//------------------------------// // Chapter 10 // Story: Friendship, magic and pokémon // by daniboyi //------------------------------// Ash groaned as he opened his eyes, only to meet the blackest void. Total darkness. He looked around in panic, but suddenly a memory flashed through his mind, memories of the enormous bear, the fight between his pokémon team and the bear, the way he ran away from the bear as it charges to him. The distraction and the heavy blow, the blood and the pain. He looked around once again only to be met by darkness as he said sadly "Guess I'm dead… What a way to end. Being swatted aside by a overgrown bear… I just hope Pinkie or my mum won't be too sad with me gone…" "No my friend." A voice said. Ash turned around and was met by an enormous white creature with a golden circle around its middle. It looked down at him as he looked up at it with open mouth, before he muttered "Arceus…" He went down to kneel in front of the god pokémon, but was stopped as a white aura formed around him, making him stand up. "Do not bow for me Ash Ketchum. You have saved my life. If anyone has earned the honour of calling me their friend, it would be you." Ash nodded with a smile, before he asked. "Am I dead Arceus?" Arceus smiled and chuckled "Not exactly, you are hanging between life and dead and you have a choice. Will you go on or stay with your beloved once, family and friends?" Ash smiled brightly and said "I will go back sir, I have yet things to do in my life and I'm not planning on dying anytime soon." Arceus gave out a laugh and said "Just as I thought you will answer oh Chosen One. Once again you show a great hearth to those who love you. I will allow your wounds to heal and bring you back to you friends in Equestria." Ash nodded and Arceus yellow eyes glowed in a bright light that blinded Ash. As he had vanished, Arceus stayed back and thought "Go my chosen one. Explore this new world for me." Ash groaned as he felt his lungs being filled with air as he opened his mouth. He opened his eyes and saw he was at a hospital, he looked around for anyone and saw the room was empty, except Pikachu who was sleeping on the table next to him, the pokémon had red areas under his eyes, showing the tears he had rubbed away. Ash felt a little guilty for making his best friend worry so much. He moved gently around in the bed, testing if it hurt to move any limbs or body parts. To his happiness and small amount of surprise he didn't fell any pain at all. He smiled and let out a satisfied sigh, before leaning back in his bed. He sat there for a few minutes before the door opened and a nurse with a pale brown fur and a light red mane entered the room, she looked directly at Ash's bed and gasped before she said "How long have you been awake Mr. Ketchum?" "A few minutes." He answered quickly with a smile "And I feel good right now, no pain at all." The nurse smiled and said "Good to know, but our doctor still needs to have a medical exam, just to be sure nothing is broken or damaged permanently. It was quite a scare you gave us there Mr. Ketchum, but I will thank you for trying to save us with that Ursa Minor." "Nothing to worry about. I wouldn't even let my worst enemy face that beast alone." He answered, before he asked "How long have I been out by the way?" The nurse looked a little nervous as she said "It was a week since the incident Mr. Ketchum…" "A week!" He asked shocked, that meant he had been unconscious for a week… Oh dear Celestia! Pinkie! She must have been worried out of her mind! He looked at the nurse and said "Can you call my friends and say I'm alright and have them here as soon I can have visitors?" The nurse smiled and nodded, before moving out to get one of the doctors of this hospital. Some time later the doctor arrived with a smile and began to small exams, testing his fore and hind legs. His neck, back and other muscles around the body that would have impact on his life. He also checked small things like hearing and vision just to check that the major hit hadn't left anything permanently damaged, and he was pleasantly surprised when it turned out Ash was at perfect health and could leave tomorrow just to be sure that he didn't over excise himself after a week in the bed. He went to the door and said "We will call your friends Mr. Ketchum and they will arrive here by the next ten minutes." Ash nodded happy to meet his friends once again and lay back in his bed. "Pika…?" A weak voice said, he turned around and saw Pikachu looking at him with tears in his eyes. Ash smiled gently and reached out to stroke Pikachus fur, at the second he made contact with the pokémon, jumped Pikachu right at him and hugged him, while snuggled closer to his trainer, happy to see him well and healthy again. Ash just hugged Pikachu back with a smile and let the happy pokémon snuggled into his arms. He understood Pikachus need to be sure he was alright, he would have been the same way if Pikachu was out for a week without any signs of coming back. He just closed his eyes with a smile and enjoyed the peace before he could meet his friends again… *SLAM* He looked up in shock and saw the door slammed open and in the doorway stood Pinkie Pie, but not the normal Pinkie he knew. Her hair had deflated completely, hanging like curtains from her head, her normally bright pink colour had turned to a darker shade and her eyes were bloodshot as if she had cried her eyes out, her lower lip trembled uncontrollably as she looked at him, almost crying again. She muttered a single "Ash…" Before she flung herself at him, throwing her arms around him and sobbed uncontrollably into his shoulder "I-I thought I-I had l-lost y-you!" She cried out as she tightened her grip, almost afraid as if she let go, he would disappear right in front of her. In return Ash just wrapped his arms around her, Pikachu had magically managed to squish himself out under Pinkie and was now standing next to the bed with a smile, happy to see his trainer and his mate, in Pikachus thoughts, together again. Ash gently lifted her head with a hoof so she looked directly at him, with a soft voice he said "I will never leave you Pinkie, not now and not in the future. You are mine and I am yours." He lowered his voice a little and said "I love you Pinkie." Tears sprung in her eyes and he claimed her into a kiss. After a few minutes he pulled away to get his breath and smiled brightly as he saw Pinkies mane had returned to its normal cotton candy like look. He gently moved a hoof through her mane as she laid next to him, her head resting on his shoulder, still a few tears in her eyes, but with a soft smile on her face. He gently kissed her forehead, and closed his eyes, enjoying her company, until he heard a voice saying "You owe me five bits Twilight. I know she would be the first one here." He looked up and saw his friends, Rainbow Dash, looking worried out of her mind, Applejack, who too looked worried, Fluttershy, who looked liked she had cried too, Rarity, who too had cried as her eyes was red, and Twilight, who for some reason looked away in shame. He smiled to them all and said "Hey girls. How's Ponyville hanging?" Applejack gave a weak chuckle and said "Not as good without ya Ash. The farm has been awfully quite without ya to lighten up the air, while we work." He smiled thankfully too her and looked at Fluttershy, who was ready to cry once again "Come on 'Shy. As you can see I'm fine and soon ready to get up and run again." She just looked at him with a horrified look and stuttered "H-How can y-you just say that! Y-You nearly died!" "But I didn't." He said with a softening smile "I survived and that is what matters. But how did you manage to get the bear away anyway?" Rainbow Dash suddenly smiled brightly and said "After you got hit Twilight used her magic to levitate that bear away and back into the Everfree forest!" He turned to Twilight and smiled brightly, before saying "That's great! I didn't know you could perform so much magic!" Twilight looked up shocked and said weakly "Y-You don't hate me?" He raised an eyebrow in confusion and asked uncertainly "Why would I hate you?" She cringed a little before saying "I-It was my fault you got hit… I was the one yelling for you to stop harming the Ursa, I didn't expect you to stop running and look over at me. I'm so sorry…" "Don't mind it Twilight!" He interrupted her gently with a smile "You couldn't possibly have guessed that I would have stopped. If it was anyponys fault, it was mine. I could have kept running instead of stopping. All I want to know is why you told me to stop attacking the bear?" Twilight smiled a little, before answered "I yelled for you to stop, because you were attacking a baby…" "A baby?" Ash yelled out loudly in shock. "Yes. A baby. He wasn't very old and had just been awoken from his sleep, of course he was a bit cranky." Ash looked annoyed and muttered "He was more than a little cranky judging by that hit I got…" This only caused Pinkie to whimper a little and tighten her grip around him, he mentally scolded himself quickly and kissed her forehead, while he whispered "It's ok Pinkie. I'm here and soon up and running again." She just let out another small sob, but smiled weakly as she looked up at him with watery eyes. He smiled back to her and removed some of her mane that had fallen down on her face. He held her close as the nurse once again walked into the room and looked sad as she said "Sorry to disrupt, but the visiting hours is over." All the girls looked sad and Pinkie quickly inhaled and looked at her with panic and terror. Not wanting to leave Ash out of her sight now that she finally had him in arms reach. Ash notices this and looked up at the nurse and asked gently "Excuse me… But would it be possible for Pinkie to be allowed to stay? I know it's against the rule, but is it possible to make an exception?" The nurse bit her lip gently, before she sighed and said "I will ask the doctor if he is ok with it, but I will not promise anything. Understand that?" Ash nodded, while Pinkie just looked nervous at the nurse, silently begged to Celestia, Luna and any higher power out there that she would be allowed to stay. After a few more minutes the doctor and the nurse returned, they looked in and saw Pinkie lying with Ash, looking nervous and her eyes pleading. Ash just looked at the doctor with a neutral face, not showing either happiness or anger towards him. The doctor looked at both of them with a stern face, before he sighed and said "I have heard of your request Mr. Ketchum and you must understand that it is highly improbable for us to allow this…" He noticed Pinkie's face fell and Ash looked sadly down, he smiled and continued "But none the less, we have agreed you deserve that much. Pinkie and only Pinkie will be allowed to stay, but you will have to rest. That means lay down and no funny business. Understood?" Pinkie and Ash both blushed, but nodded none the less. Pinkie looked happier than ever and Ash looked relived. "Thank you doctor. You don't know how much this means to me!" Pinkie said with tears in her eyes. The doctor smiled and nodded, before they both left. Leaving Ash and Pinkie alone in the room. Ash laid down in the bed again, soon followed by Pinkie who snuggled closer to him. They both fell asleep later, exhausted after all those emotions and stress. The next day woke Ash up, hearing the birds lightly sing outside the window in the trees nearby and he felt a pair of forelegs around his chest and smiled as he then felt Pinkies light breath against his fur. He opened his eyes and gently looked down at Pinkie, who was still sleeping peacefully, with beauty that could rival an angel. He gently pulled Pinkie a little closer to him, as for not to wake her up but at the same time feeling her near him. She stirred a little, but relaxed quickly again, happily burying her head in his fur on his shoulder. He just lied there for a few minutes, enjoying the peace that was only gently broken by the bird singing and the regular breath from Pinkie. Until a feminine voice next to him asked "How long have you been awake?" He looked down and saw Pinkie looking up at him with bright blue eyes and a gentle smile. He smiled back and placed a quick kiss on her lips, before answering "A few minutes love. Don't worry I'm well rested and fells like I'm ready to take on Applebuck season all by my self." Pinkie giggled a little, and lay down against his chest again. They just laid there for another few minutes, before the doctor walked in and looked at them with a smile, before he cleared his throat. They both looked at him as he said, still smiling "Sorry for disturbing Mr. Ketchum, but you are ready to leave the hospital if you wish, I will though advise to take it easy the next couple of days and not work too much or over exercise. Your muscles are still weakened after the damage and a whole week in bed." Ash nodded with a smile, understanding perfectly. He gently moved out of bed, after Pinkie had gotten off him, and stood there, already feeling a little tired in his legs for holding up his own weight, but was determent to get out of the hospital as soon as possible. He walked out of the hospital, with Pinkie next to him, ready to catch him if he lost balance or couldn't walk anymore. As soon they excited the hospital front door, they were pleasantly surprised to see Twilight and the others standing there, ready to meet him. What shocked Ash the most was that Princess Celestia also stood there, behind the rest with a gently smile on her face. He clumsily tried to bow to her, due to the lack of strength in his legs. Celestia just smiled and said "No need to bow Ash." He nodded with a smile, before he looked up at her and asked uncertain "What are you doing here Princess? With no disrespect of course." He quickly added Celestia just smiled again and said "First was to check if you are recovering nicely after that terrible accident with the Ursa Minor and secondly I wished to thank you for your heroic deed. You were really brave to try and fight an Ursa Minor to protect your fellow friends and ponies." Ash blushed at the praise, but shook his head and said "Don't thank me your highness. Thank my pokémon team and Twilight. I wouldn't have been able to distract the Ursa Minor without my team and Twilight was the one to send it back to the Everfree forest…" "None the less." Celestia interrupted him "It was very brave done and I would not even wish to think of what could have happened if, under your command, your team wouldn't have tried to fight the Ursa Minor. Ponyville and I owe you our thanks for possibly saving innocent ponies." Ash just looked down at the ground with a blush and a little grin. Pinkie kissed him lightly on the cheek, which caused him to smile a little more and the rest to chuckle lightly. "Sorry if this may seem rude." Continued Celestia "But I will have to go for now. This was sadly only a quick visit and I have to attend the duties once again." The girls and Ash nodded understandingly, with a smile, and with that she turned around and flew away, towards the castle. "So are ya sure ya're alright sugar cube?" Asked a slightly concerned Applejack, breaking the silence after Celestia left, Ash just smiled and nodded, but at the same time gave a quick drop in his knees as he felt his strength quickly leave him. Fluttershy noticed this and instantly was on his other side and said with a concerned and kind voice "Poor dear, let's go get you some rest." Ash groaned, not liking to be mothered like that, but found no strength to fight it off and he was carried away by Fluttershy and Pinkie, who was giggling at his pout. Some time later they arrived at the Sugarcube Corner, Fluttershy and Pinkie sat Ash on the ground in front of the shop and the girls left them to go home. Slowly and steadily walked Ash, supported by Pinkie, inside. Only to be met by a furious hug from Mrs. Cake who cried out "Oh Ash! I'm so happy to see you well and healthy! The shop has been so awfully depressing without you here!" Ash chuckled and returned the hug quickly as he said "It's good to see you again too Mrs. Cake. I'm sorry to hear that the shop hasn't been on the top." She gave in return a small smile and stepped back. Mr. Cake also walked up and gave Ash a quick hug, to show he was happy for Ash was alright again. They sat and talked for a few minutes, before, with a yawn, Ash declared he was rather exhausted again and went to bed. He looked at Pinkie and said "Just go up Pinkie, I have something I have to ask Mrs. Cake about." Pinkie nodded with a puzzled look, but went up anyway. After she left the room, turned Ash to Mrs. Cake with a stern expression and asked "How have Pinkie been coping with me in the hospital? She looked almost broken when she arrived and I was wondering if things were as bad as they were there. I would have asked some of my friends, but I'm a little afraid they might not tell me all the truth." Mrs. Cake sighed and looked up at Ash, before she said "Pinkie reacted… strongly when she heard of your injury to say at least… Actually, to put it bluntly, was today the first time she have left her room in a week. She stayed inside, not wanting to go outside, you could hear her helpless cries in the whole house…" Ash felt his breath caught in his throat as he imagined that. "W-Was it truly that b-bad?" He stuttered slightly, not able to believe the ever happy Pinkie Pie, the mare he fell in love with, was even able to show such depressing emotions and refuse to meet the day light. "Worse…" She said with a hesitance "I once went up and asked why she wouldn't come down... I had nightmares that night about her answer. Instead of a voice filled with emotions, she answered with a stone cold voice, that held neither sadness or happiness 'I j-just can't… T-The only things that keep me sane is knowing Ash, my Ash, is still alive if just barely'." Ash didn't need to hear anymore, he quickly turned around and almost ran up to his room, where he found Pinkie wrapped in his bed sheds, whimpering slightly. She looked up at him as he entered the room and smiled gently. Ash didn't say anything, or needed to, as he moved down next to her and wrapped one of his forelegs around her, assuring her he was ok. They both fell asleep together for the third time in two days.