
by nobody_in_particular

Chapter 1


Pinkie Pie as Rapunzel.
Cheese Sandwich as Flynn Ryder.
Adagio Dazzle (pony form) as Mother Gothel
Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk (pony form) as the Stabbington Brothers.
Gummy as Pascal.
Fluttershy as Captain of the Royal Guard.
Angel Bunny as Maximus.
Celestia as the Queen.
Good Sombra as the King.


Alone in the forest was a tall tower. An old mare, almost as old as time itself, was falling from the tower.

“How did it all come to this, you ask?” Cheese Sandwich’s voice said. “My end…well, the old woman’s end too, let’s say our end. We weren’t together, if that’s what you’re thinking. Far from it. Well, maybe it wasn’t my end, but it kind of was.”

“Cheesy!” Pinkie Pie’s voice said. “Can you tell the story now? And besides, you’re starting it wrong.”

“I am?”

“Uh huh.”

“It didn’t start with Mother Adagio, it started with the sun.”

“You know this story better than I do. I think you should tell it.”

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie cleared her throat.

“Once there was an island. There was nothing great about it. But then a few ponies came by and formed a kingdom. There were two rulers: Queen Celestia, her husband King Sombra, and their sister Princess Luna. The three ruled together in harmony.

“One day Celestia was raising the sun. She was going to have a baby, so she was getting weaker. She used as much magic as she could. One drop of magic came from the sun and landed on a hillside. Most ponies would have thought it would be a golden flower, but it was pink! Just like me!

“One woman found the flower. Her name was Adagio Dazzle. She found the magic power in the flower. Hee, hee. That rhymed. Anyway, she used to flower to keep herself alive for hundreds of years. All she had to do was sing a song. Meanwhile, Celestia was getting too weak. Luna raised the sun and moon. Celestia was losing time.

“The palace guards searched for something to heal the queen. They found the flower and made it into a magical elixir. It saved the queen and a healthy baby princess was born. With magical pink hair that had the power to heal the sick and cure the wounded. They named her Pinkie Pie because everything on her was pink. It was about the time that I decided to stop narrating.”

Celestia and Sombra held their daughter in their hooves. In memory of her birth, they launched thousands of pink lanterns in the air. They raised a special one bearing three balloons. It seemed as though everything was perfect, until one night when Adagio snuck into the castle. She silently walked over to the crib where the newborn princess lay. She held a strand of hair and sang the song quietly.

“Flower gleam and glow. Let your power shine.” She became younger as she sang. She lifted up a pair of scissors and cut the hair she was holding. Adagio gasped as the hair turned dark pink and it went straight. She grabbed the child and raced out of the castle and into the night.
She found an old tower that was hidden within walls of boulders with a secret passageway to get in. She locked the child within the tower and raised her as if she were her own daughter.

This time she was determined to keep the girl safe.

18 years later

Pinkie Pie was 17 and tomorrow was her 18th birthday. She already knew what to wish for. It sounded strange when you say it out loud. She wanted to go see the pink shapes in the sky. And they had to do it tomorrow. The things only came out on her birthday. She didn’t know why. She tried to shake away the feeling that it meant something. That maybe those floating colors were for her.

Pinkie Pie couldn’t find much to do. Mother Adagio was currently out getting some food for dinner, so she was alone for a while. She looked over at her paints. She was pretty sure that every inch of the tower (or every place on the tower that she could reach) was painted.

She flopped down on her bed and sighed. She didn’t even try brushing her mane. The last time she attempted it on her own the brush ended up shattering.

“Pinkie Pie.” called Adagio’s voice. “Let down your hair!”
Pinkie’s eyes lit up. “She’s home! Do you know what this means, Gummy?” she said to her pet alligator. As usual, he gave no answer. She kissed him on the snout.

“Pinkie?” asked Adagio.

“I’m coming, Mother!” she ran down the small set of stairs and to the window. She opened it up and threw her hair out. The pink hair was so long that it almost touched the ground. Adagio held tightly to the ropes hair while Pinkie pulled her up into the tower.

“I have something to tell you.” Adagio said cheerfully. “So do I!” Pinkie Pie said, thinking of her birthday wish. Once Adagio was in the tower, Pinkie pulled all her hair inside, then turned to Adagio, ready to tell her mother exactly what was on her mind.
“So, Mother,” Pinkie started. “I finally know what I want for my birthday.”

“You know, Pinkie,” Adagio interrupted. “Mummy’s feeling a bit down right now. Would you please sing for me?” Pinkie nodded, noticing her mother's hair was going a bit grey. She grabbed an armchair out of thin air and sat Adagio down in it. She sat down on a stool in front of her mother and put a clump of her knotty hair in her mother’s hooves. Then Pinkie stated singing the song as fast as possible.

“Sweetie, wait!” Adagio said. She levitated a brush over and tried to start brushing her daughter’s hair.
“Flower, gleam and glow. Let your power shine. Make the clock reverse; bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt, change the Fates’ design. Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine.”

Suddenly Adagio's hair was blown back like a burst of wins came through a window. Her grey hair and slight wrinkles disappeared instantly.

“So *gasp* Mother. *Gasp* I… know what I want… for my birthday*gasp*!” Pinkie choked out.

“Pinkie Pie, do calm yourself.” Adagio said disapprovingly. Pinkie nodded and caught her breath. “So, what I wanted to tell you was, I wanted to go see the floating shapes in the sky for my birthday.” she said.
Adagio gasped. Her eyes were small and her mouth fell into a perfect 'o'. Her mind was racing with lies she could blurt out. She couldn’t let Pinkie go into the town and risk losing her eternal youth. “Oh, darling. Those are nothing but Pegasi clearing the skies.”

“But Mom, these don’t have wings. They aren’t the shape of Pegasi.”

“Then it must be the sun. It’s making you see things.”

“I’m not seeing things!” Pinkie Pie said without thinking.

“Don’t talk back to me, young lady!” Adagio snapped.

Pinkie’s mane deflated a tad. “Yes, Mother.” she said glumly.

Adagio sighed. “Well, for your birthday tomorrow I’m making cookie-dough frosted brownies.”

Pinkie’s mane poofed back up. “Yum!” she said. “Thank you, Mother!”

“Dinner should be ready in a few minutes.”

They ate daffodil and daisy sandwiches with Crystal Empire corn on the cob.It was made expertly, with only the freshest of food.
Pinkie yawned, setting down her fork. She had been playing with Gummy almost all day. She was kind of exhausted.

“I think I’m ready to hit the hay.” she said through yawns.

“Already?” her mother asked incredulously. “Well, alright.”
Pinkie trotted up the small set of stairs to her bedroom. She lay on her bed and closed her eyes. It seemed almost immediately after she closed her eyes she was opening them, and it was morning. Pinkie sat up, stretching her back and hooves. Her pink and purple dress was on a hanger nearby. She slipped it on and walked downstairs.

The tower was desolate and there were no signs that Mother Adagio was anywhere around at the moment. On the kitchen table were a note and a Crystal Berry brownie. Pinkie ate it in one bite and read the note.
‘Happy Birthday!’ was written in Adagio's fancy hoof writing.

Meanwhile, in Canterlot...

Mozzarella Jack, the wanted thief of Canterlot was galloping on the castle roof along with Aria and Sonata, the Stabbington Sisters. They were on their next mission: stealing the Lost Princess’s crown. Jack was the fastest, on account of his long legs. He worse a traveling cloak and carried a saddlebag on his back.

Sonata tripped over her own light blue hooves and face-planted on the roof. “Sonata, you are totally the worst.” Aria groaned. Sonata stood up and brushed herself off. “No, you are.” she retorted. Jack rolled his eyes at the two. This happened all the time.

“Whatever. Let’s just do this.” Aria said. She opened a trap door on the roof. It opened conveniently over the prized crown. Aria and Sonata lowered Jack down on a rope tied around his waist into the castle.
Jack gazed in awe at the piece of jewelry. It was sitting in plain sight, on a velvet pillow that was resting on a marble pedestal. He grabbed the crown and put it in his bag. In front of the crown there were about 6 guards keeping watch. The one nearest to him, Daring Do, sneezed loudly.

“The Trots?” Jack asked, leaning on the pillow. Daring Do looked over her shoulder at him. “Yeah.” she answered. She gasped and did a double take and saw Jack on the roof, escaping with the crown. “Hey, you can’t do that!” she said angrily. Upon hearing her outburst, Captain Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash turned around.

“Not on my watch.” Fluttershy growled.

The three bandits were running through the woods when the Royal Guard caught up to them. They came to a small, rocky mountain, about 10 feet tall. They would have to climb. Sonata lifted Aria up on her shoulders and Aria lifted Jack up on hers. Aria had the saddlebags around her for safekeeping. Jack climbed to the top of the cliff and looked down at the Sisters.

“Now help us up.” Aria said, extending a purple hoof.

“Sorry, guys.” he said. “But I’m already carrying stuff.” he held up the bag, smirking down at the earth pony.
Aria down looked at her back and stomach. No saddlebags. Jack made a run for it while she wasn't looking.

“Mozzarella!” Aria bellowed in the distance.

Jack laughed as he ran. All too easy. He gasped as he heard hoof beats behind him. Daring Do, Rainbow Dash, Gilda, Night Glider, Fast Clip, Crescent Moon, Cloud Kicker, Lightning Dust, Sassaflash, and Thunderlane were all chasing him. Captain Fluttershy was in front, with Angel Bunny hopping In front of her. He was small, but he could sniff out anypony, and his teeth were razor sharp. Angel was a fast hopper, and Jack was a fast runner. Not even Rainbow Dash or Lightning Dust could keep up. Soon Fluttershy lost sight of the two.

“Angel will catch him.” Fluttershy said.

Angel bit on Jack’s tail, causing him to trip. The satchel flew out of his hooves and landed on a small branch on a large, think tree trunk that hung over a cliff. Angel hopped over Jack’s back and was about to grab the satchel when Jack got back up and pushed Angel aside and grabbed the satchel just before it slid off of the branch. There was a loud cracking sound and the tree trunk snapped in half, taking the stallion and the rabbit down with it.

Pinkie Pie

Meanwhile, Pinkie was awaiting her mother’s return. “Oh, Gummy.” Pinkie said. “Since I'm now officially 17, I was going to ask Mom if I could go out. But I don’t know how to do it!” She looked at the alligator. “Would you help me?” she pleaded.

Gummy blinked.

“Great!” Pinkie said.

Soon, Gummy was sitting on the bed with an orange poufy wig on.

“Mother.” Pinkie said to Gummy. “As you know I’m 17 now. I feel like maybe I’m old enough and strong enough to go out into town. I’ll only go out this once. I just want to meet someone. Maybe have some friends for once!”

Gummy licked his eye.

“I’m sorry, Mother! I’ll do better! I didn’t mean to upset you!” She was sobbing. She stopped for a moment and cracked her eyes open slightly.
Gummy just blinked.

Pinkie started crying again. After a moment she stopped suddenly. “That was great, Gummy!” she said in her usual cheery tone.
Jack opened his eyes. His head ached and his body was sore, but nothing seemed broken or seriously injured. He heard squeaking noises that could only belong to Angel.

In that moment he panicked, trying to decide where to hide before Angle got there. He glanced over at a wall of vines. He ran through it, only hoping that there wasn't a huge boulder behind it. Luckily there wasn't and he held his breath as Angel hopped up in front of the wall. Jack stayed silent as the bunny sniffed around. Angel ran away.

Jack breathed a sigh of relief before looking around. It looked like he was in some sort of cave. He kept walking deeper into the cave and came to a large clearing with a few rivers and lots of flowers, perfectly hidden by large rocky mountains. But what really caught his attention was a very large tower in the middle of the clearing, about a 70 feet tall. It looked like there was no door or any stairs, save for two open windows near the very top. Jack quickly opened his satchel and brought out a bottle of bubbles. He blew one that was about two times his size. He sat on it and he floated to the top of the tower. He jumped onto the balcony and walked inside. It seemed as though nopony was there.

He opened the satchel and lifted the crown out. “Finally, you now belong to me.” he said to the crown. He didn’t notice Pinkie Pie behind him with a frying pan in between her teeth.