//------------------------------// // Chapter 9: The Party // Story: Enter Crimson // by milestails16 //------------------------------// The people of Ponyville waited patiently for Crimson to return from the Everfree Forest with worried expressions on their face. Except, for some reason, Twilight Sparkle. She was too deep in thought to worry about him. ‘Something isn’t right about this guy’ Twilight thought to herself, ‘He was able to beat three guys like it was nothing, He just kicked around 3 full grown Timberwolves like ragdolls, and now he’s taking on a King Timberwolf that has more power than a regular one should have!’ “Hey look!” shouted Rainbow Dash as she spotted Crimson coming out of the Everfree Forest, “There he is!” Everyone directed their attention towards their savior, stepping out of the Everfree Forest. As soon as he came out of the Everfree Forest, everybody cheered for their hero. The main 6 rushed over to him and loaded him with questions like “How did you beat it?” and “Are you okay?” “Girls girls, I’m fine,” said Crimson doing the best to calm the girls down, “Don’t know why you’re even worried about some stranger” The girls looked at him confused. Why wouldn’t they worry about someone who was alone with a King Timberwolf in the Everfree Forest? “Well why wouldn’t we worry?” said Twilight, “You’re our friend!” While Crimson was busy listening to Twilight he was suddenly tackled by a pink blur. When he looked up, he found Pinkie Pie on top of him with a big happy grin on her face. “And do you know what a friend does?” asked Pinkie excitedly, “They come to their party hosted by me!” Crimson would’ve said no, but the look on the others faces seems like he shouldn’t. “Fine I’ll go,” said Crimson, earning a squee from Pinkie. “But first...could you get off?” Pinkie did as told and hopped off of his lap. Crimson slowly got up to his feet and dusted himself off; a few bones popping as he stood up. “So,” he said as he popped his neck, “Where’s this party at?” “It’s at Sugarcube Corner!” said Rainbow Dash, “Ponyville’s only bakery that makes the best stuff!” As she started saying the names of the pastries they served, drool started dripping from her mouth. Rarity gave a face of disgust at the sight before her, while Pinkie Pie just jumped up and down excitedly like a cheerleader as she thought more about the party. “Come on!” said Pinkie Pie, “What’re we waiting for? Let’s go go go!” Pinkie Pie started pushing Crimson from behind towards Sugarcube Corner whilst the others followed her at their own pace; Crimson dragged his heels as Pinkie Pie pushed him from behind. It was until they were halfway there that Crimson finally said something. “Um, Pinkie Pie?” said Crimson, “I don’t mean to spoil your fun but you don’t have to push me there. I can walk by myself” Pinkie Pie noticed what she was doing and stopped pushing him. They walked the rest of the way to Sugarcube Corner. As soon as Pinkie Pie opened the door, Crimson entered the bakery and was suddenly blasted with loud music. When he looked around he saw the people he saved, a few tables in the back with snacks and punch bowls, and a few people playing party games in separate parts of the room. At the far left corner of the room, there was a big DJ system with two massive speakers behind it; across the DJ system read ‘Vinyl Scratch’ The DJ was a woman that had a crazy dark blue hairstyle with some light blue streaks in it. Her eyes were light violet while her sunglasses were dark violet. She wore a white open jacket with a black tank top with a silver music note around her neck, and blue jeans with a black belt. “Hey hey, Ponyville!” shouted Vinyl from where she stood, “Our guest of honor is finally here!” Everyone turned their attention towards the doorway, finding Crimson standing there with the Mane Six right behind him. As soon as he took one step into the bakery he suddenly found three little girls standing right in front of him. Standing in the middle of the three is a girl with long red hair with a pink bow in it. She had a fairly pale skin tone and wore blue overalls with a yellow undershirt. On her feet, she wore pink worker boots. On her right was a little girl with slightly tan skin and a purple quiff hairdo. She wore an orange T-shirt, blue jeans and black sneakers. On her back was a pair of small orange feathered wings. On the left side of the red-haired girl was a little girl that looked to be the same one Crimson ran into at the Carousel Boutique. Her hair was half pink and half purple, both meeting the end of the swirls in her hair. She wore a white frilly dress and purple ballet shoes with a white horn protruding from her forehead. All three of them looked to be around the age of 8. “Hi!” said the little girl with the bow in her hair, talking with a Southern accent. “Thanks a lot for saving us! My name is Applebloom!” “I’m Scootaloo!” said the girl with the orange T-shirt on Applebloom’s right side. “Rainbow Dash’s number one fan!” Her wings flapped rapidly with excitement as she said this. “And I’m Sweetie Belle!” said the girl with the pink and purple swirls on Applebloom’s left side. “So nice to...meet you,” Crimson said to the three girls in front of them. The Mane 6 and the Crusaders looked at him in confusion. For someone who just saved everyone’s lives and is having a party thrown for him, you’d think he would be excited about it all. “Crimson? You okay?” said Twilight from behind him. “Hu? Oh yeah” Crimson said, turning his head towards Twilight. “I was just thinking about something” He looked backed down at the three smiling girls in front of him. “Hey Crimson!” said Pinkie Pie from behind him, “If you’re going to be living in Ponyville, then you’re going to need to know everybody’s name!” Before Crimson could say anything, Pinkie Pie grabbed him by the shoulders and started dragging him around the bakery; stopping in front of the people inside the bakery one by one and saying their names. “Um, Rarity?” said Fluttershy as she and Rarity stood by the snack table. “Don’t you think we should stop Pinkie Pie?” as she said this, Rarity turned her head to see Pinkie Pie dragging Crimson around and introducing the people who came to the party to him. “Wouldn’t it be easier if you got Rai-” said Rarity as she slowly turned to look at Rainbow Dash; she thought that Fluttershy could ask Rainbow Dash to help her with stopping Pinkie Pie. When she looked over at Rainbow Dash, she found her sitting in a chair against the wall and watching the situation Crimson was currently in. What else was she doing while she watched this? Laughing. She was laughing at him! “Y-You know what, Fluttershy?” said Rarity as she turned her attention back towards her friend, “You’re right. Let’s go help him” ____________________________________________________________ In Canterlot Canterlot. The glamorous and sophisticated capital of Equestria. It was filled with people of high society and the spires on top of the towers were golden. Inside Canterlot was where a castle where two sisters resided. No, not THAT castle. This castle is called the Canterlot Castle. The two sisters were princesses that ruled over Equestria and controlled both the sun and the moon. The oldest one was Princess Celestia who raised the sun. The youngest one, Princess Luna, raised the moon. The two have ruled side by side for years. Well, except for that one time. It’s a long story. ______________________________________________ At The Canterlot Castle In the royal throne room of the castle, is where we find our two sitting in their seats. Usually, when they sat in their thrones they talked to the Mane 6 or ambassadors about politics. But this time, they were talking to...Prince Blueblood; Celestia’s and Luna’s distant nephew. He came here and did what he did best; complain! “You should’ve seen the way they treated me, aunties!” said Blueblood. He had a white skin tone with a bit of a tan, light blue eyes and blonde hair that was long and sleek. The clothes that he wore was a white tuxedo that was kept buttoned together with golden studs. Tied around his neck was an ocean blue bowtie and the dress shoes he wore were light blue. Protruding from his forehead was a white horn. As he stood there and complained, both of the princesses continued to sit on their thrones and listening to their nephew’s complaint; well, one of them was. Luna was listening to her nephew the whole time while Celestia was doing her best to tune him out. She loved her nephew, really, but he can be such a huge pain in the butt sometimes. “You must not be so hard on them, nephew,” said Luna, sitting in the chair on the right side of Celestia. Luna had sort of a reddish tan to her skin, her eyes were colored cyan, and her hair was as blue as the clear blue skies outside. She wore a blue dress which, for some reason, had a torn up bottom edge; also the dress had no sleeves. The shoes she wore were dark blue leather blue that reached almost 2 inches above her knees. Resting on top of her head was her black princess crown. Prince Blueblood was about to say something until Princess Celestia got up from her seat and walked away. “Auntie Celestia, where are you going?” said Blueblood as he watched his aunt walk away from their conversation. “Oh don’t worry,” she said as she started walking down the hallway, putting on a fake smile. “Your aunt just needs to go...to the garden! Yes!” Celestia continued walking down the hallway until she came to the doorway leading outside to the Canterlot Gardens. As soon as she stepped outside she was greeted with the sound of blue jays chirping as they flew by above her head. ______________________________________________ At Sugarcube Corner Back at Sugarcube Corner, Rarity and Fluttershy finally saved Crimson from Pinkie Pie and were chatting by the snack table. “Thanks for saving me,” Crimson said while both Rarity and Fluttershy stood there in front of him giggling. “That was crazy” “Pinkie Pie has a tendency to go a bit...overboard,” said Rarity as she took a quick sip of her punch. Crimson reached over to grab a cookie from a plate on the table but was stopped halfway as Fluttershy spoke up. “Where’s your jacket?” she said. Crimson looked at his arms and chest; he’d completely forgotten all about it! “It’s at my house, Fluttershy,” said Rarity, standing right next to Fluttershy on her left. “It was all torn up and it needed to be stitched up” That’s right! He left it with Rarity to get it fixed up. Everything is going well so far. He saved a bunch of people, even though he did something he shouldn’t have, and no one got hurt. Everything is going to be just... “Not only was his jacket covered in scorch marks, but there was also a strong smell of soot coming from it” ...not fine! Not fine at all! After hearing Rarity say that Crimson started getting nervous. No doubt they’ll start asking him questions; probably even more after what they saw during that fight. A tap on his shoulder from someone behind him broke his train his thought. “Yes?” he said, in a calm voice, as he slowly turned around to face the person behind him. Behind him was Twilight Sparkle, holding a notepad and a pencil, looking determined as she stood right in front of Crimson. “Crimson?” she said, “I have some questions I’d like to ask you” After hearing that Crimson started screaming; well, not on the outside. “Sure,” he said, talking still in a calm voice. “I’ll answer your questions” The two walked towards a table that was at the far left corner of the store; nobody else was at that table which means a lot fewer people to listen in on their conversation. Once they got to their table, sitting down across from one another, Twilight placed the tip of her pencil against the paper of her notepad. “Question 1: Who are you?” asked Twilight. Crimson just looked at her confused. Surely this girl can’t be serious. “You can’t be serious-” said Crimson confused but was cut off by Twilight as she almost yelled. “Answer the question!” “Fine,” he said, “My name is Crimson Blaze. Happy?” When he finished talking Crimson suddenly heard the sound of pencil scratching against the paper. “Question 2: How old are you?” “I’m twenty-nine” “Question 3: When were you born?” “December 16th, 1995” The questions Twilight had been asking Crimson were actually just regular questions. Questions you would usually ask some friend. “Question four…” she said as she slowly sets her notepad and pencil on the table. “How are you able to teleport without magic?” Crimson was shocked after hearing her ask this. It didn’t help the fact that the next question was just as bad. “What happened to your wounds?” she said, her eye now twitching. “They’ve seemed to have healed up pretty fast, huh?” This girl was asking lots of questions. Questions that can’t be answered. Crimson decided to leave the conversation as is and left Twilight at the table but was stopped halfway as she grabbed hold of his right hand. “Hey!” she screamed, “We’re not done yet!” Crimson turned his head towards her and started glaring before he pulled his hand away from hers. He turned his head straight forward and then started walking again. But, before he went back to join the others for the party, he stopped when he was only a few steps away from where Twilight stopped him. As soon he stopped, he turned around and took a small step towards Twilight. "You shouldn't seek all the answers. You may not like what you find" Yeah, it’s finally here!! Sorry for the long wait you guys!! I really am trying to get more of these done for you, I swear!! I really hope you guys, and girls, liked this one.