Chapter 27
The Beginning of the End - Pt.2
- In the streets of Ponyville –
Like a seeping illness, Panic, and Chaos began to spread all over Ponyville. As the streets were fill with fleeing civilians, running away from the vast hordes of Changelings, and Putty patrollers, now under the command of the now free Goldar, monitored by Both sorceresses themselves, Rita Repulsa, and Chrysalis.
“ HAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Now, this is more I like it!”
“This day has been just perfect. The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small. Everypony I'll soon control. Every stallion, mare, and foal. Who says a girl can't really have it all? Ha ha HAAAAA!"
“Yay! Yippee!”
“Victory! Absolute victory!”
"We are but one step closer towards total domination, my friends.”
The changeling queen then motioned a small squad of changelings, who then present a large barrel of what contained apple cider. With her held up pride fully, Chrysalis then poured several classes of the apple fluids, and presented them to both Rita, and her minions, as well as herself.
“My friends…we raise our glasses to victory.”
“All hail Empress Chrysalis! All Hail Empress Rita!”
The group continued to watch the chaos brew below them form high on the balcony of town hall. Seeing Ponies flee for their lives, and the guards fending off the horrific creatures, and eventually being overran with the beasts Yet Finster seemed concerned.
“Your highnesses…not to put a damper on this victory party…But we still have a slight, and yet persistent problem.”
“The Power Rangers? Ha! Don’t make me laugh.”
“Grrr…No, he’s right. Even without those ponies, they still give me migraines.”
“it won’t be long until they decide to come after us. They can’t stay away from seeing the innocent suffer for long.”
“Let them come…their defeat will only spice our victory. Once they’re out of the picture…we’ll march for Canterlot, and take it by force should that weakling Celestia refuses to yield it.”
“Indeed. Once Canterlot is mine…Earth shall be yours with my help. Just as we bargained.”
“You know…why should we stop our alliance there?”
“United we were able to destroy elements of Harmony. Together we shall destroy those power rangers. Why, we can conquer the whole universe if we sought to!”
“Absolute power…”
“What do you say…friend?”
The changeling queen let out a sinister smirk. The more she thought of it, the more she desired so to be worshiped as the goddess she so dreamed about from a small age.
“Perhaps our alliance can last a little longer…Friend.”
-Back in the Command center-
Jason had presented the now shattered remains to Zordon, with his head lowered in shame. As if he were the one responsible for the tragic destruction.
“This is all we could salvage, zordon.”
“And of the tree?”
Twilight’s eyes began to moisten. Unable to look her mentor in the face after failing to protect the tree. Her eyes were shut as her tears began to flow gently downward like a flowing river. While her eyes were closed, she felt a large body wrap itself around her. She opened them once more to see Celestia was the being. Doing her best to comfort her student. Not what Twilight had pictured as an initial response.
"There, now Twilight. It wasn’t your fault.”
“She’s right, Twilight…. It was my fault.”
Everyone looked at Jason, shocked to hear such words coming from him.
"Jason, no…”
“You simple can’t blame this on yourself.”
“Yeah, who would’ve thought old bug brain and witch nitch could’ve…”
“Guys… It was my call to unite the weapons. It was me who pulled the trigger.”
“But it wasn’t you who reflected the blast, man. None of us saw that coming.”
“Jason, we’re a team remember. We’re all accountable.”
“Yeah, even that was a calculated stroke of luck, on their part.”
“Come on, J.S…we’re still in this…right?”
“I…I don’t know…”
Without uttering another word, Jason walked out of the center of the Command center, heading outside.
“Wait…let him go.”
Applejack couldn’t bear to see her friend in this sort of shape. So, as any caring friend would do, she bolted out after Jason. Hoping to see if there was anything that could be done to ease his burden. Upon reaching the outside, she saw the red ranger, sitting on a rock, looking out towards Canterlot, now shielded by a magical barrier in these times of panic. The cow mare then approached her ranger counterpart, and sat next to him.
“I’ve thought about that day…when you and I first met. How…just how it all happened. How we came here…”
“Your cheeks were red when you made eye contact with me.”
“Look, Jason. I don’t blame you for anything. Neither should you. It wasn’t your fault. Jason…you are the most responsible guy I have ever come to know. You’ve shown every one of us what it means to be a leader, to keep others out of trouble. Heck even Twilight took a few pointers from you. You’re strong and smart, and Zordon couldn’t have found a better choice to lead you rangers. Now…”
In one swift movement, Applejack, the element of Honesty had locked her lips with that of the Red Tyrannosaurs ranger. Though only lasting a few seconds, Jason felt something different, something that both set his heart aflame, and yet..broken.
“The moment you saved my hide, I knew there was something about you. Even before finding out about the rangers. Heck…my entire family saw something worthwhile in you, and you’ve met’em.”
Jason couldn’t help but smile for her. He felt a sense of joy flow through him, though this feeling would gradually fade. the memory of this feeling would strive him towards feeling it again, even in their darkest hour.
“Now, buck up, Partner…we still got a fight ahead of us. We still need you…I need you.”
Back inside, the rangers and ponies were discussing among themselves the course of action to come when Jason, and Applejack returned inside. They could see that the ranger had a different mood as apposed to when he left.
“Alright, guys…why don’t we show those two hags what they’re up against.”
Twilight then projected a mini map of Ponyville, showing the current damage to the town under Rita, and Chrysalis’s regime.
“As of now, Chrysalis, and Rita have occupied themselves in town hall, overseeing the initial attack on the town. The building is heavily guarded, from all corners, in each direction. Both ground, and air. To even set foot in the building, we need to approach this in as little numbers as we can.”
“How’re we gonna get twelve ponies inside without being noticed.”
“You will not.”
The ponies, and rangers looked to Zordon in confusion.
“What do you mean by that?”
“I mean that the ponies shall not be accompanying you rangers, this time.”
“Without the elements. There is very little you can do, My little ponies.”
“I guess it’s just the six of us.”
“I am sorry, Tommy. But you must not enter this mission either.”
“Zordon. You can’t.”
“I’m sorry Rangers…But there is no other way.”
The five rangers looked at one another, a bit shaken. None the less, the nodded with one another, and turned back to Zordon, determined to end this reign of terror, once and for all.
“Alright…let’s do this.”
“Alpha. Teleport them as close to the center of Ponyville as you can.”
“Good luck rangers…Aiyiyiyiee.”
With a few switches flipped, and buttons pressed upon numerous times, the five original rangers were beamed out to the command center, determined not to fail a second time. Leaving a confused, and frustrated Tommy Oliver behind with an equally frustrated Rainbow Dash.
“I don’t understand…why are you holding me back, zordon?! They need me out there!”
“Yeah! And Ponyville needs us! That’s our home being sacked! You just expect us to just watch it burn to the ground?!! HUH?!!”
“Rainbow dash!”
“ I know your frustrated, both f you. I know what I asked was a great burden on you all. But if this weren’t important, and vital to our success…”
“What is so important that you had to keep me back?”
“It is quite simple…to train them.”
Tommy, and the ponies looked to Zordon confused as to what he had just said. Not sure of this, the green ranger then turned to see Alpha 5 returning from another room, carrying what looked like a closed case.
“I hope this works, zordon. Aiyiyiyy.”
“Zordon…are those…?”
“Now, you see why it was vital you remain for now.”
“What’s he talking about? What’s in that…”
Upon opening the box, the mane six gathered in awe as the box shined a bright golden shine upon them.
“Are those…?”
“I think so…”