Acidic Randomness

by Shine Flash

Part 1 Chapter 2: Hydrochloric Acid Breaks You Down

Hydrochloric Acid Breaks You Down

Kitten Feather and Shine Flash were talking and having a good time.

"You know, I wonder if the dead Preputation is going to come back to this world, you know, in order to, like, kill you or something!" Kitten exclaimed.

Shine stared at her. "Ummm, what do you meeeeean?" She yelled.

Kitten explained, "well, you know how you killed Preputation? He probably wants to come back, you know, as a ghost. To get revenge."

Shine laughed. "Dead Preputation is not going to come back to kill me because dead Preputation is DEAD. You know that, Kitten Feather."

Kitten held her hooves up. "Oooooh neeeeew!" she oohneewed.

Before Kitten could finish oohneewing, Shine cut her off and sang, "I told you, just like Preputation, get out of my face!"

"Out of my face, out of my face, out of my faaaaaace!"

"Out of my face, get out of my face, out of my face na na na na, I shall swing my tail in your face, cause it is like a duster and it's gonna sweep the floor off!"

"No!" Kitten protested.

Shine went all Siren. "Ahhhhh, ahhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm gonna kill you with my tail, whip whip whip whip whip whiiiiip!"

Shine came towards Kitten Feather and a cat known as Boop.

"Hello everyone! I hope you know that I am your new queen, because you are just a unicorn," she motioned towards Kitten Feather, "and you are just a cat." She motioned towards Boop the cat.

Boop groaned. "I know that..." she grumbled.

Kitten oohneewed, and then she got smaller with magic.

Shine made Boop get smaller as well. "Yeah, both of you get really small, because I am your queen so I get to be so much bigger than you," she said.

Kitten oohneewed again.

Boop told her to stop. "Will you stop doing that sh*t?"

Shine laughed. "Oh come on, oohneew is the best thing ever. Yyyyah!"

Kitten groaned this time. "Not the yah..."

Boop nodded. "Yes the yah. Yah is more acceptable," she said.

Kitten smirked. "Who says?"

Boop said, "Me."

Kitten growled, "shut up."

"Me," Boop said.




Boop caught herself. "Wait, what?"

Shine began to oohneew until she was cut off by a scene break. Damn animation.

Kitten and Shine were staring at what looked like half of a pony's stomach. A model of it.

Shine stared at it with disbelief. "Are we really making references to your weird digestive thing from school?" she asked.

Kitten had a puzzled look on her face. "Maybe, I don't even actually know what that is..." she said.

Shine facehoofed. "It is the stomach, obviously."

As if it heard them, the Hydrochloric Acid hiding behind the stomach came out with some sort of evil fanfare played by the his friend's trumpet. He saw the two ponies and smirked. "Digestive juices, come out, we have a problem," he said.

He cleared his throat and said his signature quote: "Mwahahaha I am Hydrochloric Acid, and I am going to break... You... Down."

While trying to hold back another laugh, Shine oohneewed. Then the laugh escaped.

Kitten got stuck in the Hydrochloric acid's hat, and she oohneewed.

The acid broke her down.

Shine stared, horrified. "Okay, that's just.... wrong. Stop doing that."

"NO!" Hydrochloric Acid yelled.

He continued breaking Kitten down.

Boop and Shine were staring at the acid.

Shine laughed. "Kitten Feather is gone now, you don't have to worry about oohneew anymore!"

"Oooooh... Noooooo!" Boop oohneewed.

"What?" Shine asked while tilting her head to one side.

"I don't want her dead!" Boop said, then she started to paw the acid. "Hello?"

Hydrochloric Acid said "Stop, I'm trying to break her down more."

Shine began to leave. But she stopped right before her tail was out of camera.

Boop pointed. "Your tail is still here."

Shine smirked and said "I know, I want to whip you with it."

After getting whipped once, Boop ran away and fell into the acid's hat.

Hydrochloric Acid said "I told you I was breaking Kitten down and now I'm gonna break you down too."

Hydrochloric Acid began to break her down.

"Mwahahaha, Hydrochloric Acid forever!!!"