Simple Tricks are for Fillies

by Erina Tail Yellow

A Walk


About halfway through breakfast Rarity called Twilight was over to her room. “What did she hear?” Rarity questioned loudly.
Twilight shuffled nervously but kept a straight face. “I have n-no I-idea what you’re talking about.” She stammered, her eyes darted back and forth trying not to meet with the other mare.
“Oh do you now. I bet you wouldn’t like it if I searched in the top drawer here.” Rarity immediately and violently pulled the drawer off the bedside table. There wasn’t much in it other than a pair of pajamas and a few pens.
“Why are you so insistent on proving you aren’t the one who kept her awake?!”
“Because after six rounds with a farm hand you get pretty tired and when someone else keeps you awake and then you get blamed for what kept you awake.” Twilight could practically see the venom dripping off of her words.
“Okay, fine, ya’ got me. You won’t say anything will you?” Twilight asked sheepishly.
“I might if I knew why you were making such a racket. Celestia you were loud.”
Twilight blushed deeply and tried to hide behind her hands. She recovered after a few moments, only to ask “You aren’t really acting like yourself, why?”
“Would you act like yourself if you received very little sleep because your roommate was up ludicrously late moaning loud enough to be heard across the hall and threw a wall. As well as with…” The mare in front of her visibly calmed and she continued. “Look I’m tired and I shouldn’t take it out on you, but I am aggravated at the situation in front of me.”
“Okay? We should get back out there.” Twilight stated simply.
“One last thing. She’s from… ahem… well you know what I’m getting at.” Rarity stammered.
“Oh yeah… heh heh… that. I think so. Hence last night, I took a look to check and got a little carried away.” Twilight chuckled nervously. The pair made their way out of Twilight’s room and back to the kitchen.
Applejack was the first to notice they were back. “Hey babe. You okay?”
The question was directed at Rarity but out of reflex Twilight went to answer out of instinct.”Fi-“she started, but immediately realized she shouldn’t finish.
“Applejack dearest, you needn't worry I just wanted to speak to with Twilight for a moment.” Rarity reassured. The farm mare shot Twilight a glance but shrugged off her suspicions.
Trixie suddenly stood with an air of finality. “It’s about time I leave. Trixie does have another show tonight after all.”
Twilight stood with a panicked look on her face. “I’m gonna be late for my presentation!” She quickly shoved her fritter in her mouth and threw the plate in the sink. There was a loud shattering noise as the plate landed. The unicorn didn’t seem to notice as she ran to her room. Rarity stopped her “How long until you need to be there?”
“About two hours… one hour and fifty-nine now.” Twilight said clearly miffed.
“I’ll help you get your stuff.” Rarity said as she followed her into Twilight’s room.
Applejack looked over at Trixie “They’ve done that a lot this mornin’ haven’t they.” Trixie simply shrugged in response.

Twilight’s room was in much better condition than it was yesterday. She moved quickly to her dresser. With a flick of her wrist the drawer opened and a few unsharpened pencils levitated into the air and vanished. Rarity moved over and closed the drawer. “I know for fact the lecture hall isn’t too far from here. You have more than enough time to get there and why don’t you take that walk with our guest.”
“Why would I need to do that?”
“Some basic companionship on walks is nice. And you usually run there anyways.” Rarity deadpanned.
“I need to get there early to prepare the lecture. Ms.-“Twilight stopped herself. Her roommate had that look that said you’re not getting out of this. “Fine I’ll walk with her.”An oversized grin spread across Rarity’s face after Twilight finished.
“Although don’t say anything about my convincing you to walk with her.” She added “She may not take too kindly to your being forced to walk with her.’ And on that note they both left the room and went back to the kitchen.
“Hey Trixie would you mind-“Twilight cleared her throat.”-walking with me?” She squeaked on last piece of the sentence making herself wince.
“I wouldn’t mind. You’re going to the college right?” Trixie said ignoring her host’s odd behavior. Twilight nodded in response.

Outside it was beautiful. The crisp spring air blew through threw trees along the side of the road. An awkward silence hung in the air between two mares as they walked slowly. “Soooooooo… How’s… uhh… life?” Twilight ventured.
“You know just as well as it is when no one show’s up to Trixie’s shows.” Trixie replied hanging her head low. Twilight shot a small illusionary firework in front of her. It exploded into a purple smiley face that winked and then disappeared. Trixie’s magic trails briefly pulsed and she leaned back. “Umm what was that wink about?”
“Oh ..heh heh… just a uhhh friendly wink. Just jokin’ around.” She shifted uncomfortably. She couldn’t seem to make eye contact. “So you said you have another show tonight, right?"
“Yes but we’ve only sold maybe fifteen tickets. Last night’s numbers were only because I was new in town.” She frowned slightly.
Twilight realized she had made things worse. “Make it sixteen. I’d be clad to come.” Twilight stated. The mare walking beside her let a smile grace her lips as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a ticket. “Do you just keep these on you for moments like this?”
“No this is yours from last night. I figure giving me somewhere to stay for the night is payment enough for the ticket.”
“But it’s my fault that you were too far from your… uhh… where do you live?” Twilight asked.
“I have a caravan not too far from the theater. I travel from town to town doing my performances. I only booked three weeks of shows here.” The magician stated.
“So you won’t be here very long. When are your shows?” Twilight asked slightly disappointed to hear that a new friend would be departing so soon.
“The next two weeks I’m holding them and Saturday and Sunday. These two shows are the only weird ones on Sunday and Monday.” Trixie said as they arrived at the front entrance to the college. “And it looks like this is your stop.”
Twilight kicked at the ground. “I guess so. I’ll see you at the show tonight.” And with that they parted ways.