//------------------------------// // Twilight Comes to Ponyville // Story: I'll Love You Always, My Little Flutters // by DaiAtlas2016 //------------------------------// Scoots let go of my neck before saying, "Dad? What happened to Mom? How come I can't see her anymore?" I sighed, "Do you want the 'Honest' answer, or the 'Nearly Honest' answer?" "Hmmm......give me the 'Nearly Honest' one first!", Scoots grinned. I thought of a lie quickly, "She was eaten by a chicken." Scoots laughed so hard that she started crying, before she said, "Okay, that was funny....what really happened?" "Your mom died after you were born. She got very sick. I'm sorry, Scoots. I was going to tell you when you were older, but you asked, and I could never lie to you.", I sighed, hugging her tightly. "It's okay, Dad! That's why I love you, you always tell the truth! I love you, Dad!", she smiled, squeezing me tighter. "I love you too, Scoots.", I said, letting out a little smile. Flutters had come home, handing me a letter, "Hi, Papa! Hi, Scootoloo! Winona wasn't feeling well, so I went and checked on her. She just ate too many apples, that's all. Oh, and Celestia wanted me to give you this....I'm going to help get ready for the Summer Sun Festival! See you later!" I opened the letter as she left and read it: Dear Corkscrew, My student, Twilight Sparkle will be coming to Ponyville to oversee the Summer Sun Festival today, I am personally putting you in charge of making sure she makes friends, by showing her around. Make sure you take her to where she wants to go, she has an obsession with lists. Love, Princess Celestia P.S. I didn't tell her you were a dragon! I laughed, "Same, old Celestia, always a joker. Well, Scoots. I've got some business to take care of, would you like to come along?" "Yeah! Let's go!", she grinned, hopping on my back. We went to town square, knowing full well that was where we would find the unicorn named Twilight Sparkle. We made it just in time to find a purple unicorn, levitating a list in front of her face, while a purple dragon looked around and saw us. "Hey, Twilight! Maybe they know where Corkscrew is!", the dragon said, making the unicorn look up and jump up in surprise when she saw us. "Umm.....do you know where General Corkscrew is?", she asked, stammering as she spoke. "I am General Corkscrew, but you can call me Corkscrew. This is my daughter, Scootoloo. So, I'm here to show you around! Where are we going first?", I replied, trying to be as friendly as possible. "Well, since that pink pony didn't bother to try and help us, we need to get to Sweet Apple Acres and check on the catering!", Twilight said, letting Spike on her back as she followed me to the farm. Applejack came up and greeted us as we arrived. "Corkscrew! Are you ready for the Summer Sun Festival?", she asked, hugging. "Yeah, I was just bringing Miss Sparkle here to check on the food.", I smiled, hugging her back. About 30 minutes later, we left, Twilight having eaten about 4 pounds of apple filled pastries, while I had eaten about 25. She wasn't taking it quite well, a stomachache was coming over her. "What's next?", I asked, smiling. "We.....ugh.....find a pegasus named Rainbow Dash, who's SUPPOSED to be clearing the skies! Where is she?", Twilight said, looking around in the sky. I saw a cloud shaped like a hammock, I frowned. "Dashie! Get your flank down here! You have a job to do!", I shouted, making the cyan pegasus jump, and dash towards the ground, splashing Twilight with mud. "Dad?!? What are you doing here? Oops.....sorry! Let me get that!", Dashie exclaimed, before seeing Twilight covered in wet mud, drying her off with a mini tornado. Twilight was not happy. Her mane was a mess. And then, she watched as Dashie clear the sky so that there was no clouds in the sky in ten seconds flat, giving her nothing to whine about. She then looked at me. "Is she really your daughter?", she asked blankly. "Yep, that's Dashie. I see your list says we need to check up on Rarity next! Follow me!", I smiled, leading the way, before turning to Dashie, "No more slacking!" "Yeah, Dad, I promise!", Dashie groaned. At town hall, we found Rarity decorating, while Twilight was inspecting the decorations, and the baby dragon, called Spike, looked at Rarity dreamily. I laughed, for I knew what this meant, he was in love. Rarity turned and saw us, "Corkscrew, darling! I haven't seen you since last week! What have you been doing?" "Enjoying retirement. You did a wonderful job, Rarity. Just like always.", I smiled, returning the hug she gave me. She then gasped, seeing Twilight's mane, "Don't worry darling! I'll save your mane!!", she exclaimed, using her magic to drag Twilight to her boutique. I laughed, allowing Spike to hop on my back with Scoots, "This is going to take a while..." An hour later, Twilight followed me out of Rarity's boutique fuming, "You let her try out dresses on me for an hour straight! And waste valuable time! I need to find a way to stop Nightmare Moon before she returns!" I smiled, putting my paw around her, "Take it easy, Twilight. Nightmare Moon won't be coming back anytime soon. And even if she does, it'll be alright in the end!" "Alright? ALRIGHT!??!? It will not be alright! You expect me to think that Nightmare Moon returning is a good thing?", she exclaimed, blowing her top. "You better believe what Dad says! He knows everything!", Scoots shouted, sticking her tongue out at Twilight. I laughed, "I don't know everything, but I've had plenty experience to know that good can come from bad. Even if it's Nightmare Moon..." Twilight stared at me before saying, "And just think! If I stopped Nightmare Moon, I would be a hero and....." I finally couldn't take it and rounded on her, "Let's get one thing straight, there's a fine line between being a hero, and being a memory...." "Wait....but..." "It's over.....finished.", I glared, before asking, "What's next?" She didn't answer, she looked at the ground, hurt. I set Scoots on the ground and sighed, pulling Twilight closer to me, "Twilight, I'm sorry. It's just that....look at me....what am I? I'm a father. A father who cares for his children. All these young ponies, including you, are like children to me. And I want to do my best to take care of you. I don't want YOU hurt running after a legend that may or may not be true, so try not to think so hard about it, okay?" Twilight looked up at me with tears in her eyes, "Okay, I'll try....." "Atta girl! Now, what's next on the list?", I smiled, getting up and helping her up. "We need to find a pegasus named Fluttershy who's in charge of music.", she replied, sniffling as Spike got on her back and Scoots got on mine. I led her to where Flutters was organizing her birds and having them practice their piece of music. I went up and tapped on her shoulder, making her jump a little and gasp. "Oh! Papa! It's just you! What are you and Scootoloo doing here?", she said in her shy quiet voice. Twilight stared in admiration before saying, "That was beautiful......" "Thank you.....oh my gosh! A baby dragon! So....." I laughed, taking Scoots and myself home, knowing that Twilight was bound to make friends, my job was done.