walk into the door to Twilight's house.


I took a step back and put a hoof to my head. 

Twilight looked at me, "Are you okay, Giro?"

I looked at her and blinked, still thinking about the thoughts I had of her, "Uhhh, yes, just a little tired." I let out a small weak laugh.

She opened the door and started to head straight to her room. Think Lance, get her to stop, "Hey, Twilight." That's the best you can come up with, you suck at romance Lance....

She turned and looked at me, a smile on her face, "Yes?"

Damn I'm not good at this, I should just give up on this idea, "Never mind."

Her smile faded, "Oh, okay." She turned to continue up the stairs.

Nice going Lance, "Wait Twilight, my room isn't right, can I stay in yours tonight?" What the hell Lance, what's wrong with you. Are you trying to sound like a rapist or something? She is going to kick you out for that one.

But instead of telling me to leave, she smiled brightly, "Sure, just let me get the bed ready."

What? Is she serious? Am I serious? I must be either really stupid or really smart.

I gulped and headed up the stairs, this better not end up with sex and regret. Actually, this better not end up with sex period!

I walked into the room and saw her pulling the covers down. She turned to me and smiled, "I need to get ready for bed, so just make yourself at home."

"Sure thing."

She walked out leaving me alone.

Okay, how am I supposed to get ready for bed as a pony? Well, I  could start with those clothes.

It took me a few minutes, but I was able to strip off the clothes and boots. Lastly I pulled off the goggles and laid them on a desk. I looked around and saw a mirror at the end of the room, I headed over to it and took a look at myself.

My body was light blue with red stripes all over it, the front of my face was red. My mane was slightly spiky and so was my tail. The wings looked kinda weird with that red thing going along the top of them. My ear was torn at the top. I had to admit, I did look scary and weird, and my eye's, they made me want to go in a corner and cry!

But the thing that made me feel scared was my cutie mark, because where it was supposed to be was nothing, I was a blank flank. How am I going to explain this one?

I heard Twilight coming back to the room. I looked at my flank again, I can't let her see it now. I have no idea how to explain it right now.

I jumped in bed and pulled the covers over me with my mouth. Trying to cover my blank flank.

Twilight walked in and looked at the bed, "You must be tired."

I smiled nervously, "I sure am, it's been a long day for me."

She turned a knob and the lights went out. I couldn't see but I could hear her coming around the side of the bed and climbing in on the other side.

This is the first time I've ever been in bed with a female before, and it's a pony. I never would have thought it.

"Good night, Giro."

"Yeah, good night, Twilight." I said, trying to keep as close to the edge as I could.

I laid there for a few minutes until I was sure she was asleep. Then I let out a sigh, time to think to myself.

Today has been weird, in more ways than one. I was almost raped by a female pony, found out there were a few ponies that liked me, I was in bed with one, and I just noticed I left my own party without even saying anything.

I laughed, then put a hoof to my mouth. I listened for a few seconds, she was still asleep.

I laid there listening to her breath lightly. Why was I doing this? I looked over at where she lay, even though I couldn't see her, I could see where she was. I sighed, might as well enjoy this, because I can already tell she is going to kick me out tomorrow.

I rolled over and looked at the wall, trying to relax.


Rainbow Dash continued flying towards her house, still mad at what had happened earlier.

Who does Twilight think she is?! Stopping her attempt at getting Giro back to her house. It's not like she even has a chance with him or anything!

She landed on her doorstep and walked inside towards her desk. She then picked up a small bottle. A bottle she had found outside of Zecora's house.

"Let's see her stop me without her magic," she said as she turned the bottle over.

'Anti-magic potion'.