//------------------------------// // Questing for Elements, Part 2/DaiAtlas2016 Gets Lazy // Story: I'll Love You Always, My Little Flutters // by DaiAtlas2016 //------------------------------// Within 20 minutes, we found ourselves in the darkest part of the forest. Flutters was now riding on my back, because she was afraid that she would get lost, and Twilight followed behind me, using her horn to lead the way for the others. It was 3 seconds later that Rarity screamed. "Did you chip a hoof?", I asked. "No.....that tree.....look at it!!", she shrieked, clinging to me. I turned to look at the tree, it had a hideous face, but it struck me as funny that she got frightened by a tree. Pinkie was laughing, making faces at the trees, turns out we were surrounded by trees with ugly, but funny looking faces. I couldn't help it, so I started chuckling. "You two! What's so funny? These trees are going to eat us?!?", exclaimed Twilight, curling up into a little ball. "These trees, I've never seen....hahahaha.....such ugly faces before......", I laughed, getting a weird look from everyone except Pinkie. "Yeah! You just gotta giggle at the ghostly! Because laughter goes a long way when you're scared!", Pinkie smiled. "What are you talking about?", Applejack asked, confused. "Well.....let me sing you a song....", she grinned, before I used my god/author given powers to intervene. One Happy, Musical, Sing-Song Montage later........ "Hey! I didn't even get to sing!!", said Pinkie, glaring at me, as everyone else laughed at what I had done. "I know right? Laughter, it helps everyone get over their fears or something like that! Now we can get moving! We shouldn't be much farther now....", I beamed, happy to be able to skip about 3 minutes of singing. About 10 minutes later, we heard a loud sobbing, which led us to a rough, torrential river, with a crying sea serpent in it. For some weird reason, he had only half a mustache..... "Hold up there, Dai, you might be the author writing this story like I'm telling it, but we all know you're writing this crap. Now....let's just skip all this 'Things happens and reveals what should be obvious to everyone' cliche. I'm mean, come on! This is from Season 1 for Celestia's sake! Speed up to the part where Nightmare Moon is getting ready to face off against Twilight!", Corkscrew groaned, looking up at the screen as the all powerful author typed away. Fine. After all that crap, we reached the castle, and Twilight had found the elements, except the last one. She then teleported into a farther part of the abandoned castle, we then rushed after her. But just as we got to her, we saw Nightmare Moon destroy what elements she had under her hoof. "What are you going to do now?", Nightmare mocked, until Twilight saw us run towards her. "You think you can destroy the elements? The elements live within my friends! Applejack represents Honesty! Fluttershy is Kindness! Pinkie demonstrates Laughter! Rarity is Generosity! And Rainbow is Loyalty!", Twilight said with pride, as the shattered stones came and lifted up the 5 mares off the ground, giving them special necklaces, decorated with their cutie marks. Nightmare laughed, "You only have 5! There's supposed to be 6!" Twilight grinned slyly, "That's where you're wrong! We have them all, but there's 7!", a crown with Twilight's cutie mark appeared on her head as she floated off the ground along with everyone else. "We all know that Friendship is Magic! But there's one important thing that everyone takes for granted. It's the basis of every friendship, we tell each other about it everyday, and think nothing of it. Until now!" It was then that I started levitating off the ground! I looked down, a breastplate appeared, decorated with a big gold heart. But, what was carved inside the heart amazed me even more. It was a lone dragon, being hugged by 6 ponies,specifically 2 earth ponies, 2 pegasai, and 2 unicorns. I then felt a tingling on my backside, I turned to look at it. I thought it was never possible, but here I was, looking at my very own cutie mark! It was a gold heart, with the same picture inside. Twilight beamed, "Corkscrew here, he represents the very basis of friendship, which is the basis of Equestria: LOVE! He loves everyone like they're his own children, and treats everyone fairly. And to me....he's kinda like a second dad." "It's not possible.....there were only 6.......", Nightmare said, staring at me in disbelief. I figured I should try and do a snappy one liner before we blasted her, "You owe me 5 bits when you get back, Luna!" Everyone looked at me like I was crazy before we blasted her a brightly colored rainbow (Taste the rainbow!) and watched as she shrank back down into her normal self. Celestia, the darn joker, was standing on the sidelines the entire time. "Well done, my student. I see you figured it out. And I assume you're going to want to stay here with your friends.....", Celestia snickered. "Of course! I've never had this much fun in my life! I guess this is what I felt like I was missing.....", Twilight smiled, hugging all her friends, while I was busy, examining my newfound cutie mark. Celestia asked, walking up to me, "Confused?" "Yeah, but I was actually thinking more along the lines of, does this make my butt look fat?", I replied. Celestia laughed, "No, Corkscrew. It suites you." Luna then got up and walked over to us and hugged us. "I missed you guys......", she said weakly. "Luna........", I smiled in a sing song voice, (I probably should have mentioned that I'm much, MUCH more older than I remembered....so I met Luna before she was banished!) "Corkscrew.....here! 5 bits as promised!", Luna groaned, putting 5 bits in my outstretched paw. Celestia gave us a confused look. "I beat her at poker. We WERE betting cookies, but Luna wanted to kick it up a notch, so I beat her and won 125 bits. But she only had 120 bits on her.", I said, answering her mental question. Celestia giggled, "Let's get everyone home...." Flutters, Dashie and their friends came up and embraced me in a hug. "Papa! You got a cutie mark!", Flutters exclaimed, nuzzling my face. "Yeah, Dad! Scoots is gonna be sooooo jealous when we get back!", Dashie grinned. And so, we got home, Scoots greeted me with a great big hug. And we had to go a big celebration for Luna's return. Of course, there will be a sequel. It will concentrate more on Nick, but I'll make a comeback and tell you where I've been, okay? Well, you probably regret reading your 'Twilight' books, you missed out on my story of how I raised an Element of Harmony.