Why is the Twilight Throwing Books, and Who Called Cops?

by CrispySparrow

No Twilight, I don't smell anything strange

And that is how Treehugger came to be Spikes weed dealer. Spike had accepted Treehugger's offer of weed, because why not, and boy did he find out how much he liked weed. It was there in that clearing, where Treehugger was smoking Fluttershy and him out, that he learned all about this new thing called weed. Weed was still illegal in Ponyville, despite many Equestrian cities ending its prohibition. And even though it was in fact legalized in many cities, Celestia's public stance remained that marijuana was a dangerous dangerous drug which would surely prove the undoing of all traditional Equestrian values. Luna's public stance remained that she had no public stance, since she did a very good job of dodging questions. According to Treehugger, all of this was, "Very non radical," as well as, "Not cool man,"

Spike would end up buying a couple of dime-bags from Treehugger a week. Treehugger had some pretty dank shit man. I think she grows too dude.

But anyway, Spike now maintained a steady intake of weed. I am sure you can probably foresee some issues he started having. First he was spending most, if not all, of his gemstone allowance which he got from Twilight. This would not have been a problem, if Twilight would have seen him eating gemstones. But she stopped seeing him eat gemstones, because he was spending basically all his bits on weed. Twilight found this rather odd, considering how much Spike loves gemstones. Since Spike was considerably lighter in the pockets, due to his newfound habit, he found himself resorting to things like hay fries for munchies. Twilight found it extremely odd that she would see Spike readily consume things that were not in his tastes. He also would periodically smell odd. A strange earthy smell would follow in his wake, a smell unfamiliar to Twilight.

After all, for Twilight things like weed were only something you'd hear about, not something you'd encounter in your actual life. She was quite alright with her wine, and her apple cider thank you very much. She didn't actually know what weed smelled like. Twilight sometimes asked Spike about this smell, and each time she would get some vague answer that ended up not really being an answer as opposed to a question. Twilight found this only a little suspicious, since Spike was after all only a child, as well as for her previously stated expectations of weed.

However, when Spike began to start getting a bit tubby, she started suspecting things. Not that he had been smoking weed, but that he'd been hiding snacks and such, and was sneaking off to stuff his face at night. She was very disappointed in Spike, for she had raised him better than that. She began to regularly check all the places where she knew him to like hiding things. Now Spike knew about this, because Twilight told him she would be doing this. She told him while she gave him her lecture about how she was concerned about his weight.

Spike realized that he would no longer be able to hide his weed under his mattress. He tried moving it to a different place, but he quickly became paranoid. He decided that he would have to find the greatest stash spot in the history of Equestria, or at least for him anyway.

What does this have to do with Twilight throwing books, you might ask? Well, all of us this brings us back to Spikes very first problem on the day the cops were called. He had succeeded in finding the greatest stash spot in the history of Equestria. It was so good that he hid it from himself.

He could not for the life of him, remember where he put his fucking weed.