(DA) The Princesses' Diaries

by Davids Archivist

(DA1:IV) - Day 2 - The Investigation (Luna)*

Day 2 - The Investigation (Luna)

‘Tis the morn of the second day. Today, I imagine I will still be required to be awake at odd hours. Though yesterday’s toil has left me exhausted, it could not have been avoided. I can only hope that tomorrow will allow me sufficient rest before court demands my presence.

Rest aside, I count myself lucky. Twilight and Cadance arrived yesterday afternoon, just as they planned. Unfortunately, melancholy as I was, I was not present to greet them initially. I soon recovered and found them with my sister.

Before I arrived, they apparently examined Sir David and found him to be healthy and with no connection present. That was quite a relief. They also did the same for the guards, my sister and, after my arrival, for me. At the conclusion, they pronounced us all in perfect health and without effect of control or magic. While that alone was music to my ears, there is more to relay.

With sister’s permission, Twilight and Cadance went to examine Sir David again, this time bringing me along as an added variable. Their main concern was that the connection might reappear when in close proximity. Unfortunately, they were correct.

That was not the only thought validated, however. Upon seeing his face again, I immediately found myself overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions of the night before. It is true, then: he may not have power over my mind, but his presence has affected me. Luckily, I was able to suppress such thoughts from escaping and kept my composure.

The three of us experimented for a while, testing this unknown magical anomaly that has linked man and pony. Though through repeated testing, I became somewhat irritable—a trait I am not proud of—and let my thoughts be known. My primary excuse was stress. Now knowing that Sir David was exonerated, I found myself being drawn to him, and simply wanted to wake him and let him know all was well. Yet there I was, being ordered in and out of his room as they watched the connection abruptly appear and disappear, only for the sake of science and not to the soothing of my mind’s desires. It was maddening! Unfortunately, our reunion was not meant to be, as Twilight and Cadance counseled me against it, not yet knowing the effects of the magical connection.

I continued to comply with their demands, if not for them, then for Sir David.

As for their results, at first, though the evidence seemed to confirm their hypothesis of range being a factor, that did not hold true for long. After my outburst, Twilight suggested a recess, most likely due to my increasingly uncooperative behavior. (I am sorry, friend.) As Cadance and I left, she stayed behind to monitor Sir David for a few moments, but when she returned, she looked worse for wear. It took a few moments for her to recollect herself, but she eventually explained that the after the last testing iteration, the connection had failed to disappear and now seemed present and stable at the now much longer distance.

After arguing the merits of withholding this information from my sister until further examinations could be conducted, it was decided to pass the known information to Celestia. She was not pleased. Even with her displeasure, I again deferred to her judgment and am still prohibited from approaching Sir David.


That brings me to my current thoughts. Why is it that we cannot let him know of the state of affairs? Surely he must also be tormented by these occurrences, and he is alone. In this, I believe Tia to be somewhat overreacting to the point of possibly inflicting cruelty to our guest. Her words of ‘protocol’ and ‘for your and Equestria’s safety’ feel empty to me. Perhaps it is my doing that makes it feel as so.

I recognise now. Sir David has stirred new life in my mind and bosom. Perhaps it is only a fillyhood fancy and will pass, but for now, it is present with me. Was it his plight? Am I responding to his needs, or is this something within me, kindled by his character and our night together. Time will surely tell, but I must be patient. That, unfortunately, is not one of my virtues.

Perhaps sister will be lenient now that the initial shock has become worn, and our two investigators have found no danger. Later today I will venture to see if she will allow a visit. I would feel a great deal of comfort if only to hear his voice.